Saturday, June 22, 2013

Become a Physical Therapy Assistant

If you are wondering how to become a physical therapy assistant (P.T.A) you will first need to have the required education. In order to meet the professional requirements one will need to have at least an associates degree in PTA education. For those that wish to pursue a career as a fully licensed physical therapist (P.T.) there are various institutes that offer doctorates in P.T. Person's applying for such courses will need to have a bachelor's degree, which has the prerequisites that various universities require for entry level. Firstly you would need to have a strong science background in order to be accepted.

There are several states that encourage students to further their studies in order to allow them to practice in the US. This professional is challenging as well as physically demanding and people that opt for therapy careers need to be healthy and exceptionally fit.

Physical therapists mainly attend hospitals, clinic, and rehabilitation centers as well as do home visits should patients be bedridden. A position of this nature requires a therapist to be able to handle any situation when it comes to patient professionalism as patients attending a physical therapy practice usually have loss of motor control as well as mobility.

In addition to P.T.A's there are also physical therapy aides who are basically assistants to the physical therapy assistants, as well as general support for the licensed physical therapist. These aids help the assistants to provide patients with comfort and reassurance especially patients that are suffering from distress, pain and discomfort. A physical therapist assistant's job is to provide relief to a patient by administering activities that will improve the quality of life due to debilitating conditions such as sports injuries, head injuries, heart diseases, arthritis, paralysis and any other type of injury to the skeletal, muscle and nervous system.

In order to become a physical therapy assistant you will be required to enroll in a recognized program and obtain an associate degree in order to be recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association. Having a high school diploma is a pre-requisite before you will be able to enroll at one of the accredited physical therapist schools or universities. The duration of a physical therapy program is around two years and then one will be awarded an associate's degree. Once you have completed your program you will then need to require a license.

This program offers students the required hands on clinical experience as well as academic studies. In addition is relevant that students are able to comply with the physiology and anatomy and that they are able to work directly with patients. It is also necessary to have a basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, human physiology and algebra. Students will also participate in a advanced first aid program that included CPR.

The requirements to become a physical therapy assistant not only include theory by clinical practice. One needs to also ascertain that a PTA and a physical therapy aide are completely different. For further information you can go online and check out the different programs as well as the requirements for each state.

Physical Therapist Jobs in High Demand in Geriatric Settings

Patients participating in the Medicare program must meet certain criteria before Medicare will reimburse them for services rendered. A component of this criteria that must be met before Medicare will reimburse the patient for their stay in a skilled nursing facility is skilled physical therapy services. When a patient receives the appropriate amount of skilled physical therapy minutes, a portion of their skilled nursing facility stay is reimbursable. The role of the physical therapist is not only vital to the skilled nursing facility, the patient also depends on the therapist to deliver skilled therapy minutes that may qualify them for monetary reimbursement of their stay.

Physical therapy jobs in skilled nursing facilities are needed due to the high number of orthopedic injuries and surgeries. It is very common for hospitals to discharge their post hip replacement surgical patients to skilled nursing facilities. Physical therapy is crucial in the rehabilitation of the orthopedic surgical patient. The physical therapist also places an important role not only in the orthopedic surgical patient, but in the orthopedic medical patient as well.

Patients who have had strokes depend on rehabilitation that only skilled physical therapists can provide. Without proper physical and occupational therapy services, the stroke patient will have a harder time with rehabilitation. These therapist jobs in skilled nursing facilities or skilled nursing homes can also benefit residents that have chronic pain and who experience deconditioning. Deconditioning is often a result of being bed bound for a period of time. By not using the muscles, they can become deconditioned, and therefore will not function at an optimal level.

The physical therapist assists the resident with strengthening exercises that are specific to certain muscle groups. The physical therapist gets job satisfaction by assisting the resident to meet and maintain their goals. The therapist can also visit the discharged nursing home resident at home to make sure they are continuing to meet their therapy goals.

In order to apply for physical therapist jobs in a geriatric setting the applicant must have a four year college degree in physical therapy and be qualified in treating the geriatric patient in terms of their physical therapy needs. After the physical therapist takes and passes their state boards, they will get a license to practice and only then will they have the opportunity to gain employment as a licensed physical therapist in a geriatric or other therapy setting.

In addition to the skilled nursing facility, physical therapist jobs focusing on the geriatric population can be available at rehab facilities, long term health facilities, doctor's offices, hospitals and even in the private home.therapists can choose to work in the home health field of physical therapy which in addition to treating the geriatric patient, can focus on younger adults and pediatric physical therapy as well.

With the aging population growing by leaps and bounds and the advent of complicated orthopedic surgical procedures, physical therapy jobs are more in demand now than they ever have been. The future of the physical therapy job outlook is bright. Statistics show that physical therapy job opportunities are growing by the thousands every year. The job of the therapist is one that is recession proof. As the population continues to age, career opportunities for the skilled physical therapy will continue to grow.

Searching for a Good Massage Therapist

A massage therapist or masseuse are those who performs the duty of working by using various massage strokes and techniques on the different areas of the body in a professional manner in order to promote and improve a healthy condition on its patient. Searching for the right one though needs to be thorough as there are many standards in finding the perfect massage therapist that fits your requirements.

A good place to start your search is by hunting down qualified massage therapists online. The internet offers a good place for looking into the different massage therapists that offers their professional service on different methods of massage therapy.

The first thing to know is what type of massage therapy would you want to have so that you will have a basis on who you will be looking for. For example you chose Swedish massage, you will then only look for therapists who are good in performing that type of massage therapy or specializes in that method.

Narrowing down your search should be based on several factors such as the ones listed below:

Hygiene - a good massage therapist knows that the type of work he or she is into requires physical contact. In this case he or she should be clean and presentable at all times in order to not only make a good impression but also to make the client comfortable without worrying about his or her health. The therapist should also make sure that the room, massage table, loose towel and clothes should be clean and should smell pleasant for the customer's satisfaction.

Limitations - the therapist should be professional enough to know his or her boundaries and should not take any sexual advantage to his or her patient. Their actions and intentions on touching the patient's body should only be focused on the treatment and not for intimacy or sexual desire. A good and professional massage therapist should never touch the genitalia or anus of the client.

Quality service - in order to have repeat business, a good masseuse will see to it that what service he or she provides for the client is only of quality service. By doing this, the patient will get the money's worth and will keep on coming back for more for a satisfying service rendered by the massage therapist.

Non-discrimination - the massage therapist should never choose his or her clients. Whether the patient is old, young, male, female, black, white, tall, short and race, the masseuse should give the same service he or she gives to the other customers. Anyone reported discriminating or turning down any request of service shall be given adequate penalties and punishment by the governing state.

Approachable - being approachable and easy to get along with is the best way to draw customers that is why when searching for the right massage therapist, look for someone you know you are comfortable with. An approachable person is someone you know you are comfortable with that is why that type of person is the best individual where you start your search.

Risks and Contradictions of Ashiatsu

Ashiatsu is the art of applying pressure with the use of the foot. This therapeutic massage is a combination of acupressure, shiatsu and Swedish massage which calms and energizes the body. It is also good for those who are suffering from muscular pains and emotional stress.

This technique was used by Asian people as their alternative medical care which combines the use of other traditional Chinese medicines that includes meditation, diet and herbal medicines. Today, the newly developed version of ahsiatsu focuses on body relief from stress rather than as a treatment for medical conditions.

This type of massage therapy makes good use of the foot rather than the hands which makes it less stressful for the therapist. The hands are occasionally used on specific parts of the body which leaves them resting and free of injuries most of the time. Gravity aids the therapist while she glides her foot all over the different areas of the client's body while using a bar to control the weight used.

Although ashiatsu is famous for soothing and relieving body pain, it is not advisable and suitable for everyone as it has some risks and contradictions. The risks involve injuries due to too much pressure from the miscalculation of the massage therapist. Although this is not common in ashiatsu sessions, such risks are lurking around every therapy sessions. The therapist should be alert, well trained and should have good balance in order to properly conduct the massage therapy and avoid accidents.

Pregnant women and people with bone problems such as bone damages should not try this type of therapy as the risk is not worth the benefits. The pressure applied during the therapy session may not be suitable for fragile conditions as controlling the foot is not as easy as controlling the hands. Individuals with respiratory problems and sensitive skin should consult first with their doctor or their therapist prior to any sessions of this therapy. Patients with conditions that restrict the use of this therapy should avoid trying this for their own safety.

Patient's evaluation and doctor's advice should be the first step before taking ashiatsu or any type of therapy as a part of your regular medical care. Their opinions regarding your medical condition and history should be taken into consideration to avoid experiencing problems after massage therapy sessions. Risks and contradictions can be minimized if properly educated before indulging to any therapeutic activity.

Another way of reducing the risks and contradictions of this therapy is by seeking the service and advice of a good massage therapist. She should be licensed, skilled, and well trained in this field of massage therapy to ensure safety and proper performance of service. A good therapist thoroughly examines and honestly advices the patient whether he or she is qualified or restricted from having therapy sessions of ashiatsu. The best thing to do is to contact or visit your local massage spa and ask information regarding the therapy, its pros and cons, and the quality of the therapists working there.

