Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mobile Massage Therapy - Massage Reduces Stress, Relaxes and Boosts Immunity

The accumulation of everyday stress

Working long hours at the computer can result in stress, muscle tension, injury or pain which can drain you physically, mentally or emotionally. This can impact negatively on your social life as well as on your work. As the most important benefit of massage is the reduction of stress, general health can be improved and maintained by massage therapy and the negative effects of stress can be alleviated or prevented. On an ongoing basis it can reduce pain, prevent injuries and maintain health. It is an important part of staying healthy physically and mentally as it relieves stress which is responsible for 90% of illness and pain.

Due to reflex effects through the autonomic nervous system, massage affects internal organs and areas removed from the area being treated. It promotes relaxation, reduces pain, boosts mood and mental clarity. Massage can be used for relaxation or stimulation and may be applied to rehabilitation after surgery, injury or poor health. It improves blood and lymph circulation, increases natural killer cells and lymphocytes which destroy cancer cells, boosts mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine and relieves pain by increasing pain killing endorphins. Massage can relax the body, decrease blood pressure and heart rate and reduce stress and depression. It may also provide symptomatic relief for acute and chronic conditions such as headache, facial pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. It realigns and rejuvenates, restoring balance to body and being, so you can take in your stride whatever life throws your way. It promotes digestion, joint mobility, muscle relaxation, relief of spasms and cramps.

Bodywork as a medical treatment

Massage therapy is becoming increasingly sophisticated and effective as it moves into new areas such as medical massage which is the fastest growing modality of massage today. Training in massage therapy was an integral part of medical massage and nursing care up to the mid 1950s when it dropped to almost nothing due to the rapid development and almost exclusive use of technology in the twentieth century. Manual therapy was no longer seen as necessary for standard hospital care. Today, however, it is realized that massage in the hospital is necessary to provide a sense of wholeness and care which is absent in the increasing fragmentation of hospitalization due to the growing emphasis on specialization. Medical massage uses the traditional strokes of massage which are then specifically adapted to treat, for instance, cancer patients, hospital patients and pregnant women. Medical massage may be given in the hospital setting, an outpatient clinic or as a mobile therapy where the therapist travels to the patient's home to give the patient a personally tailored treatment protocol.

In massage therapy for the cancer patient, the therapist pays close attention to the side effects of the curative medical treatment to devise an appropriate protocol. Here the therapy is designed around the particular side effects the patient is experiencing such as pain, lymph-oedema, scarring, nausea, stress, tension, insomnia, fatigue, anger, depression and anxiety.

Thus cancer massage is a uniquely designed therapy which complements the curative medical treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Hence, it requires more extensive knowledge of medical procedures, pathology and side effects than ordinary therapy. Failure to understand this will result in harm to the patient as the therapist will not be able to adapt the therapy to design a competent treatment protocol.

In pregnancy massage the therapist must take into account mainly musculoskeletal issues caused by the weight of the growing uterus altering the centre of gravity of the woman's body. Treatment in this case will focus especially on upper and lower back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction as well as pubic symphysis and lower abdominal pain. The therapist must also be alert to and able to detect acute medical problems such as deep vein thrombosis and preeclampsia which are both potentially fatal if not medically treated.

Bodywork has a broad therapeutic application

The greatest benefit of massage is the reduction of stress and tension. Since a wide range of physical and psychological conditions stem from stress, massage can help alleviate these conditions and therefore has a broad therapeutic application. The most prominent benefit and use of massage is the alleviation of stress which then relieves muscular tension, promotes relaxation and treats lower back, neck and shoulder pain, pregnancy, bedsores, severe burns, iliotibial band syndrome and spinal cord injury as well as ameliorating systemic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, attention deficit disorder (ADD), fibromyalgia, asthma, autism, diabetes, bulimia, eczema, HIV, lymphoedema, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Sleep disorders, cancer-related fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, spinal cord injury, low back pain, lowered immunity, post-operative surgery, infertility, autism, eating disorders, age-related disorders and smoking cessation can all be treated by massage.

Bodywork, such as shiatsu and massage, offers a drug-free, non-invasive and person centred approach based on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Bodywork in Pregnancy

The great physical, mental and emotional changes of pregnancy affect your lifestyle, your job and your relationships with friends and family. Massage helps you integrate these changes successfully. Massage therapy during pregnancy improves overall health, decreases stress and relieves muscles aches and pains. It addresses the many discomforts associated with the skeletal, muscular and circulation changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Massage alleviates low back, hip and leg pain, oedema, nausea, heartburn and constipation. Regular massage decreases anxiety and lowers stress hormones during pregnancy. Labour is shorter and easier while babies are healthier. There are fewer obstetric and postnatal complications, such as premature birth and low birth weight.

Bodywork for Cancer Patients

Massage for cancer patients is a safe, non-pharmacological treatment without any side effects. It helps reduce anxiety, fatigue, depression, stress, tension, anger, insomnia and improve self-image and quality of life. Massage may reduce pain, muscle tension, nausea, constipation, lymphoedema and scarring.

Massage as a supportive care intervention for children with cancer helps reduce pain, anxiety, depression, constipation and high blood pressure. Massage also strengthens the function of the immune system and reduces nausea and depression during periods of immune suppression following chemotherapy.

Four Reasons Your Practice Needs Physical Therapy Scheduling Software

If your physical therapy practice serves multiple patients, then you've probably already struggled with schedule problems. Some patients fall through the cracks when they don't schedule their next appointment when their daily treatment is completed, while others may miss an appointment because they had the information marked down wrong. And you've probably noticed that on some days, your therapists are overbooked, while on other days they're left with too little, or nothing, to do. It can be frustrating, but the right physical therapy scheduling software can make things easier for everybody. There are several excellent reasons to invest in a program that takes care of the details for you.

Fewer Missed Appointments

Every practice has the occasional missed appointment, but the cost of missed appointments quickly adds up. Every time one of your therapists has a cancellation, he or she is simply sitting around not making any money for your practice or themselves. A good physical therapy scheduling software package will remind you or your front desk employee whenever an appointment reminder needs to be sent out prior to a scheduled session, minimizing missed appointments. You can also use the system to print out appointment reminders for the next session on the spot, before patients leave.

Fewer Lapsed Patients

It can be difficult to keep up with which patients need to be scheduled for a follow-up appointment or additional sessions. With this type of therapy scheduling software, you'll get periodic reminders so that fewer patients "fall off" their schedules. This ensures compliance with their prescribed treatment and results in better patient outcomes. It also means a more reliable income for your PTs and your practice.

Multiple Scheduling Capabilities Of Physical Therapy Scheduling Software

Studies have shown that patients who book two or more appointments at the same time are more likely to keep those appointments. The right program will allow you to schedule appointments several weeks or even months ahead and print out a list of dates to give to your patients, making it easier for all of you.

Improved Documentation And Organization

Most software is either bundled with or part of a physical therapy software program that includes physical therapy documentation templates. These templates are an excellent resource for designing your own forms and ensuring that all patient information is tied together. When you set up a patient's next appointment, her records will automatically be updated and her therapy notes will be made available to her PT. By using standard documentation templates as the jumping off point for your patient records, you'll also ensure that your patient records meet proper documentation guidelines for HIPAA, Medicare and other entities.

There are many quality physical therapy scheduling programs available for businesses of all sizes. When you find one that you feel is a good fit, be sure to ask for a free demonstration so that you and your staff can properly evaluate its performance. After your employees start using it, they'll wonder how your practice ever did without it.

Can a Bachelor Degree in Psychology Lead to Occupational Therapy Jobs?

