Just like any other massage therapy, the Swedish massage therapy is used to help rejuvenate the health of a person by striking on the vital points which makes our body relieved from pain and stress. This is done by carefully kneading and using long, smooth strokes on the body of the person being massaged.
Swedish massage is by far the most popular and most commonly used method of therapeutic massage in the United States today although there are many other types of massage therapy used world-wide. This type of therapy uses long, gentle strokes and a kneading motion.
In a Swedish massage session, it is similar to all the other methods of massaging where the massage therapist asks the customer to take of his or her clothes for a better access on the body that the therapist will massage. It is inevitable though that some people are not comfortable having their private body parts exposed, that's why they always have the option to keep their underwear on during the therapeutic process. The massage therapist will then pour oil or lotion on your body and on his or her palm and begin massaging you as you lie face down on a padded massage table with a hole where you will position your face inside it.
Its purpose is for you to lie down comfortably on the table while breathing without any difficulty while you are being massaged. The first part that will be massaged is your back where they will start from its top to the bottom and then finish on your legs. After the therapist is done working on your back and legs, you will be asked to gently and carefully turn around so that you will be facing up on the massage table. Your chest, neck, arms and legs will then be gently massaged. Additional light oil or lotion will be applied on your body when needed to avoid harsh friction on your skin. When your therapy is done, you will be left alone on the room as you put on your clothes and exit the room afterward.
Expect a comfortable and relaxing session every time you get Swedish massage therapy. You will significantly notice that your back pains, arthritis, headaches and migraines as well as other muscle spasms and pain will be relieved. A good explanation of your revitalized body is because a massage therapy helps in loosening those stiff muscles, removes lactic acid formation, and helps in providing a good oxygen flow and circulation which are the end result in a relieved body.
Any massage therapy is usually done by professional massage therapist to ensure that you are being treated with the best service. However, there are always references on how to use the Swedish massage method on your own so that you can massage at home. Be amazed on what this method of massage therapy can do to improve your health's condition and how it will make you feel much younger. So if you haven't tried one yet, better check your nearest local spa and make a schedule for a relaxing Swedish massage session.
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