Weight Loss Benefits of Massage

There is no question that having a massage makes you feel great. Even having a deep-tissue, sports massage makes you feel wonderful afterwards. Massage can relieve stress, help you recover from hard physical activity or injury and even reduce anxiety, but can it help you to achieve your weight loss goals?

Research shows that massage can have a positive effect on your muscle-building capabilities and fitness levels, which in turn increases your capacity to control or loose weight.

Healthy strong muscles burn calories and give you the freedom to participate in all sorts of sports and activities that can help you burn excess calories and improve your overall fitness and wellbeing.

Massage has the following benefits that can directly influence your ability to control or loose weight:

1. Massage has been shown to improve circulation and the supply of nutrition to the muscles. Massage increases the interchange of vital substances between the blood and tissue cells, which increases tissue metabolism. After muscles are exercised, vital nutrients must be supplied to them so that they can recover and rebuild themselves. Massage maximizes the supply of these nutrients and oxygen though increased blood flow, which helps the muscles to grow and burn more calories as a result.

2. Massage improves your muscles' range of motion and their flexibility. This allows them to maintain maximum power and performance while active, and burn the maximum number of calories in the process.

Improved range of motion and flexibility also reduces muscle soreness during periods of recovery and muscle repair.

Having a wide range of motion and maximum muscle flexibility also reduces the danger of experiencing injuries during exercise which can severely limit activity, exercise and weight loss progress.

3. Massage helps to shorten the recovery time needed between your workouts. Waste products such as lactic and carbonic acid build up in muscles during and after exercise. Increased circulation to these muscles helps to eliminate toxic debris buildup caused by these waste products and in doing so shorten recovery time.

Shortened recovery time means you can safely have more workouts over a given period of time, which in turn means that you have the opportunity to burn more total calories in your effort to achieve your individual weight loss goals.

4. Massage can also help reduce the chance of you over-training. Massage has a relaxing effect on the muscles and a sedative effect on the nervous system. By helping you to rest, which is a very important element of any exercise program, massage can reduce the likelihood of you experiencing over-training syndrome, which is known to limit your ability to build strong healthy muscles and therefore loose weight with maximum efficiency.

5. In addition to all of the above, massage may directly aid in fat loss. According to some research studies, massage is thought to be able to burst the fat capsule in subcutaneous tissue so that the fat exudes and becomes absorbed. In this way, combined with proper nutrition and exercise, massage may actually help in weight loss.

6. As we have already touched upon, massage helps prevent and heal injuries. By stretching connective tissue, massage improves circulation to help prevent or break down adhesions and scar tissue that result from muscle tears and other common muscle injuries. Massage also influences the excretion of certain fluids (nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur) that aid in tissue repair. Fast and effective recovery from injuries means that you can begin exercising sooner after suffering an injury and getting your weight loss progress back on track.

So there you have it. Massage has a lot of benefits that can indirectly and possibly even directly aid you in achieving your weight loss goals.

Regular massage is just as important a component as regular workouts and correct nutrition in any comprehensive fitness and weight loss program, which is great news for those of us who thought that exercising and losing weight was all hard work! Remember, weight loss is all about leading a balanced lifestyle and massage is an essential part of any balanced lifestyle.

If you haven't had a massage lately, what are you waiting for? Get on the phone and make yourself a booking. If you haven't had a massage before, just remember to have your massage done by a qualified massage therapist.

If you are unsure about a massage practitioners qualifications and experience, ask for referrals, professional training information, and make sure they are certified by reputable agency or institution.

And remember, have fun!

The Use of Dumbbells in Physical Therapy

Risks of injuries are prevalent in any worksite, especially those to the upper body. To help prevent injuries from occurring or in adding in the rehabilitation of an injury, dumbells are prevalently used. Dumbbells are able to target specific muscles in ligaments in the arms, chest, shoulder, back, abdomen, and the legs. Physical therapists have been utilizing the dumbbell in rehabilitation for many years to help in strengthening muscles like the deltoid, and various other muscles. The rationale behind it is that by strengthening the muscles and ligaments around high-risk parts of the body such as arms and shoulders (from various movements), back (from improper lift, shoving, pulling, and e.t.c), legs (from improper lifting) will prevent future injuries. Make sure the Hampton Ultrabell Dumbbell set is in your home gym.

Rotary cuff injury is a very common workplace injury. The rotary utilizes four specific muscles. In order to prevent further injury each muscle has to be addressed and strengthened. Dumbbells can target each of these four muscles specifically rebuilding the strength in each one equally preventing repeated injury or further damage.

A physical therapist will start you out on the lowest weight dumbbell for the extent of the injury and teach you the proper form and exercises require targeting the specific muscles in need of strengthening. As the muscles begin to strengthen, the therapist will increase the weights to build on the existing muscle. They may suggest you continue the therapy at home as well. You will want to get a set of dumbbells that will match the weights recommended by your physical therapist. A good set of dumbbells for this is the Hampton Ultrabell Dumbbell set. They come in a light weight set as well as a heavier weight set so it is easy to match the therapist recommendation as well as open up the world of fully body workout routines for an all over better health and physique.

Hard-hitting athletics such as football players and wrestlers have been using dumbbells as part of their normal workout routine forever. They know the benefits that a solid dumbbell workout brings to them and remember it each time they are in the game. The dumbbell workouts have prevented many injuries in sports and for the unfortunate injuries that do occur, dumbbells have been utilized in their rehabilitation.

There is no need to wait until an injury happens to introduce yourself to the vast advantages of working out with dumbbells. With dumbbells you can work your way to a leaner, firmer, and stronger body, strengthen muscles, build muscles mass, tone and define, burn calories, build self-esteem, while strengthening your heart and warding off Osteoporosis faster then any other form of workout.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Licensed Massage Therapy - Advantages Galore

In terms of safety and effectiveness, it is important to seek not just a professional massage therapist but a licensed massage therapist as well. Most of the time, patrons lose their way in the sea of massage therapist and most of them are unaware of the significance of a license.

It is important to turn to a licensed massage therapist for a professional massage in order to prevent unwanted circumstances like further body pain.

Due to lack of state regulations and federal requirements on Massage Therapy licensure, people often get confused or lost among the voluptuous market of Massage Therapy. The state should be more open to giving information to the consumers as to what their rights are. Moreover, the state should be definite as to what the qualifications are for the would-be licensed therapist. On the other part, the consumers must be wise and inquisitive about their potential massage therapist before they entrust their body, health, time and money.

Appropriate Inquiries Consumers Must Ask A Potential Massage Therapist

It is the customer's right to ask a retailer things about his profession and product. The massage therapist must not shun customers when they asked these following questions, instead they must be able to provide a straight, honest and verifiable answer.

-Are you a licensed massage therapist?

-Where did you acquire your massage therapy license?

-Is the validity of your license covers this state?

-What school or from what program did you attain training completion?

-What lessons did the training cover?

-If there is a certain massage therapy that you are interested in, you might want
to ask the therapist questions like what type or types of massage does he
specialized in or if you have the name for that therapy, you could ask for more
information about it just to check if the therapist is knowledgeable on this practice.

-Did the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork or
(NCBTMB) issued your certification?

Unfortunately not all states require license for a massage therapist to perform this practice. There is a maximum of 37 states plus the District of Columbia that requires regulations on massage therapy license. Although a therapist can practice this course without a license, it is not an implication that it is safe to receive a massage therapy from an unqualified or inexperienced ?therapist?. It is still best to turn to a licensed massage therapy for quality assurance.

If the masseuse is not a licensed massage therapist, it is advisable to ask him if he holds any training certificate (given by NCBTMB) that could account to his profession and / or expertise. In the case that the masseuse is not able to secure a licensure, a good alternative is a membership in the American Massage Therapy Association which is also known as AMTA or the certificate given out by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork or NCBTMB. AMTA is a respectable professional organization for massage therapists. A number of states use AMTA standards for massage therapy licensure.

However, consumers must be cautious about the certificates. It should be up-to-date and should have a good feedback.

It is wise for consumers to check and verify the accuracy and dependability of all the information given by their massage therapist. They can log on to AMTA website or search state database for the status of a certain individual. This would help customers decide if the massage therapist is trustworthy or not.

All these checking and verifying may be time consuming but you will soon realize that all your efforts are valuable and worthwhile as your health and safety is on the line.

How Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Can Restore Bodies

Your body is a very important part of your life. Without your health and strength, everyday activities would be simply impossible. Bones, muscles, organs, and other parts should all remain in top shape so that you can function properly. Unfortunately, injuries and illnesses occur in life that require healing of these body parts. The recovery process can keep you away from your job, hobbies, and social life for months at a time. The important thing is that you heal properly when you are hurt. Recovery is not just about pain elimination but also about receiving the most accurate treatments so that recuperation is thorough. Physical therapy rehabilitation plays a major role in restoring health.

Falls, car accidents, and sports injuries can all cause damage that takes time heal back to normal. This time can be a trying one, but it doesn't have to all be a horrible experience. There are many methods that target painful areas and provide healing. Take, for instance, massage treatment. Compression and movement to the body can be a great remedy depending on the injury. But the key is having this done by a professional to get the job done right. Massages are not just for people who are looking to relax and treat themselves to a glamorous stress-relieving session. More important than this are the effects of massage therapy that can help people get back to their regular lives.

