Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Pass Your Massage Therapy Certification Exam

So many people are asking the question, what is the best way to prepare for your massage therapy exam you need to take after graduating massage therapy school. So many people are also finding out that if you don't prepare for the national massage certification exam there's a good chance you will not pass. Many future therapist's are struggling by not being able to pass the exam and wasting a lot of time and money in the process. Many students who have been out of school for a while are also finding it very difficult to pass as well.

I would like to inform all students whether you've just graduated, or been out of school for a while, that you must prepare and be prepared. This is key and most future massage therapist's have found that by preparing before taking the test pays dividends. You can prepare by going over old school notes, and massage therapy books. These are good tools to use, but there are study guides I highly recommend that is more geared towards the MBLEx, the NCETMB, or the NCETM. Most states now accept the MBLEX exam and the MBLEX exam is by far the most popular, efficient, effect exam to take.

Using a great online study guide that is catered toward the MBLEX, NCETMB, or the NCETM, can greatly enhance your chance of passing by leaps and bounds. Online study guides give a future therapist many practice tests to take in preparing to take the MBLEX. Whether you've just graduated, been out of school for a while, or have moved to another state, you will definitely need to prepare for the nationals which is required to get your license so that you can practice massage therapy. Using a great online study guide also gives you an online feel and an advantage due to the fact that the tests are taken on a computer. This gives the test taker a comfortable online feel on the day of the test. Also, in preparing to pass your exam, get a good nights sleep before the day of the test, and before each each question, read it all the way through and eliminate the wrong answers immediately. The MBLEX is a multiple choice, 200 question online computer test.

By using this method you will find you will get the correct answer right away. If you apply this strategy and prepare by using an online study guide, you will surely be prepared and on your way to a great and long career as a massage therapist.

How to Choose the Right Physical Therapy Table

The main objectives of physical therapy are to promote body strength, function and mobility and prevent future physical injury. This is achieved through the physical therapy itself as well as through teaching patients safe exercising and movement techniques to avoid potential injury and protect joints. There are many types that include orthopedic, geriatric, rehabilitation, pediatric, pulmonary, cardiac and neurological.

One of the general needs of include tables. The types of tables needed in a physical therapy office are usually much different than the standard exam tables often found in other physicians' offices. There are many types of therapy tables designed for many varied purposes depending on the needs of your particular clientèle. You may find it beneficial to have general all-purpose tables within the office. However, often there are particular needs that are not met with standard tables, and you will need much more specialized tables for your particular patients.

Take special note of the main focus of your office to assess the your patients' needs. This will greatly aid in the decision of the tables needed for your office, and help you make the appropriate decision. For example, is the therapy mainly performed in your office in need of stationary tables or would adjustable tables be more beneficial? Do your physical therapists travel or perform home heath visits? If so, you may need to invest in special portable tables.

Often you may have many patients with mobility issues, especially if working with orthopedic, geriatric or intense rehabilitation patients. If this is the case, you'll do best to look into the wide variety of tables designed for those with these particular medical issues that accommodate wheelchairs and other common mobility devices. Depending on the types of therapy performed within your practice, you may need flat tables, positioning tables, mat tables, tilt top tables, inversion tables or specialized hydraulic tables.

Once you've determined your patients needs depending on your main clientèle and are highly familiar with the types of therapy performed within your office, it will become quite evident the best types of tables to suit your needs. Often you may find that you need many different types of tables within the same office to handle the wide variety of physical therapy performed in your facility. This is quite common in less specialized practices that perform many different functions to the many different types of patients they may see in their office.

If you are looking to purchase physical therapy tables, be sure to spend plenty of time becoming fully informed of the types of therapy being performed at your facility. This is especially important if you are not a physical therapist yourself. You'll want to spend plenty of time consulting with and observing the professionals within your facility to get a well-rounded idea of their daily needs to best treat the patients on a daily basis. You can also contact other similar offices for their input. The more time you spend evaluating your patients needs and the treatments used for their types of therapy, the more beneficial your table choices will be both financially and medically.

Partner With A Registered Massage Therapist For Your Health And Wellness

Learning about a registered massage therapist is becoming more important as people look for ways to control health care costs. Wellness and preventive care are recognized as more affordable in comparison to expensive diagnostic testing and hospital stays. Massage is widely accepted as therapeutic and the benefits can go beyond the simple relief of muscular aches and pains.

Massage therapy is a recognized profession and as such has its own standards of education and certification. Various professional organizations set guidelines for professional practice and ethics and act as trade organizations consulting with government on legislation to protect the interests of consumers and practitioners alike.

Massage practitioners complete rigorous courses of study in anatomy and physiology, assessment, bodywork techniques, pathology, and patient care. Education covers modalities such as Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial, neuromuscular, and hydrotherapy, to name only a few. Sub-specialties include sports massage, pre- and post-natal massage, and trauma recovery. Coursework hours for certification vary by institution, and practitioners typically continue their education by doing advanced work in various specialties.

Increasingly, massage therapists are required to be examined by government boards for the purpose of licensing and registration. Examinations typically include both practical and written or oral assessment. Licensing boards may also require continuing education as a condition of license renewal, and massage schools offer a wide variety of courses that have been accepted for continuing education credit.

