Saturday, February 9, 2013

Health and Massage

Massage affects the body as a whole. To understand how massage therapy works, some of the physiological effects of massage need to be briefly examined.

Massage is known to increase the circulation of blood and flow of lymph. The direct mechanical effect of rhythmically applied manual pressure and movement used in massage can dramatically increase the rate of blood flow. Also, the stimulation of nerve receptors causes the blood vessels (by reflex action) to dilate, which also facilitates blood flow.

A milky white fluid called lymph carries impurities and waste away from the tissues and passes through gland-like structures spaced throughout the lymphatic system that act as filtering valves. The lymph does not circulate as blood does, so its movement depends largely on the squeezing effect of muscle contractions. Consequently, inactive people fail to stimulate lymph flow. On the other hand, the stimulation caused by vigorous activity can be outstripped by the increased waste produced by that activity. Massage can dramatically aid the movement of lymph in either case.

For the whole body to be healthy, the sum of its parts - the cells - must be healthy. The individual cells of the body are dependent on an abundant supply of blood and lymph because these fluids supply nutrients and oxygen and carry away wastes and toxins. So, it is easy to understand why good circulation is so important for the entire body, due to its effect on the circulation alone.

Massage is also known to:

- Cause changes in the blood. The oxygen capacity of the blood can increase 10-15% after massage

- Affect muscles throughout the body. Massage can help loosen contracted, shortened muscles and can stimulate weak, flaccid muscles. This muscle "balancing" can help posture and promote more efficient movement. Massage does not directly increase muscle strength, but it can speed recovery from fatigue that occurs after exercise. In this way, it can be possible to do more exercise and training, which in the long run strengthens muscles and improves conditioning. Massage also provides a gentle stretching action to both the muscles and connective tissues that surround and support the muscles and many other parts of the body, which helps keep these tissues elastic.

- Increase the body's secretions and excretions. There is a proven increase in the production of gastric juices, saliva, and urine after massage. There is also increased excretion of nitrogen, inorganic phosphorous, and sodium chloride (salt). This suggests that the metabolic rate (the utilization of absorbed material by the body's cells) increases.

- Affect the nervous system. Massage balances the nervous system by soothing or stimulating it, depending on which effect is needed by the individual at the time of massage.

- Enhance skin condition. Massage directly improves the function of the sebaceous (oil) and sweat glands which keep the skin lubricated, clean and cooled. Tough, inflexible skin can become softer and more supple.

- Affect internal organs. By indirectly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow greater blood supply to them.

Knowing about the physiological effects of massage makes it possible to better understand the health and fitness benefits of massage. What takes place under the massage therapists hands has profound importance for those interested in health and fitness in tuning up their bodies. In every sport or form of exercise, massage can help. By helping to reduce physiological fatigue and aid recovery from the exertion of working out or playing, massage enables better training, with longer, more effective workouts, thus facilitating better performance and preventing injury.

The people of ancient Mediterranean civilizations knew this. After bathing exercise, they included a full body massage. The ancients understood that education involves equal development of the mind and body. The modern publics interest in physical fitness, holistic health, wellness and human potential represents a bid to revive a time honoured philosophy.

For most people embarking on a fitness program, often the spirit is willing but the flesh is not. When regular exercise is begun almost every part of the body changes. Of interest to massage therapists is the way blood vessels become more intricate in order the meet the body's demand for more oxygen, to supply more nutrients, to permit more elimination. This takes time. While the muscles are getting into shape, they have trouble getting enough oxygen and nutrient and wastes back up and stagnate.

Unfortunately, many exercise programs regard aches and pains as the inevitable price to be paid. This is simply not true. Massage can be used as the Greeks and Romans used it - to increase endurance, control fatigue and feel better as part of a regular health program.

Massage acts to disperse the accumulated by-products of muscle action that irritate muscles and nerve endings. Lactic and carbonic acids build up in muscle tissue shortly after exercise begins. These acids are waste products that contribute to the causation of the pain and occasional cramping that exercisers, athletes, dancers, etc. suffer during and/or after workouts or performing. These acids are formed when the glycogen stored in the liver and muscles in burned to produce the energy expended during exercise. The acids must eventually be reconverted to glycogen and stored again, or drained out via the lymph and circulatory systems. Pain and fatigue persist until this process of reconverting or excreting is completed. Massage can help eliminate the irritation caused by these wastes, thus increasing muscle recovery rates. When massage has been substituted for rest, an increase from 20-75%, even 100% muscle recovery has been recorded. For example, this is why boxers are massaged rather than rested between rounds.

Joints are critical to exercise because joints are moved by the muscles to produce movement. All joints are complicated, and their parts have a way of settling and stiffening when not used. A sluggish, numbed feeling in the joints discourages exercise. A massage therapist counteracts this by using massage strokes and passive movement to release the muscle tension and free the connective tissue found around the joints that can bind the joints.

Massage also aids recovery from soft tissues injuries such as sprains and strains. This is possible because the growth and repair of tissue are accelerated by efficient circulation in the injured areas and appropriate stimulation of the healing tissues. Many soft tissue injuries are not serious enough to necessitate a visit to the doctor or hospital, or are only treated with some first-aid, but still cause some discomfort and disability. Massage therapy can often help speed and improve recovery and reduce discomfort from such mishaps. In this way, massage helps bridge the gap between common neglect of injury and major medical intervention.

Increased health awareness has also increased nutrition awareness. The most carefully planned diet is partly wasted if blood vessels are not developed an open so that nutrition can reach the cells. Massage can aid internal nutrition rates by improving circulation.

The relationship of stress and illness is of interest to anyone maintaining their health. We all have stress in our daily lives relating to work, family, environment, society. Mental tensions, frustrations and insecurity are among the most damaging. Stress causes the release of hormones that create vasoconstriction - vessel shrinking - and reduced circulation Affected by stress, the heart works harder, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and digestion slows. Nearly every body process is degraded. Psychosomatic studies show how stress factors can cause migraines, hypertension, depression, some peptic ulcers, etc. Researchers have estimated that 80% of disease is stress-related. Soothing and relaxing massage therapy can help counteract stressing effects.

Massage has a definite psychological effect. Since massage animates the tactile sense, the body's primary sense, it brings people into the here and now and away from tension generated by constant preoccupation with problems. Also, loosening of muscle tension or armouring - the physical counterpart to how we defend and protect ourselves from psychological pain - can lead to freeing of repressed emotions.

Users of massage therapy as a healing tool quickly realise that they have found a form of drugless therapy. Headaches, insomnia, digestive disorders including constipation and spastic colon, arthritis, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, sinusitis and minor aches and pains are some of the problems that can respond to massage therapy. Massage can have an excellent effect on nervous people who have been dependent on their pharmacy for rest and relaxation.

Simply stated, the foundation stone of the therapeutic effect of massage is what Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine and an advocate of massage, defined as vis medicatrix naturae, or the body's natural recuperative powers, the life force. Massage therapy essentially promotes health by boosting the body's own processes.
While this article has focused on how massage can help tune the body and on the concrete scientific effects of massage, it should also be mentioned that massage can be seen as a healing art as well as a science. The theories of therapeutic massage are scientific in character, but the actual application of these theories is an art, for it involves the healing sense, sensitivity of touch, insight and intuition. It is a unique way of communicating without words, sharing energy, enjoying pleasurable relaxation, and experiencing peace of mind. Massage is often attributed to have ethereal spiritual effects akin to those of meditation.

The past ten years or so have been seen a proliferation of different terms, titles, and systems of massage such as: Therapeutic, Holistic, Swedish, Sports, Neuromuscular, Bodywork, Oriental, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Esalen, Reichian, Polarity, Reflexology, etc. For the sake of clarity, the term amssage or massage therapy as used in this article refers to the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues. The thing to keep in mind is that every healing art that employs massage therapy should include some form of kneading, pressing, or stroking with the use of pressure and movement, no matter how slight the touch or how often it is used.

The best way to find a massage therapist is to get a referral from a friend who gets massage therapy or a health professional who is knowledgeable about forms of complementary and alternative health care such as massage therapy. Or you can contact Queensland Association of Massage Therapists and the Australian Massage Therapists Association for names of qualified massage therapists in your area.

Since there are many styles of massage, you may want to shop around to find someone who practices the style of massage most suited to your needs. You should be able to find a massage therapist who is right for you., though you may or may not need to try a few massage therapists to do so.

Whenever interviewing a massage therapist you should always feel comfortable asking if they have graduated from a school that is accredited or approved by a credible accrediting agency, belong to a credible professional association such as the Q.A.M.T or A.M.T.A, and also their amount of experience and styles of massage.

In terms of what to expect during a massage therapy session, they generally are an hour in length. Clients are usually asked to remove as much clothing as they are comfortable with and rest on a padded massage table. To respect personal privacy and provide adequate warmth, the client is covered or draped with a sheet or towel so that only the part of the body worked on is exposed at any given time.

Whether or not you would expect to talk during a session depends on your needs at the time. Some clients need to talk. Some need silence. Massage therapists will usually try to accommodate what the client needs. However, sometimes talking detracts from entering a state of relaxation or experiencing the physical, nonverbal dimensions of the massage. In any case, feel comfortable giving feedback about your needs and what you like or do not like during the session. Good communication enhances the massage session.

