As a massage therapist, specializing in deep tissue massage can be a lucrative and rewarding decision, as this is quickly becoming one of the most popular styles of massage. It focus on realigning the connective tissue and deep layers of muscles beneath the skin to help heal chronically sore shoulders, tight lower backs, tense and stiff necks and other pains. This massage therapy style relies on many of the traditional techniques, but you will use deeper pressure and move your hands more slowly to really get into the affected areas and relieve the tension. ???
If you choose to specialize in deep tissue massage you will have many options as far as where you will work and who your clients will be. People who have had sports injuries and those who suffer from poor circulation and chronic muscle tension or adhesions in the ligaments, muscles and tendons will always be interested in this massage. You will relieve their pain and tension by breaking down the adhesions that are causing pain, and you will help to restore their muscle systems to their normal state of movement. As long as there are patients suffering from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, limited mobility, osteoarthritis pain, postural problems, muscle tension, spasms, sports injuries or repetitive strain injuries, you will have a market of clients.
Tissue massage therapists work in massage parlors, spas, fitness clubs, physical therapy offices and private practices. The hourly wages for this type of work are about $41.50 on average, although this all depends on where you work and how much experience you have. Before you can become a massage therapist, you will need to complete a training program, perform the required number of hours of massage experience and become certified. You will also need to complete specialized training in deep tissue massage.
Specializing in deep tissue massage could be ideal for you. If you are passionate about the healing arts and want to help people live pain-free lives, contact a local accredited massage school and find out more about their tissue massage training.?
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