There are a variety of benefits to receiving massage therapy. For many people, it can help relieve health conditions and enable those individuals to function more easily on a daily basis. Over time, however, a sexual connotation has been attached that raises the question of whether or not massage therapy is purely beneficial for reasons of health and relaxation, or should be considered a form of entertainment.
While there are probably several forms of massage therapy that could be entered into this debate, this article only covers the type, whereby, a licensed massage therapist works on customers who are seeking this therapy for relaxation or relief.
Massage therapy has been shown to have numerous health benefits for a variety of reasons. It is suggested by doctors and others practicing in the medical field to help ease pain and discomfort caused by many conditions. It has, however, been heavily linked in some circles with sex and other forms of personal pleasure. Here, the question is raised of whether or not a massage therapy session that is designed to relax someone should end in a sexual nature.
While it is certainly not uncommon for men to become licensed massage therapists, a majority of them working in the field are women. When entering into this line of work, they are focused on providing the most therapeutic experience to customers as possible. This does not often include the personal pleasure associated with sex.
Massage therapy, just like any other occupation, is serious and requires a significant amount of training. Its many healing benefits help people in many communities. Whether used to relieve stress or to address a specific health issue, it provides comfort and makes lives a little easier. It should, therefore, be taken very seriously by therapists and customers alike.
Massage therapy is a profession and is well-respected by many people. Because of this, it should always be treated in this manner. Turning a professional procedure into a personal, all be it sexual nature, would be like allowing a professional relationship in an office setting or between professional and client to go too far.
When massage therapists go to work, they are doing so to enable others to take advantage of the benefits it has to offer. This, however, does not include one's sexual needs. That is why good judgment is called for in this type of situation, both on the part of the therapist and the customer. Any personal relationships that may form as a result should be kept outside the work place and conducted in a personal manner in a more private setting.
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