There are a few other key points to note regarding your massage therapy session. The massage therapist will likely use a high quality oil or lotion, but if you have an allergic reaction you should let the massage therapist know. Some massage therapists offer to play music during a session, others may feel it distracting. It is best not to have eaten just before a session. Your massage therapist can answer many other questions you may have. If for any other reason you must miss a massage appointment, your massage therapist will surely appreciate being notified as soon as possible.

To enjoy the benefits of massage which have been discussed, it is best to receive a therapeutic massage from a practitioner who has blended a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and massage technique with a sensitive, powerful touch and healing sense. Yours in health!

(c) Professional Therapist

Physical Therapy Continuing Education: Structural Impairments of the Hips

Compared to ten years ago, there are far more Physical Therapy continuing education courses these days on the hip. One reason for this is our knowledge of hip movement and structural impairments has greatly increased.

We recently interviewed a Hip Movement Expert about Structural Impairments. Here are some of her responses.

Interviewer: A lot of surgeons these days are starting to focus more on the hips and especially structural impairments such as femoroacetabular impingement. We also know - well, I know through attending several of your courses - that we're more aware of variation in hip structure such as retroversions, anteversions, and things along those lines. Could you just share with us your thoughts? How do you incorporate all these different components (the structural, the movement) in to your assessment and treatment?

Hip Movement Expert: Okay. Well, I think structural impairments are critical to identify so that you don't mismanage that person's movement.

For example, if your patient had femoral anteversion and looked medial rotated and you tried to correct that medial rotation by saying" keep your knee pointing straight ahead", you would be pushing them way too far laterally, potentially irritating their hip joint instead of helping it.

I think when surgeons talk about anteversion and retroversion often they're talking about the acetabulum. When physical therapists talk about it a lot of times they're talking about the femur. And whether or not the two go together is not really clear.

Like if you have acetabular anteversion does that mean you have femoral anteversion? That's unclear. As a clinician you don't have x-rays at this point. You need to kind of look from the outside in, and what I recommend for the -versions is doing hip rotation range of motion as your first clue.

When you have a huge asymmetry that's probably at least 15 degrees different - in other words if you had 45 degrees of medial rotation and only 25 or 30 of lateral, that discrepancy makes me say, "I better check this out a little bit more carefully."

So, when I find a big asymmetry in one direction versus the other, that is my clue. I typically look at that in prone and then I'll put them in sitting and I'll see if that asymmetry persists. If it persists, it's been shown that often that is a fairly reliable way to determine a -version; either retroversion or anteversion.

Then there's the Craig's test which many people do. I don't know that it's very reliable, but it just gives you another sense, "Yeah, I really do think there's a bony problem here, therefore that's that person's neutral and when I'm asking them to move I need to have them move at their midpoint and not force them."

I had a young boy who tore his labrum being given lunges. He was very, very retroverted and he was being told "get your feet straight ahead, get your knees straight ahead, do these lunges." Then of course he tore his labrum and ended up with surgery.

So, if somebody had just respected his retroversion then he would have been able to do those exercises without any trouble. So, I really think that the -versions are important.

FAI, or femoroacetabular impingement, I guess my biggest suggestion at first would be a lack of hip flexion. So, if you flex somebody's hip, especially a young person, and they don't go past 90, or you feel a bit of a block, don't push it. That's the way they were built. You need to be mindful that most of the time hip flexion is going to be the direction that's blocked with impingement.

Then coxa vera which would be a sharper angle in the frontal plane. It's most often a woman with the wider pelvis and when they lay on their side their greater trochanter is fairly prominent. That gives me a sense that this person may just be built this way and then you have to kind of adjust their side lying positions accordingly. Or just even them crossing their legs they have to go a lot further than somebody who doesn't have that sort of structural problem.

So, that's just an example of three of them. I think some you look at by alignment, some you look at by range of motion, the -versions more with rotation, the impingements more with flexion.

Ayurveda - Where It All Began!

Ayurveda is the science of life, the origin of most forms of natural and alternative medicine. 'Ayu' meaning life is the combination of body, senses, mind and soul and Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life. Ayurveda originates from the Vedas, Atharva Veda in particular and is connected to the Hindu religion.

The earliest source of Ayurveda are the verses of Rig Veda which refer to Panchamahabhut(the 5 basic elements of entire creation) and the 3 doshas as the comprising elements of Ayurveda. During 4000 to 3000 B.C., Samaveda and Yajurveda, the second and third Vedas came into existence. Chants and performance of rituals were the highlight of these two Vedas. The Atharva Veda has numerous hymns lauding herbs. During this period, plants were worshipped as deities

Other early works of Ayurveda include the Charaka Samhita, Susrut Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya.

Charaka Samhita is attributed to Charaka. It is considered to be the most ancient and authoritative writing on Ayurveda available today. It explains the logic and philosophy on which this system of medicine is based. According to Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda has been constantly evaluated, verified and fine-tuned by an active community of physicians. Though the knowledge in Charaka Samhita is mostly theoretical, it focuses on the healing of body, mind and soul. The study of Charaka focused on health and longevity. Charaka carried out a detailed study of the diagnosis of a disease's origin.

Susrata Samhita is considered to be the most authentic text on the practice of Ayurvedic surgery and Susruta has also been regarded as the father of plastic surgery. The Susruta Samhita included minute details on how to perform prosthetic surgery to replace limbs, cosmetic surgeries, cesarean operation, setting of compound fractures and even brain surgery. This text has been inspired from the events of epics like Ramayana which mentions that remarkable feets of surgery have taken place in the past, references have been made to transplantation of head and eyeball in the epic.

Ashtange Hridaya is also considered as one of the origins of Ayurveda. Around 500 A.D., Vagabhatt compiled his 'Samhita' known as Ashtanga Hridaya. It contained knowledge based on two schools of surgery, namely, the school of surgery and school of physicians. This text emphasizes on the physiological aspect of the body rather than spiritual aspects of it.

Over the coming ages, the science of Ayurveda developed during the reigns of prominent kings and empires. Throughout the era of the prominent ruler Chandragupta Maurya, Ayurveda was a part of the conventional Indian healing techniques. It continued to be a part of the medicine till the colonization of British. Chakrapani Dutta, a Vaid Brahman from Bengal also produced books on Ayurveda such as "Chakradutta" among many more.

Ayurveda has been regarded as the science as well as art of life, regardless of the rising adoption of European medical techniques during the British era. There was a period, when the study and practice of Ayurveda had declined considerably with the rise of Western medicine and hospitals. However, in the 1970s, Ayurveda gained the limelight slowly and made a comeback. Presently, Ayurveda is a very popular medicine with Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners thriving all across the country. The production and promotion of Ayurvedic medicine has also risen and today, Ayurvedic medicines are available throughout the globe.

Pain, Injury Should Not Be Part of Backpacks For School

It's Fall and students everywhere are preparing to head back to school. Backpacks for school will be first on the school supply list for many kids. The choices of backpacks for school may seem overwhelming at times. Due to the astounding number of available backpacks and options on the market, it just makes sense to take a few moments and find out what backpacks are the best for your kids.

A properly fitted, well-designed, and durable backpack is going to be the best available choice for avoiding any discomfort, pain, or even possible long-term injury to your child. The experts at the American Physical Therapy Association have been studying backpack for years. Through their research, the APTA has discovered the main things that make a good backpack. Properly designed and well-padded shoulder straps, load stabilizing adjustable straps, a waist belt to place more weight on the hips and off of the shoulders/back, and several internal compartments to divide the load more evenly.

The Experts Say Backpacks May Be Too Heavy

Studies show that most kids are carrying way too much weight in their school backpacks. "Wearing backpacks improperly or ones that are too heavy put children at increased risk for musculoskeletal injuries", said Mary Ann Wilmarth, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, assistant dean and director of transitional doctor of physical therapy degree program, Northeastern University. Wilmarth studied Pre-K through 9th grade students in the Andover, Massachusetts area over a period of time. Her research found that improperly wearing a backpack, or wearing an overloaded backpack had a long-term negative effect on children.

Other studies which were conducted in New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S. reached the same conclusions about backpack weight, improper use, and the negative effects on posture. There needs to be much more research done in order to determine the overall long-term effects on young kid's back, neck, shoulder, and posture.

Correct Backpack Weight is Specific for Each Child

In the past, the American Chiropractic Association, the American Physical Therapy Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have all come forward with backpack recommendations for students, teachers, and parents. All experts agree that backpacks worn improperly or that are simply too heavy may cause damage now and in the future. Some cheap backpacks may cause permanent physical damage to kids that will develop into much more serious problems in their adult years.

The medical professionals who see these type of backpack-related injuries on a regular basis have come up with some very simple guidelines. Typically, a backpack should weigh no more than 15% of a child's total weight. In other words, if your child weighs 120 pounds, the total weight of their school backpack should be no more than 18 pounds. Kids should also be warned about the negative effects of carrying a backpack using only one strap, or in any other improper manner.

How to Get the Right Backpack for Your Child

Don't go for the cheap backpacks typically found in large displays at your local discount retail store. Also, stay away from the celebrity bags that feature the latest motion picture theme or animated character. These backpacks are manufactured for only one reason and that is to get unknowing consumers to buy cheap stuff for way too much money.

