Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Your Massage Therapy Business Plan - How to Create a Successful Massage Business Without the Stress

A deep passion for massage and a burning desire to succeed as a massage therapist will not guarantee that you have a successful massage business or practice.

Or perhaps you are a struggling massage practitioner worried about a lack of clients and prosperity. If you really want a successful thriving practice then what you really need is a great Massage therapy Business Plan.

The essentials of a great massage business are: getting the right mind set and attitude, understanding your client's needs and requirements, mastering the art of selling, getting your marketing efforts just right, planning for foreseeable dips and challenges, balancing your work-life balance, and embracing self-employment.

Let's start with attitude. It goes without saying that a positive, determined and resilient attitude is the foundation for any successful enterprise. You will face a variety of challenges from finding the best location, sourcing your massage supplies and filing your taxes. Taking the time to be realistic in your planning will prevent and reduce your stress. Take small measured steps, rather than giant leaps, and always seek help or advice if you are not sure about anything. Why not approach successful massage therapist and get some tips from them. Everyone likes to be acknowledged and appreciated, and they will be flattered by your admiration!

A massage business plan can not be without a clear sales and marketing effort. Irrespective of how lovable your mum says you are, you will need to sell yourself. Try and develop a clear, simple yet identifiable brand that your clients will remember and relate to. Plan a realistic marketing budget and always target your local area first - it's cheaper and clients will be more likely to visit if they don't have to travel far and don't commit to more than you can afford. Start small and then expand, because at the end of the day the best marketing is word of mouth.

Perfecting your massage therapist and client relationship is fundamental to your business success. Get inside their skin and try and anticipate their needs and requirements. Take the time to understand their motivations, get feedback from them and maintain a warm relationship through regular mailings, birthday cards or emails. This will put you head and shoulders above your competition.

Finally seek business management advice and planning from your local business support office. These people should guide you into creating a business plan, managing money and taxes and any regulations that you will need to have in place. Time spent in planning and organizing will save your months of heart ache and stress!

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