The word "massage" has different meanings to different people, and there is a good reason for that. The fact of the matter is that there are many specialized styles and techniques within the world of massage. The variety of a treatment is always open to the request of the recipient but unless you've spent years studying Shiatsu, Reflexology, Swedish Massage, Cranial-Sacral Techniques, Yoga, etc....odds are you won't really know which method would be best for you on any given day. So how do you know what's best for you or if you are getting the correct therapy suited to your needs? That question is not easy to answer and truly relies upon the knowledge and experience of your personal therapist.
As a general rule, sessions are most successful when the focus is guided by the energy of that day. For someone who has studied various techniques, tailoring a blended-style massage will result in a more positive experience for the recipient than simply sequencing their massage from a template. Pulling from intuition and depth of knowledge, session by session, will create a massage built for you that feels like it arrives right on time.
Every massage should include a variety of techniques from various traditions of massage instead of the same treatment over and over again. For example, you may come into one session feeling sore and tight around the neck and shoulders while another time, you may have a general feeling of fatigue. It would only make sense to approach each condition differently. Our condition is constantly adjusting, especially during a massage where even a single session can move you through different states. Not to over simplify, but if you take your car in to the shop because the tires are low on air pressure, you would expect a different service to be performed than if your vehicle was low on engine oil. It's just common sense.
So how does one go about choosing the correct therapy studio? First and foremost, the experience of the therapist is most important. There should be conversation regarding how you feel and what sorts of things are affecting your sense of wellbeing. The therapist should gather a bit of your medical history and if you are experiencing actual pain, to what degree and where. If your treatment is to be successful, the therapist must be asking the correct questions. In addition to the experience and knowledge of the therapist, you need to observe how clean and properly maintained the studio is. Are all the applicable certifications up to date? Is the table sanitized and new sheets applied for each session? If you follow all the above guidelines, your sessions will put you on the road to a better quality of life! A goal worth striving for!
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