Instead, look at some of the backpack manufacturers who have been around for a long time. Companies like L.L. Bean (R), North Face (R), and JanSport (R) have been making top-notch, quality backpacks for many years. These guys really know what they're doing. Look for a simple backpack that has adjustable and padded shoulder straps, load stabilizing straps, and an adjustable waist strap. A good quality backpack can be found for less than $50.

Take some time to research the best backpacks for your child's comfort and long-term health.

How to Find a Trusted Massage Therapy School

If you want to be able to learn this skill and then help others you will need to spend time attending a massage therapy school.

There are probably such training centers in your town. They are now present in most localities as the popularity of massage has increased. To work as a masseur you will need to acquire official authentic certification; without which you would not be able to offer your services.

It is essential to know a little about how to choose a suitable school. This is a slightly longer process today due to the increase in numbers. To start off, try to get as much information relating to the schools in your town.

If it is possible then organize a visit to a few establishments. This will allow you to check out what resources they have as well as meet the staff. Instructors should be happy to discuss the training program with you and address any concerns you may have. Also see if you can speak with past students as they will be able to give you a truer picture.

Not every massage therapy school will offer the same courses. There are many different forms of massage available in this day and age. If you want you could choose a school that trains students in full body massage, Indian, Thai, hot oil, or crystal. Just be certain that if there is a specific type of massage you want to learn that the school you are checking out offers a program that includes such a discipline.

The price of the massage therapy training will also be important. The cost varies depending upon the intensity as well as duration of the program.

Massage Contraindications - Why Some People Cannot Receive a Massage

Massage therapy is a wonderful and beneficial form of holistic health care. Massage can provide stress relief, muscle tension relief, improve circulation, and the list goes on. But massage can be detrimental to your health if you have certain physical conditions, illnesses, or disease. You can also put your therapist at risk of contracting certain illness or disease if you are in a contagious state of health.

The term "massage contraindication" means you are not able to receive massage, or the massage may be limited to certain areas of your body. When you are contraindicated for a massage it is for your health and safety as well as the massage therapists. Not all contraindications mean that you will never be able to have a massage. There are two types of contraindications: local contraindications and absolute contraindications.

Local Contraindications

Local contraindications are conditions involving a pathology related illness/disease or an acute injury. These conditions mean caution must be exercised and the massage must be adapted to the condition. This is to ensure the safety of both the client and the therapist. For the client, the massage must be adjusted as to ensure it will not spread the condition, or further injure the client. For the therapist, it is to ensure the therapist does not contract the disease.

If you have what is determined to be a local contraindication your therapist may require a doctor's release before he will agree to provide you with a massage. While some local contraindications only require that you and your therapist discuss the condition and tailor the massage accordingly. In either case, it is the therapist that will make the final decision as to whether or not you will be able to receive the massage. This is done to protect your health and safety as well as the massage therapist.

A massage may be adjusted for a local contraindication in several ways. It can mean an area is to be avoided, such a the lower leg of a recently sprained ankle. It can require that the pressure be adjusted during the massage. The position in which the client is lying the massage table is adjusted, such as using a side lying position for pregnant women. It can also mean the time allowed for the massage be adjusted.

Some of the more common local contraindications include, but are not limited to: Abnormal lumps, Ance Vulgaris, athlete's foot, blisters, bruises, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Cystitis (Baker's and sebaceous), Decubitus Ulcers, Gouty Arthritis, Graves' Disease, hernia, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, infectious diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, local inflammation, open wounds, Phlebitis, poison ivy - oak - sumac, Shingles, swollen lymph glands, ulcers, unhealed burns (sunburn if not widespread), Varicose Veins, and warts.

The following conditions will require a medical doctors clearance: Acromegaly, Aneurysm, Atherosclerosis, Burns, Cancer, Cerebrovascular accident, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Hemophelia, Hodgkin's Disease, Kidney Stones, Leukemia, Myasthenia Gravis, Nephrosis, Peritonitis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Uremia.

Absolute Contraindications

Absolute contraindications are conditions where you cannot receive a massage. Giving a massage to someone who has an absolute contraindication can result in serious health risks for the client and/or the therapist. Some absolute contraindications can even cause death to the client.

Not all absolute contraindications are permanent; meaning you may have a condition that, once it clears, you can receive a massage. These conditions are typically an illness such as a viral infection. Some conditions are permanent and unfortunately if you have one, you will not be able to receive massage. In either case, as long as the condition is in an acute stage, you will be denied massage therapy.

The following is a list of common, but temporary, absolute contraindications for massage: Chickenpox, Contact Dermatitis (if wide spread), diarrhea (if due to infection), fever, German Measles, Gout (during acute phase), Hepatitis, Hives, High Blood Pressure (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise) Influenza (the flu), lice, Lupus (during a flare up), measles, Mononucleosis (mono), Mumps, Pneumonia, Ringworm, recent injuries or surgeries, Scabies, and Tonsillitis. This list is not definitive, but a list of the more common conditions that are absolute contraindications. These are all temporary conditions that once they have run their course, you can receive a massage.

The following conditions are a permanent condition that will prevent you from receiving a massage. These are serious conditions and if you receive a massage it can cause further health related problems or even death. Your massage therapist must be informed of these conditions. This is one of the reasons you are required fill out a health history form when you enter a professional massage therapists office.

Some common absolute permanent contraindications (this is not a definitive list): Blood Clots, Cirrhosis of the liver, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Embolism, Hypertension (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise), Intestinal obstruction, Kidney failure, Lymphangitis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolism, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Syncope (fainting), and Tuberculosis.

While massage has many benefits certain conditions warrant caution. If you have a condition that has not been listed here, or you are unclear about whether you can receive massage, talk to your massage therapist and you family doctor. They will both be happy to discuss this with you. Remember, if you are turned down for a massage because of a condition you have, it is because the massage therapist has your best health at interest.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Massage Therapy

I've been a massage therapist for over four years now and I've grown accustomed to the raised eyebrows and suppressed chuckles I get from people when I tell them what I do for a living. It's a pity that these people don't know enough about massage therapy and the magical, pleasurable way it can improve their quality of life and overall well-being.

A massage can do wonders when applied properly to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and the like. Therapeutic massage therapy can help greatly in healing injury, relieving psychological stress, managing pain and improving blood circulation.

I guess most people wonder about massage therapy because they don't know what happens behind the closed doors when the curtains go down. In communal settings, massage procedures and techniques are mostly the same. The client is brought to a communal area where he lies down on a massage table, massage chair or on a mattress on the floor. The massage subject is generally unclothed or draped with towels or sheets to keep warm. The massage treatment begins with the client either face up or down for the first part of the session and he rolls over for the second half of the session. The masseuse expertly needs every part of his body, with special emphasis on areas which are tensed up or painful. The customer must be totally relaxed so that the maximum therapeutic benefits can be achieved.

Professional massage therapists are trained to release all the stress and tension in a person's body, freeing him from physical burdens that he may have carried for years without even knowing it. A good massage relaxes the mind as well while a great massage, some people claim, can touch your soul.

Contrary to some misconceptions, a person need not necessarily suffer from a psychological or physical trauma that is manifested in his muscles to benefit from a therapeutic massage. Such a massage is beneficial to most everyone, including those who lack exercise, have poor nutrition and are generally weak and unhealthy.

There are over 150 types of massage therapy which offer their own unique benefits and health- and life-enhancing positives. One need only experience a therapeutic massage once to realize the tremendous benefits that it has to offer.

Massage Therapy and Spa: Enjoy the Power of the Right Touch

Like a woman is expected to be a supermom, a super efficient wife, a loving friend and a knock-out lover, men also have to live up to a host of expectations bombarding them constantly from their workplace, family, relationships and friends. Yet this Superman also needs that private moment when he can enjoy some sensual indulgences in an environment that is not expecting him to 'perform'. All he needs to do is to mentally and physically unwind to get the best out of every moment that he has decided to spend in a premier male centric spa lounge.

'Unwinding' and 'de-stressing' are words we use rather loosely. Ask any man, and he would tell you that to unwind in the truest sense is sometimes more difficult than one would like to believe. Here too you need the right ambience, someone who sets you in the right mood and perhaps heals you with a sensual touch that loosens all those taut nerves. This, as anyone knows is the job best left to skilled masseuses, something that is guaranteed when you opt for massage in Brussels.

Premier male centric spa lounge: what to expect

When you enter a spa exclusively designed to cater to sophisticated and distinguished male clientele, there are two built-in benefits: personal service and attention and secondly professional massages from skilled masseuses who understand every nerve of the male anatomy, like no one else. This is the reason why they can inject so much vitality, energy and positivity into you after each session.

Though many of the massage parlors for men put extra emphasis on sexual arousals, etc., there are some exclusive spa lounges for massage in Brussels where they offer several treatments which are luxurious, indulgent and lavish; here sexual arousals are not the primary focus. You can expect all this without compromising on sensuality, which is the essence of all hand massages.

Luxury massage: you owe it to yourself

You need to completely remove all feelings of guilt if you are spending some quality time trying to pamper yourself. There is nothing selfish about it - as you are not depriving any of your loved one from any pleasure. You have taken the initiative to unwind and leave stress out for a while in your life as you enjoy some of the basic enjoyments that life has to offer. It is time you did something wonderful for yourself. As the expert hands of the master masseuse touch you gently, your body surrenders to the sensual pleasure and your mind is completely at ease with the world. As they say, the right touch can be more sensually arousing than indulging in any sexual act.

