Saturday, June 8, 2013

Massage For Digestive Disorders

We all know that massage is an excellent therapy for treating stress, for "unknotting" tight muscles, for relieving aches and pains, for easing stiffness and for helping us to sleep, but massage is also an excellent natural therapy for treating digestive orders.

Massage and Digestion

Have you ever felt "butterflies" in your stomach before an exam, meeting or surgical procedure? That all too common feeling of your stomach churning or doing flips? This is because stress has a tendency to attack our digestive system. Worry goes straight to our stomachs.
Stress and our busy lifestyles, which often don't give us chance to sit down and take our time over a meal, can lead to a whole range of digestive troubles and disorders. Add to that the fact that we often eat junk food, take-outs and wash it all down with a huge quantity of caffeine, and you've got a recipe for a digestive disaster!

So, how can massage help our digestive disorders?
Constipation - Constipation is no fun, and it can lead to bloating, headaches, skin problems and bad breath, as well as pain and discomfort. Massage can aid and improve digestion by stimulating peristalsis, the wave-like muscle contractions which move the food we have eaten through our digestive tract. This stimulation of natural peristalsis helps our digestive system to function efficiently and prevents us from becoming constipated.
Digestive enzymes - Digestive enzymes help us to break down the food that we eat so that our bodies can absorb and use essential nutrients. Massage encourages the body to release these enzymes, thus helping digestion and our overall health.
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common digestive disorder which is characterized by abdominal bloating, cramps and either constipation or diarrhea. It is often triggered, or exacerbated, by stress, anxiety and tension, so massage therapy, which relieves stress and promotes a feeling of well-being, can be beneficial in improving symptoms. Massaging the affected area can also stimulate peristalsis, help remove blockages in the digestive tract and reduce bloating, gas and cramps.
Stress-related disorders - IBS is not the only digestive disorder which is related to stress. Stress, anxiety and a busy lifestyle can also lead to indigestion, heartburn, stomach ulcers and intestinal problems. General massage lowers our stress levels by causing the release of endorphins, the body's "feel-good" chemicals, and abdominal massage can relieve indigestion, abdominal pain and bloating. Back massage is also great for indigestion and gas.
Detox - Back massage and abdominal massage can assist with detoxification, when used with a detox program. The massage will have a cleansing effect on the digestive system by helping it to eliminate waste and toxins quickly and efficiently.

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