Massage can be an important part of alternative and complementary medical programs. Surgical recovery patients can benefit from various types of massage, as can long-term care residents, stroke patients, and others whose recovery depends on maintaining both physical and mental well-being in the hospital setting.

The stress-reducing benefits of therapeutic massage are well-documented, and since many of today's ills can be traced to excess stress there can be no doubt that massage is a valuable tool in the prevention of illness. Workplace wellness initiatives often include access to an on-staff or visiting massage therapist so that workers may get help coping with work-induced stress.

Many couples today delay starting a family while they pursue their educations and career objectives. As a result, women are having children later in life, and many find massage of significant value before, during, and after childbirth. Skilled therapists now specialize in pre-natal and post-natal massage of mothers, and it's not uncommon for obstetricians to recommend massage to help alleviate discomfort due to nausea, sleeplessness, and other symptoms of pregnancy.

As people live longer and maintain more active lifestyles, the need for sports and orthopedic massage increases. Running, bicycling, tennis, and working out at the gym all take a toll on joints and muscles. Massage therapists who specialize in preventing or healing sports-related injuries are in high demand.

Finally, while elderly people today may not be as comfortable with the concept of massage for cultural reasons, as populations who are accustomed to massage grow older there is expected to be an increase in the need for massage practitioners with specific training in care for geriatric patients.

These are just some of the ways a registered massage therapist plays an important role in recovery, wellness, and preventive care. The search for affordable models for health care continues to expand our acceptance of rediscovered and revitalized treatment modalities with long and honored histories in world culture.

Physical Therapy After An Accident

A question I hear over and over again is whether or not physical therapy is all that important after an accident. People seem to respond to accidents in one of two ways. Either they focus on the pain and refuse to try to recover, or they overexert themselves and are even worse off. It's very seldom that I see the third and best response to an accident. This is the wise recovery. In this situation people recover at an appropriate rate and optimize their health. The chances of this occurring are greatly increased by physical therapy.

First, let's talk about the kind of people who lose hope. After an accident, people can get really depressed about losing the ability to use their body like they used to. They feel like they will never be able to fully recover. Sometimes they are right. Still, they can do a lot better if they try.

Physical therapy gives them the chance to try. It motivates them to better things. Having a therapist being with them is a very strong addition to their regiment. They will end up doing more than they would have done on their own. As they begin to see results, it will give them hope. Then they can begin exercising on their own.

We all have heard wonder stories about people who were paralyzed and then learned how to walk again. These are inspirational stories, but they should be taken with a grain of salt. Not everyone will be able to do that. Some people realize this, and it shatters their dreams. Instead, they should realize that they can get better. Physical therapy can do that.

Then, there are the people who refuse to admit that they are injured. They try to go back to their normal lives. They think that if they ignore their problem, then they will be better. They don't want to have anything to do with physical therapy. These kinds of people are in risk of seriously injuring themselves.

They need physical therapy as much as anyone. They need to know which areas to work hard in, and when to slow down. This will help them become stronger faster. It is good to have determination, but it needs direction. A physical therapist can provide this direction. They are experts in helping people get better. Some people just need to admit that they need help.

So, both kinds of people can use physical therapy. In fact, it is essential for all people who have suffered an accident. There are some people who recognize the importance right off the bat. They start up in it and work hard and start getting better. Then, they get tired and they give up. This is very depressing.

One day they will reach a point where they will be able to not do as much physical therapy. Until that point, they need to stay on track. They need to do all the exercises that they are asked to do. That's how they are going to get better.

Tips on What Makes a Successful Test-Taker

Think of how many "tests" we actually take in a school setting and even beyond, in our adult lives. Tests to be a real estate agent, to enter graduate school, law school, or medical school. Tests to be a fire fighter, a personal trainer, a nurse, an acupuncturist. We take a test to become a certified accountant, a licensed massage therapist, and a dietitian. Remember those ACT and SAT tests or the proficiency tests that are so common in the public schools now? We are tested to "death."

Just think, there are many people that might not have followed a passion or a particular career path because they couldn't or were afraid they couldn't "pass" the test to license or certify them or allow them admittance into a program of study.

YET, who teaches a person how to be good at taking tests? I know I was never taught. It has been a matter of trial and error for me.

And, as I have developed strategies for getting better than average scores, my confidence and belief that I am a better than average test-taker has risen. That's half the battle, isn't it? You have to BELIEVE that you can be successful in your testing endeavor.

Some people would call this belief, self-efficacy, or the confidence that, since you had been successful in other things you have attempted in your life, you can be successful, taking a test for certification or licensure or entrance to college, or graduate school, medical school, or law school.

Here are several key things I remember as I am preparing to "sit for" a test.

I REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT again the concepts, knowledge, skills that I am being tested on. Whether you are preparing for and giving a speech (test-like situation since you will be evaluated on the end result) or have a part in a play or musical where you are "tested" on your lines, or you are taking a test for a grade in a class - a person has to practice to get good performance.

Several of my suggestions- teach someone else a concept you need to master. Take your child or a fellow student and explain a concept you will be tested on. I made my way through massage therapy school tutoring others on the anatomy and physiology content so that I rarely studied since I kept repeating the concepts to others who needed the help.