What kind of personal service does these lounges provide

Over and above, providing you with the near-perfect ambience including clean and tasteful interior d矇cor, private parking facility some of these luxury spa lounges for men also help you with classy hotel accommodation, escort service for dining and enjoying the nightlife in Brussels and more. You would be attended by professional masseuses who are certified therapists and are thorough with the principles and practices of a range of massages including sensual massage, Swedish and Candle massage, Tantric and relaxing massage and more.

Some of the other types of body pampering techniques include sea shell sensation, Tuina touch therapy, spa manicure, etc.

Physical Therapy Billing News: ICD-10 Codes Are Coming - Are You Ready?

Are you ready for the new HIPAA 5010 Requirements and ICD-10 Coding standards that are quickly approaching?

For those of you that who handle medical claims, you are probably aware of the many changes that we will soon be facing in the medical billing industry. With the first deadline of January 1, 2012 right around the corner, it is imperative that you are prepared for the new HIPAA 5010 requirements. If you are not aware of what I am referring to, please let me explain - In the near future, a federal mandate is going to require that clearinghouses, billing vendors, health plans and health care providers use a new set of coding standards in regards to electronic transactions. These transactions will include claim submission, remittance, eligibility, and claim status. So what does this mean for you and your practice? I highly suggest that you start by contacting your clearinghouse and billing software company to confirm that they are preparing for this change. It is also important to find out if it is going to be necessary for you to upgrade your software and if you will be required to submit claims for testing. What is the purpose of this upgrade? The ultimate reason for this upgrade is to prepare for the MASSIVE change in the billing process that is going to occur on October 1, 2013. I know that this seems like it is a distant date but I highly encourage you to do your research in order to fully grasp the extent of this change and understand why it is important to start preparing now.

The standard ICD-9 codes that have been used for over 30+ years by physicians, physical therapist, and other healthcare providers will soon become obsolete. The new ICD-10 coding system is not an upgrade but rather a 100% replacement for what has been used for decades.

To help you better understand; below are a few key points about what the new ICD-10 codes will look like:

a.) ICD-10 codes will consist of 3-7 characters

b.) ICD-10 will consist of 21 chapters

c.) ICD-10 will all begin with an alpha prefix

d.) ICD-10 will contain 5 times the amount of codes that ICD-9 codes did

e.) ICD-10 codes will show laterality (which side of the body)

f.) 8 Chapters of the ICD-10 codes will REQUIRE a 7th digit

g.) ICD-10 codes will consist of category, etiology, anatomic site, severity, extension

h.) ICD-10 codes will consist of placeholders "x", that will hold positions for future expansion

In order to demonstrate just how complex and detailed the new ICD-10 coding will be in comparison to the current coding system, I have included an example of how to build a full code under the new regulations below:

S52. - Fracture of Forearm

S52.5 - Fracture of lower end of radius

S52.52 - Torus Fracture of lower end of radius

S52.521 - Torus Fracture of lower end of right radius

S52.521A - Torus Fracture of lower end of right radius, initial encounter

As you can imagine, this coding overhaul is going to result in extensive training in order to get medical providers and billing coders up to speed on the new ICD-10 system. Although October 1, 2013 is over two years away, I believe that the severity of this change is so great that it is important to start educating and training now in order for you to be fully prepared for the ICD-10 standards.

The 5 Best American Colleges for a Career in Massage Therapy

The U.S. News and World Report lists Massage Therapist as one of the Best Jobs of 2012, under the Healthcare Category. It is a fact that there are innumerable massage therapy colleges mushrooming across America as a large number of people become more and more interested in a career in massage therapy. You can certainly find massage therapist schools in almost every state, each offering different kinds of courses and training programs so that you become highly specialized and can begin to grow a long client list.

If you are planning to select massage as your career path, then you may be wondering about the coursework and the degrees that offered by most massage therapist colleges. It is always smart to research the best massage therapy schools to determine which will provide you with the necessary opportunity to excel and bloom in this field.

Top Medical Therapy Colleges in America: Taking Your Career to the Next Level

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is a top choice for the student looking to jump-start their career in massage therapy. It is a private college located in Tempe, Arizona and is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). The main aim of the college is to provide quality professional education to their students so they can not only grow, but also successfully heal the body and soul of their clients. The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts students can acquire degrees and diplomas by enrolling themselves in the following programs:

1. Professional Massage Practitioner

2. Advanced Bodywork Practitioner

3. Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

4. Western Herbalist

5. Master Massage Practitioner

6. Spa Management and Leadership

7. Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

8. 600 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

9. Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapist

National Massage Therapy Institute

It is located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and is renowned as one of the best training programs offering hands-on education to its students. It also has branches in multiple locations in the area such as Northeast Philadelphia, PA; Egg Harbor Township/Atlantic City, NJ; Falls Church, VA; and Wilmington, DE. Here you can attend evening, day or weekend classes. The best thing that National Massage Therapy Institute offers is placement in local salons, gyms and orthopedic offices. This provides students with real world experience and a helping hand in getting their first job.

National Holistic Institute

National Holistic Institute is one of the most respected massage therapy schools in America, providing the finest professional training to its students. Located in Emeryville California it may be the perfect choice for students to acquaint themselves with excellent massage techniques. The college offers the unique Core 900 Hour Massage Therapist Training Program that helps their students to learn best-practices and techniques and most importantly keep pace with the rapidly growing/changing massage therapy industry.

Cortiva Institute

The campus of Cortiva Institute is located in various locations of the United States like Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Washington, New Jersey, Florida and so on. If you enroll in this college, then you will certainly benefit from the host of other benefits such as exclusive online job boards, financial aid assistance, affordable tuition and job placement assistance. The college provides various kinds of in-depth massage therapist programs to its students, including:

1. Neuromuscular Therapy

2. Swedish Therapeutic Massage

3. Hydrotherapy

4. Sports Massage

5. Myofascial Therapy

The Soma Institute

The Soma Institute is a very popular university with students looking to become successful massage therapists. It is located in Chicago, Illinois and notably has the highest placement rate for student graduates. Students can enroll for a diploma by attending a 750-hour clinical massage program and a 300-hour master clinical massage therapy diploma program.

It is important that you choose a top massage therapy school so your career starts with the proper skills and the best education; then you can move into the profitable and exciting career of massage therapy and help your clients to work out the kinks of their tiring and hectic lives.

Massage Tables - Essential Furniture of Massage Therapists

Although massage chairs continue to be a popular option among massage therapists, massage tables are the standard operating tool. Not only are they the most comfortable surface for clients, but they offer a massage therapist a greater range of movement and grant access to almost all the major muscle groups.

Types of Massage Tables

Most massage tables are designed to accommodate different massage techniques. Adjustable and removable parts (typically in the upper torso region for sitting up, the leg region for creating a recliner-like seat, or in the abdomen area to make room for pregnant clients) are offered in a variety of combinations, depending on which model is used. For example, if you often perform leg and foot massages, you might benefit from a table with a lowered foot rest, which will allow you to be seated while you work.

Other massage table options include:

o "Wet" massage tables, which can undergo heavy humidity or even water treatments for spa use.

o Facial massage tables, with raised platform to grant massage therapists easy access to the head area.

o Flat-top massage tables, which are typically sturdy in structure and add a visual appeal to a spa or parlor.

o Shiatsu massage tables, with an additional expandable platform for the massage therapist to kneel.

o Portable massage tables, which fold up much like massage chairs for easy transportation.

Most massage therapists only need to invest in one type of massage table depending on their primary focus. For example, a pregnancy massage specialist can use prenatal massage table with removable panels. In this way, the table provides a flat surface for regular clients, but the panels can be removed for use with expectant mothers. Because the table will be covered with a sheet during use, most clients will never even know the difference.

How to Choose the Right Massage Table

When choosing a massage table, it is important to keep an eye to your unique business. Do you work at a single facility, or will you be traveling to client locations? Do you need a specialty table for your particular type of massage therapy, or will a standard table be sufficient? How you run your business will be the primary influence on the choice you make.

Another quality to consider in a massage table includes the thickness of the padding you want to use. Plush padding feels great for clients, but it typically has to be replaced more often and is not used for sports massage. Thick, more durable foam will stand up to wear and tear, but it may come at the sacrifice of comfort.

The composition of the table's base is a consideration, as well. Hard woods (like maple) tend to hold more weight and are very durable, but they are also more costly. You might be able to get away with an eco-friendly bamboo frame or a lightweight aluminum, but excessive force on your part or a heavier client might reduce its overall strength.

Additional Massage Table Considerations

Although clients' shapes and sizes vary, most tables are able to accommodate just about everyone. However, as with most things, there are few exceptions to this. For example, portable tables, which are typically composed of a lightweight metal, may have weight and/or height restrictions. To get around this, it is best to look for tables that have "cable-lock" systems to provide additional weight support as well as the ability to withstand rocking or excessive movement.

In addition to client size, massage therapist size is also a factor. Most massage tables come in a variety of widths. While wider tables typically provide more comfort to clients, a massage therapist who is shorter than 5'4" might have a difficult time reaching all the way across a 32-inch table. As a general rule, the height of the table should never exceed the massage therapist's hip area. A table that can be raised or lowered with hydraulics or an electric component might provide an ideal solution for massage offices with more than one practitioner.