When suffering from excruciating pain, getting from one day to the next can be extremely difficult. There is a way to help ease the pain during the recovery process. Physical therapy rehabilitation also consists of pain treatments. Unfortunately, there are illnesses and injuries that result in long-term pain. However, this does not have to remain unbearable. Treatments for areas such as the spinal cord exist. These treatments can come in the form of injections, massages, or oral medications. Pain in the neck and back can make any activity excruciating, no matter how small. Some people can't even sleep because the pain is so great. The best physicians and specialists can figure out the perfect treatment for you.

Some damages or illnesses even cause immobility in patients. This can become a life-changing situation as a person becomes unable to move. Aside from the pain, another downfall can be the inability to walk or do simple things around the house or at work. These kinds of situations can afflict anyone at any age. However, physical therapy rehabilitation can surely work to ease and correct these problems.

Having issues with the muscles and bones does not mean the end of the world. Receiving help can be as easy as scheduling an appointment to meet with specialists. All of the professionals are certified and highly trained to get people back on their feet. Once healing occurs, the quality of life will improve in so many ways. These professionals will also be very understanding towards the issues at hand and be compassionate and patient. It's worth having physical therapy rehabilitation to improve the mind and body.

Penn Foster Career School - Online Learning Center

Penn Foster Career School is a privately owned distance learning vocational training institution. The school is based in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It now offers over 80 accredited diploma and certificate programs.

The school currently has an annual enrollment of over 22,000 students. This institution is still actively pursuing the vision of its founding father: to increase the ability of everyone to gain access to the knowledge and skills they need to fulfill their life's goals.

History of the Institution

Penn Foster Career School was founded by Thomas J. Foster in the year 1890 to provide correspondence training courses to help coal miners gain access to engineering knowledge and skills.

This institution was originally known as ICS - "International Correspondence School". After 55 years of existence, the institution had enrolled over 5 million students in various courses.

The ownership of the school has changed hands over the years. It is presently owned by Princeton Review, the test preparation and review company.

Major Benefits of Enrolling at Penn Foster

1. Reputation. This is one of the largest globally acclaimed online learning institutions. Therefore, if you enroll in this institution, you are going to obtain an internationally appreciated qualification.
2. Career Focus. The programs offered at Penn Foster are job and career focused. The skills you will acquire are state-of-the-art skills which are sought after by many employers.
3. Flexible and Convenient Content Delivery. As a student, you are free to choose whether you want your study materials to be delivered in print, online or as a combination of both.
4. Self Paced Study. You can decide to study at any pace that allows you to fully understand and digest the materials you are learning.
5. Student-friendly Environment. You always have support staff and professional instructors to attend to you and provide appropriate answers to your enquiries.
6. Affordable Tuition. Penn Foster programs were designed to be pocket-friendly. The programs are very affordable. You are also offered interest free APR financing and flexible payment plans.
7. Student and Graduate-Friendly Career Services. As a student or graduate, you continually receive targeted notices about job openings that can advance your career. You can also receive professional assistance on how to write your resume and prepare for job interviews.


Penn Foster is accredited both regionally and nationally. They are also duly licensed by the state authorities in Pennsylvania.

Programs Offered

According to the official website of this school, these are the most popular courses that people are currently registering for:

* Veterinary Assistant
* Substance Abuse Counselor
* Residential Electrician
* Physical Therapy Aide
* Pharmacy Technician
* Medical Coding and Billing
* Medical Administrative Assistant
* HVAC Technician
* Gunsmith
* Dental Assistant
* Child Day Care
* Certified Wedding Planner
* Certified Personal Trainer
* Auto Repair Technician

The school offers courses in the broad areas of technology, business, healthcare and construction.

Some of the technology related courses offered include:

* Web page designer
* Telecommunications technician
* Small engine repair
* Residential electrician
* Plumber
* Motorcycle repair technician
* Microsoft Office 2010
* HVAC technician
* Gunsmith
* Electronics technician
* Diesel
* Computer support technician
* Computer programming language certificate
* Auto repair technician

General Information

No semester restrictions

Due to the fact that the programs are correspondence courses, there are no traditional semester restrictions. Therefore, the school is open for enrollment at all times. You can enroll at any time of the year that suits you.

No Geographic Restrictions

Penn Foster programs are not restricted to any section of the country. You are free to enroll for any course from any part of the country. However, since most courses are delivered online, some courses may have some PC specifications for certain specialized programs requiring special types of software.

Unique All Inclusive Tuition

At Penn Foster, you enjoy a unique billing system. Your tuition covers the cost of all the materials that you need including your study guides and textbooks.
That was a brief review of the Penn Foster Career School.

A brief historical background was given followed by an outline of the benefits you stand to gain if you enroll in any of the programs offered by this institution. You were also presented with the most popular courses offered along with those offered in the technology category.

If you are considering which online learning school to enroll in for effective career advancement, you should try Penn Foster. The institution has remained focused on its primary mission of making career advancement skills easily accessible to all that desire to acquire them.

Rehabilitation After Knee Replacement Surgery

Rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery is essential for a successful and complete recovery. Based on your specific needs, your orthopedic specialist or physical therapist would devise a suitable plan of care for you, to hasten your recovery. The physical therapist would evaluate things such as mobility, heart and lung capacity, whether any special equipment is required, and posture.

Rehabilitation Programs to Improve Muscle Strength and Range of Motion

Some of the goals of physical therapy rehabilitation services would be to:

• Build strength in those muscles that support the knee
• Maximize range of motion
• Reduce rigidity
• Prepare you for discharge

You as a patient must work diligently both with your doctor and on your own so that you see a definitive improvement.

In addition to making you perform exercises, the specialist at the physical therapy rehabilitation center may incorporate modalities such as hydrotherapy, massage, cold compression therapy, and CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) into the recovery program. Some of the exercises that your doctor would suggest for you are:

• Ankle Pumps - This exercise involves flexing your ankle up and down with your leg straight. The exercise makes possible, the flow of blood to the extremities.

• Heel Slides - In this exercise, you have to flex both your knee and hip. After this, you restore your knee to the straight position.

• Leg Lifts - This exercise increases blood flow. You have to lift your leg to a particular height off the floor or bed, keeping your knee straight.

Your physical therapist would probably tell you to incorporate these and other exercises such as quadriceps sets, knee extensions, and knee flexion stretches into your home exercise program as instructed by him.

Help You Walk with Confidence

Advanced strengthening programs during rehabilitation may include adding weights as tolerated. Walking is another important aspect of the recovery program. The majority of patients would take their first steps following the replacement surgery with the help of a walker. If you have a strong upper body and good balance, you may be able to use crutches. Whether or not you are able to progress to a cane would be determined by two factors:

• Whether or not your surgeon feels it is okay to place the entire weight on your leg during the early weeks following the surgery
• Your ability to get your strength back

If you follow your program for rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery, you can expect a complete recovery in about a year or even sooner. You would gradually be able to walk with little or no pain and return to everyday activities with total independence.

The Secret Of Shiatsu Massage And What Benefits Can You Get From Shiatsu Massage Cushion?

Massage therapy is a common way and most people are practicing it to relieve tiredness, stress and tension on muscle. There are various types of massage techniques offered by spas and massage parlors. It is often difficult to choose the suitable one. Just choose a massage technique based on your needs.

Shiatsu is a unique Japanese massage technique, where Shiatsu focuses on the acupuncture pressure points in your body. Shiatsu brings your body into balance by moving Ki (energy) in the meridians. Give an example, if someone has tight shoulders and a weak lower back, this indicates too much Ki in the upper back and too little in the lower back. Therefore, Shiatsu can address these imbalances energy through a gentle application of pressure to the acupuncture meridians.

Shiatsu is often different from other massage techniques, where Shiatsu is much gentler and is focus on moving the flow of the receiver's Ki at a deeper level. Though Shiatsu involves in applying pressure, this massage technique is relaxing and effective to relieve stress. Shiatsu technique is not focus to healing the disease itself, though Shiatsu has a direct affect on the meridians which in consequence help to unblock the meridian points where the chi is blocked and causes health problems. These diseases mainly are caused by the unbalance Ki in the body. Therefore, Shiatsu massage is used to achieve the harmony of Ki in the human body.

The secret of Shiatsu technique is the practitioner uses his fingers, palms, elbows and knees of their hands to apply pressure to various parts of the body accordingly. Shiatsu massage techniques includes tapping, squeezing, rubbing and applied pressure along the meridians to balance off the energy blockages and re-establish the optimal flow of Ki. A treatment usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour long, starting on your back and moving on to the front of your body. If you have any underlying health problems, injuries or illnesses, tell the practitioner beforehand. Furthermore, please discuss with the practitioner the areas where you accumulate the most muscle tension and stress. By the end of a session you will feel very relaxed and the muscle tight is relieved.

