Everyone loves a well done massage, especially if they have been injured or stressed with work, family or other problems. The time spent getting a massage can be just as beneficial as a therapy session with a psychotherapist. The massage, however leaves one feeling more relaxed and not emotionally drained. So, the benefits of massage therapy may SEEM to only be physical, but in reality, they extend to the mind as well.
An obvious benefit of massage therapy is that it helps alleviate stress. It happens to everyone, this terrible thing called stress, but it does not need to stay in one's body and keep polluting it with toxins. For example, why should one allow a nosy mother in law or new co-worker, who believes he is sent from Heaven and knows everything, to ruin their day? Just because the mother in law makes it her business to critique everything from last night's taco salad to the manners being instilled in her grandchildren, does not mean one needs to see a psychotherapist. Just make an appointment with the local masseuse and in fifteen minutes, it will be as though it never happened.
Another benefit of massage therapy is that it not only works on tight muscles and makes them looser, it helps alleviate pain. For the unfortunate driver who was rear ended by a fully loaded city garbage truck, that is excellent news. This therapy could become a way to avoid a costly surgery on a torn rotator cuff or a chiropractic need for a spine injury, while allowing a little pampering along the way. These therapies have been successful in returning some lost mobility of joints and in some cases they have returned all of the previous mobility of the victim's joints.
Athletes like to use massage therapies to ready their bodies for the games they are about to play. By doing this, they stimulate the blood circulation in their bodies and get oxygen and adrenaline to their various body parts. They also use massage therapies if they become injured during the game. This could help their bodies and the injury relax long enough for them to finish the game or allow a doctor access to the injured site without creating more pain to the player. Win or lose, when the game is finished, a massage always is welcomed to ease away the aches and pains of the game and to restore the normal blood flow throughout the body.
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