Keeping Massage Tables Clean

No matter what kind of massage table you use, the primary concern for most clients and massage therapists is how to keep a massage table sanitary for repeated use. Most of the time, tables should be cleaned with some sort of mild, non-abrasive solution that doesn't contain any harsh additives or allergens. Specialty massage table cleaners are often best, since they remove any massage oils from the surface and provide great hygiene without adding any chemicals that might not be beneficial to clients with sensitive skin.

Because repeated cleaning can be tough on surfaces, today's massage tables typically offer a higher-quality padding and padding cover than was used in the past. They also offer more variety than ever before in terms of the materials they are made of, their adjustable parts, and even how nice they look in a spa setting. No matter where you work or what type of massage you practice, there is a table perfect for you - and your clients.

Treating Anxiety in Dogs

Just as in people, when pets have anxiety it can cause them to become depressed. If your dogs depressed it could be that he/she is worried or concerned about something going on in your household. Many different situations can cause your pet to get tense. Dogs like small children like their routine. If anything changes in their daily lives it can upset them. A new person in the home can bother them even if it is a happy thing for you. A change in your routine can be very disruptive for your dog. I remember when I started back to school my dog chewed a large hole in the wall because she wasn't used to me being gone all day.

Vets have reported that massage therapy has been very helpful in reducing anxiety in dogs and helpful when your dogs depressed. There is good scientific evidence on the success of using massage therapy to relieve anxiety in dogs. Good scientific evidence means controlled studies were done at reputable universities by qualified professionals.

In 2002, Michael Hennessy, PhD, a psychology professor at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, was able to show that pet massage reduced anxiety levels in a test group of 40 shelter dogs.

Cortisal is sometimes called "the stress hormone" because it's secreted in higher levels when your body is stressed. This first study measured cortisol levels in dogs who had been receiving massage as compared to dogs that did not receive the massages. After eight weeks, blood tests assessing cortisol levels showed that dogs receiving regular touch and massage had significantly lower stress levels than dogs who did not receive the treatment.

Massage is defined as deep massage, along with very soothing talk. Deep massage is different from just petting your dog. Massage uses touch focused on various areas of your pet's body.

In a 2001 study by Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga, DVM PhD, of the Radboud University Niijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands pet massage was also found to be an effective cure for anxiety in dogs.

In this case researchers were conducting a study on blood pressure regulation and were concerned that high variation of sodium levels in urine samples taken from laboratory Beagles could possibly confuse the results of research on blood pressure regulation. The researchers thought that the changing sodium levels were related to stress. When the dogs received massage therapy the sodium level variation decreased.

In addition to reducing anxiety and helping if your dogs depressed massage therapy can help increase circulation, reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility.

So if it seems your dogs depressed it may caused by something that is causing your pet be afraid or worried. You might try deep massage and using a soothing tone of voice to relax them. You might also want to add a natural anxiety reducing supplement to help your pet relax..

Sports Massage 101 - Best Benefits of Sports Massage

Massage therapy is popularly known to reduce anxiety, tension, and pain. And yes, it just feels good, right? Massage's potential is so much greater than being just relaxing. Athletes often require this kind of therapy in order to complete their training regime as well as improve their performance. "Sports massage" is a specific branch of the overall world of sports medicine. Specific techniques utilize deep muscle manipulation that aid in the elimination of toxins in the muscle tissue. These techniques fall somewhere between Shiatsu and Swedish styles of massage. Sports massage falls into two categories: pre-event or post-even massage.

For those receiving pre-event treatment, it's best to keep to within two days of the sports event. The idea is to stimulate nutrient and blood flow to the muscle tissue. Physiological relaxation is a side effect of massage, encouraging mental confidence as well. Pre-event massage often has the effect of improving warm-ups, stretching and manipulating muscles. This improves circulation, which can reduce chances of injury.

Post-performance massage is a bit different, in that it is fast and direct. It lasts 10 - 15 minutes on average, and focuses right on particular areas affected by the sport in question. Compression techniques are the primary techniques of use, with compressive and petrissage techniques as well. The intention is that muscle tension is ease, and muscle recovery speeds up with fewer muscle spasms. The goal is to achieve full range of motion as soon as possible. It's common that serious sports teams retain an on-site chair masseuse to make sure sports massage can happen as needed during competition.

Like all massage, sports massage incorporates the physical, psychological, and physiological to achieve system balance. With massage for pain management, it's pretty easy to see where the physical effects come from; however, there are other benefits as well. Lactic acid and other waste is ferreted more quickly out of the system, and massage promotes improved circulation. Scare tissues break down faster, and athletes see an improvement in muscle elasticity. Then, people see increased blood flow to various muscles.

Sports massage has great benefits for serious athletes looking for that "something extra." Pre and post massage techniques each encourage different benefits. Massage therapists help athletes reduce their chances of injury, increase muscle elasticity, and reduce the time to recovery. Massage therapy will benefit any sports training routine. Check with your trainers and your massage therapist to bring massage into your regular exercise routine.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Natural Migraine Relief From Massage Therapy

Many people are now gaining incredible natural migraine relief from regular massage therapy. The pain, hassle and disturbance that can be caused in your life from severe headaches and migraines is a real problem for millions of people around the world. Around 10% of the population are affected with this debilitating pain.

Massage therapy can help and be very effective, very quickly. Many people's migraines are caused by muscular pressure in the upper part of the neck and at the base of the skull. This tension can be the direct cause of pain.

Once the tension is released through massage, much of the pain can stop.

Obviously it is important to see a qualified massage therapist, chiropractor or physiotherapist as untrained hands could do more damage than good in the long run. Of course gentle manipulation of the muscles by yourself should not cause you any harm as you can feel what works, hurts and what doesn't making self mass largely safe.

Some people experience pain relief after just one visit to a massage therapist, whilst others may need to go more regularly or several times before migraines cease to develop.

There are also many other health benefits associated with massage. Circulation is improved and people's complexion can benefit as a result as well as general health. Many minor muscular injuries can also be improved with the correct technique, not to mention how relaxing and revitalising a deep tissue massage can be for even the fittest and healthiest of people.

As a method for natural migraine relief, massage therapy is something that should definitely be explored.

The Benefits of Using Massage Chairs

Massages are as popular today as they have ever been. However, these days, you can pick lots of options on how your massage can be done, including whether it is done by human beings or machines.

Lots of individuals use massage to relax themselves especially after work. Massage is known to be the simplest type of remedial care and it's very effective in relieving pain. Massage therapy is the use of touch to work on with muscles and soft tissues in a person's body. It's being performed for several reasons together with the treatment of painful ailments, reducing stress, decompressing an overworked muscles, rehabilitating injuries commonly to sports injuries as well as promoting overall health.

Most clients seek massage often because of its remedial benefits and the relaxation it gives. Though there are lots of massage therapists, but some people prefer instead to own a massage chair. Massage chairs are becoming popular because it can give various kind of massage that some massage therapist can't give.

Almost all individuals would like to have an everyday massage and going to massage center or hiring massage therapist can be costly and not all individuals can afford it. In such cases, the best solution is to own a massage chair. These chairs are made from many different manufacturers throughout the world, and come in a wide variety of price ranges. They are also increasingly energy efficient and most models do not need lots of electrical power anymore.

Many people are very happy to have this modern day convenience in their home. Although they may seem to cost a lot up front, in the end they can actually save you a lot of money when compared to seeing a human therapist on a regular schedule. You can use the money that you may have previously used on paying for your massage sessions on other necessary things instead after you have purchased your chair.

But not only can they save you money - they are also very convenient to use. You will be able to use your own chair anytime you feel the need for a massage. You can use your massage chair while watching TV, reading magazines or books, drinking coffee or even talking with friends or family on the phone. Instead of spending time commuting back and forth from the massage center, you can use that time on other important things.

Another thing many individuals prefer regarding using chairs is the level of privacy it allows. Lots of individuals do not want to be naked together with their therapist and some individuals feel uncomfortable going to massage center. If you are this kind of person, then a massage chair suit you best. Owning a massage chair allows you to massage your body at home in a private and comfortable surrounding.

Grow Taller Quickly - Using Deep Breathing and Massaging To Grow Taller

There are numerous amounts of methods that you can go through to help you grow taller. You just need to know which methods to use and how to use them properly so that you can take full advantage of it. Two methods that you may not be aware of are deep breathing and massaging, these may sound simple and unusual but they are in fact very effective to reach your goals.

To grow taller you have to follow a sort of process, you must eat the correct foods, have a full 8 hours of sleep, perform the right stretches and exercises that are targeted to help you towards your goal. These parts of the process are understandable to reaching your goal and when you think of deep breathing and massaging you probably think that they won't help at all since they don't target the focal points of your body. However, these two methods help by stimulating the hormones (including the human growth hormone) that are found in your body to work double the time!

Deep Breathing To Grow

Deep breathing can be incorporated with your growing taller exercises to help you reap the full benefits. What it does is brings more oxygen into your body which means you have more oxygenated blood which helps increase the amount of hormones distributed to different areas of your body.

Accompanying your stretches and exercises with deep breathing exercises will help you more than just doing them by themselves. What you want to do when breathing is to focus on breathing in deeply, holding your breath for a few seconds and then exhaling.