The Shiatsu technique is well known to alleviate various disorders as following:
- headache, migraines
- back pain, back problems and stiff/frozen shoulders
- sciatica nerva pains
- whiplash injuries
- carpal tunnel
- abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disorders, and joint pain
- tennis elbow, herniated or bulging discs
- dizziness, weakness and vertigo
- muscle pain disorders
- anxiety disorders, fatigue and stress

In addition, the benefits of Shiatsu Massage include:
- providing deep muscle and tissue relaxation
- reducing overall anxiety and stress
- improved blood circulations
- releases toxins from body
- increased flexibility
- balances Ki
- increases mental and spiritual awareness

As the world recognized the essence of Shiatsu massage technique, and thanks to the breakthrough technology, a real massage chair mechanism in a convenient cushion is within your reach. All within budget and is not needed to spend thousands on a massage chair! The Shiatsu massage cushion implies the same traditional Shiatsu massage finger-pressure techniques and is targeted for the people who want to improve their health condition and seek a more convenient way to enjoy the Shiatsu massage technique. Hence, Shiatsu massage cushion is designed to provide people a method to improve their overall being without going outdoors.

The Shiatsu Massage Cushion easily fits most of the chairs and is a great way to relieve muscle pains, as well as other unhealthy conditions. By sitting on the cushion, it will restore the vitality and recharge your energy, hence, you will always be prepared to face the challenges even the harshness of your daily activities.

Massage As Medicine - It's Not Just a Luxury

Massage is no longer thought of as a luxury that only the few can afford. Massage is widely viewed as both a preventive and a therapeutic medicine, and considering the wealth of health benefits it offers, it is easy to see why.
Massage may be the oldest and simplest form of medical care. It was one of the principal methods of pain relief performed by Greek and Roman physicians, and was considered an essential practice by Hippocrates, the "Father of Western Medicine". In fact, massage was used in hospitals up until the 1960s and 70s by nurses to help ease patient's pain and help them sleep. Massage is now used in intensive care units, for children, the elderly, babies in incubators, and patients with cancer & AIDS, and to assist in recovery from heart attacks and strokes. Most American hospices have some kind of bodywork therapy available, and it is frequently offered in health centers, drug treatment clinics and pain clinics.

Stress & Illness

Current research indicates that stress is the underlying cause of 90% of illness, accounting for two-thirds of family doctor visits and, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half the deaths of Americans under the age of 65.

Physically speaking, when a person suffers from prolonged or chronic stress, hormones which influence the immune system are affected. One example is an increase in the production of cortisol, which will suppress the immune response and can slow down wound-healing.

Stress can have a great impact on your body. Most commonly, it can increase susceptibility to stomach problems, such as constipation or diarrhea, and can aggravate and make some disorders such as ulcers, worse. Headaches and migraines are another common complaint from those who suffer from stress. Stress affects the skin and complexion, causing such things as acne breakouts and hives. Research also reveals that people suffering from chronic stress experience more frequent colds and upper respiratory infections.

Stress can also have an impact on the body in more serious and potentially life threatening ways: heart disease, cancer and diabetes are all linked to stress and the over-production of cortisol.

What is stress?

Stress is a reaction that your body has to all the demands made upon it. It begins as a state of mind ( for example if one is worried about something all the time) and turns into a physical response, which serves important survival functions. It triggers the "fight or flight" nervous system response, which serves us very well in times when our survival is threatened. Following these periods of stress, however, it is important that the body's relaxation response be activated so the body's functions can return to normal. In our culture, the stress-response is activated so frequently,( driving in traffic, juggling jobs and family to name a few) that the body never gets a chance to return to normal, producing the chronic stress that can lead to illness. This can become a vicious cycle and can lead to a dwindling spiral of spiritual, emotional and physical health.

How can I prevent stress?

Spiritually speaking...well this might take some soul searching. After all we are each unique. Take time for yourself each day and be your own best friend.

Emotionally speaking....take stock of what you are saying and doing in relation to yourself, friends, colleagues and loved ones. What you say and do in a positive or negative way can cause that reaction in another person as well as yourself. Apply the "Golden Rule". Do unto others as you would like them to do to you.

Physically speaking, proper diet, physical activity, sunlight, good mineralized drinking water, and a restful night's sleep regularly, all aid stress management, as do receiving regular massage .

Massage & Stress Relief

Medical research has shown that massage effectively relieves stress, due to the change in hormone levels it produces. Cortisol is decreased, and Serotonin and Dopamine (your "feel good" hormones) increase, as is explained in the following:
Cortisol Decreases and Serotonin and Dopamine Increase Following Massage Therapy. Int J Neurosci. 2005 Oct;115(10):1397-413. Field T, Hernandez-Reif M, Diego M, Schanberg S, Kuhn C.
Touch Research Institutes, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida

In this article the positive effects of massage therapy on biochemistry are reviewed including decreased levels of cortisol and increased levels of serotonin and dopamine. In studies in which cortisol was assayed either in saliva or in urine, significant decreases were noted in cortisol levels after massage therapy. In studies in which the activating neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) were assayed in urine, massage therapy led to an increase in serotonin and dopamine. These studies combined suggest the stress-alleviating effects (decreased cortisol) and the activating effects (increased serotonin and dopamine) of massage therapy on a variety of medical conditions and stressful experiences.
In an interview published in the Massage Journal (Fall 1999), Joan Borysenko explains another take on massage and stress-relief:

"Often times people are stressed in our culture. Stress-related disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that bring people to family-practice physicians. What they require is someone to listen, someone to touch them, someone to care. That does not exist in modern medicine.

One of the complaints heard frequently is that physicians don't touch their patients any more. Touch just isn't there. Years ago massage was a big part of nursing. There was so much care, so much touch, so much goodness conveyed through massage. Now nurses for the most part are as busy as physicians. They're writing charts, dealing with insurance notes, they're doing procedures and often there is no room for massage any more.

I believe massage therapy is absolutely key in the healing process not only in the hospital environment but because it relieves stress, it is obviously foundational in the healing process any time and anywhere."

Make regular massage a part of your preventive health maintenance routine!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What Is A Physiotherapy Assistant? Learn About Becoming A Physiotherapy Associate

A physiotherapy assistant, sometimes called a physiotherapy associate, helps physical therapist in their daily activities. Physical therapy assistants help people recover from illness, injury and physical disabilities. The job of a physiotherapy assistant can be very rewarding, and the profession commands a very good salary.

So what does a physiotherapy assistant do? Well the following list is just a sample, but will give you an idea of the daily activities of the job.

  • You will teach people how to use the various equipment they may need to get around

  • You will teach people how to do the various exercises the physiotherapist prescribed

  • You will help the patient understand what the therapy entails and what they can expect

  • You will help with setting up the equipment and preparing for the next patient

  • You will keep records of the patients training, questions, and progress

  • You will report to the physiotherapist as to the progress, and concerns of the patient

Who will you be taking care of? Well the ages may differ according to the facility you work at, but a physiotherapy assistant can work with children, adults and senior citizens. You will have a wide variety of patients. Taking care of the patient physically is just one aspect of the job. Many of the problems a patient is suffering stem from the emotional pains of the injury or trauma. Being able to help people emotionally is also a big part of the job description.

What type of training will you need? Physiotherapy assistant course work varies depending on what level of responsibility you desire. Most countries and US states provide coursework needed to become an assistant. You can usually start training with a high school diploma in a local community college.

Where will you work? Many physiotherapy associates work in doctor's offices, hospitals, physiotherapy offices and also visit people in their home. In recent years the need for associates to visit in the home has increased. As the aging population grows, and the costs of healthcare increase, one of the ways to service the elderly and others is by taking the service to their home.

Physiotherapy can be very rewarding and is an excellent career choice if you enjoy working in the health field, working with those that are injured, and like a variety of work. You need people skills and be able to work a physical job, but the benefits and rewards are tremendous.

Colon Hydrotherapy Certification - A Professional Enhancement

Find Colon Hydrotherapy Certification Programs in the United States and Canada. Many students, massage therapists and other professional natural healers may consider earning their colon hydrotherapy certification as a professional enhancement to their careers.

Today, colon hydrotherapy certification programs can be found in a variety of natural healing schools, massage therapy schools and other alternative health schools. In order to gain colon hydrotherapy certification, students must take a diverse course of study in health and hygiene, digestive system review, communications, sanitation procedures, colon hydrotherapy procedures, equipment maintenance, and related business skills.

In many instances, colon hydrotherapy certification programs require students to have completed a 100-hour course of colon hydrotherapy training from an I’ACT approved school. Candidates, who have achieved all educational and practical training requirements will gain colon hydrotherapy certification, and may choose to integrate this practice with other health-related practice, or as a solo practice of its own.

Advanced colon hydrotherapy certification programs are also available to students. In this case, 500 hours of colon hydrotherapy training is required, with a minimum of two years experience in the field of colon hydrotherapy. Additional advanced colon hydrotherapy certification programs involve over 1,000 training hours. There are a variety of levels that one can attain through a number of colon hydrotherapy certification courses, so it is wise for students to carefully review course requirements and individual natural healing schools for specific course offerings. Colon hydrotherapy certification levels include Foundation (Level I), Intermediate (Level II), Advanced (Level III) and Instructor certification.

