Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Your ADHD Child and Massage Therapy

Attention, impulse control and hyperactivity problems. The diagnostic label Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). More and more children and adolescents are being diagnosed with ADHD on a daily basis. The condition, if left untreated, could result in various problems including family stress, school disruption, criminality and substance abuse. School-aged children with ADHD have inferior academic performance, social, emotional and adaptive skills.

Various medications and treatments have become available to treat ADHD. Today, I would like to discuss one such treatment. Massage. I feel, at this stage, that something important needs to be said. Massage, as a treatment for ADHD should be considered as a complimentary therapy. In the past, complimentary therapy was referred to as alternative therapy, suggesting that it should take the place of more conventional medicine. This has led to wonderful, miraculous healing stories, but also as many sad and unnecessary situations where conditions have worsened and in severe cases caused death. For serious illnesses and conditions that can be life threatening or could cause serious future problems, always seek the advise of a medical professional and then, with your treating professional's consent, include other therapies to compliment their treatment plan.

With that said, massage can be an extremely valuable tool in helping to alleviate the effects of ADHD and can bring about great relief for parents and children alike.

A study which appeared in the spring 1998 issue of the journal Adolescence (pages 103-108) revealed the following results:

A number of adolescents with ADHD were selected to commence two forms of therapy. One group was sent for relaxation therapy. The other group was sent for a set of massage treatments. The results surprised many as children who received the massage therapy rated themselves as feeling happier than those who had participated in the relaxation therapy. Observers also rated them as being less fidgety and focused following the sessions. Teachers also noticed a significant decrease in hyperactivity for the massage therapy group but not for the relaxation therapy group.

Feedback from parents of children with ADHD in my own practice have reported some other differences in their children, including better confidence, an over-all more relaxed child, improved moods, and better sleeping patterns. I have also treated an ADHD adolescent who had been involved in a car accident. She had been extremely tense and nervous in the car after that. After just one session, the adolescent got into the car with her mother, turned around in her seat and slept peacefully throughout their 60km trip home. Massage, although mainly used as a form of relaxation, holds many benefits. Massage is a mechanical cleanser (increases the interchange of tissues fluids emptied into the capillaries and lymphatic system), it improves circulation, brings about a general state of relaxation, adds to overall well-being, relieves muscle spasms, improves muscle tone, produces an alpha state in which the body and mind are totally relaxed, promotes good digestion, relieves head, neck and backache, is a great help in releasing negative and pent-up emotions, and improves self-esteem. These are just some of the benefits, but when one looks at this list, it is not surprising that massage can work wonders in the case of ADHD.

In conclusion, just one or two short massage sessions per week can be extremely beneficial for your child or adolescent who has been diagnosed with ADHD. Obviously, a 1 hour full body massage will probably be a bit much for your child or adolescent to handle due to the fact that they have trouble staying still for prolonged periods of time, but short 20 - 30 minute sessions will be a wonderful start and should start showing results within the first few sessions. Furthermore, supplementing professional treatments with short home massages will help tremendously. This will also strengthen your bond with your child. Speak to your massage therapist about private training in a few simple techniques which you can use at home between professional.

Finally, always remember to be good to yourself and spoil yourself with a massage session every now and again too.

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