Massaging To Grow

Massaging is a great way to relax the body, get blood flowing and also to release hormones throughout the body. There are certain points on the body that when massaged produce certain effects that can be beneficial for many individuals.

There are two reflex points that you want to focus on which are located in the thumb pad and also through the whole neck. When rubbed in a clockwise direction you can help increase the production of your human growth hormones to help you grow taller quickly.

Massage School - Massage Therapy Training As a Vehicle For Spiritual Awakening

As a professional training school for massage therapists, we recognize the amazing spiritual potential inherent in the body and the potency of massage therapy as an arena for the transformation of the entire being. As we progress in our exploration of working with others, we discover the inseparability of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. As we coax the muscles to soften with massage, we allow more breath, life and energy to flow through the body.

Emotions that were suppressed by the contraction of the musculature resurface and become available to consciousness for transformation. Physical relaxation can be sustained and stabilized only with the corresponding emotional integration required to tolerate increased feeling.

Massage therapists can be trained to alleviate stress, tension and physical discomfort, as well as to elicit remembrance of the pristine, untouched essence of the individual residing within the body. Students can learn to help clients remember the sacredness of who they really are, beneath the pain, tension, thoughts, emotions and changing drama of their lives.

The first aspect of a Massage Therapist's training is to acquire skill. It is essential to thoroughly master a repertoire of bodywork techniques to adeptly address a variety of situations with creative expertise and confidence. A second and equally important component of education is the commitment to self -transformation on the part the practitioner.

Knowing that it's only possible to share with others that which one has integrated within oneself, we recognize massage as an ongoing spiritual journey. The practice of massage becomes an increasingly exquisite way to reconnect with the sacred.

Our intention is to teach massage therapists to tune the subtle instrument of themselves. Students learn to become unwaveringly present, bringing the power of the infinite through their hands. They learn to love compassion, acknowledging the essential Divinity and innocence of another without denying or "taking on" their discomfort.

They develop the intuition to catapult their skills beyond the limits of technique.

They transmit with their presence an invitation to a deeper encounter with life, a trust and delight in the sacred unknowable unfoldment of each moment, gleaned from the palpable integration of their own inner work. Ultimately, they cultivate the ability to just BE with another person. Not to fix, heal, alter, advise or rescue them, but simply to be present and provide a safe space in which they can rediscover themselves.

All of these qualities are cultivatable and indispensable in the training of a professional massage therapist. If you are considering a career in bodywork or healing, be sure your training provides you with a strong holistic foundation on which to build a lifetime of fulfilling work.

Everything You Need to Know About the Massage Therapy Industry

Last week we taught you everything you need to know about going to a massage therapy institute. This week we will focus on everything you need to know about the massage therapy industry.

After your proper schooling and once you acquire certification, the best place to start looking for employment is a part-time job at a spa or hospital. There are few opportunities for advancement, but managing the office you work in is good experience in the long-run for ultimately beginning your own business. Creating relationships with patients is very important because building up a clientele is necessary in order to start a private practice, where earnings will be highest.

Forbes magazine pointed out, in an article from 2006, that many hospitals are initiating massage programs and more doctors are recommending massage treatment. As a result, many insurance companies have begun to include massage in their coverage. Because of its rising popularity, many companies are even beginning to offer workplace massages in an effort to be more employee-friendly.

You'll also probably wonder what salaries are like. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the median wage of massage therapists is $16.78 per hour. Annual salaries vary significantly because many therapists work only part-time.

Considering all of the points discussed so far it is easy to appreciate the expectation that employment in massage therapy will grow faster than average for all occupations through 2018. As such, the applications and enrollment at massage schools and massage therapy institutes are expected to rise across the country. So don't wait any longer and find the right massage school so you can start your career!

A Deep Tissue Massage For Your Heart - A Hearticle For You In Self Mastery of Inner Relaxation

If you have ever received a therapeutic massage, you already know the benefits of massage therapy for your body and for your mind. When most people come to me to receive a massage they mention wanting relaxation of tight, sore muscles. In addition, clients always mention wanting stress relief.

We massage therapists know that massaging away tightness and pain always helps with stress relief, because there is a link between pain relief and stress relief.

The most common 'tight muscle' request for massage in my massage practice is massage for back pain and massage for neck and shoulder pain. I get requests for other areas too. However neck, shoulder and back massage are my most common requests from clients. Massage therapists are skilled at helping muscles relax and release using many different types of massage therapy.

Yet what most people are not aware of is there is one huge muscle in the body that cannot be directly physically reached by a massage therapist. This muscle is profoundly affected (like other muscles) by stress, pain, repetitive use, emotional trauma.

This is the heart muscle. Say hi to your heart.

Your heart is a huge muscle in your body. It gets sore and tight too from being stressed out and always on the go. In fact the heart muscle is very much connected to the link between our mind and body. Just think about how your heart feels when you are stressed out. There can be a pinching feeling there, or a binding feeling, or a clenched feeling. When the heart muscle is tight it limits blood flow to the rest of body which can result in lower energy levels, fatigue, pain, and soreness.

Unlike other muscles in the body, the heart cannot be physical touched or massaged in the same way the shoulders muscle can. This is because the ribcage protects the heart and lungs. However the heart is deeply affected and benefits greatly from massage therapy, but on a more subtle level. The heart just like other muscles in our body relaxes in synergy with our other muscles as they relax too. The whole body/mind is connected in one fabric of awareness, so when we affect one area of the body we affect the rest of the body as well.

Yet sometimes the heart muscle is so bound up and tight from inner stress that no amount of 'outer' massage or deep tissue massage will help it relax. This is where self meditation, self breathing and mind/body awareness really come into play for everyone.

It is possible to see inside of yourself and feel into the tightness, pain in your heart. Once you are in that pain or tight area of your heart, the best way to give yourself an inner massage is to use your breath to massage yourself into relaxation. Your breathing and breath carries a conscious energy. This conscious energy can be directed to the heart muscle and that energy can be used to softly massage your heart into relaxation. The heart responds to the breath energy massaging it. All from the inside out. In fact many times as you us breath meditation to help the heart release and soften,the tight sore muscles of your back, neck and shoulders will release and soften as well. That's stress relief from the inside out. That is the total mind/body connection as well. As the heart is released and relaxed, blood flows more freely to rest of the body resulting in more energy, less pain, and the lovely feel good hormone flooding our body with bliss.

You know your heart is relaxed and releasing, when you can breath deeper, when your chest and heart area feels light and free. When you have that feeling of peace and serenity in the chest and heart space region.

Like I said as massage therapists, we can affect the hearts of our clients with our intention and presence for helping the whole body relax through our massage techniques. Yet the deepest massage comes from within. The deep tissue massage of the heart comes from our own internal relaxation to our own energy space of our own heart.

I am a yoga instructor and Massage Therapist in Redding, CA and I teach these self awareness and self meditation techniques to my clients all the time. In fact, this "Hearticle" is also a yoga for beginners article because the first step in learning beginning yoga is becoming deeply aware of your how your body is connected to your thoughts. This deeper synergistic link is what most people are searching for in wanting stress relief in yoga poses. So the first step in my massage practice is to give each client a mini yoga class on how to meditate into their heart. Can you meditate in yours and use your breath for the internal massage of your heart? I bet you can...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do We Still Need Massage Therapists Now That Massage Chairs Are Around?

When people discovered the healing art of massage, there were no high-tech and advanced massage chairs yet. Human touch was the only way to provide massage to a certain individual who wants to rest and relax. Then after some time, some people were able to discover several massage techniques like reflexology, deep tissue massage, shiatsu and many more. These techniques actually originated in different countries and it is on the way the therapist applies pressure on the body that makes the techniques different from each other. Therapists were doing a great job because an increasing number of people realized that massage is really an effective way to reduce stress, tension, depression and more. Through massage, they can set their minds at peace and completely relax. Then different types of massage equipments, particularly massage chairs, came into the scene.

At first, these so-called massage equipments were only used to help the therapists perform their job even better. But due to rapid technology advancement, there are massage chairs available now that are able to perform some of the most popular massage techniques. Many people even prefer to use these chairs instead of going to spa and health clubs for massage. This is because if they purchase a chair, they can use it anytime they want in the comfort of their own home. So even if they do not have much time to spare, they can still enjoy the soothing and relaxing effect of massage. Some chairs even come with really fun features like an MP3 player that can make your relaxation more worthwhile.

Because these chairs seem to be so good, is there still a need for a therapist or the massage job can be turned over to the chair? This is among the many questions that some people have in my mind because of the presence of sophisticated and advanced massage chairs. Do these chairs provide the same quality of massage that therapists do? Well, basically even with the presence of these chairs, therapists are still needed. There are still people who prefer to get massage from human than a machine. These chairs do not provide the same massage quality but it is close enough. Therapists undergo series of trainings that includes some breathing techniques and many more. This is definitely impossible with a chair. And of course, it has been said that the healing process of injuries is faster when the massage is done by a human because of the gentle manipulation of the tissue.

Therefore, the need for professional massage therapists was never eliminated even if there are so many types of high-tech massage equipments out there. But of course, the decision to whether purchase a massage chair or get a massage from a therapist solely depends on you. If you want something natural, then you can consider visiting a spa or you want a good alternative, then you can consider the chair. But of course, you should remember that no matter how advance the equipment is, there are still some things that only humans can do.