Furthermore, most colon hydrotherapy certification programs include all books and study materials, treatment sessions, and discounts on colon hydrotherapy equipment and instruments. Depending on education and experience, successful candidates who have attained colon hydrotherapy certification stand to make approximately $75* per client session. (Cost from

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding colon hydrotherapy certification programs, let career training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Colon Hydrotherapy Certification: A Professional Enhancement
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'Massage Therapy Success' Review - Is it an Essential Guide For Your Massage Business Plan?

This is a review of "Massage Therapy Success", the product by Amy Roberts designed to help the aspiring massage therapist wanting to run their own successful massage therapy business. Amy's promise is to teach you "how to get more clients and keep them coming back for the life time of your massage career".

My first comment is that her course is extremely thorough. The complete package is made up of 4 manuals, which can be purchased separately but of course you get the best value by getting them as a package. And, quite frankly, for anyone serious about getting their own massage business off the ground, or getting their existing business growing to the next level, this is ALL essential knowledge.  

Here's a run down of each book:  

Book 1 - Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business .

  • This is the 'nuts and bolts', over 100 pages of vital information

  • Mindset for Success

  • Creating your Business Vision

  • Preparing for Success

  • Marketing Secrets

  • Providing Exceptional Customer Service

  • Optimizing your Energy

Book 2 - Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists  

Over 100 pages of every marketing strategy you could think of to get your massage therapy business off to a flying start or take it to the next level. This information can SIGNIFICANTLY increase your clientele when used with Amy's marketing techniques. Includes information on:  

  • All kinds of networking and advertising

  • Brochures, flyers, leaflets

  • Newspaper advertising and editorials

  • Telephone marketing

  • Internet marketing

  • Massage business cards

  • Word of mouth and referrals

  • Shows and exhibitions

  • And much more

Book 3 - How to Write Advertising for your Massage Therapy Business  

This is like 'Part Two' of Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists. This book shows you how to optimize everything you learned from the last book, and to significantly increase the results from all your marketing efforts. VERY powerful stuff. 

I was very impressed with the depth of this information. Close to another 100 pages.  

Book 4 - Understanding your Client  

Let's face it, when you have your own successful massage therapy business you are not just in the massage business, even more so you are in the 'relationship' business. This is a recurring theme in Amy's teaching.  

Building relationships with your clients leads to repeat business, referred business and increased business. To do this successfully you must understand your client, it is a foundational cornerstone to your business, and Amy has a real gift for getting that across and showing you exactly how to do it.   

Extremely valuable information. Close to another 100 pages.   


I have read other resources that don't cover a fraction of what Amy covers in her books in this package. I have to say I think she has done an exceptional job and her expertise really shines through, so I would definitely describe Massage Therapy Success as an essential part of any budding entrepreneurs Massage Business Plan.  

If you are serious about taking your massage therapy business to the next level I am certain Amy's information will be a massive help for you to take it there. I know if I had this information when I was starting out it would have saved me many many months of struggling and frustration.  

Of course it all comes with a 60 day money back guarantee which is nice to know too. Exceptional value, two thumbs up from me.

Earning a Massage Therapy License

The notion of a job in which you can set your own hours, learn about the human body, and help people alleviate stress and pain is very attractive to a large number of candidates from all walks of life. But how do you go about getting started?

The first thing you need to do is research your state's regulations regarding massage therapy license and certification. This career involves the administration of treatment to human muscles, tissues, joints and ligaments. Therefore every state mandates that massage therapists must hold proper certification. But the requirements in California, for example, may be different from those necessary to earn a Florida massage license. The policies can also vary from county to county and town to town. Each state has its own Board of Massage Therapy you can contact for more information. Another excellent resource is the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

Next, determine what type of massage you would like to focus on. People who hold a massage therapy license can be employed at a spa, health club, hospital, private medical practice or sports organization. The ten most popular types of massage are:

1. Swedish
2. Aromatherapy
3. Hot Stone
4. Deep Tissue
5. Shiatsu
6. Thai
7. Prenatal
8. Reflexology
9. Sports
10. Chiropractic

Finally, locate an accredited massage school that can provide you with proper education and hands-on training. Because many people turn to this field as a second career, most schools offer flexible schedules that include both day and evening classes. They will prepare you to sit for state and national certification exams, earn your massage therapy license, and give you the necessary foundation to begin a successful career.

Physical Therapy Assistant Salary In Hospitals

Patients that undergo physical therapy aren't confined by any demographics. Even the healthiest individuals like professional athletes can suffer from injuries that can need physical therapy. Accidents take place, like vehicular ones that will cause injuries that lead to some form of disability for the unfortunate victim. Some individuals develop illnesses that cause disabilities or restrained movements and these must also be corrected. They, too, call for the services of physical therapists and their assistants. Talking about the assistants, they're paid excellent physical therapy assistant salary rate because they do beneficial work with the patients.

Physical therapists assign various responsibilities to their assistants depending on the kind of help the therapist needs. Physical exercises, muscle manipulation, and hydrotherapy are examples of these treatment procedures that are designed by the therapist to help a patient get back his normal physical movement. The therapist will then instruct the assistant on the best therapy program to implement. It is not uncommon for physical therapy assistants to answer telephone calls, order supplies, along with other office-related tasks. They know tips on how to track the progress of the patient after each and every therapy session. They obtain a great physical therapy assistant salary partly because of their responsibilities and tasks they need to perform well.

A number of these assistants work in hospital setting but they can also be discovered in other facilities, earning numerous amount of physical therapy assistant salary. If you are working in home health care service, chances are you're earning a very excellent salary. Working in this setting will earn you more per hour, though you do need to travel a whole lot. Though there are assistants that prefer working in hospitals due to the fact it really is more secure for them. Additional advantages should be taken into consideration when determining which settings to work best in.

If you would like to be a physical therapist, you may get hold of the expertise from being a physical therapy assistant but you need to start all over again when it comes to the education you will need. Studying to be a physical therapist will involve an entire new set of curriculum. You wouldn't need to waste time and funds on your associate's diploma education if you're ultimate dream is to turn out to be a physical therapist. The physical therapy assistant salary is naturally lower than what therapists will be receiving. The one thing you should also bear in mind when deciding which training program to enroll in is that it should be accredited.

Being in the health care field and directly working with patients, you will find many requirements that must be met. Some States require a license although you will find some States that require assistants to be registered or to have a certification. Check if your license to work for a particular State will still be valid if you determine to work in another State, such as other qualifications you have. The physical therapy assistant salary rate has often been very competitive that's why lots of individuals pursued this career in spite of the many requirements.

Working as a physical therapy assistant may require you to lift patients throughout therapy sessions so you have to be physically fit as well. If you are not mentally tough, the rigors of this career may break you down mentally. Even though the therapy may be tough, it is for the good of the patients that's why the assistants must be able to communicate this to his patients. Once you were able to perform your duties well, you'll personally really feel that you do deserve the physical therapy assistant salary you're receiving.

Secrets of Thai Massage is Total Relaxation

Every culture of the world practices some kind of massage. Thailand has a long standing history of massage where the person gets "stuck heart" or as the Thais put it "Dtit jai". Anybody who has undergone a Thai massage gets heart-stuck to it. Like Thai food, visitors also get addicted to Thai massage. It is so popular that most towns have at least one massage parlor. Massage is an integral part of Thai culture, as parents "massage" their children and thus pass the skills down through the generations. Thai massage originated in Thailand but today taught in all major massage school. These oriental techniques bring Eastern massage philosophies here to the West, where they are used to release tension and bring an overall improvement to one's well being. This total relaxation helps you to win your depression.

Thai massage just like Ayurvedic massage technique integrates certain Eastern spiritual techniques into traditional massage. During a Thai massage session, you can expect to have your muscles kneaded so they soften from all of the tension knots. However, the difference between Thai massage and traditional massages is that Thai massages use certain Eastern techniques such as deep breathing, and the knowledge of pressure points. The end result of total relaxation is always assured in every form of Thai massage.

Total relaxation with a Thai massage session

You may fall in love and addicted to Thai massage and you'll likely never want to return to a traditional western massage again. Thai massage therapists believe that, to give a good massage, one has to be in tune with their body. Your body and mind have to be in a state of total relaxation. To be tense during a massage, they say, is to defeat the very purpose of getting a massage. You cannot release total tension if you resist the Thai massage methods. That's why these Thai massage techniques are so effective.

This total relaxation helps you to fight against depression.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Travel Stories - Massage Training in the Jungles of Belize - Students

Just outside of Maskall is the eco-tourist lodge where I am to live and teach for the next several weeks. Eco-tourism helps Belize preserve its rain forest and reef ecosystem.

Driving onto the grounds of Pretty See Jungle Ranch I see a wide-open savannah, an unusual landscape for the jungles. Horses graze. A toucan, the national bird, nods its head at me. The main lodge and surrounding huts are built in a traditional style with thatched roofs of coconut palm.

My students are at the front of the main lodge eager to greet me. I meet my students - Olivia, Liz and Lenny. They're very shy at first!

For the next several weeks we work diligently each day, getting to know one another as we laugh and learn from one another. My students are very serious about their massage training. Learning a skill they can practice at Pretty See Jungle Ranch that will pay them money is a tremendous opportunity for them. There is scant opportunity for earning money available in Maskall village.

