If you are planning to pursue a degree in massage therapy, one of the first things you will probably want to learn about is the cost and ways to help pay for your schooling. The tuition will vary depending on the school and the state you live in, but you can generally expect to pay between $6 and $17 for each hour of education, with the average somewhere between those two. Some states have licensing requirements that dictate how many hours you will need to spend training, and you will probably spend about $5,000 to $9,000 to get your degree. In other states you might be able to complete a short massage therapy program for less than $1,000. The cost of a massage table and supplies may or may not be included.
You are probably wondering how to pay for massage therapy school at this point, and there are many options to locate funding if you've decided on this educational path. If you are attending an accredited massage school, you may qualify for loans and grants from the federal government. Various scholarships may also be available from private institutions or from the school itself. Federal student aid, no-interest payment plans, private loans, private and institutional scholarships, and veteran's assistance are just a few of the options that might be available to you.
Just thinking about how to pay for massage therapy schools can be a bit overwhelming. Thinking about how to pay for any type of school can be overwhelming for that matter. This is why most massage schools have staff who are experts in financial aid and who are there to help guide current and prospective students through funding the process. It is a good idea to ask an admissions representative at the therapy school you are considering for more information regarding loans, grants, scholarships, and other financial options. They should be able to help provide you with all of the necessary information so you can pursue your degree.
There are many options to pay for massage therapy school if you have decided that this is the right career path for you.
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