DRAW PICTURES of concepts you will have to know instead of spending all of your time preparing by looking at notes taken. When helping someone learn the bones in the hand, I have the person trace their hand on paper and then write in all the bone names, then throw away the paper and do the same thing again.

Involve as many senses as possible as you learn and study the material you will be tested on. Utilize opportunities for VISUAL, KINESTHETIC and AUDITORY learning whenever you can. If learning the bones and muscles of the body, get a good resource for pictures, touch your own body or that of a skeleton as you are identifying origins and insertions of muscles as bony landmarks.

Say things aloud as you study so that you can hear the ideas that you are trying to grasp. This helps with the auditory component of learning. If you are sitting in on classes, lectures, workshops, or the like, ask the presenter if s/he would allow you to record the presentation so that you can then hear the information presented repeatedly after the fact.

OVERLEARN the information you are being tested on. Set up a schedule, write yourself in as an appointment on your calendar. Commit to test preparation each day for a prescribed amount of time. By "doing" your time, you develop more confidence that you can be successful on the test. But, you must stay away from the old nemesis that so many of us have - procrastination. Start early in your preparation. If something happens and you miss a day, it won't have a huge impact on the outcome.

Seldom as we grow up are we taught how to take tests. Still being "tested" is a part of life. If you have a belief that you are not a "good" test-taker (a comment which I hear from too many people), you most likely will continue along this path of less than desirable results on tests. OR, you can "catch" yourself as you repeat these "old" messages that "say" you don't test well and CHANGE THE MESSAGE! If you want different results, you have to change the way you are doing things! Try AFFIRMING repeatedly that "I am capable of performing well on this test".

The take-home point...the soap-box message? Set yourself up for success at the big speech you must give, the test you are preparing to take, the theatrical performance you have coming up. BELIEVE that you can be at the "top of your game" by REPETITION of the speech, your lines, or the content to be tested. Change your preparation up by involving all of your senses - HEAR, SEE, AND FEEL what you will be "tested" on. DRAW PICTURES of concepts whenever possible. Start preparation well in advance of your "performance" by scheduling regular time to practice = OVERLEARN.

Repeat the message, the AFFIRMATION that you can be successful on your "test."

Put these ideas to work and you'll be anxious for your next testing opportunity! Bring on the next "test"! You are ready!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Massage Therapy Home Business - Free Marketing Ideas

Free Business Cards

A lot of online companies offer up to 250 free business cards you can design yourself. My favorite is Home Business Center. You can design your personal massage therapy business cards using any of their 42 card templates to deliver your message and contact information. Keep your business cards on you and hand them out to potential clients. Listen to what is being said around you in conversation. For example, when someone complaints about a back ache or a stressful week suggest a massage and give them your card. Also, ask friends and family to hand out a few to coworkers that might be interested in a home massage.

Local Directories and Home Business Directories Online

Submit your business information to local directories. Even if you do not have a web site for you massage therapy home business your services will appear in local search results. The top three directories or local map search engines to submit to are Google Local Business Center, Yahoo! Local and Bing Local Listing Center. Add contact information, specialty services, pictures and hours available. Also, submit your massage business to local company directories in your area.

Participate in Raffles Ticket Giveaways in your Area

Find local events in your area and donate a free massage to the community raffle. It is free advertising for your massage home business and if the raffle winner enjoys their massage (and I am sure he or she will) you got yourself a client and referrals from their network of friends.

Local Classified Ads

Create seasonal classified ads to market specials or gift certificates for holidays like Christmas and Valentine's Day. Submit your ad to and other local classified listings.

Existing Client Incentives

Once your massage home business starts taking off you can ask your clients to submit reviews to your Local Business Listings with the incentive to receive a discount on their next massage. Also, you can increase clientele by offering discounts when they refer you to 5 friends.

Facial Massage

Find Facial Massage Classes and Therapy in the United States and Canada. Facial massage is a unique combination of therapeutic touches including facial pressure points, and rhythmic contouring and sculpting strokes. Helping to relax, uplift and tone skin and muscles, facial massage is known to relieve tension and stress; and opens and revitalizes facial muscles through various sinus pressure points.

Get ready for a natural face lift - commonly offered at most spa and beauty clinics, facial massage therapy is a popular beauty treatment that not only helps the anti-aging process, but is also a great relaxation technique that helps to remove dead skin cells. In some cases, spa salons will include facial treatments with the massage; like mud masks, microdermabrasion and exfoliation therapies.

Eastern facial massage therapies are known to stimulate meridian points, and are believed to improve common health disorders, including relief of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), digestive problems, and chronic pain, among others.

Typically, facial massage is administered by a professional esthetician, cosmetologist, acupressure therapist, holistic healing practitioner, or massage therapist; however, there are a number of holistic health seminars and workshops that provide self healing classes in facial massage to the general public.

To learn how to administer facial massages professionally, prospective students can check with local cosmetology and massage schools to determine if facial massage classes are part of the curriculum.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding facial massage classes, let professional education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Facial Massage
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The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Naked Massage - To Cover With a Towel Or Not? (Revised 2008)

Nakedness and what it evokes is a real issue for bodywork therapists, especially female therapists because of how some clients, men or women, will use the massage session to display sexual behavior.