College students who have an idea of what they would like to do someday often know exactly what major to choose. However, some struggle because they do not know what career path they want when they enter school. Guidance counselors will often direct them to a "neutral" major that can lead to any different careers. One of these is psychology.
If you have a bachelor's degree in psychology, could you purse a career in occupational therapy? The answer is yes, but you will need further training and certification.
What Is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a line of work wherein a therapist helps patients with their everyday tasks. These patients suffer from a disabling condition, such as a developmental delay, physical disability, mental handicap, or emotional problem. This can be something the patient is born with, such as mental retardation, or it could be a result of an accident or the natural aging process.
Occupational therapists help patients develop or improve motor skills and reasoning abilities. If some of these functions are lost, the therapist will work with the patient to compensate for this. The end goal is for the patient to be able to live a productive and satisfying life as independently as the disability allows.
Because occupational therapists are working with emotionally or developmentally disabled individuals, a degree in psychology can help. The therapist needs to be able to help the patient deal with his or her emotions, learn cognitive skills, and create helps that will make functioning in the day-to-day world more possible. Psychological training helps with all of these tasks.
Educational Requirements for Occupational Therapists
Occupational therapy is a highly specialized field, and as such therapists must have at least a master's degree in the field. The degree must come from an accredited school, and the program must include at least six months of fieldwork under a supervisor.
Students who are interested in this line of work often wonder what undergraduate program to pursue. In high school they should take as many advanced courses as possible, although math is not especially important. Undergraduate degrees can be in fields like biology, sociology, anthropology, general liberal arts, and, of course, psychology. Psychology as a bachelor's degree program provides an excellent base for further study in occupational therapy.
Part of the reason that a degree in psychology works so well is the fact that occupational therapists must understand how to work with people. Psychology training provides a good foundation for this. They also must be able to read their patients, even when their patients are not clearly vocalizing their needs or wants. They need to be able to see how different tasks are affecting their patients emotionally and psychologically, and a degree in psychology makes this much easier to do.
Licensure Requirements
All states require occupational therapists to receive a license. The requirements for licensure are completion of a master's program from an accredited school and the successful completion of the national certification exam. Again, a degree in psychology works well into these requirements. All in all, of the undergraduate degrees that work for this career path, a degree in psychology seems to be one of the best fits.

Physical Therapy Career Advancement Tips

Being a physical therapist has its own perks and benefits. But getting a promotion in this career is very challenging. That is why if you are a physical therapist and you are aiming for a career advancement, you should be aware of how to climb the ladder of success in this field so you will be successful.

Creating An Eye-Catching resume

When looking for a job, the first thing that a hiring manager will ask from you is your resume. That is why it is very important that you create a resume that is clean, informative and enticing. Many people aren't given the chance to be interview because of bad resumes. When you are applying for a position it is vital that you state your objective according to the job position you are applying for. Avoid writing "generic" objectives. One of the common mistakes applicants commit is copying a generic resume online and submitting it to the employer. It's not bad to go online and search for sample resume as a basis in creating your personal resume. However, it is important that you tailor it to the company's objectives as well as to the specific job position that you are applying for.

If you are applying for a promotion, you have to highlight all your accomplishments and contributions to the company. This will make your employer realized how valuable you are to the company. Keep in mind that you are selling your knowledge, talent and service to the company.

Choosing a company that is open for career advancement is one thing that you have to check before you apply for any job. One area of physical therapy where promotion is fast is home care. Creating a development plan and show this to your director. Your physical therapist director will never know that you are aiming for a career advancement if you will not let him see your eagerness. Giving him your career development plan is one of the ways that could make your director be aware of your future career plans. Ask for feedback. Being open-minded is very crucial for anyone to have a career advancement.

Continuing education is the key for a physical therapist's career advancement. There online programs that you can enroll into to save you time and money. if you are too busy to travel back and forth from your workplace to the school, you can enroll in an online program.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil - Its Healing Benefits and Why You Should Use It

Obtained from the Ylang Ylang tree, this essential oil possesses various properties that make it an important commodity in improving physical and mental health. In aromatherapy, it is regarded as one of the best aromatic and soothing essential oils in existence. Its distinct and sweet scent originates from "Cananga Odorata", the scientific name of the ylang ylang tree. Known as the "flower of flowers" in Malayan, it comes directly from flowers of the tree and passes through a distillation process. Its oil can be used as treatment for relieving pain and to treat infertility and impotence. It can be applied both topically and orally to experience its curative effects.

The Ylang ylang essential oil has various health benefits. For instance, it can be used to treat external skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles and dry skin. It is also an essential component of most hair care products as it promotes hair growth. The oil can also be taken orally to treat internal infections associated with the stomach, intestines, and urinary tract. It is advisable to seek the advice of a medical practitioner before taking any essential oil orally.

Psychologically, Ylang ylang oil can be used to treat nervous conditions such as chronic anxiety, depression and shock. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and can aid in the treatment of various nervous conditions when blended with other essential oils.

A great way to use Ylang ylang essential oil when trying to calm your nerves is in massage therapy. Mixed with carrier oils such as Grape Seed and Wheat Germ oils, it can be massaged directly onto your skin. This may provide the curative effects you are be looking for to "take the edge off", it is this quality that endears it to most massage therapists and their patients.

Ylang ylang oil has great curative properties however, as with anything, unwanted side effects may manifest if not properly administered in controlled doses. It has the potential to trigger headaches, allergic reactions or nausea if taken in heavy abusive doses.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Choosing Online Massage Therapy Continuing Education Courses

A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is similar to a credit, in that a specific amount must be accrued to meet the requirements for maintaining a certification-just as credits are required for degrees or certificates. A single CEU is made up of ten hours of training. This unit of measurement enables students to maintain accurate records of further instruction undertaken in their field. This is often needed for the purposes of demonstrating to employers, state licensing authorities and various other relevant third parties that they are engaged in an ongoing program of educational development. In the case of massage therapists seeking to maintain and improve both their practical skills and industry credentials, massage therapy continuing education courses are vitally important.

Participation in a massage therapy program of continuing development does not result in an academic qualification, for instance a degree or diploma. Its main purpose is to enable the therapist to keep up to date with the latest findings and treatments as they are released, and maintain their certification and licensing.

Different Types of Courses

Apart from the hands on aspects that massage therapy involves, a continuing education course may provide other relevant benefits, such as business skills, book keeping, methods of marketing, and client profiling. This arsenal of skills is essential in assisting a therapist run a thriving practice with a healthy balance sheet, while at the same making certain that client needs are met.

The Convenience of Online Study

It is possible to attend classes in a formal teaching environment such as at a salon's training academy, or alternatively home and online learning routes are also both available. In this case, the student receives the learning materials for the course by post or email. For obvious reasons, most professional chose to take their CEU courses online. This may seem intriguing as a massage therapy course would be expected to be mainly practical in nature. Don't forget that many procedures can be demonstrated by DVD and online video modules. For the parts of the course that are theoretical in nature, textbooks and online written guides are the main study aids.

Ranging from simple and high level physiology to the process of determining and treating different types of physical conditions, many different massage therapy continuing education courses are available on a variety of topics. The therapist with a specialty in treatments suited to a day spa environment is unlikely to seek further education in an area such as Fibromyalgia. In the same way, someone working in the area of massage for pregnancy may not be interested in training regarding the treatment of HIV patients.

Broadening Horizons

Participation in a well rounded learning program is beneficial for any therapist who does not wish to restrict their massage therapy career opportunities. Being in possession of a wide range of skills improves their chances of advancement within the industry. By being involved in further massage therapy education to broaden their basic range of services, the trainee will be more appealing to new employers and clients alike.

The following are examples of the different types of further education courses in massage therapy that can be taken by students online:

* Thai Massage
* Reflexology
* Sports Massage
* Cranial-Sacral Massage
* Ethical Case Management
* Hot Stone Massage
* Aromatherapy
* Advanced Anatomy and Pathology
* Prenatal Massage fundamentals
* Deep Vein Thrombosis

Many employers don't even consider candidates who do not participate in regular training development. Notwithstanding the appeal of accelerating your career advancement, the individual who invests in ongoing learning will always improve their standing and authority as a respected massage therapist.

Why Go to a School For Massage Therapy Instead of Learn From a Book at Home Or Online?

