Monday, December 23, 2013

How Massage Therapy Can Make Your Skin Look Younger

Massage therapy is a "hands-on" treatment that has been practiced in healing sessions for thousands of years by a lot of cultures all over the world. It affects the body as a whole in that it helps relax the muscles, reduce stress, and produce feelings of calm.

There are many types of massage therapy, choose any one of those and you'd still get the same benefits. In the context of body organs a good massage affects the muscular, circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems.

In fact the improved circulation of blood benefits not only the internal organs but the largest organ of the body, the skin. Regular massages removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin making way for new skin cells which leaves your skin glowing and relaxed.

Using the right mix of essential oils or lotion in your massage therapy allows the skin to absorb the nutrients from massage oil or lotion. This is an effective way to nourish and rehydrate your skin leaving it feeling soft and smooth.

When you go for a massage it is important that you use the right mix of essential oils that contain ingredients that have been proven to benefit our skin. Examples of these ingredients are: Vitamin E, Almond, Sesame, and Jojoba.

Just like any other massage modality, a facial massage relieves tension and relaxes facial muscles through the increased blood flow a good massage gives. This is great news since we all want to look 10 years younger than our age.

Who has not noticed upon waking up after a fitful sleep that their faces are all pale and puffy which happens because of a decrease in blood circulation to the face as we sleep? No problem, to return the healthy glow to your face, just give yourself a facial massage therapy and you'll get the circulation going in no time.

In fact regularly giving yourself facial massage works at relieving your face from tension, tightens facial muscles, normalizes the moisture balance of facial skin, and reduces the appearance of fine lines. All of these contribute to giving you young looking, firmer, and smoother facial skin.

If you are on a budget and you can't afford to have your facial massages done at spas or salons, you can choose to do it at home. First thing's first you have to determine your skin type to be able to buy the right type of massage oil for your face.

Those who have normal skin will benefit greatly from sesame, sunflower, or almond oil. For those who have dry skin, apricot, wheatgerm, and avocado is better and if you have oily skin buy thistle, hazelnut or peach oil.

In giving yourself a facial massage, always start with clean hands and a clean face, a face that is devoid of makeup. Apply a small amount of massage lotion or oil to your face in firm upward strokes.

There are proper strokes for massaging the face and you are advised to search for those on sites that have video tutorials on how this can be done. The facial massage therapy should not last for more than 20 minutes as this will actually stretch the skin and do more harm than good. Be extra careful too to avoid getting oil into your eyes as this will cause irritation.

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