Looking for a job these days is not as easy as before. With the very high competition against other applicants today, you find yourself being pressured. Being a physical therapy assistant is one of the fields in healthcare which offers a reasonable pay and is not that difficult to get into. Read on if you want to get an idea of what a physical therapy assistant's task is, how much the pay, where to work, and if this is the right job for you.
Physical therapy is a field in healthcare that is growing and becoming more and more popular each day. The job of a physical therapist involves exercises to strengthen your body, range of motion, therapy to improve your body's daily function, and training to the usage of assistive devices and mobility aids. Patients or clients who are suffering from physical disabilities, which hinders them from doing things easily and freely, may need to be aided during a physical therapy session. Physical therapists help in setting up equipments, monitor a patient's progress, and help with some clerical tasks.
A physical therapist does not function alone, he needs an assistant. This assistant is called as a physical therapist assistant or PTA. Having the career as a PTA does not only have a good pay to let you live comfortably, but it is also rewarding to your part since it lets you help other people in slowly recovering from the problem they are suffering, thus letting them live independently. The average annual salary of a physical therapy assistant is from $40,000-$60,000.
Most PTAs work part time, which means that you can still have other work aside from this. Physical Therapy Assistants get to work in many places. They can work in health practitioner offices, hospitals, nursing care facilities, rural health care centre, and home health care.
If you are the type of person who is fond of going to other places and helping other people, then you will surely love becoming a PTA. Some of the cities where being a physical therapy assistant is highly needed are in Chicago City, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Houston, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Tampa. These places are great to start as a PTA.
To become a PTA, you should be physically fit. You should be able to kneel down, bend, and stand for a long time. You should also be good in social and communication skills; this is because you will be interacting with clients and other staff in the office or centre.
You have to have an Associate's degree for you to be eligible to become a physical therapy assistant.
Being a physical therapy assistant will surely help you develop your interaction skills. You may find this job to be challenging and helpful to you and others. This is a great position to start for you to know whether you will proceed to become a physical therapist or not. This job is great for you if you are studying or working other shifts because this job can either be part time or fulltime.
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