Indeed, the massage therapy is fast growing. In fact, massage therapists will continuously be in demand for such a very long time. This alternative therapy has been practiced since ancient times to promote an overall sense of well-being. However, due to changing times and new discoveries in the medical and technological field, the ancient ways were somewhat forgotten. Yet, there are those who seek to preserve the teachings and the arts of ancient times. And as society continue to progress and many of the past has been forgotten, still there seem to be incidents where the past keeps up with modern times.

One such ancient art is the healing art of massage therapy. Touch has always been regarded as the greatest healing weapon for majority of illnesses; especially stress related ones and those triggered emotionally. In recent times, when man has been plagued with numerous illnesses partly brought about by society's progress, man turned to alternative forms of healing. The rediscovery of holistic treatments seemed more appealing to several people due to the fact that these treatments do not involve the use of artificial drugs.

In fact, massage therapy is only one of the several naturopathic treatments that have gained popularity and acknowledgement from a lot of people. Currently, various states in the United States currently have varied regulations towards massage therapist licensing. Some states requires 125 hours of training while others would require 500 hours or longer before granting a license to a particular individual who hopes to take on massage therapy as a career or profession. Moreover, some states do not honor training from schools in other states. Therefore, it is best to first determine the state you intend to practice massage therapy as a profession.

Although there are books or online sites that offer substantial amount of knowledge about the procedure and how it is properly performed, it is greatly advantageous to go to a school for massage therapy instead of learning from a book at home or online. One advantage is the fact that one will not only gain theoretical education but will have the chance to practice and become adept in the field. The entire package not only provides an individual a thorough understanding of the human anatomy but the practical application of the various massage techniques as well.

Besides that, due to the growing industry of massage therapy, a qualified massage therapist has the opportunity to work in various places such as spas, hotels, resorts, clinics, and even with big companies. Moreover, this profession is a flexible one since an individual may actually choose to work full time, or part time as a massage therapist. Since most people prefer getting a massage after work or during weekends, a massage therapist may choose to work around those hours. Moreover, he may even choose to be self-employed.

To sum it all up, the job opportunities for a massage therapist are not only limitless, but is a pretty much flexible profession as well.

The History of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu therapy today is known as a combination of various finger pressures on different key point areas in the human body. It is known as a Japanese massage technique that works in the balancing of the chi in the body to prevent and remove sickness. This is accomplished by keeping a free flowing energy in our body as blocked meridian points are believed to be the cause of most diseases among individuals. That is why balancing the chi or energy is vital in having a healthy condition that can have a stand against any sickness attack such as colds, depression, and many more.

Shiatsu can be traced back in Ancient Japan as a form of alternative healing during that time. One member in every family is knowledgeable in shiatsu massage technique so that someone in the family can heal all of the family members and keep them healthy. The massage therapists are called Teate which are usually women or blind people in the Japanese society.

In 1912, a story was told of a boy who at the age of seven used a healing technique in relieving his mother's pain and stress from rheumatoid arthritis by applying different pressure on his thumbs and palms. This boy was Tokujiro Namikoshi who later on founded in 1940 the Japan Shiatsu College where many shiatsu practitioners began to take their formal lessons in shiatsu massage therapy. Zen shiatsu was later on developed by a former student who became a teacher at Tokujiro Namihoshi's school named Shizuto Masunaga. These people had the privilege and honor of treating some of the wealthiest and high profile personalities of Japan during their time.

The Shiatsu Method was the first book published about Shiatsu which was authored by Tenpeki Tamai in 1919. He was believed by many to be the first to use and mentioned the term shiatsu. Tokujiro Namikoshi and many other Japanese individuals developed and improved shiatsu into other different methods, and for these they became popular, although it was the book published in1970 and authored by the famous Shizuto Masunaga which became instrumental in making Shiatsu popular all over the world. It was also due to the visit and treatment of then famous Marilyn Monroe who was examined and treated by Tokujiro Namikoshi who also made shiatsu a popular natural treatment outside Japan. Since then, the spread of different shiatsu massage therapies swept Europe and North America.

In the earlier times of shiatsu massage therapy, the practice is known to be based on Ancient Chinese medicines using acupuncture. However after World War II, this ancient healing practice was ordered to be banned due to several reports of therapists using thin needles on meridian points all over the body of the patient. The banning of shiatsu and its old Chinese practices was halted by Helen Keller. Today, shiatsu methods are a mixture of western practices and Chinese medicines. Although some methods have stick with western practices, similar practices are still retained in their methods. Shiatsu massage therapy may have branched into many methods; however their purpose of relaxing and healing the body is still the same.

There is Much, Much More to Massage Therapy Then Meets the Eye

Massage therapy for the therapist is not just about making money - though the money that can be made from this profession can be a very lucrative living indeed, for the therapist it must be more of a love for human beings, their wellness, an understanding of how the body works on all levels and a knowledge of natural and alternative remedies. You will not get much repeat business if you concentrate on the money rather than on the person in front of you.

It is also a fantastic way to make a living, imagine offering that secure, peaceful, relaxing place to those that crave it but can never seem to find it. Imagine being able to give the relief of the tension and stress to those that really need it, have always lived with it and don't know what it is like to live with out it - imagine being able to show them the way, help to make them feel really good and be a major part of the changing of their lives for the better. Imagine doing all that good and being paid for it...

With so many different types of massage therapy to choose from it would be a good idea, if you're thinking of going into this profession, not to limit yourself to just one type and area of massage. Offer as many different types or areas of massage as you feel you can to your client base and bring the best to them. In this way you can hone your skills to meet your client's needs and recommend different treatments that may be beneficial to them without your customers leaving your client base.

Also it is a good idea to be insured as this gives clients more confidence in you, your business, shows that you are professional and taking your role as a massage therapist seriously. Most if not all insurance companies like you, the therapist, to continue in your studies whilst you are actively working, so your learning is continuous. You will need to provide proof that you've attended extra courses or gained new information to help your business grow and maintain that you are up to date with new therapies or treatments to offer your clients.

Dress code and appearance is very important to a massage therapists business - as first impressions last and I can't imagine anyone wanting a massage from a therapist who has a cigarette hanging from the corner of the mouth, looking unwashed, with crusty food down the front of his/her top! No - the dress code we are taught is college is very different:

Hair should be clean and neat, if long (shoulder length or longer) should be tied back.

Clean and ironed uniform should be worn (usually white top and long black trousers).

Enclosed flat shoes, in a dark colour (though shoes and uniform may differ depending on where you work and what their dress code is).

Hands and nails should be clean and free from nail varnish (as some people are allergic to nail varnish - it also hides dirty nails).

Finger nails should be short - so there isn't a chance of injury to your client.

Make up should be kept to a minimum.

Be aware of personal hygiene, garlic or cigarette breath is not nice for anyone, cigarettes along with some other things make your hands smell and isn't pleasant for your client being massaged.

The consultation should be offered with every appointment (even to a recurring customer), is as important as the massage itself. This is the time when you build trust with your client and the relationship between you and your client grows, it is important that your client trusts you and he/she will not do this unless you spend time talking to one another.

Make sure that you take enough time for this before and after the massage treatment, ask the client how they are feeling, which area they feel they would like to have more attention. Check past information they have given you on other appointments to make sure that nothing has changed or needs to be added. Find out how the client felt after the last massage and the time in between. Make the client aware that all information given to you is confidential and make sure that you keep it that way.

Let your client know and feel that they are important, make sure they feel it - it will help to keep them coming back, they will also recommend you to their friends and family which will help to grow your business. When you get new customers ask how they heard about you - it is always interesting to know where your business is coming from, thank relevant clients for recommending your services - you don't have to say names as it's very probable that your client will know who he/she has recommended to you and when their appointment was! (On this point - never be drawn into a conversation with a client concerning another client this is a breach of confidence, and should be avoided, try to steer any conversations away from the subject).

Give your client every opportunity you can and actively encourage them to impart information about themselves, their health and lifestyle. The most important information tends to be given in conversation rather than in a questions and answers scenario (however this does not mean don't ask questions, just let your client talk).