There is only one business, as such, in Maskall Village, a centrally located house that's been designated as the village store. A selection of the village's locally grown organic produce and its handicrafts are sold from here to the local eco tourist trade.

As with their Maya ancestors villagers learn and practice a handicraft or service they can use for bartering. Trade is the primary means of exchanging goods and services in Maskall Village and little work opportunities exist. My new friends are delighted to learn a valuable skill that allows them to earn money for sending their children to the nearby one room school house, as well as to pay for electricity in their home.

When their massage training is finished each of the students offers me a special handmade gift and a huge smile, along with tears of gratitude for what they've learned. They've been taught a valuable trade which gives them the freedom to earn a livelihood!

Please join me for the final segment of Travel Stories ~ Massage Training in the Jungles of Belize - Belize Lullabies.

Massage Therapy For Rheumatic Fever

Ayurveda, an age old Indian system of medicine, emphasis that Rheumatic diseases occur due to accumulated ama accompanied by the vata dosh. Panchakarma, is a cleansing process, which is very much unique in Ayurvedic medicine and by undergoing it, the body is able to release excess doshas and amas (toxins) from the cells and it strikes at the root cause of Rheumatic fever.

Panchakarma means five therapeutic measures which are undergone for the purification of the body. The simple logic on which Ayurveda operates is that the body has to be purified before preparing it for treating it for the complex health problems.

The pre-purification measures of panchakarma are :

1.Snehana (abhyangam) - oil massage is done which helps the ama to move towards the gastro intestinal tract.

2. Swedana (sweating) - a process which liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of ama towards the gastro intestinal tract.

Next comes the main purification measures :

1. Vamana - It is a therapeutic vomiting which eliminates the kapha casuing the excess mucus.

2. Virechana - It is a purgation therapy. To treat the fever which is the result of the excess Pitta being secreted in the gall bladder, liver or small intestine.

3. Nasya - It is believed that nose is the doorway to our brain which in turn is the doorway to consiousness. In Nasya, the excess of bodily humors especially the ones that are found in throat area, are eliminated through administration of medication through the nose.

4. Basti - It is an enema therapy where the herbal concoctions of sesame iols and other herbal preparations in the form of liquid medium are introduced in to the rectum. Janubasti is also very effective in treating vata disorders which results in RA disorders.

Hence panchakarma treatment is found very effective in treating the rheumatic disorders and after undergoing it the person is then advised to lead a modified lifestyle, take proper diet and do yogic exercises that helps him in keeping himself at bay from RA disorders in future too.

Learning Thai Massage in Koh Samui

Marloas is nineteen years old and she comes from Rotterdam in Holland. She is in gap year from school and has taken the time to travel in Asia. She has been on the road for four months and as the trip winds to a close she has come to the Health Oasis Resort in Koh Samui to learn Thai massage.

“This is one of the best things I did on my trip,’ she enthuses. “While I was traveling I had massages. It felt so nice that I decided I would like to learn how to do it!”

“It’s just for fun. I have learned it for myself and to help my friends and family.”

No, she does not want to become a massage therapist. Her goal is to train as a medical doctor, and this preparation in massage could well help her in her aspiration to study western medicine.

Her twenty-hour course stretched over a leisurely five and a half days. So she has plenty of time for rest and relaxation in the swimming pool and on the beach beside. She laughs when she says, “I enjoyed the rest!”

“I also really liked the Course with Thai instructor Nan.”

Nan, by the way started her studies at the prestigious Wat Pho in Bangkok which serves as the premier massage teaching facility in Thailand.

“She really gets the students to practice a lot. She’s very kind and supportive, too and that helped a whole lot!” Says the young Dutch student.

“She taught me to apply my whole body in making the massage strokes.”

Marloas explains she was always afraid that her hands would become tired whilst massaging, but she was surprised to find that instead she felt energised.

“I now know the pressure points and understand how to make people relax.”

The course that Marloas attended is not designed to turn out professional therapists. It is certificated but is designed for self-development and general interest. For those eager to learn Thai massage for professional use, Health Oasis Resort offers a more intensive fifty hour period of instruction, and this too comes with a certificate.

Massage is one of several subjects that visitors can learn at the Bang Po beach side resort. Other topics include Thai Cookery, Reiki, Meditation and EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. The Thai cooking is interesting because it is geared very much to the visitor to the Kingdom. Many people have enjoyed eating Thai food in restaurants worldwide and on coming to Thailand have taken the experience to another dimension. What Health Oasis encourages is to teach visitors how to cook their favourite dishes. Naturally this requires a little notice because the instructors have to go to the market and buy the freshest ingredients possible so the ‘trainee chef’ can prepare that favourite meal. Once you have cooked it, all you then have is the pleasure of sitting down and eating your creation and hopefully you have invited some friends or loved ones to share this unique experience with you.

Like the Massage training that Marloas underwent you can also take the recipe and knowledge of your newly acquired Thai culinary art back home with you as a very practical souvenir of your visit to Thailand. Surely that will add to the overall enjoyment of your holiday in “the land of smiles” []

Look For Uneven Pelvis As The Root Cause Of Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is an incredibly common problem which affects tens of millions of Americans each year. A very high percentage of hospital emergency department as well as primary care physician office visits are because of chronic lower back pain. Lower back pain affects all races, all genders and people of all ages. Sedentary and overweight people are at a higher risk of suffering with this problem.

Despite billions of dollars being spent on the problem, there isn't any decrease in the incidence or prevalence of this troubling medical epidemic. One plausible reason for this is because we haven't been utilizing the correct remedy. The most common treatment for chronic back pain is medications, massage therapy & physical therapy. Ask any chronic back pain suffer about the effectiveness of these treatments and you will hear a range of comments from "it helped, but after a while the pain came back". You may also hear "I didn't get much of any relief at all". Why is this? Why do so many people continue to suffer day in and day out?

One of the primary causes of chronic lower back pain is an uneven, imbalanced pelvis. The pelvis is composed of two large bones (the innominate), and a triangularly shaped bone in the center (the sacrum). There is very little movement that occurs between the innominate bones and the sacrum (the sacroiliac joint, or "the SI joint"). The SI joint has very little motion. An athletic, younger person may have as much as one to one and a half degrees of total joint motion. Rather than independent movement between these three bones, the pelvis instead moves as a solid block. It can tilt side to side and front to back. The pelvis can also rotate right and left.

The problem occurs is when the pelvis tilts or rotates in a certain way and then stays fixed in that location. When this occurs, the muscles, ligaments and other supportive connective tissues themselves become shortened or lengthened and serve to hold the pelvis in that position indefinitely. When the pelvis becomes chronically misaligned like this, it sets the stage for chronic SI joint pain as well as lumbar spine pain.

The lumbar spine is positioned on top of the sacrum. When the pelvic/sacral block is tilting or is rotated, it creates biomechanical stress on the rest of the spine. In particular, there is a shearing or twisting effect on the lumbar spine (the lower back). This problem can be so pronounced that on x-ray, the spine appears to have a scoliosis.

What can be done to fix an imbalanced pelvis? Certainly taking drugs (NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, etc) won't resolve the problem. Exercise doesn't realign the spine. In fact, exercising on an uneven pelvis may cause more harm than good. It would be the equivalent of continuing to hammer on a bent nail. The most effective thing you can do for an imbalanced pelvis is to get it balanced. You must realign the spine, sacrum & pelvis in order to minimize biomechanical stress on the joints, ligaments, tendons and other supportive soft tissues. The chiropractic adjustment is a time tested therapy for realigning the spine. In my clinic, I utilize chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy modalities, stretching, rehabilitative exercise and soft tissue therapies. And without question, the number one most effective treatment for balancing the pelvis is the chiropractic adjustment. If you have chronic lower back pain, you need to have your pelvis checked for imbalanceding. Getting your pelvis balanced will offer amazing, long lasting relief.

Prednisone and Massage

One of the most often presented conditions that massage therapists encounter is chronic pain, making pain management and relief a chief goal of a massage session. Sometimes though, regular massage therapy may not be enough to relieve this kind of pain, and clients may rely on traditional Western medicine for help. The most common doctor-prescribed medications for chronic pain relief are steroids, particularly Prednisone, which is primarily used as an anti-inflammatory. Since this medication is so common, it is likely that many of your clients are taking it for pain relief. This makes it absolutely necessary for massage therapists to know and understand any and all possible contraindications with this drug.

Taking Prednisone for chronic pain may offer tremendous relief to your clients, but it is not without its share of side effects. Some of the most common side effects of this steroid include headaches, dizziness, fatigue and muscle weakness. These and other side effects are things that every massage therapist should be aware of so that they can adjust their massage accordingly, and provide the safest and most beneficial therapeutic treatment possible. Another important aspect of Prednisone to be aware of is its ability to inhibit calcium absorption, thus contributing to weak and fragile bones.

Due to the many possible side effects of this drug and, in order to ensure the client's safety, bodyworkers treating clients taking Prednisone should opt for light, gentle massage strokes in favor of deep muscle work. It is important for you and your client to stay in close contact with the client's physician so that he or she can monitor any developing conditions that may result from this medication.

