Monday, April 22, 2013

Using a Physical Therapy Newsletter As a Marketing Tool

As a physical therapist, your patients need to have complete faith in your healing abilities in order to establish trust. To achieve this, a physical therapy newsletter may prove to be quite helpful. In addition to providing information about your services and background, a patient friendly newsletter can be customized to reflect the particulars of your practice.

 By sending a newsletter to clients, you can market your practice in a way that is less obvious than most. This is the simplest, most cost-effective way to keep in touch with your patients, grab their attention and, in turn, attract their referrals. A patient friendly newsletter will support your credibility within your current client base, and attract newcomers. The best part of a newsletter is that it can be sent as an e-mail, which may be forwarded to others. Before you know it, your newsletter has circulated through a long list of inboxes.

 When creating your newsletter, a few pointers might come handy:

Keep it filled with rich visuals and compelling content. Check the articles for typos and grammatical errors. It is crucial that your newsletter be timely and relevant to what's happening around you. For example, a patient friendly newsletter developed in November may include a piece about aches and pains that are typically aggravated by the winter months.

Keep the tone of your newsletter positive and action-oriented. Your newsletter should come across as friendly but authoritative, to keep you positioned as an expert in your field.

For your newsletter to have a lasting impact, send it out every fortnight. This schedule will remind your patients of your service without appearing overbearing or pushy.

Design your newsletter to be released on a Monday. Studies show that Monday is day when most people check their e-mails. Since it marks the beginning of the week, it will stay fresh in their minds. Your patient friendly newsletter can either be faxed to your clients or sent through e-mail.

 If creating a newsletter sounds too complicated and time-consuming for you, outsource it to a professional newsletter company such as A professional company will handle the branding aspects of a great newsletter, provide articles, customize the look and feel, and handle the subscription part as well. By hiring a professional, you can use the time otherwise spent creating your newsletter to work on other projects.

 A well-designed newsletter can mean hundreds of referrals every month. Don't let the opportunity pass you by, especially since it's one of the easier marketing methods to tackle. Be sure to include your contact information on your newsletter so that clients can contact you whenever necessary. Include a note at the end to remind them to forward the newsletter onto family and friends to help increase your customer base.

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