Your client will enjoy feeling like that they are the center of the universe for an hour or so, in today's busy life style it could be the only time your client feels this way, so when booking appointments keep this in mind and give yourself enough time.

Make sure that you answer all your client's questions as fully as you can and leave no hesitancy in your clients minds to your knowledge and/or expertise - if you don't know the answer to the question let your client know that it is a very interesting question and that you will look into the answer for when the client returns on her next appointment - and make sure that you do it as the client will want to know what you've found out and more importantly that you've taken time for her.

Enjoy the massage, keep your mind as clear as possible, concentrate on your client's well being and send good caring thoughts her way.

Physical Therapists - What Do They Do?

Licensed physical therapists are healthcare professionals who examine, evaluate and provide physical intervention necessary to improve the mobility, flexibility and functional ability of the human body after an injury, illness or trauma has been inflicted on it. As such, physiotherapists can alleviate pain, improve physical function, and enhance quality of life for people of all ages and backgrounds. These professionals are also engaged in research and development, education and consultation, and administration in their field.

Obviously, physical therapists are specialists in the medical field equipped with the appropriate education, training and skills set. Here are a few of the most important facts regarding how to become a licensed physical therapist in your state.

Education Requirements

Aspiring physical therapists should acquire a relevant bachelor's degree for admission into a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program, a post-graduate program that usually lasts for 3 years. The undergraduate degree should include prerequisites including but not limited to courses in anatomy, physiology, chemistry and biology. Individuals who want to enroll in a DPT program should check for the accreditation status of the physical therapy schools before enrolling in one of these establishments.

The courses in a DPT program include anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, biomechanics, physiology and pharmacology. To say that the classes are competitive is an understatement.

Near the end of the DPT program, students are required to undergo clinical internships. Doctoral interns are exposed to various clinical situations in the various sub-specialties of their chosen profession (i.e., orthopedics and pediatrics) for a certain period, say, a month in each sub-specialty. These clinical internships are designed to provide actual experience in the profession and to assist in choosing a sub-specialty for the aspiring physical therapist.

Licensing Requirements

After graduation from the DPT program, aspiring physical therapists must comply with the state licensing board's requirements. The specific requirements vary among states so it is important to contact the concerned government agency for clarifications. The most common licensing requirement, nonetheless, is passing the licensing exam administered by the state board.

Licensed therapists must also engage in continuing education courses to renew their licenses, said renewal of which usually happens every 3 years. Board certification can also be acquired to practice a clinical specialty such as in sports, orthopedics or pediatrics.

Training Requirements

New therapists should also complete residency requirements. Residency programs are designed to equip a therapist with more advanced knowledge and actual experience in proper evaluation, diagnosis and intervention of patients' cases. These programs can last anywhere from 9 to 36 months with a minimum 1,500 contact hours.

Physical therapists are well-advised to become fellows in a professional organization. Fellowships offered are in the fields of hand therapy, movement science and sports, among others.

Indeed, physical therapists are essential medical professionals in our day. Their jobs make it easier for many individuals to regain their functional ability and, thus, to improve their quality of life.

Massage Therapy Soothes PMT and Menstruation Symptoms

Premenstrual tension and period pains are not ailments that can be cured, but together with other lifestyle changes, massage therapy can help reduce the discomfort you feel and improve your mindset.

Unfortunately both these conditions women have to live with for a considerable part of their adult life on a regular basis, but if you follow a few simple guidelines you will be able to cope and possibly alleviate them.

Symptoms of PMT and Period Pain

1. Anxiety and mood swings
2. Irrational, irritable and depressed
3. Lethargic and crave sweet foods
4. Abdomen feels bloated and you have fluid retention
5. Skin may become spotty
6. Stomach cramps and backache

Massage will not cure PMT and period pain but will help treat both the physical and mental symptoms of them.

It is a good idea to have a full body massage a couple of days before the symptoms appear, as it will help relax you and balance out your emotions. It is important to soothe both the mind and physical body, as built up tension adds to the muscle spasms and cramping pains felt at this time of the month.

Set a relaxed scene and using plenty of oil, slowly and firmly massage your abdomen with your hands. Using gentle, stroking movements rotate them in a clockwise direction, trying to remain relaxed at all times. Pulling up the side of the abdomen towards the bladder may also help.

Do not massage too deep as firm light strokes are far more soothing. Repeat as many times as you wish. This will reduce the bloated feeling in your swollen abdomen and soothe the nagging cramps felt in your lower back.

The best essential oils to add to the carrier oil before a massage are:

1. Chamomile
2. Lavender
3. Mandarin
4. Geranium

These will help balance out your hormones and minimise excessive fluid. Also for optimum benefit also add these oils to your daily bath.

Other suggestions to alleviate these symptoms are:

1. Have ample fibre in your diet
2. Reduce your salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake
3. Take supplements of B complex and evening primrose oil

Taking all this advice, and having a regular therapeutic massage regularly, will help reduce the symptoms of postmenstrual and menstruation, and allow you to lead a more normal life during these trying times women have to live with.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hilot - Effective Filipino Massage Therapy

Hilot is a popular massage method that originated in the Philippines which is commonly used in its provinces. It uses traditional Filipino herbal medicines and ointments as a part of the healing practice.

This type of massage therapy was the only source of medical care for the Filipinos many centuries ago. Even today, in the rural areas of the Philippines, hilot is still used by many people especially the poor people who have no money in getting their sick loved ones to the hospital for treatment.

Hilot is a combination of many types of medical care from healing, setting the bones in place, and delivering babies from pregnant women on rural areas. Most massage therapists are known as "manghihilot" which almost all of them are fond of using herbs and ointments during the massage therapy.

Like most Asian style of massage therapy, Hilot focuses its healing ability by clearing the energy pathways all over the patient's body which is believed to be responsible in providing a healthy condition to the human body. Most of the massage therapists that are good in this method can sense what is wrong with the patient's body by looking at him or her. Hilot, unlike most massage therapy needs communication from both parties as the massage therapist works on the patient's body. This type of massage therapy is a light therapeutic massage that can relax and comfort the patient's body.

During a massage therapy session, the massage therapist asks the patient to lie down on a massage table or bed and remove the upper clothing as he or she starts working at the back part of the patient. Heated banana leaves and other herbal leaves are used and placed on the different areas of the patient's body to help him relax which is similar to the use of hot stones. Herbal ointments are then applied on the back part of the body as a lubricant for better maneuvering of the hands for the different massage strokes. Pressure then is applied as the massage therapist works in relieving back pain and removing stress out of the patient's body. In case the patient experiences painful strokes or too much pressure applied by the massage therapist, he or she should let the massage therapist know how he or she is feeling so that the therapist can adjust and reduce the pressure and effort being used on the patient.

Hilot is a deep tissue massage which is a type of massage commonly used by athletes or individuals that works hard or has stressful jobs. This type of massage therapy relaxes and energizes the body in order to work properly and at its best. The deep tissue massage releases tension on the muscle which calms it and prevents body stiffening that often results as stress on the patient's physical condition. Unlike most massage therapy though, hilot doesn't follow a pattern during a massage therapy session, instead the massage therapist bases his or her work on the treatment needs of the patient. Hilot is an effective method of relieving body pain and other types of sickness.

Three Features Your Physical Therapy Software Needs To Effectively Support Your Mid-Sized Practice

If you're currently running a mid-sized physical therapy practice, you already fully understand that the facility does not run itself. Rather, each and every day brings with it an extensive assortment of specific operational requirements that helps to ensure overall success. From effectively managing patient care needs to consistently confirming that all operational procedures run smoothly, there are many critical factors that demand careful consideration to warrant optimal return on investment. What's one of the best ways to most efficiently manage the many daily functions required to keep your mid-sized practice running smoothly? Implementing an innovative physical therapy practice management software solution.

Selecting A Physical Therapy Software Solution Requires Research And Vendor Screening

It goes without saying that choosing a Physical Therapy software program at random for your firm will probably not produce the desired results. The only way to guarantee a maximum return on investment requires extensive research and vendor screening. While selecting an appropriately configured solution will require some initial legwork, the process doesn't have to prove overwhelming or too time consuming. Knowing what to look for as you begin to source a suitable software product can save time, internal resources and help guarantee that you procure the best technology fit possible for your firm.