Read more about the benefits and drawbacks of taking Prednisone for pain management, as well as the steroid's impact on massage, by reading this entire article here.

Better to Go to Massage Therapy School Than Hurt Someone

Very often I have seen my husband or a friend to get a massage for some sort of pain and they end worse than they were before. I also have had the unfortunate experience of this because I wanted to spend less money and still get a nice massage. I changed my ways however when I went to a spa where every worker was certified in a specific study of massage from a massage therapy school.

While it is not common to believe as such, massages are seen as a medical treatment; it isn't just a swerving and gentle or firm movement of the hands. Much like a doctor, one needs to be trained properly so they do not cause any serious injury. These injuries can cause a lot of problems in both the short and long run varying from temporary back pain to possible problems just walking properly.

Therapy schools that teach massage are aware of these issues and do not teach just movements of the hands. In their curriculum, it is required that you understand the human anatomy and the function of each muscle and bone in the body. After learning how the body is linked anatomical, the institute will teach how to properly apply pressure to help alleviate medical pain without causing any stress.

Generally, if one is not educated on this or certified, they will not know this and if you choose to go them for some body work, it may be a disaster for you. So always make sure your therapist is well trained and properly certified.

Benefits of Massage Therapy For Neck Pain

Many people spend their lives dealing with pain. Whether it is from an accident, sports injury, or just plain bad posture, millions of people just mask the problem instead of getting to the root. One of the most common complaints of aches and pains is in the neck. There are many things that can contribute to neck pain. If you sit in front of a computer all day or stand for long hours at work, just having poor posture can contribute to neck pain. If you wake up with neck pain and/or headaches after an apparent good nights sleep, it could be that you were in an awkward position during the night. On the other hand, maybe you just need a different pillow or mattress. Neck pain can also be caused by a pre-existing condition or injury and only large doses of medication can temporarily relieve the pain.

Instead of trying to mask the pain, massage therapy gets the root of the problem - your neck muscles. Even if you see a chiropractor and you feel better after you get an adjustment, your spine is still attached to muscles, which pull the bones in the wrong direction. Think of your neck muscles as being like a rubber band. You can stretch it and stretch it, but it will always snap back to its original shape. Massage therapy changes the way your neck muscles behave by stretching and smoothing them out. This helps the muscles relax and return to the natural position in the body, without all the knots and strains that cause neck pain. Not only do the muscles in your neck relax, it helps your entire body to relax, alleviating the pain. It helps to go to massage therapy on a regular basis so that the muscles will get used to being relaxed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Massage Therapy Strokes and Moves

One of the most effective methods of treating the body with alternative therapies is through the non-invasive message therapy. Whether you are suffering from backache, chronic stress and stiffness in muscles, limited mobility and movement in joints, getting a massage can be relaxing. There are numerous ailments that have shown reduced symptoms when massage therapy session were provided to the patients. Some of these are pains and aches, discomfort faced in pregnancy, muscle spasms, arthritis, insomnia, stress and back pain.

Massage therapy uses a few movements that are used in combination to help the muscles and tissue unwind, promote circulation which include percussion, vibration, friction, effleurage and kneading. To get a better understanding of these various methods, Effleurage is the flat hand strokes with gliding motion for enhancing the circulation while Petrissage stimulates movement and both the hands are used to knead with gentle motion.

Percussion involves both hands for a variety of movements including slapping, pounding, tapping, cupping and fingers to tap in places. Irrespective of the message therapy style, both friction and vibration are needed for effective relaxation. The slow, firm strokes in circular motion mostly used for deeper tissue massage and is usually followed by effleurage. While vibration uses the hands for trembling and shaking movements used in upper back and thighs.

Though nearly the same type of hand movements is used, different types of massage styles are there. Staring with Swedish massage, which is a popular therapy method, it includes tapping and kneading strokes all across the body to relax the tense muscles, stiff joints and chronic pain.

The Sports massage is specifically customized for the professional athletes and sportsmen to stay in shape and works to prevent injuries. It has movements that are a perfect amalgamation of different massage therapy and have been customized to suit the athletes' needs. Soft tissue massage is extremely necessary for athletes that play contact sports and to ensure there is no decline in peak conditions, constant rejuvenation and higher blood circulation is needed. In addition, massage helps to keep the body warm and get better sleep, needed to maintain peak condition.

To reduce the muscle tension at a deeper level, deep tissue massage is used which reaches all 5 levels of the back muscles, though other massage therapies are able to reach just the first two layers. With the use of slow strokes, direct pressure and friction movement using fingers and palm of hand to reach the different layers. Usually it is considered painful, deep tissue massage is extremely relaxing and therapeutic as it releases the tensions from the base muscle.

Irrespective of the pains and aches that you are suffering with, massage therapy has no side effects but only positive aspects when conducted by a professional. To book a session with a professional massage therapist, look online for a local contact or ask for referrals.

The Benefits of Facial Massage

A massage is essential for the ultimate spa experience. Is it excellent for applying each spa product to the face and creates a lavish soothing action throughout the entire facial experience. Facial massages can stimulate the skins circulation and lymphatic damage, and relax the muscles.

When a customer comes to you for a facial they may or may not think that a massage can be worked in while getting the treatment. If they are new you should always consult with them before you start working on them so they know what to expect throughout the treatment. Consult with them to make sure they you both are on the same page and that you understand what the client is asking for.

If you normally do not perform a facial massage during a facial, you may want to start doing it. Clients really enjoy getting massaged during their facial because it helps them relax and is very soothing. It is also great for the spa therapist because massaging all the products in the skin really helps the skin absorb the products better.

A spa therapist can also determine when and how to incorporate facials with different massages such as hot and cold stones. This will actually help stimulate a clients circulation and soothe tired and sore muscles. Certain massages, especially during facials, can also help a client rid the pain of headaches.

There are also different facial techniques for sun-damaged and dehydrated skin that should be discussed between the therapist and the client. A lymphatic massage can also have great benefits on the face, and a spa therapist should talk about this among their clients. All spa therapists should discuss the different advantages and disadvantages for each massage and facial and should determine which will be appropriate for the individual.

Facts You Should Know About Physical Therapy Jobs and Rehab Staffing

If you are a dedicated individual with a penchant for hard work, why not take up a Physical Therapy Job? In order to qualify for a PT Job, you need to qualify as a Physical therapist by earning a graduate or master's degree in a physical therapy program from an accredited institution. You also need to possess a state issued license. Holding a Physical Therapy job definitely has its advantages. In countries like the US the payment structure is high and clubbed with many additional perks in the form of Paid Housing, Medical as well as Dental Insurance, Retirement Savings Plan, Travel expenses etc to name a few.

The internet is the best way to know of the best jobs available in this field. Besides, professionals in this field can also enroll with employment agencies that can put them in appropriate positions.

What are the possible posts you can find being a Physical Therapist?

You get to work as a therapist or aide/assistant in:

a. Hospitals
b. Schools
c. Rehabilitation Centers
d. Private Nursing homes / Clinics

What are the formalities to be complied with in case you want a PT job in the US?

There are certain agencies functioning solely for the purpose of guiding potential candidates through the various processes involved in procuring a work permit in the US. You can get in touch with them through their websites. The steps involved here are:

  • An application to any US State Board of your choice

  • Foreign candidates must apply for credentialing

  • Depending on the state, a proficiency exam which may be TOEFL, TSE or TWE has to be cleared

  • The final step is to appear for the National Physical Therapy Exam which has to be answered in the US itself.

Of course, you need to find a sponsor before you start practicing with your newly obtained license.

Rehab Staffing Services

Working in rehabilitation centers provides scope for good pay and god job satisfaction. There is a constant demand for this type of job too. Information about such positions can be obtained from agencies that specialize in rehab staffing services. Experience is what counts in this field which can be gained by working in various health care institutions as a trainee. The salary and associated benefits will vary according to the level of knowledge and skill.

Therapists That Complement Osteopaths

Osteopathy is a type of therapy which is considered holistic that focuses on human body as a whole and with the purpose of prevention and treatment. Therapists who work closely with osteopaths are usually focused on healing or improving the body.

A therapist may complement your trusted osteopath by:

繚 Helping to relieve some anxieties after the required treatment of your illness.

繚 Helping you to minimize your emotional and physical distress from injury.

繚 Helping you for your immediate recuperation and;

繚 Providing you some important advice after sessions that include some massage therapy and other rehabilitation methods. The osteopaths and therapists will take full advantage of the required treatment for your whole being.

After your recovery, if you want to re-condition your body, a therapist that complements an osteopath will help you with the accurate method on how to do the necessary therapy after your several sessions with them. One of the effective systems on which your therapist would teach you is by Pilates. It is a body conditioning process that is helpful in strengthening your postural muscle. It corrects the imbalances of the muscles to create and improve your good posture, flexibility and toning muscle. It is also an effectual practice in your rehabilitation programs and it gives emphasize to proper movements in order to avoid injury cause by some physical regimens. In a Pilate's session, the proper way of breathing, complete relaxation and concentration are 3 of the eight principles that the therapist are focusing in order to ease your tension and body stress. It is the recommended method of the osteopath especially to the persons with back troubles.