For this article we are not dealing with how bodywork therapists and massage persons can attempt sexuality with their clients, but only about clients displaying sexuality during the session.

I speak as a former Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Relationships counselor in the State of California, USA. I have done bodywork myself as part of the therapy I do. I have had many years of bodywork done with me, as well as a number of training courses in bodywork therapy.

I speak from counseling massage therapists in my own practice. I also am familiar with psychotherapy for sexual uses, including therapeutic sexual massage that is effective.

Sexual massage is more practiced outside the United States than in the States because of severe sexuality issues and attitudes in the United States differing from Canada and Europe.

Here is a sexual issue example:

A man asks the woman massage therapist over the phone: do you include the genitals in your massage work? This is rather direct. The presenting problem may be more, do you work with sexual problems as part of your massage work?

How is a male or female massage therapist to respond? Is this a sexual come-on? Or is this a cry for help?

A massage therapist comfortable with their own sexuality may be willing to take on a client who does have sexual problems. Many females are upset that they cannot orgasm. Males may easily get erections, but while in a woman be unable to orgasm.

It would be unusual indeed if at least half the people who come in for massage treatment do not have sexual problems. What is the massage body-worker to do?

Some forms of massage do include massaging the naked body of the client, with a towel over the pelvic region or not. Other forms work with light clothing on and consist more of stretching movements.

Rolfing works with the naked body so as to see the alignment. There is hardly a chance in this form to feel pleasure responses because Rolfing itself is to break up muscles and facia that have been emotionally tense for years, and so the work can be extremely painful.

It is rare that a male client will directly attack a female massage therapist, but it is still considered good practice not to give massage to persons you do not know fairly well in places where you have no protection should you need to call for help.

WARNING - It is the generally accepted practice to never work alone with a massage client in a building alone. Always work were there is someone who knows you within calling distance. Work where your live-in partner is at home next room over, or in a building with other therapists or businesses.

Once I did a screaming session with a member of a therapy group in a new place and the motor car salesmen and manager from downstairs came running up and loudly banged on the door. They thought someone was being murdered. We had not told them yet that we did therapy with people!

Of course a male client may not tell you he has sexual problems on the phone, but just come in and then tell you.

ISSUE EXAMPLE - The Man Who Spontaneously Orgasmed

- Was this on purpose? And how should the therapist handle it?

One female massage therapist reported to me about a male client who would get an erection every time and have spontaneous orgasm. She never touched his genitals. She had to have a box of tissues nearby so that he could clean himself up. This was Essalen massage combined with Shiatsu pressure-point massage, which deals especially with freeing blocks in the body.

The male client did not try to have sex with her or get her to touch his genitals. Was this a genuine case of being too orgasmic? What would be the best treatment?

I advised her to instruct her male client to practice full-body awareness as he was being massaged.

Indeed, a chief value for anyone being massaged in many different styles of massage is to relax totally into sensual, bodily awareness. Some fall asleep during this relaxation, which is not necessarily healing for the client but acceptable.

For this male client orgasming he was either impressed with his ability to orgasm spontaneously without touching himself, and needed a female to witness this, or he was indeed a seducer. However, what if he simply was by nature a spontaneous orgasm type male?

Let's deal with seducers first!

Men who fixate on being seducers are only interested in getting a female so open to them through their ways of seduction that they do succeed with having intercourse with her.

Thus some men have developed a seduction technique and try to make it work to perfection on female massage therapists. They are not interested in an ongoing life relationship. They want only seduction and conquest and are willing to pay the massage fees to set up these kinds of situations.

To my knowledge with the female massage therapists I have known, they were never trained through role-playing in how to handle seductive clients.

The massage therapist should keep a massage session always on a professional level with a client, not just for reality reasons of keeping one's license to practice, but to keep the massage situation objective and therapeutic.

With the man who spontaneously orgasmed while his body was being massaged he was emotionally and physically too focused on his erect penis and its ability to display and spray sperm.

So what, we might say. The therapist has to accept many peculiarities with clients, whether it is a massage session or not.

I also counseled the massage therapist to take the first five or ten minutes to talk objectively about the client and his behavior. How does it feel to orgasm here? Are you making it happen? Is it spontaneous? What happens with your own lovers?

These simple questions make the client an object of treatment. They de-potentiate the session of its potential sexuality. The female therapist asserts her professional role as a helper and not a partner. Things are kept within structure. The client is made to feel responsible for his own behavior.

In this real-life example, when my friend, the massage person, made the massage sessions objective as suggested, the man stopped coming. The object to seduce the therapist was no longer possible.

Of course, unconsciously, some do get fixated on seducing mother or father substitutes as a way of 'getting back, getting even,' an unconscious power-play that makes the seducer feel dominant in self-esteem, whether truly so or not.

ISSUE - EXAMPLE - The Man Who Spontaneously Orgasmed During Massage Who Was Not A Professional Seducer

The first edition of this article has in its first year been tremendously popular, and as author I have wondered why. Could it be that there are enough men and some women out there who do spontaneously orgasm while receiving a massage? One concerned man about the first edition of this article thought it implied that someone who spontaneously orgasmed was a seducer.