Key Components To Look For With Your Physical Therapy Software Product

When pairing down the list of potential physical therapy practice management software solutions for your facility, always look for the following three critical components to ensure a comprehensive strategy.

Documentation: A reputable physical therapy practice management software product should always include a comprehensive documentation application. Users should be able to enter as much data as needed, yet the user interface should always prove ultra-intuitive. Most importantly, the documentation feature should carry over pertinent information from old entries and form the foundation for easy-to-run system reports.

Scheduling: Your mid-sized firm needs a functional scheduling component to keep the day running seamlessly. Always look for a product that offers optimized scheduling to help your front office coordinate appointments and manage cancellations. Ideally, the scheduling application should also include co-payment functionality as well as routine reminders about missed appointments to help best service patients in your care.

Billing: It's no secret that the back office often is the proverbial business backbone in any organization. Without a secure and systematic way to process invoices and request payments, your mid-size practice would soon be defunct. Your chosen software package should always include an extensive application for AP/AR functionality that can seamlessly take documentation notes to process insurance claims as well as generate any necessary accounting forms.

It's important to note that beyond the product features, there are also other critical components to seek in your selected partner. Remember, running any type of organization in the healthcare vertical stipulates compliance with various HIPPA requirements. Not only should you always opt for a vendor that knows the specific nuances of your industry, they should also offer additional resources and affiliations that can help your team guarantee they adhere to HIPPA regulations at all times. Periphery partnerships with your chosen vendor can prove a true differentiator as you move forward with your final decision on a product.

Massage Therapy Training Possibilities

Massage therapy is commonly used for its medical advantages and relaxation functions. Students that have an educational background can work with a variety of clients. Numerous holistic healing schools offer students training opportunities in massage therapy.

The training requirements are different than most majors because educational standards change from state to state. The overall requirements for a massage therapist is to have completed at least 500 hours of schooling and obtained a license to practice. Most states utilize one of the two national exams, which include the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination. Students have many training options to choose from when it comes to earning their 500 hours of completion. Most colleges offer students the chance to complete a certificate or associate's degree program.

Programs at both educational levels typically teach an overview of the field. Students interested in a specific technique can find some programs that concentrate on one area specifically. There are over eighty different techniques that are commonly referred to as modalities. Aromatherapy, shiatsu, relaxation, and deep tissue are some popular massage therapy styles. Educational training covers multiple areas because massage therapists usually provide several modalities at their place of work. Each technique is covered inside a training program. Students learn how to use long strokes and short percussion-like strokes on clients. Students will also learn certain massage therapy types that are only used on specific clients. For example, pregnant women often receive prenatal massage therapy to help them relax and relieve strain on muscles.

Students will learn about these techniques inside both available training programs. Certificate programs allow students to step into a career within six months to a year. Education focuses on different pressure points, massage styles, and business practices. The Eastern and Western forms of massage therapy are covered to give students a well-rounded education. Courses may include:

  • Anatomy

  • Physiology

  • Sports Massage

Education prepares students for entry-level careers working for spas, chiropractic offices, and more. Courses prepare students to work with clients before, during, and after a session. Before a massage therapy session an interview is conducted to gain the individuals medical history. This knowledge helps the therapist know which techniques would be best for a particular client. During a session professionals adjust their approach to help specific areas that need to be addressed. After a session professionals often talk with clients to know what works best for future visits.

Education at the associate's degree level allows students to step into a wide range of careers because more training is earned. A broader knowledge base is gained as students work through courses that may include:

  • Medical Terminology

  • Pathology of Disease

  • Swedish Massage

  • Business Management

Within the two years of natural healing study students learn how to work inside hospitals, clinics, or their own businesses.

Both educational opportunities train students to obtain licensure and become working professionals. Enter an accredited massage therapy training program and start the process of entering a popular career field. Agencies like the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation ( http://www.comta.org/ ) accredited the best quality training programs.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised on HolisticJunction.com.
Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by HolisticJunction.com.

Communication in Massage

Communicating with clients and understanding Variables.

Three special needs clients are:

- Mental Illness - Clinical Depression, BiPolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
- People with chronic illness
- The elderly

For these three particular groups special requirements may be necessary to accommodate their massage needs.

For the mentally ill suffering from depressive illness it may be necessary to provide a kind, caring, courteous and respectful attitude to make them feel safe, appreciated and respected. It is possible that these people may have an emotional episode while receiving treatment and it will be necessary to provide them with the emotional support they may need.

In addition to the emotional and psychological aspect to providing massage to someone with a depressive illness it may be necessary to use only a select few techniques to prevent any negative effects. Techniques such as tapotement can make them feel more stressed and anxious so it may be best to leave this out. Some clients will also be on medication and depending on the type; certain massage techniques may be contraindicated such as deep tissue massage.

As far as massage is concerned for people suffering depressive illness, it can be a great asset in helping these people deal with their emotions and any physical symptoms that may have manifested themselves through their condition and is a great tool to help them distress and relax. Care must be taken to prevent the client becoming too emotionally dependent on the therapist.

A chronic illness is a condition that has persisted for a long time and quite often there is no known cure, it often causes great pain and discomfort to the individual and possibly even lowers their quality of living. This condition can result in a compromised immune system which makes clinic hygiene and a good state of own personal health a high priority. Other conditions may be the result of physical injury or trauma or possibly another disease like HIV or Parkinson's.

When dealing with a person who has a chronic illness it is necessary to treat them much in the same way as someone suffering from a depressive illness: kind, caring, courteous and respectful. Massage techniques may be restricted depending on their current physical condition, medication or just simply personal preference. In some cases it may contraindicated to perform deep tissue massage and tapotement. If massage is not contraindicated then gentle, relaxing techniques like effleurage and petrissage can be performed. The key to massaging someone with a chronic illness is to help them relax.

For the elderly, receiving a massage is a chance for them to receive gentle human contact and have a chance to communicate, especially if they live in an aged care facility.

When providing massage to an elderly client it is important to provide only what they feel comfortable with. Some clients may prefer to remain seated and fully clothed others may like to lie on a bed or massage table and be undressed down to their underwear. No matter what they choose it's important to provide them with a feeling of safety, comfort and security. Just like the depressive and chronic illnesses it is important to be kind, caring, courteous and respectful.

In some cases full body massages aren't wanted and the client is happy to simply receive a hand, foot and head massage and other cases may want more. It is important to remember when performing massage on the elderly to take great care with stroke depth as the skin tends to become thin, dry, wrinkled, prone to bruising and has the possibility of tearing. Sometimes a client is happy to simply sit and talk and not worry about massage but no matter what the choice it's important for the therapist to communicate effectively with the client.

The general points in dealing with the elderly are:

- Monitor comfort and warmth
- Support weak, contracted, painful areas
- Short Session - They tire easily
- Be flexible and adaptable
- Adjust rate, rhythm, pressure and touch
- Modify massage techniques as needed
- Do not rush them
- Take time to build trust and rapport
- Listen and show interest, allow them to talk
- Be sensitive to their emotional needs
- Adapt the massage to client and situation
- Avoid deep work and be careful around the neck and chest
- Obtain permission to massage sensitive areas
- Ask what sort of help they need and support them
- Remember you are not trying to fix things or cure them
- Ensure safety on and off the table - Clean all oil off feet.

Skills required for being an effective communicator in the massage industry

  • Be respectful - Every client has different needs and requirements and it's important to make them feel comfortable and secure. The therapist needs to respect the integrity of the client.

  • Be a good listener - While massage is seen to be a physical profession people don't often realise it is also a form of counselling. Sometimes a client will reveal a lot of personal information while they are on the table and it's important the therapist is respectful, listens to what they say and comfort them in the process.

