Friday, December 27, 2013

Benefit of Massage For Different Trauma

Massage has physiologic and psychological effects on the body. Part of the physical effects of a massage may include a general and muscular relaxation, improve blood circulation, enhance circulation of fluids and elimination, reduce pain and increase joint flexibility and mobility.

Edema is the retention of interstitial fluids may be associated with inflammation or poor circulation in either case the edema need to be processed by the lymphatic system.
Some types of edema contraindicate massage but when you have fluid retention due to a sub-acute musculoskeletal injury or temporary immobilization massage is a great healing tool. In our South Florida offices we have found edema in most trauma. It is almost a normal reaction that will decrease with time. Part or all of the edema will persist and will organize itself. The massage can drain the edema when it's applied early and help to avoid that organization. Later it will still help but may take longer to resolve. Sometimes the edema will appear later, mostly in the lower body. The massage techniques to use will vary with the type of edema. Long and superficial massage will be used first, later you can go deeper.

Superficial scar: Superficial scar tissue is a growth of new tissue, skin or fascia, after injury. They can be by their extent and their nature a major functional handicap. In absence of contraindications, massage around the edges of a new scar can have tremendous impact on the healing process.

Strains are injured muscles can bring pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling. Pain is exacerbated by stretching. In our Fort Lauderdale office we have found that massage is more effective in the sub-acute stage, it will flush out the toxins and the flow of blood. Massage is instrumental in the rehabilitation of an injured structure. In chronically recurring condition, the appropriate massage technique can reduce edema, limiting adhesions, improving the circulation and the mobility.

Ligaments and tendons pain: In case of rupture the massage is temporary a counter-indication. But when the trauma doesn't request surgery the massage is an excellent indication in order to drain the edema and free the movement. Use some local pressure and deep on specific points.

Edema, superficial scar, strains and ligaments or tendons pain can affect the mobility of the different layers in the segments or articulations of the body. You sometimes have some formation of adherents tissues and the massage can reduce it.

You can definitely benefit from massage in many different trauma.

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