Probably the most important benefit of massage is the pleasure of human touch, and the companionship provided during massage therapy sessions. This provides a relaxation which alone may relieve some of the loneliness, depression and fears that many seniors suffer from. A recent study found that all senior citizens who were receiving regular massages showed a dramatic improvement in their moods and their attitudes toward life in general. Nearly 50% of the same group tested also showed additional health benefits;a reduction in their rates of breathing, an increase in their range of motion, an improvement of their postures, development of more body awareness, their skin took on healthier colors and their muscle tones were enhanced.
In addition to these general life improvements, some health conditions that may respond positively to regular massage include:
- inflammations in the joints;
- arthritis;
- skin discoloration and other dermatological conditions;
- deteriorating muscles and bones;
- reduced appetite and therefore weight loss;
- poor blood circulation;
- sleep disorders;
- weakened mental capacity,
- tendonitis;
- bursitis;
- asthma;
- emphysema;
- high blood pressures;
- diminished functions of the internal vital organs such as the heart, the liver, the brain, the thyroid, the stomach and the intestines.
Before you make your appointment, make sure you take care of safety first:
- Find a massage therapist that is properly trained;
- Limit your appointments to 30-45 minutes at a time;the elderly appear to respond better to shorter, more frequent sessions.
- Be careful when positioning yourself on the massage table: ask for help or request a chair massage.
- Tell your massage therapist if it is your first massage: request a gentle relaxation massage. Your bones may be thinner and your joints stiffer than other patients; ease into it. Over time you may request a deeper tissue massage if it feels comfortable for you.
- Tell your massage therapist if you are not comfortable being touched in some areas: Many elderly prefer head, hands and feet massages. Even massaging these body parts alone will greatly benefit you.
- Request use of lotions or oils, or bring in your own favorite lotions: senior citizens' skin tends to be thinner and less pliable, and using oils will help avoid cracking or damaging of your skin. Lotions will also soften and moisturize your skin, making it healthier and more pliable.
Relax and enjoy your massage! With the above precautions massages are perfectly safe regardless of your age. Most importantly, massages help you relax and improve your outlook on life. That alone may alleviate other aches and pains and make this worth your while.
So contact a qualified massage therapist today, and make the appointment that will help you relax and enjoy some TLC, you deserve it!
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