Cranial osteopathy is a special therapy to detect your problem and to relieve the dysfunction on your affected body parts. It is the use of hand, tummy, back, head and other body parts. The pressure is tender, gentle and comforting to restore the console in various muscle tissues. Therapists that complements osteopath could help you on your dilemma by:

繚 Minimizing your anxiety

繚 Relaxing your muscular trauma and tension

繚 Reducing your stress and pressure

繚 Promoting positive body consciousness

繚 Immediate recovery from injury

繚 Improving mobility and flexibility of your joints and muscles

繚 Producing and enhancing your self-confidence

For a sporty person, a trusted osteopath and therapist can work wonders to your muscular problems. The advice therapy which could be done successfully by the therapists that complements osteopaths helps in improving your blood circulation and to restore the muscle functions. It also helps in suppleness and felicity of your joints and muscles helping in prevention of future recurrence of the injury.

Osteopathy is a perfect medical practice to relieve your physical strains and aches. It provides treatments for ligaments, muscles, nerves and joints by using some techniques. By massaging or stretching your body, a skilled osteopaths and therapists will make your mobility easy and comfortable.

What is Manual Lymph Drainage in Massage Therapy?

Manual lymph drainage (MLD) refers to a very gentle kind of massage therapy used to get rid of excess fluid from the body and improve the overall role of the lymphatic system. This particular method of massage therapy is used to treat lymphedema, which is the blocking of lymph nodes in the upper and lower extremities.

MLD dates back to the early 1930's when it was first used on patients as a useful way to detoxify the body. Nowadays, MLD is still used to improve the internal mechanism of the lymphatic system. This kind of massage is applied gently in a direction parallel to normal lymph flow in order to unclog any blocked lymph vessels and permit lymph flow to carry waste from the body freely.

This technique is performed by a massage therapist who is certified in manual lymph drainage. The therapist applies a light form of circular massage to their clients' skin. MLD massages must be performed to bare skin and no massage oils or lotions can be used in order for the procedure to be effective. MLD massage is applied in mild strokes toward the heart. This technique will lightly stretch the walls of the lymph vessels and promote lymph drainage.

During an MLD massage, the therapist may utilize one of four very effective MLD techniques to promote lymph drainage:

  • Scoop strokes--In this technique, the massage therapist positions his palms in the face up position with the fingers outstretched such that hands are cupped and resemble scoop. The therapist then applies twisting strokes to the patient's skin to promote waste disposal.

  • Pump method--The massage therapist positions his palms face down on the patient's skin and makes ovoid strokes with his fingers and thumbs to promote lymph flow.

  • Rotary method--The therapist massages the skin in circular motions with his palms down on the skin. His wrists are used to apply and reduce the pressure of the strokes.

  • Stationary circles--These strokes are applied in a stationary position using circular motions with the use of the therapist's fingertips. This is normally applied over the neck, face, and lymph nodes.

Benefits of Active Release Technique

ART or active release technique is a form of massage therapy that deals with the soft tissue problems which result to many various muscle pains throughout the whole body of the patient. It is commonly used on athletes and active people as they are more prone to soft tissue issues than less active individuals.

Although this type of therapeutic massage uses some of the common methods of massage strokes and techniques, it distinguishes itself apart from the other therapies as it uses motion and coordination from the patient. Unlike with most conventional types of massage therapy where the patient lies or sits down during the whole duration of the massage session, ART or active release technique relies on the movement of the patient in enhancing the condition of the muscles by gently working on the different muscle groups within the human body. It is similar with passive yoga although this type of technique simply moves and positions the body of the patient for a much better access on releasing muscle tensions and healing injured areas of the body.

This type of therapeutic massage was developed by P. Michael Leahy. As a chiropractor, he noticed the need for a good massage therapy that can address and correct the injuries caused on the soft tissues of his patients. Active release technique was successfully developed and practiced on his patients and a satisfying result percentage of a 90 percent success rate in treating patients with this natural treatment technique was achieved.

The massage therapist works on various points within each muscle groups to correct and improve every issue within the patient's body. Similar with acupressure, the different key points in the body are focused during the therapy where the patient is partially clothed. The 500 different protocols are used on a patient's body to treat almost any type of physical problem due to soft tissue injuries or muscle pains. This technique which addresses cases similar to sports massage, is popular in treating acute and chronic conditions that is why most athletes add it up on their regular medical care.

Like any other type of massage therapy, most benefits are received by the patient right after the massage session or after several series of therapy. Whole body and mind relaxation is one of the most common benefits any patient can acquire from active release technique. The massage therapist works and maneuvers with different hand techniques along with the movement of the patient's body on different positions. As the therapist works on the different muscle groups that contain layers of various muscles, each muscle loosens up and releases tension which gives the body a better condition as it releases stress and relieves chronic muscle pain.

Even if you're not the active type of person, the relaxing and energizing effects and benefits of this type of massage therapy is definitely a must-try for you. You may not be an athlete or an active individual but you surely have muscle pain issues that need to be treated and relieved.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Deep Tissue & Swedish Massage Therapy - Get it Light Or Hard, It Depends on Your Tolerance Level

Two of the more famous massage therapy techniques are deep tissue massage therapy and Swedish massage therapy. Both of these techniques provide relaxation and alleviation of tension in the body for residents of former capital of the Republic of Texas and the current state capital, Austin. They also provide a host of physical benefits. Many massage therapists combine techniques from both traditions into a single session since each brings its own benefits and drawbacks to a massage therapy session. Let's look at each of these traditions and see how they differ.

Most people recognize deep tissue for the slow deep manipulation of muscles and soft tissue. This technique is very helpful with relieving stress and tension experienced in stiff necks, sore shoulders, and painful backs. When a client is under constant stress or has a painful injury, muscles, ligaments, and tendons often become stiff and rigid. These rigid bands of tissue are often quite painful and can block circulation in some cases. With deep tissue massage therapy, the therapists work to break down these rigid bands of tissue by applying pressure or friction against the muscles. Many clients report that this technique is very effective for relieving deep tension and stiffness in muscles. However, as the therapist applies pressure, a client may experience some discomfort.

Most people recognize Swedish massage therapy, on the other hand, for its gentle motions. As with most forms of massage, you experience relaxation and other health benefits from this technique. The therapists often use massage oils to promote the strokes used during the massage. The strokes can include stretching, tapping, kneading, and friction. Swedish massage therapy is a very good way to ease into regular massage sessions. You can request light pressure or firm pressure in one of these massages. As you become used to having massage, you might find firmer pressure to be a pleasant experience. For those experienced with massage, a traditional light pressure massage may not be enough.

Either deep tissue or Swedish massage therapy gives you the benefits, and to most forms of massage. These include promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation, reducing anxiety and tension, preventing, and relieving muscle cramps, improving blood circulation, and helping with pain management. As with any other therapeutic option, consult with your doctor before starting any massage therapy. Some people with certain medical conditions might experience pain or other problems during a massage. By clearing it with your doctor, you get assurance that you will get the most benefits from the experience.

If deep tissue or Swedish massage therapy doesn't ring your bell, a holistic healer can offer other options. Does hypnotherapy get your interest? You can get therapy for losing weight or quitting smoking. Do you want to experience your past lives? Past life regression will open up images and thoughts from lives past. You can find a variety of therapies available to help you regain your health and balance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Can Massage Therapy Benefit Your Health?

What do you book your massage appointment for? While many consider booking a spa treatment to be a luxury, there are even more that see it as a remedy for pain or to improve their well-being. Just as one would take advantage of acupuncture or a chiropractor, a massage therapist can also help address issues of physical complaint. Matter of fact, many insurance plans even cover this type of treatment because they recognize the positive affects it can have on the body. So, when asking if massage therapy can benefit you health... the answer is, yes. Let me explain...

1. Improved blood circulation: first off, massage therapy can improve blood circulation. That's right, it can lower blood pressure and improve body function. When blood becomes congested, getting this type of therapy with help circulated the blood and allow blood to flow in. This also helps flush out lactic acid. Flushing out lactic acid help improve lymph fluid circulation. This is also beneficial to your health because healthy lymph fluid circulation helps move metabolic waste away from your internal organs and muscles.

2. Improved flexibility and range of motion: one of the most popular things that massage therapy is known for is relaxation. However, did you know that this service relaxes more than just your mood and stress levels? Think about it... everyone knows that it is smart to stretch before a workout. It is even smarter to stretch on a regular basis, even if you are not hitting the gym that day. Just like stretching, massages loosen the muscles and improve flexibility. They can even make you less injury prone because your joints are more fluid.

3. Headache relief: massages can really help relieve tension headaches and migraines. Getting this treatment on a regular basis can actually prevent the headache or migraine from coming in the first place. Therapists will concentrate on the head, neck, and shoulders to decrease pain if the headache is already there. They will relax trigger points and muscles spasms. This will also improve sleeping patterns and increase your body's serotonin levels.

These are just a few of the health benefits that massage therapy can provide your body. There are many different types of massages to suit each individual's needs and comfort level. As the saying goes, this type of service is beneficial to your "mind, body, and soul". By making regular appointments with a licensed therapist, you can improve your health and reduce stress levels... and as always, don't forget to stretch!