A Therapist's Guide To Massage and Spa Etiquette

1. Can I fart during treatments? My initial understanding of this question was yes. After all there is a lot going on during a massage treatment with pressure being applied in all directions so breaking wind can be a natural bodily expression. Silent would be nice but loud can be quite frequent. So I would have said yes. Unfortunately my clients find me farting during an appointment very inappropriate no matter how hard I am working. So if I can't fart, neither can you.

2. Is there sex available during my spa visit? The answer should be categorically NO but the truth is a little more complex. Understand this - you will never get sex with the therapist. Stopping couples having sex is a little more difficult. Our spa says inappropriate action will cause expulsion yet the loud moaning coming from the dual hydro spa is not the sounds usually representative of a welcome jet of water massaging the feet or back. Even worse they never pull the plug out afterwards and some poor schmuck has to put their hand in there and pull it out. I have even had a couple doing a knee-trembler against the door blocking me from re-entering the treatment room. Once again if I can't have sex during treatments, neither can you.

3. If I am late can you move the appointment time for me? Simple answer is No. You have made an appointment time well in advance knowing to arrive 15 minutes before the booking but because of your tardiness I have to work free overtime and every client after you will have to wait making me look tardy instead. I respect my clients far too much to start late for them so if you don't respect me enough to arrive on time that is your choice. "But it wasn't my fault!" No matter what the reason, you have booked for a particular time and are responsible for it. If you arrive late at a movie would you expect them to restart it or would you expect a plane to return for you because you had a bad day. Of course not so enjoy what time you have left of your appointment and be happy you got there at all. If I have to be there, so do you.

4. Is nudity appropriate during a treatment? Although it can get very hot during a treatment causing discomfort, sweating and deep breathing I find as a therapist it is more appropriate to keep my clothes on. Whether male or female, your dangly bits are sure to make contact with the client at some point and this is only going to cause embarrassment and grief. As far as the clients go briefs should be the minimum requirement. You might think you have a lovely crotch but I probably won't and furthermore I don't need the distraction during a treatment. So if I can't get naked, neither can you.

It doesn't take a genius to see running a spa is a complicated business but experience has shown me the stricter the rules the better it runs. Make no exceptions to your rules and life in a spa is easy.

Physical Therapy Career - Is It Good for You?

A man is physically and mentally efficient only if all his faculties are functioning at peak levels. Sometimes physical therapy becomes both pertinent and imperative to stimulate these functions in a man. Considered part of health care, physical therapy, in many cases, helps a man to recover his movements, balance and full functionality, from problems due to the environment, illness injury or age. Several human ailments like arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and sciatica, besides bone and muscle problems, have found great relief from the use of Physical therapy. The therapy has helped the sufferers to enjoy a healthier standard of living. As a result, a Physical therapy career is showing rapid growth.

The ever-growing numbers of people suffering from the above ailments has given a fillip to the people in the realm of physical therapy, known as Physical Therapists or Physiotherapists, a great opportunity to advance their career and enjoy more handsome remuneration. The ongoing and continuous research on this subject is turning the focus more towards prevention and treatment rather than treatment through medication, and helps to encourage the afflicted persons to move towards a better and more hopeful tomorrow.

Physical therapists work on emotional, psychological, physical, and the social aspects of the human being, with regard to treatment, involvement, prevention, promotion and rehabilitation of potential body movements. Current estimate of physical therapy jobs in the US (2011-2012) is around 200,000 and counting, and their salaries range from around $53,000 to $107,000 per annum.

Though some countries do not insist on academic certification for physical therapists, most developed and emerging countries today are resolute for the need of formal education and experience. Most potential physical therapists would have had their grounding in areas such as Physics, Chemistry or Biology and would have specialized in therapeutic procedures, biomechanics, etc. The USA, for example, will employ only graduate physical therapists with a master's or a doctor's degree in some area of specialization.

Professional physical therapists have necessarily to pass state and federal exams to qualify for practicing their vocation. Many of the states in the US require them to continue passing periodical exams to keep their practitioner's license valid. In fact, this is extremely beneficial for the practitioner to update his knowledge of the latest techniques resulting from the continuous and ongoing research on the subject. Smart physical therapists can thus provide the best possible treatment to his patients and create that aura of credibility among their present and potential clients.

Physical therapists have a bright future in front of them and can work in several areas ranging from Home health, nursing, General medicine and surgery and physical and speech therapies and even in the clinics of physicians. Their career is on an upswing and salaries are on a fast rising curve.

Massage School Can Be Very Therapeutic For You

I attended a great massage school in the state of Arizona. I say it like that because I now live in Costa Rica with my own massage school. I say it was a great school because I thought I had the greatest teachers and the managers, who were a husband and wife team, took a personal interest in our lives. My fellow students, David and Terri were great people and we shared our lives together for those eight short months, although those months seemed like an eternity mid-way through the program. David and Terri gave some great massages. Other students came and went. Each one touched my life in some way.

I guess I'm writing this article to keep those memories alive.

There was intimacy. After all you are baring your naked body to another person whom you don't know. There is also the intimacy that develops because of the bonding that develops between each other. You learn trust. You learn boundaries. You learn to respect that other person's feelings and lifestyle. Most of all, you learn about yourself. You learn about your strengths as well as your weaknesses. In spite of all this, if your intentions are good you evolve into a professional who strictly adheres to a code of ethics that demonstrates honor and respect for another human being.

Those eight months were not easy. I went to class after working all day at my job selling stamps and delivering packages. The last thing I wanted to do was to spend four hours attending classes after work. I was in my 40's at the time. All I wanted to do was go home but I wanted to do something more with my life. I wanted to touch people's lives in a positive way and I wanted to feel like I was appreciated.

Selling stamps and delivering packages is a great service. But I never felt appreciated for it. I was like a cipher in the snow, a face with no name.

Those months spent in student clinics were some of the best moments in my training. I worked on a client who was prone to seizures, one who brought in her own oil, a few who had shoulder issues, an athlete who was looking for recovery, construction workers whose muscles screamed for relief, and the elderly who just wanted a gentle and kind touch; the kind of touch that lets them know that someone else cares. There were many others too numerous to mention and each one was so thankful for my touch.

I have been a therapist for some years now and developed into a good one at that. I have appreciated the many compliments and the satisfaction I get from making a difference in my clients' health.

Great things happened to the three of us.

David went on to college to major in psychology. Terri quit her full-time job and started a private practice. And I started a massage school. That must say something about the quality of training that we received.

It seems everywhere I go I meet other massage therapists who love their careers. I have met therapists who lived in Jamaica, Costa Rica and Hawaii. Massage therapists who work in resorts, private practices and spas. They talk about their experiences and share one thing in common - their love of massage.

You see, massage is as therapeutic for the giver as it is for the receiver. Studies are being conducted on the benefits of giving massage. Some of those studies have shown some healthy changes physiologically. Some massage therapists have reported meditative qualities like a moving meditation. It is no wonder that quite a number of massage therapists are also doing other bodywork practices i.e. yoga, tai chi, chi gung and meditation.

My life has been different because of massage school. It was, has been, and continues to be in all sense of the word -therapeutic.

The Requirements to Teach Physical Education - PE Teacher Requirements

The requirements to teach Physical Education in the United States are, first and foremost, an accomplished four years bachelor degree in athletic training and physical education, or something equivalent. You must also be physically fit and able to demonstrate application of theories. A background of athletic sports is an advantage and good communication skills are essential. A Physical Education teacher is responsible for ensuring physical fitness and health in the curriculum by exercise, sports, and other activities. One is not merely a gym supervisor but also knowledgeable in nutrition. Not only are PE teachers responsible for physical activities, but also for teaching health and nutrition in a classroom setting.

There are a variety of degree options that an aspiring PE Teacher can choose from including BS in Heath Science, BS in Health and Wellness, Master of Public Heath, Master of Healthcare Administration, and more. Some courses you might see in college are Physical Education Theory, Theories of Sport Pedagogy, Team Sports, Individual Sports, General Teaching Methods, Human Development and Physical Education Classes for the Physically Impaired.

The salaries for PE teachers are on par with other teacher with salary averages ranging from $33,000 to $51,000 per year. But this will highly depend on the state where you will be teaching. For example, according to the Indiana University website, the annual average income of a Physical Education teacher at a middle school level is at around $24,700 with health-care and retirement benefits.

Physical education subjects do not demand an excessive amount of physical work anymore. Rather, the goal of the PE department should be to promote physical fitness and help students commit to a lifelong healthy habits and activities. Teaching PE also involves coaching, physical therapy, personal training and professional athletics. Furthermore, medical and health related professions may also be accepted. Another abstract that is highly recommended by schools is staying fit. This is to inspire students to stay healthy by making a role model for them. Sports are also other examples of expanded horizons for a Physical Education teacher. As a PE teacher you might be expected to be capable of training and working with student team athletes on different strategic approaches. The PE teacher is also often looked to be involved as a coach in sports they specialize in. Physical education teachers are responsible for not only the PE subject alone but also the overall athletic physical fitness elements in a school's curriculum.