I thank him for giving his concern and I revise this article here to make it clear that for those who spontaneously orgasm, male or female, IT MAY BE A SOCIAL PROBLEM, BUT IT IS NOT WRONG, NOR EVEN A SEXUAL PROBLEM. NOR SHOULD YOU BE CONSIDERED A SEXUAL SEDUCER OR PERVERT.

Sorry for the implications I made in my original article. And many thanks to the reader who voiced his concern with me.

I would suggest that all massage body-workers have paper tissues, or even clean hand towels available, if a male or female spontaneously orgasms. Approach such a situation with positive feeling, acceptance and awareness.

"Oh, it looks like you have had a spontaneous orgasm. Don't worry about it here. Massage is meant as relaxing, and sometimes this happens, and can happen with most anyone. Would you prefer paper tissue or a hand towel to clean yourself up."

"I feel ashamed to do it in front of you. It just happens . . ."

"We can talk about it if you like. Massage is for knowing your body better and accepting it. Relaxing and letting go is a process of self-awareness and accepting your own body."

"Thanks, I'll take the towel. Maybe if you don't look for a moment."


"Why does it happen?"

"Try not to stay in your head as you receive my massage. To let go means letting go control, and that may mean pleasure feelings start happening, including with your genitals. If you feel an orgasm rising, just say so to me as I massage you, and see what happens. You are learning self-acceptance of your body."

"Does that mean you will massage my genitals?"

"I don't do genital work in directly touching your genitals. But I am certainly not against your having orgasms as part of your process. Are we clear? Or do you have any questions still?"

"Let's get on with it."


Of course, it is your process that is important, however it happens. But why not pre-select the massage body-workers you work with?

Simply tell them on the phone, or in person is better, that you sometimes spontaneously orgasm and it embarrasses you. Ask that person you are meeting for the first time, how they might handle such a situation with you. Then make your decision on the spot, saying you will try out a session or not. You are buying the service. It is your right and necessity to feel safe with the person you work with.

Tell that person that you feel either safe or unsafe with them. Be honest and straightforward. Reality is best. Reality is healing.

ISSUE - The Massage Therapist's Responsibility

The bodywork therapist is also responsible for the effects of her treatment with any of her clients. A bodywork therapist should not think of themselves as just giving a good massage. The effect on the client is also their responsibility.

Thus I have counseled therapists on the issue: can you as a therapist handle this behavior on the part of a client and work with it to some resolution?

If you are a real therapist of course you want to take on challenges and handle every situation. But can you?

Working on the body is often a temptation to be or feel sexual. Relationships have started up between client and therapist, and always will, such is the human condition.

It is important to keep the therapeutic situation non-sexual, unless you are trained in sexual massage therapy and can practice this form, certainly a developing form in Europe and even America, despite repressive attitudes everywhere.

Thus our advice is to keep defining your boundaries as a massage therapist. It will not be just acting out sexuality that you will sometimes be dealing with. Other clients may be more into anger and you will have to structure your relation to this other great instinct as well.

We have raised some issues here. Instead of giving rigid rules we have explored the issues in terms of their human meaning and trying to be the best massage therapist you can be. You know full well it is more natural than unnatural to face the issues of human sexual feelings and expression inherent to living in a body, your body, and the bodies of your clients.

When faced with unusual or intense situations in your practice, do your best to bring the dynamics into reality.

The Man Who Never Came Back - Some Questions

Remember the man who used spontaneous orgasms to seduce?

Was he then just a seducer, using as his field of available women female massage therapists, some of whom might well be seduced by his genital expression?

He exhibited seductive innuendoes in his conversation.

Or did he simply get the point that maybe he could get over his fascination with his own behavior and seek intimacy with a sexual partner he also ate dinner with, showered with, and slept in bed with.

For in the end much of sexual expression is the expression of the need for bonding and intimacy with another human being. The goal of most massage therapy is not simply bodily expression but body-awareness that is relaxing, pleasurable most of the time, and balanced in its expression, sex, sports, sensual expression, caring, anger expression, whatever.

Sexual Expression

Why do we all mostly seek sexual expression?

Ah, you want to know everything, don't you?

So do I!

Right now I am working with the concept that at essence we are all seeking sexually to have tremendously intensified sexual experiences to know and to maximize our experience of existing.

We exist but we want to know that directly as experience of existing.

But more on that elsewhere!

Feel free to visit our web sites and explore.

Experience The Magic Of Massage Therapy - Reduce Stress, Relieve Body Ache

Often our body has to bear the burden of our chaotic lifestyle and work pressure leading to frequent headaches, backaches and muscle tension. There is nothing as effective for relieving these malaises as massage therapy that not only relieves body pain but also reduces the stress and anxiety levels as well. Read on to find out more on massage as a treatment.

As we put in hours and hours at the work place to achieve our targets or move a step ahead in the business environment of cutthroat competition, little do we realize what we are doing to our body until it begins to show signs of wear and tear. It's only when headaches become a regular affair, backaches are unbearable, and muscles all over the body become stiff that we get to know that something is not right with our body. Though popping a quick painkiller may be an easy option, it only provides temporary relief. Besides, it's not the right solution and will only result in side effects with prolonged use. What you really need is a chiropractic treatment, which includes what we know as massage and many other kinds of treatments.

