1. As a Massage Therapist, preparing and working on your birthday card marketing is one of the most essential strategies you need to achieve for a successful business. Although advertising on various web pages and using social media networking sites are known to be effective methods to market a business, studies have also shown that birthday card marketing has been proven to be more effective most especially if you wish to connect with your clients and to develop a long professional relationship with them.
Some individuals might find it a bit weird to use birthday cards for marketing, but if you have a massage therapy business; you'll find it easier to understand why most therapists prefer this type of marketing strategy.
2. Initially, you can make use of this effective marketing strategy by including cards in one of your packages. This will attract your customers to go for your services, and let them avail of the birthday cards that will serve as a gift certificate that can be given as a gift. Initially, it will be seen as a traditional birthday greetings but the surprising part is the exclusive gift to allow the celebrant to pamper herself. Isn't it a great way to give your loved one a present that she/he will never forget? Probably, this is something that you don't see every day, but its uniqueness and the thought that you want the celebrant to relax and pamper them self is really touching.
3. If you include post card marketing in one of your packages, this card can also be given as a corporate gift or present, most particularly to the executive and even the senior executives of a company. It can also be a personal gift to a very close friend or relative just to make them feel special on their special day.
Aside from including a promotional birthday card along with your packages, you can also start organizing and start sending out these cards to your regular customers. This way, you can easily build rapport, and gaining their trust with your company is not going to be a huge problem any longer. It is simply easy.
4. The first thing that you have to do is to organize and start asking your customers to fill up some sort of personal information, the moment that they enter your massage therapy clinic. From there, you will have the details that you need including their birthday, name and, personal e-mail address even home address. From there, you can choose which birthday card marketing suits your massage therapy business best. You could either send an electronic greeting card, or simply send a card through the traditional snail mail method.
Pros & Cons
Electronic greetings cards are faster, but there is no certainty that they will be received or viewed by your client. Traditional birthday cards get there slower but your client will receive their birthday card in their hands and this will ensure a higher open rate than a email sent birthday card.
At first, this birthday card marketing strategy is a little bit different, and it can usually get business owners and marketers confused. But once you get used to the marketing system, sending out birthday cards to your beloved customers will just pass by just like a breeze.
Don't lose those customers. Take care of them, and make them feel that you are concerned about them. Include birthday card marketing as one of your strategies, and in no time you'll notice that the number of customers that your massage therapy business has dramatically increased.
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