  • Kind, Considerate and Warm - This falls in with the previous two points and without it is impossible to provide the client the feeling of safety and security

  • Happy and Energetic - By portraying these emotions it can help boost the feelings of the client if they are feeling a little run down. If the client is already happy and energetic then it can lead to a very productive session, one which the client will enjoy very much.

  • Be professional - Being professional gives the client the comfort they need knowing they will be respected and all the effort will be made to ensure their comfort and satisfaction. It is also necessary when problems arise.

  • Compassion and Empathy - When a client is revealing personal information, something that makes feel distraught, it helps to be compassionate and empathetic to try and meet them on the same level. If there is the same level of understanding between therapist and client then the comfort of the client will be adequately met.

Experience the Ultimate in Massage Therapy With the Nuga Massage Bed

The Nuga massage bed is a multifunctional product promising an intense relaxation and therapeutic experience during a 40-minute session. The main purpose of such a massage bed is to stimulate blood circulation and cell activity in specific body parts. It promises to increase metabolic activity and serotonin oxidation thus enabling the user more energetic and optimistic.

The Nuga massage bed combines the advantages of Acupressure, Hand massage and infrared rays to provide maximum relaxation for your spine and nearby muscles and ligaments. There are jade balls embedded within its internal structure which are capable of emitting negative ions leading to increased cell metabolism which has a direct effect on lightening the user's moods and creates a feeling of wellness. It has a positive impact on the body's defense mechanism enabling it to uncover its natural healing abilities.

It comes with a Weight and Pain relief pad which can be applied on your body to stimulate cellulite decomposition and aid in constipation relief. It also claims to reduce pain, swelling and muscle spasms and strengthening muscles by improving blood circulation.

The Nuga massage bed is supported on a light but sturdy metal and wood frame. It has an inbuilt digital projector for temperature control and can be inclined from 10-30 degree on the lower as well as upper frame. It comes in an attractive Feng Shui design and boasts of very less power usage.

You can try out this special bed in some centers located in almost all big cities to experience the benefits. You can remain fully clothed during the session, only removing your shoes and belt. The first experience maybe a bit rough, so the staff might actually advise you to spread a thick towel or sheet on the bed before you lie down but within time you will get used to the pressure generated by the rollers beneath.

Physical Therapy: Benefits, Conditions, and Treatment Options

Physical therapy (PT) is a great treatment option for those in need of rehabilitation. Many people who have trouble moving around on a daily basis or who have particular injuries will benefit from these treatments. PT often decreases the level of muscle and joint pain and helps to give more range of motion. There are many benefits and uses to this type of medical treatment.

A physical therapist works with each patient to develop an appropriate treatment plan. This treatment plan is developed after analyzing each patient's level of strength, range of motion, and coordination. Different exercises and activities are performed with the help of a physical therapist in order to make daily tasks easier and to minimize physical impairments and aid in preventing further injury. PT is often the recommended treatment option for those with illness, disease or serious injury. Everyone from babies to the elderly benefits from this type of treatment.

Physical therapy involves a combination of treatment options. This includes exercises that help to improve strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and range of motion. Exercise may include weight lifting, stretching, walking, and more. A physical therapist will gradually increase the level of exercise in order to improve each patient's individual functionality and help to correct the problem at hand.

Many physical therapists utilize hot and cold packs as well as electrical stimulation to aid in treatment. This is especially common in orthopedic physical therapy which focuses on diagnosing and treating injuries and disorders that affect the joints and muscles. This is a common treatment option for people who suffer from sports related injuries, arthritis, and amputation.

As treatment progresses, a physical therapist will continue to evaluate each patient's illness or injury to monitor improvement. This will help to show if treatment needs to be modified in order to reach particular goals. While PT does take time and work, it can be an extremely beneficial treatment option.

You may benefit from physical therapy if you suffer from the following:

  • Back pain

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Joint pain (arthritis)

  • Balance or mobility issues

  • Cardiovascular disorders

  • Muscle strains

  • Slip and fall injuries

  • Motor Vehicle Accident injuries

  • Sports injuries

This is just a small example of some of the injuries and disorders that may require physical therapy. If you have been recommended to seek PT treatment, consult with a professional physical therapist. This will help you get expert advice and personalized treatment options. With a treatment plan, you can decrease pain and improve physical performance.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Researchers have been studying the medical, physical, and emotional benefits of therapeutic massage since the late 1800s. Their findings suggest that massage is beneficial in many daily aspects of human life. This article discusses the many proven benefits of therapeutic massage:

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), therapeutic massage has been found to foster peace of mind, promote a relaxed state of mental alertness, help relieve mental stress, improve ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately, reduce levels of anxiety, and increase awareness of mind-body connection. Studies have shown that medical students who were massaged before an exam experienced a significant decrease in anxiety and respiratory rates. Cancer patients were found to have a similar reduction of anxiety levels.

Focus and Attention

Research studies have found that office workers who receive regular massages perform better at their job tasks than those who did not receive regular massages. Additionally, office workers who were regularly massaged were more alert and less stressed than those who weren't regularly massaged. Another study performed on autistic children showed that massage could promote a reduction in the erratic behavior common among autistic individuals.

Pain Relief

It's fairly common for pregnant women to undergo massage therapy in order to alleviate the discomfort associated with pregnancy. Additionally, athletes frequently get massaged to alleviate muscle pain. Massage has been proven to reduce the pain and swelling caused by strained muscles and sprained ligaments. Additionally, it helps to relieve tension-related headaches and headaches related to eye strain.

Rehabilitation and Healing

Therapeutic massage can stimulate weak and inactive muscles resulting in a faster, more complete recovery from an illness or injury in which inactivity causes muscle deterioration. Massage has also been shown to promote weight gain in both premature and HIV-exposed infants.

General Health

Massage improves blood circulation and lymph fluid movement. It decreases blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. People who receive regular massages have greater joint flexibility and range of motion. Massage enhances athletic performance, promotes deeper and easier breathing, enhances the health and nourishment of the skin, and improves posture.

While the physical benefits of therapeutic massage are great, perhaps the most notable effects of therapeutic massage are its emotional benefits. Many of the ailments found among persons in today's society are stress-related. Massage has been found to be extremely effective in stress and anxiety reduction, and it has also been proven to reduce the symptoms and feelings of depression. In fact, studies have shown that women who had recently experienced the death of a child were less depressed after being massaged. People who rely on prescription medications to relieve symptoms of anxiety or depression may benefit by indulging in a weekly massage session.

Benefits Of Massaging A Penis With Herbal Penis Massage Oils

Massaging a penis has been found to be very beneficial in treating problem of weak erections in men either due to getting old or due to any other deficiency in the body. It is well-known that a penis appears smaller if a person is not able to get full erections. It is the flow of blood that helps penis become stiff and hard, and it depends on the health of veins and tissues of the penile area on how long they can hold this blood together to perform sexual intercourse.

These days there are many products being sold in the market which claim to increase the size of penis as well as quality of erections, but their results have been found to be of mediocre nature and not long-lasting. As well as there are side effects associated with these products which may even incur permanent damage to penis, although some companies marketing these products still claim that they are safe to use and do not cause any type of side effects.

One of the oldest techniques of improving blood circulation to all parts of the body is massage therapy. Massaging a penis is helpful in increasing its size as well as helps in attaining fuller and bigger erection by enhancing the flow of blood to the penile area and improving the holding power of veins and tissues.

Some experts claim that penis does not have any muscles hence massaging it would be of no use. However some evidences have shown that massaging a penis increases blood flow to the penile area and increases testosterone levels and makes the veins and tissues of the area stronger helping men achieve longer lasting erections. Experts have developed massaging techniques for penis which give positive results in a very short period of time. Jelking, ballooning and milking are the most popular methods of massaging which men mostly prefer. All these help in enhancing the length and girth of your penis by helping the body full erections.

Massaging your penis regularly with cream, gel or herbal oils will make the penis stronger and will hold itself longer in the battle field. Regular massage will help in bringing in more blood to the reproductive organs hence also helping in enhanced libido, more intensity and quick erections after one orgasm.