Our body has to bear the brunt of all the pressure we put on ourselves. The nature of work in the modern day is becoming increasingly mental. The problem with it however, is that there is very little physical activity as we are sitting in front of the desktop or laptop for hours in the same posture. This puts tremendous strain on the neck and the spine, among other body parts as well. Hence, what is required is not medicine, but a massage that can relieve the stress on the nerves and muscles. Massage therapy is very different from conventional medical, or allopathic treatment. It not only provides relief from the physical pain, but also reduces stress and anxiety levels, providing mental relaxation and rejuvenation. Also found to be reducing blood pressure and promoting better blood circulation, it is a complete treatment that relies on the body's natural ability to heal itself and doesn't make use of any drugs to act on the body.

Chiropractic is a medical discipline that deals with diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. A massage involves treating the body by using pressure of hands, fingers and elbows. There are different kinds of massages that are beneficial for the body. They include Deep Tissue Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy and Swedish massage among many others.

Massage is a very effective treatment, especially in muscular pain, high anxiety and stress. It is also beneficial for insomnia and depression. Regular massage is very helpful and also recommended by doctors in cases of injuries; say a sports injury or muscular injuries as a result of an accident can be healed with the help of massage. It speeds up the recovery of body injuries and increases flexibility and motion. The duration of the therapy may vary depending on your problem. While one session is enough for giving you relief from body pain and stress caused by the busy schedule, for injuries resulting from an accident, it may require more time to heal. However, a massage is not just for treatment, but also great for relaxation and prevention of these problems.

While you consider getting a massage for any of these reasons, it is essential to ensure that the therapist is licensed and experienced. You can find professional services offering massage therapy in your own city. Look for Chicago massage for a massage clinic in Chicago. Experience a relaxing massage and see the magical healing power of this wonderful ancient therapy.

How To Check If Your Physical Therapy School Is Accredited

Despite the modern advancement of science and medicine, the old way of healing like massaging the body is still the easiest when it comes to joint pains, muscle spasms and the like. Needless to say that PT is truly essential to the community in the modern health care system. The function of physical therapists is to ensure that each body functions well so that every person can fully live a healthy life.

This is the only job in the world that is fulfilling. What other job pays more? At the same time be able to assist other people who cannot walk, move or work efficiently due to bodily impairments. But majority of the physiotherapists do finds fulfillment not only in the monetary aspect but also with the thought that their job can help other people.

If you want to be part of a career that pays well and at the same time help other people, it is best that you look for an accredited school. Never ever enroll in a school that does not have an accreditation. You can scan through the list of accredited school that is available online from the American Physical Therapy Association. Enrolling in a school that is accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association means having the assurance that the institution you are enrolled in is giving you nothing but the best quality of education. This is very important since you will have to take a licensure exam, if you are enrolled in an accredited school the chances of passing the said exam is high. This is because you are assured of having updated coursework and training.

Check if the school has higher licensing passing rate to its students. The passing rate of a school only reflects the quality of education they are providing as well as the kind of students they are producing. The National Physical Therapy examination is very important in order for one to practice as a PT. A good school is one that helps students pass the National Physical Therapy examination by providing updated information about the course, train students to become the best PT etc.

The job of a physical therapist is more than just providing physical therapy to its patients but it also pertains to how you communicate with your patients. Every day you will be interacting with your patients, whether in your clinic or in their home that is why it is important that you know how to respond to your ailing patients' clamors and demands. Communication is one key element that can make or break a relationship between the patient and the physiotherapist. A school that can provide its students maximum exposure to the real world of physical therapists is the best school. There are many institutions that limit the learning of a student to textbooks, thus, the education of the student is only limited.

Using the internet is the cheapest and quickest way of finding the right PT school. Do a background research about the school before you enroll yourself.

Massage Therapist Schools

If you intend to become a registered massage therapist, you must graduate from an accredited massage therapist school. Here you will learn the fundamentals of massage therapy - a treatment that focuses on the health of the body by manipulating the muscles and joints. As part of the course, you learn how to manipulate the connective tissues to help relieve pain and improve movement and circulation. Massage therapy is often recommended by doctors to patients suffering from accident and sport related injuries.

There are many different massage techniques that you need to learn about. Not all patients have the same needs, so you will learn how to assess their needs and determine the type of treatment each one needs. There are Swedish massage treatments, Oriental massage treatments and a mixture of both. When you enroll in school, you will not begin giving massages right away under the supervision of an instructor. First you have to take courses in anatomy, physiology and pathology. These are all taught by instructors in the medical field. Then you will move on to the different treatments for different ailments.

The course for massage therapy takes about two years to complete. In the second year, you will start giving massages, first to your classmates and then in a clinic run by the school. You will also have to complete a practicum in a registered massage clinic. Although you do have to write and pass exams at the school, you will also have to write a national exam so that you are registered wither in your individual state or in the whole country.

Some of the course you will take deal with:

* Head and spine injuries

* Sports massage

* Trigger point massage

* Myofacial massage

* Deep tissue massage

You will also learn about massage safety, both for you and your clients. The course will also deal with ethics and how you should behave towards your potential clients.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Is Chair Massage?