A good and qualified Physical Education teacher, coach, or instructor must always be an advocate of health both inside and out. This includes hygiene, general heath, exercising, nutrition, and more. Not only should the student see a PE teacher as a healthy model, but also someone who is sincerely devoted and committed to holistic health. These professionals extend their knowledge and apply their wisdom outside the boundaries of gym exercises and protein shakes. They must inspire and encourage their students to stay healthy and commit to changes that will allow then to live healthy and active lives.

Five Styles of Massage Therapy

Within the province of Ontario there are a number of recognized kinds of massage therapy. If we had to create a list of the five popular and profitable from a massage therapists point of view what would make the list? Here are the five in no particular order.

1. Sports

Considered one of the fastest growing areas of practice in Ontario and Canada as a whole, sports massage focus' on training for athletic performance and recovery. This style isn't limited to the pro's however, many athletes across the province, whether they be professional hockey players or weekend golfers, can benefit sports massage.

2. Relaxation and Stress Reduction

This would have to still be considered the most popular massage in the province. This style is practiced at spas, resorts, client's homes and business offices. You could also consider this a wellness massage.

3. Pamper

A relative to relaxation and stress reduction massage, a pamper massage is typically given in a spa, beauty salon or in a private home. The tools usually include various oils, light music, salts, etc. This differs from stress reduction in the sense that more emphasis is placed upon "new age" techniques and ambiance.

4. Chiropractic Adjunct

A highly coveted position with the massage therapy community due to the high level of pay, therapists can work together with chiropractic offices and give body part specific massages. Usually the chiropractor will give the RMT a sheet outlining where and for what duration a massage should be given to a patient.

5. Medical

Medical massage deals with working with pain, pathologies and injury recovery. While it this type is named "medical massage" many of the techniques can be carried over and adopted for use with non-medical clients. Typically medical style is given by order of a prescription, in a physiotherapy office, retirement/care home or in a hospital.

That wraps up our look at the five popular forms of Massage Therapy, especially in Ontario Canada.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Learn Deep Tissue Massage to Be a Successful Massage Therapist

Learning Deep Tissue Massage can help set you apart from many of the other massage therapists at spas or massage franchises and help you find a job in massage. There is a very big misunderstanding in the massage profession as to what is deep tissue massage. It is not just applying deep pressure to the body during a massage. There is more skill involved in giving a good deep tissue massage. Most spas and franchises just think it is applying more pressure.

First off it should not be painful to a client. It also should not be hard on your body. Doing this type of work correctly you will be able to access deeper muscles of the body when you learn to relax more and not use force. Using force will make people resist more causing more tension.

Deep tissue massage is working with the deeper muscles of the body and being able to work on them in a way that lengthens them using awareness, intent and your own body weight. You will learn to "use the force" like Luke in "Star Wars". It takes more than a weekend workshop to learn this type of massage. It takes a few years of practice and training or working in an apprenticeship program to be effective in this modality.

When you really know how to give a good deep tissue massage, it is an almost sure-fired way to be a successful massage therapist. People love a good effective massage. You will learn to use your knuckles, elbows, fist and fingertips and learn how to use good body mechanics to work more effectively. Clients will feel invigorated and will leave with less pain, making you look good.

Amma Therapy - Great Alternative Medicine

Amma therapy is a form of massage therapy derived from the ancient amma technique which features a combination of different massage styles in treating and preventing diseases. Ancient Chinese medicine has greatly influenced this type of therapeutic massage that it uses both acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The type of acupuncture used though doesn't include the application of thin needles into the human body.

Alternative medicines were vastly used during the ancient centuries, which is evident with the discoveries of stones engraved with images of massage therapies, herbalism, and other forms of natural treatment. Amma therapy was first used during the period of China's great yellow emperor approximately more than 5000 years ago.

The principle does not differ with the other forms of therapeutic massage in the Asian countries as it focuses its therapy on the key meridian points of the body. Practitioners aim on keeping the proper flow of energy along the patient's meridians. Stagnant Qi in the client's body are removed and pushed to flow through the energy lines during the massage therapy session. Moxibustion which means the application of heat on certain key areas of the body is also practiced with this type of massage therapy. Heat helps a lot in conditioning and preparing the body to receive and yield better results. It benefits the body by loosening up tensed muscle parts which causes sprains, cramps and other types of muscle pains.

One of the simplest yet most important key in healing a client with this form of therapy is the evaluation stage. During this stage, the massage therapist carefully observes and scans for imbalance, deformities, abnormalities and other symptoms of bad health through the four basic traditional methods which are by looking, smelling, touching and asking. These four assessment process acts as the basic reference of the medical history and current condition of the patient.

Another technique used for this developed therapy is the positioning of the bones of the client. Amma therapists and practitioners believe that bone placement plays a huge role in the health of an individual. Aside from the skeletal manipulation, it also helps in recovering fractured, damage and broken bones. Although the success rate of this technique does not always guarantees positive results, therapists are convinced that it brings benefits and effective results to the patients.

Shiatsu as well as Swedish massage which are both different from each other in terms of the application of pressure on the patients is used in amma therapy. These two are used specifically on different problems of the body. Shiatsu therapy is used for treating deep tissue muscle pains while Swedish massage is conducted for relieving stress and soothing the body and mind.

Benefits and the good effects of the therapy are seen and felt right after sessions although some parts of the body may sometimes feel slightly painful due to the loosening of stiff muscles. The pain will eventually subside and a lighter and relaxed feeling will set in, leaving the patient with a good mood as well. Effects in the skin may result to glowing and younger looking skin with regular sessions of amma therapy.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Techniques to Eliminate Pain - Treating Tightness in Pectoralis Minor Muscle

How would you feel if you had access to a unique technique to teach to your clients so that they could practice these exercises between consultations and thereby speed up recovery?

And what if this new technique wasn't covered in textbooks or manuals about carpal tunnel syndrome nor in medical school? A technique that is fully effective, is practical and has the potential to give professional massage therapists an "unfair advantage" when it comes to diagnosing, treating and monitoring this condition.

Due to her own need to deal with her own overworked hands Hilma Volk, a licensed massage therapist with over 20 years experience noticed how a rowing team was treating their own numb hands. She further developed, tested and refined techniques that can be easily imparted and are effective in treating not only the fingers and hands but other limbs as well.

A casual remark at a continuing education course sowed the seed for the solution, namely, that tightness in the pectoralis minor muscle can be taken for a false carpal tunnel.

Hilma worked out a technique where she could work on her pectoralis minor muscle, and, with just a few treatments in one day, each treatment about a minute at a time at the most, the pain had gone. She continued over the next few days, a few minutes at a time, and repeating this monthly to keep muscle loose and supple. The beauty of Hilma's technique is that it offers permanent relief from the pain.

From her professional experience Hilma has found that pain in a number of different places in the body can give similar symptoms to true carpal tunnel syndrome. That's why accurate diagnosis is so important. She found that very rarely do people feel pain in the areas that are actually causing the problem. Rather it is necessary to clarify with them where the pain actually exists. And massaging these muscles or areas can indeed be painful so her clients are encouraged to do the massaging (and, of course, repeating it in their own time until the pain clears).

Experience with clients also showed that clients will not always be forthcoming with verbalizing their actual problem because they don't realize it can be cured. This underlines the importance of professional expertise in correct diagnosis, treatment and monitoring between successive consultations.

Relieved with their pain gone clients will see their professional massage therapist as a 'superstar' and with the momentum so generated the professional will be able to take on more clients and further grow his/her business.

Massage Therapy Courses - What You Learn at Massage Therapy School

With new interest in alternative healing, both doctors and their clients are becoming more interested in massage therapy than ever before. It is estimated that the need for massage therapists will only grow in the coming years. If you're thinking of massage as a career, you're probably wondering what massage therapy courses you'll be required to take to get your degree, and perhaps what optional courses are available. It's always beneficial to know what exists in the field before you make a decision on which path to follow, as there are several different career options.

Every year, thousands of individuals pursue careers as massage therapists, and typically these people are interested in various types of massage that preserve well being, help heal injuries, or just promote a higher quality of life. With over 100 different therapy techniques available to study, it might seem overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. Taking a massage therapy course is a great place to start laying the foundation for a rewarding career. You can focus first on a specific type of massage technique and then add new therapies to your practice as you learn of them, if they pique your interest or as they become available to you.

As massage therapy is both science and art, the curriculum covers many different areas. You can expect to study anatomy, learning the different muscles and bones of the human body and their range of motion. You will also learn physiology, and gain a holistic approach to curing ailments and everyday aches or promote relaxation.

Nutrition is also an area of study you can expect to partake in since a substantial number of ailments your clients may have could stem from lifestyle choices. While you will not be qualified to give advice about diet changes, knowing the role food plays in your client's life could help you develop a more effective treatment plan. Energy work is a growing field in massage therapy, with practices such as cranial sacral and healing touch gaining respect with doctors worldwide.

Before you begin your own journey to becoming a massage therapist, consider the technique you want to focus on, whether it be Swedish, relaxation, sports massage, healing touch, or a combination of some or all of these. It's imperative that you feel comfortable with the technique you have chosen to study. Keep in mind that over half of the individuals who complete a massage therapy course quit practicing massage therapy after one year because they were not comfortable with the particular technique they had chosen. Enough research can help you prevent this from happening to you.

Louis Zhang,