The most important thing is applying the right technique and using a good herbal product which is free from any type of side effects. The effects of using herbs is long-lasting and almost everyone gets benefited from their use.

One such popular herbal product that is used by men worldwide is Vigrx erection oil. It contains a combination of some of the best potent herbs helpful in improving the overall sexual health of a person, as well as there is no other herbal penis massage oil that has so many positive customer reviews for it spread all over the internet as well as in some popular men's magazines.

While visiting the products website one can safely assume that the company is fully confident of its product as it is offering a full money back guarantee if their oil does not produce the desired results.

While ordering online one should first check the contact details of the company, if it is not offering any type of contact details then one should be wary of buying from them.

From what i found from Vigrx oil website they are offering live help to all its customers, so that all the questions are answered instantly.

One drawback i can see is that Vigrx oil's price is a little bit on the higher side but the company is offering a free tube with the first order, so it is winning deal all the way.

Massage: Helping People Recover From Stroke

One of the leading causes of death all over the world is stroke. It is defined by the Heart and Stroke Foundation as the sudden loss of brain function due to change of blood flow in the brain, blockage of a blood vessel in the brain, or the rupture of this blood vessel. Without proper flow of blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain, there is a huge chance of incurring brain damage. Suffering from stroke is one of the most unpleasant event that any family can experience. Stroke not only affects the stroke patient, but it affects the whole family as well. As such, recovery from stroke is the recovery of the whole family from a traumatic experience.

So how can massage therapy or therapeutic massage help stroke survivors in their recovery? Well, we all know that massage therapy is known to have a vast effect on the body's nervous system and circulatory system particularly through the improvement of the body's blood flow and circulation. In addition, massage is also known to help people relax, reduce stress, and decrease pain. Armed with these knowledge coupled with the mastery of various therapeutic massage techniques, there is no doubt that massage therapists can assist people in their recovery process.

In 2004, a study has been conducted to investigate how massage therapy affects stroke patients. The study was lead by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Nursing and Wong Chuk Hang Hospital also located in Hong Kong. Results showed that the group who received ten minutes of slow-stroke back massage before bedtime for seven nights had significant lower levels of pain, anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate compared with the control group. If ten minutes can do that, how much more can regular sessions of therapeutic massage affect the recovery of stroke patients?

There are different types of massage therapy techniques that can be used for stroke patients depending on their needs and condition. Two of the most popular massage therapy techniques are Swedish massage and reflexology. Other popular choices of massage treatments especially in the area of Rocky Point, New York are sports massage, deep tissue massage, and pregnancy massage.

Swedish massage, reflexology, sports massage, deep tissue massage, and pregnancy massage can be availed at a leading, and well-known massage spa in Rocky Point, NY. But of course, recognizing the fact that it is hard for some stroke patients to travel back and forth to a massage spa, the massage spa can send one of their professional massage therapist for home or hospital visit.

Suffering from stroke is not a pleasurable experience. Rehabilitation from a stroke can often take months or even years. For massage therapy to succeed in its aim of helping on the recovery of stroke patients, it must be done properly and with utmost care. Relaxing massage environment should be simulated at all times. And of course, there should be open communication between the massage therapist and the patient. It is not just the massage who ensures the success of any recovery, but who gives it. Choose a massage therapist wisely.

Massage Envy Rockpoint
346 Route 25A Suite# 106
Rocky Point, NY 11778
(631) 821-3999

Do Chiropractors Work With Massage Therapists?

Chiropractic and massage therapy work very well together. So much so, that it's not uncommon for chiropractors to employ or lease space to massage therapists in their very own office.

Some people have visited a massage therapist for stress relief or to deal with a chronic neck or back pain problem. When they didn't quite get the lasting relief they were looking for, they went to see a chiropractor.

While the chiropractor can work wonders on moving the spine and returning it's normal function, some patients end up missing their regular massages. They begin to think that they are "cheating" on their chiropractor and get nervous about whether or not they should even mention their visits.

Your chiropractor will usually be very happy you are seeing a massage therapist (depending on your condition). While the chiropractor adjusts the spine to affect the nerves and the surrounding soft tissues (including the muscles), they may not be able to spend the half hour or an hour that you may need to really get our muscles relaxed.

Having a professional massage your and relax any muscle tightness and spasm will help the chiropractor's ability to give you a more relaxed, pain-free spinal adjustment. The more tense the muscles are when the doctor administers the adjustment, the less comfortable it can be.

From a long term stand point, the Doctor of Chiropractic is also happy to have the improved blood flow and relaxed muscles too. While the doctor moves the bones, it's ultimately the muscles that will end up maintaining the bones in their proper place.

If you typically spend all day sitting at the computer and your muscles tend to get very tense (like most of us), it makes sense that you'll benefit from regular massages. Your chiropractor will not object to this in most cases. Where some people experience problems is when they have a herniated disc, or other condition that involves a lot of inflammation.

When your muscles are very inflammed, a deep tissue massage may tend to increase the inflammation, making things temporarily more painful. When the muscles are more painful, they are more difficult to work with and can keep the chiropractor from being able to work on your spine to the degree that they would prefer.

Talk over any treatments that you are considering or currently doing with any health care provider. Many are okay, and don't think you're "cheating" on anyone.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Massage

What are the health benefits of massage? Well there are many so I thought I'd create a list of ones I know and others that I've read about. After reading my compilation of health benefits, I think you'll agree that massage is a valuable service to mankind and a great addition to a life of health and wellness. Here's my top 10 list, how many others can you think of?

1. Reduced pain and stiffness. Pain is reduced through many choices of techniques that are appropriate to each situation.The human body responds better to human touch than almost any man-made instrument you can think of. I would say that 95% of my clients come to me due to pain and discomfort. Since I enjoy doing treatment work so much, I love it when they're in pain because I get to chase the pain away! One of the rewarding things about doing insurance massage is seeing your clients become independent of pain medications.

2. Stress management. Life is stressful enough and it seems like things are moving faster and faster all the time. It's easy to get overwhelmed these days with so much to keep track of anymore. Massage is a much-needed time-out for many people. It's a time to turn off all cellphones and leave that computer alone for an hour or two. I like to call massages a "Mini Vacation" for those who need a break.

3. Decreased anxiety and depression. Depression and anxiety can be a result of a chemical imbalance or an overtaxed nervous system. Whatever the cause, massage is great for bringing back some balance into the body and helping others to become present with themselves.

4. A stronger immune system. Many studies have shown that regular massage helps to keep the immune system strong and resistant from disease. Remember that the human body responds strongly to touch.

5. Increased lymph circulation. Lymph is naturally moved through the body through exercise which milks the muscles and helps to rinse toxins and impurities from the body. The lymphatic system is the first responder to infections and diseases. The smoother it runs, the less likely you are to become vulnerable to disease and disorders.

6. Improved blood circulation. Blood carries life-giving oxygen throughout the body and it works in tandem with the lymphatic system to keep everything moving right along.

7. Lower blood pressure. Massage can help lower blood pressure as it helps to take someone from a place of stress to a place of peace and rest. I've been told that one hour of an effective massage is equivalent to 4 hours of rest. If you're having trouble sleeping at night try getting a massage before bed.

8. Increased flexibility. Massage is great for increasing your flexibility because a massage therapist can practice range of motion and passive stretching on the limbs. A passive stretch gives you a better stretch than you can get on your own because the therapist is able to isolate the muscles more than you can do on your own. Range of motion helps to open and loosen stiff joints. Getting regular massage can help to prevent muscle related injuries in various sporting activities.

9. Reduced inflammation and swelling. Typically inflammation and swelling in the body are brought on by a trauma but sometimes they can linger in an area that's lacking good circulation. Inflammation and swelling are reduced by increasing the circulation of blood and lymph. With manual massage techniques, stagnant blood and lymph are moved back to the heart and fresh blood and lymph come back in to circulate the area. With less inflammation and swelling comes less pain and discomfort.