Chair massage is a short massage, anywhere from five to 30 minutes, done through the clothing. It typically focuses on key tension areas in the back, neck, shoulders and arms. A professional practitioner performs it in a specially designed ergonomic massage chair. They were originally referred to by its creator, David Palmer, as "on-site massage" since the massage chairs were portable and were usually brought into a workplace. However, this kind of onsite massage service is now more commonly referred to as simply "chair massage" and sometimes as "seated massage".

They are performed in all kinds of environments. Most people know about the service as a corporate massage service, although probably only half of all of them are done in the workplace. Retail chair massage, either done in massage stores or as stand alone massage booths or massage kiosks is becoming increasingly common.

One of the benefits of them is that it takes a service that is typically done behind closed doors and makes it visible to the public. Because it is done out in the open, people getting them know exactly what to expect. They can see who is doing the massage and what they are doing.

Another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. Many people feel uncomfortable getting undressed for traditional massage that is done on a table. With seated massage, people can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that they may feel having to disrobe.

The sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage making it very convenient for anyone to fit into their schedule. And because the sessions are shorter, the cost for a chair massage is relatively low. These benefits make chair massage a safe, convenient and affordable. It's no wonder that more people are introduced to massage through chair massage than through any other massage technique.

Physical Therapy Careers - Educational Programs and Occupational Outlook

Find Physical Therapy Careers in the United States and Canada. Whether you pursue a career as a physical therapist, rehabilitation counselor or occupational therapist, you will definitely need to attain a certain level of education and training in order to fulfill your career aspirations. In addition, it is important that prospective candidates possess good communication skills, compassion and like the idea of working with people.

Today, physical therapy careers are on the rise and the field is expected to grow much faster than average of other occupations; and if individuals are interested in achieving these occupations, they must pass a licensure exam before they can even begin the practice. In addition, candidates must complete an accredited physical therapy program from one of several schools or colleges.

Common studies involved in training programs geared toward physical therapy careers are clinical conferencing, training and education; clinical sciences, orthotics and prosthetics, cardiac management and testing, pathokinesiology, pulmonary management and testing, psychosocial patient care, and professional aspects with regard to physical therapy.

Some physical therapy careers require a degree like Associates, Bachelors or a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Additional physical therapy careers that one can pursue are occupations as a physical therapist assistant, occupational therapistassistant or physical therapy aide. Typically, entry-level positions as physical therapist assistants or aides can be earned with an Associate Degree.

Depending on experience and education, professionals who have earned one of several physical therapy careers can anticipate rewarding earnings up to $88,000 annually and can expect to work in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, schools or other healthcare facilities.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in attaining physical therapy careers, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Salary source: (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Physical Therapy Careers: Educational Programs and Occupational Outlook
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Cyber School Eating Habits

When you go to a public school you don't really have any time to eat except during your lunch period, or maybe sneaking a snack before 2nd period and soccer practice. Well in cyber school you're surrounded by food all day. This can be a crazy temptation some days.

Now realize that my mom is a health teacher, and that her and my dad are both on a mainly juice diet right now so there isn't too much junk food in the house. Unless of course my grandmother has stopped by lately, then there is a good stash of chocolate around.

When I started doing cyber school it was pretty tough not to eat a lot during the school day. Sure I had just came from summer where I also didn't have school, but my other friends were also off then, and we would go do things everyday out of the house instead of having to sit inside for a good couple hours at the computer.

My biggest problem with food is that it became a distraction and way of procrastinating. This is fine if I'm having a good meal like breakfast or lunch, but sometimes I would make junk food early if I was working on a report or some tough Math problems on a day that I had no focus.

Not only was this keeping me from getting work done quickly, but I also gained a few pounds and became more fatigued and unfocused. The more unfocused I was, the more I ate causing me to be more unfocused. It really was a vicious cycle.

Finally I began to realize this, and my eating habits took a completely different direction. I decided to not let food become a distraction, and eat like I would be if I were in a school building during the day. So I basically ignored the food in the house, and didn't eat hardly anything in between my three main meals. My stomach even got so used to my small eating that I would accidentally forget to eat one of my main meals, and eat a yogurt or banana instead.

That eating habit wasn't the worst, but I started to realize that my metabolism went down significantly and I was also feeling fatigued and unfocused like before.

Finally I have found a happy medium where I try not to use food as a distraction during school, and listen to my body when it is hungry instead of outright ignoring it. I also try not to eat snacks between breakfast and lunch, and only a couple of snacks before or after dinner.

It's not easy to keep eating habits steady with such a flexible schedule. It's really tempting sometimes to either eat way too much food or hardly any food at all. Every once in a while it is fine to splurge a little bit, like whenever grandma brings over chocolate or I make cookies for family parties, but just be careful about how much you eat.

I'm sure you will most likely come to your own happy medium, but if you have a problem with eating habits and eating junk food (who am I kidding, everyone does!) make sure you take this under consideration before you begin cyber school. Maybe you can even come up with a healthy eating plan or other healthy snacks to substitute the chips and candy that are so tempting.

Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind With Relaxing Massage Therapy

In today's hectic world, it's little wonder that many of us suffer from an enormous amount of stress, which inevitably takes its toll on body and mind. Fortunately, massage therapy is widely available and offers a relaxing and rejuvenating escape from the stresses of everyday life.

What can be treated with Massage Therapy

Many individuals who seek out massage therapy do so because their stress has manifested itself in the form of back or neck pain, however, this is not the only use for massage therapy. It is also helpful in stimulating the healing of other injuries, increasing joint and muscle mobility, reducing headache pain and improving the body's immune system.

But the benefits of massage therapy don't stop there. Many individuals have turned to massages to find relief for ailments that modern medicine was simply unable to heal, including:
• Sports injuries
• Eating disorders
• Arthritis
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Headaches and migraines
• Muscle aches and pains

Types of Massage Therapy

There are a wide variety of massage therapies available. Each is designed to address a different area using various techniques, including:
• Deep tissue massage - This type of massage specifically targets the deep layers of muscle tissue, which helps to release tension and toxins. Many first timers experience soreness for a day or two following a deep tissue massage, however this does fade.
• Thermotherapy - Also known as stone therapy massage, this treatment will not only help the body heal, but it also imparts a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing thanks to a unique and ancient combination of hot and cold stones that are heated or chilled to the appropriate temperatures and then strategically placed over the body depending on what areas need to be treated.
• Sports massage - These massages are specifically designed to not only relieve injuries and improve recovery time, but also to help prevent them as well. They can be used before, during or after intense physical activities.
• Pregnancy massage - Women who are pregnant often suffer a great deal of pain and tension, which can be reduced thanks to a unique combination of Swedish and Remedial massage techniques.

While these massages must be conducted with care to protect mother and baby, they are widely credited with reducing labor time and helping mothers to quickly regain their former fitness level soon after birth.

If you need to find relief from the stresses of everyday life or perhaps you suffer from other conditions that other treatments simply haven't been able to cure, then you should definitely consider massage therapy, which will leave you feeling rejuvenated in body and mind.

How to Become a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario

If one desires to become a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario, Canada, one must complete twenty hundred hours of coursework in an educational setting. However, unlike the United States, Canadian provinces allow massage therapists to work across various provinces as long as one completes a secondary online training course in relation to such provincial requirements. Therefore, one may want to attend schooling in the area in which one lives and works, followed by additional training in other provinces as required.

As such, a new organization which identifies as the National Massage Therapy Alliance has replaced the old Canadian Massage Therapist Alliance. An alliance which requires that each therapist complete training through an affiliated training program in the province in which one intends to do such business. In addition, each therapist must be a successful graduate from a curriculum which is recognized by the province in which one has attended school.

As most individuals who have ever had a massage know, there are many different styles of massage. In Canada, the Massage Therapy Association of Canada requires that individuals complete training through one of a number of programs in various styles of massage. As all coursework in Canada is specialized, one must complete with regards to each style of massage to provide services in that specialization. After which, once licensed one can provide services in each area in which one is registered by the Massage Therapy Association.

Such coursework can be obtained through one of a variety of programs offering training in body work, reiki, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, shiatsu and therapeutic touch. So, one may want to research which style of body work one is most interested in providing. Although, as there are many areas of specialized massage therapy, once registered most individuals continue training in other areas in order to provide a combination of services at some point in their career.

For, although massage therapy can be an excellent field, one must complete many hours of coursework to become a registered massage therapist. For example, in Ontario, the requirement is twenty two hundred hours of coursework, followed by continuing education before one can become registered. This is to help prevent individuals from working without a license and running the risk of a lawsuit against the organization with which one is registered.

Effective April 1, 2009, the Canadian First Ministers have now agreed that regulated professions must be able to work in all provinces. So, if one is a massage therapist in one area, those in good standing can now establish oneself in Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador. However, one must be registered in at least on Canadian province in order to do so. Therefore, one may become registered in each province upon completion of an online standards and regulations course developed and presented by the College Of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

So, if one is desiring to become registered in Ontario and is already registered in another province one can find the application for such training on the college website. In addition, once one is registered, one must also continue to complete coursework throughout their career and have no grievances with clients in order to stay in good standing.

With regards to costs, massage school, while not as expensive as in the United States, is not cheap. This is because massage therapy is self-regulated. In addition, it is a self-supporting career in which one generally finds their own clients with which to work in such fashion. However, the government only allows funding for fees of public council members. Therefore, the college attempts to keep fees for attending such programs as low as possible in comparison to other schools.

In addition, one may want to attend a school which operates on a non-profit basis as fees range from $500 to $700. Whereas, in the neighboring United States, one can spend a great deal more money on such training. Therefore, it is a great profession for individuals living in Canada.

To this end, if one desires to become a registered massage therapist in Canada, there are many options for doing so with regards to training. However, although one can work across provinces, one may want to specialize in s specific area of training then add on to such training at a later date. For, in doing so, one can earn the money through a massage practice in one style of massage in order to pay for training in order to build skills in other styles over time. Regardless, no matter which style of massage one decides to provide, one is providing a service which allow individuals to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle by offering a service which heals and relaxes body, mind and soul.