10. Greater enjoyment of life. Massage therapy greatly improves the quality of life for many people including the elderly, the stressed and those with painful conditions. I know that giving and receiving massage has improved the quality of my life and I've enjoyed improving the quality of life for others.

So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed my top 10 list of the health benefits of massage. I love sharing this information with my clients and they love becoming more educated about how massage can help their body.

Physical Therapy - How Physiotherapy Can Help You

"Physiotherapy is one of the modern ways of healing physical, mental and emotional injuries. It is also known to be the safest treatment when performed by a professional." There is a big misconception about physiotherapy; some people think that this will only treat serious injuries. However, physiotherapy can teat even the mildest pain like back pain due to stress or perhaps muscle cramps etc. this kind of therapy can help you ease the pain in no time at all. If you are the kind of person who does not want to turn to over-the-counter drugs or pain medications, you can opt for physiotherapy to help you ease the pain.

What is your thought about this kind of therapy? Do see it as a boring and rigid physical exercise? Some people think that this kind of therapy involves nothing but some boring set of physical activity that is somewhat tiring. However, physiotherapy is more than just performing a set of physical exercises. All activities being performed during the entire healing process are all needed in order to regain normal health.

Depending on your condition, you might be required to execute simple physical workout routines to help you ease out the tension from your body and muscles. For people with serious injury you might be required to perform physical exercises along with body massage for a certain number of hours or days. A human being's touch can have powerful healing that there is no need for drug intervention. That is why most people with mild or severe muscle cramps would rather opt to have a full body massage rather than reach for the bottle of pain reliever.

It is not only through healing of mild to severe injuries that physiotherapy can help you but it can also help promote normal blood flow. And this is great for people who are always stressed out with their work. Another way that this kind of therapy can help you is that it helps calm the tiring nerves within your body. People who are especially working manual labor i.e. seaman, construction builders, truck drivers etc will somehow experience muscle stiffness and this can be healed by means of proper massage techniques. Physiotherapy can also help a person using mobility aid to properly use these tools with ease and comfort.

If you have want total healing without taking any prescription drugs you can opt for physiotherapy. Of course, healing will also depend on several factors like the type of disease that you have the severity of your case as well as your cooperation. And when you are choosing a physiotherapist make sure that the person is licensed and has a good reputation. Avoid going to someone who is not a licensed physiotherapist.

Heal thy wounds by means of physiotherapy.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Massage Therapist Can Pick Your Profession by Your Aches and Pains

As a qualified massage therapist, we are often interested, and of course, concerned at how different types of aches and pains may be associated with certain types of professions.

With the simple question to a client, "what type of work do you do" we can predict with a high degree of accuracy where the customer is probably experiencing aches and pains in their body.

The professional office worker - The professional office worker will often have issues relating to one or even both sides of their neck. Even the ear they hold the phone up to can be predicted by the associated neck pain around it that side of the neck. We know who's using an ergonomic phone or ear piece and who's not. The massage would then focus on stretching the cramped neck out. The massage would also often need to extend down to that side of the shoulder. In addition, the muscles that extend up into the skull around that ear and side of the neck would often need attention too.

A male office worker will also often have issues with their calves. The massage therapist then has to focus on stretching out extremely tight calves. This can take several time and even several sessions. This interests me as a massage therapist, because often the customer job often involves sitting for long period of time - yet their calves are as tight as one would expect to find on a long distance runner. I have a theory that the body pushes stress to the furthest point away from the heart as possible to protect the heart.

So for office workers, it's the two extremes; the neck and the calves.

Trades people - The trades person often complain of pain in the mid section; from the legs, the glute muscles and the lower back. Often these physical roles involve bending, lifting heavy equipment and machinery so the mid body is strained. The massage therapist then usually focuses on stretching the back muscles which then results in improved blood flow to the area and relief.

It interests me as a massage therapist, that my massage technique is so dependent on the type of work my clients does.

Men are from Mars - The difference between men and women when it comes to massage needs is that women tend to be 'pamper driven' and enjoy all over massage. Men seem to be driven to solve aches and pain in their body and often have certain points around their body that they like the massage therapist to focus on.

Overall, its important to understand the impact one's profession has on their body. Pay attention to aches and pains and seek a resolution. There are few nicer ways to resolve pain than a massage.

What Does A Teaching Assistant Do? A Job Description

A teaching assistant, or teacher's aide, provides support for certified teachers. Although a teaching assistant's responsibilities vary greatly from school to school, the majority of teaching assistants work at least in part with students who have special needs and thus require more individualized attention. This individualized attention may include working one-on-one with a particular student, making sure several students are receiving their required services, and/or providing support to students to make sure they are able to succeed in their classes. The students may have a learning disability, an emotional disability, a behavioral disability, a physical disability, or they may be diagnosed with a condition such as ADHD or autism.

In addition to providing support to students with special needs, a teacher's aide may also assist the certified teacher with various classroom-related tasks, such as grading assignments, entering scores into the grade book, monitoring students, and/or teaching parts of a lesson. Basically, the teacher's aide provides the certified teacher with an extra set of hands and eyes in the classroom, which will allow the certified teacher to better reach all of the students in the class. Typically, classrooms that utilize a teaching assistant contain students who require more attention, so the extra help that a TA provides in these classrooms is invaluable, both to the teacher and to the students being served in the classroom.

TAs may also be called upon to perform a variety of other supervisory tasks, such as supervising the cafeteria, hallways, and/or outside activities. When supervising, teaching assistants will make sure students are following school expectations in these locations. Teaching assistants are valuable to a school because they have the flexibility to perform many tasks that certified teachers may not be free to perform. They perform many of the behind-the-scenes tasks that allow the school to run smoothly.

The teacher's aide position is a great position for three primary reasons. First, it is very satisfying to develop relationships with students, to serve them, and to help them be more prepared for the future. Second, because it is a non-certified position, the responsibilities are less than that of a certified teacher, which allows the teacher's aide to devote more energy to his or her life outside of the job, such as to family, friends, and hobbies. Third, the salary for this position is quite competitive.

Being a teacher's aide means having an exciting and fulfilling job that will make a significant difference in the lives of the children you serve.

Massage and Massage Therapy - Positively Uplifting

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you want to see when you look in the mirror? How do you want to feel when you look in the mirror? Let me take a stab at what you actually see and what you actually feel.

You think that the face looking back at you is unattractive, and that your best years have long gone, or even that the face looking back at you is downright ugly!

Why am I so sure? Because that is exactly what I said and exactly how I felt on a daily basis about the face that looked back at me from my own mirror.

Am I different from you... no way! I have spent far too much money on beauty products and anti wrinkle creams, on age reducing pills and potions and I've fallen for every 'Get young and beautiful' new product that came my way with a net result of not looking a day younger and not feeling any better about myself.

That is, until my best friend gave me a gift certificate for a facial massage. Without getting too dramatic, I can say with hand on heart, that without knowing it, my friend had given me a life changing gift. I had never considered massage or massage therapy, because I had it in my mind that it was an expensive luxury, and if there were any benefits I certainly didn't think they would apply to me.

When the time came, my friend had to drag me along for my facial, because I felt, uncomfortable, self conscious, and I suppose unworthy of that kind of attention. I felt that I was drawing attention to something that I'd been reluctant to even think about, let alone discuss, which at the time was an incredibly negative view I had of how I looked and how I felt about myself.

This doesn't sound like a great start to my life changing gift does it? Fortunately for me, my friend is made of stronger stuff and despite her ulterior motive (the gift certificate was for two!) she and I went ahead and had our facial. The facial itself didn't turn me into a teenager again, and nobody wolf whistled as we sat at a pavement café, but something was definitely different.

I've come to understand that the reason I felt different was because a couple of popular myths had been dispelled during my facial. The first popular myth was that massage was not for the likes of me. The second popular myth was that the benefits of massage and massage therapy wouldn't apply to me. The results of that facial massage and the many that I've had since have been to give me a sense of self appreciation. Massage and massage therapy is for the likes of me and it is most definitely not just for the benefit of a select few. Speaking of benefits, the list of improvements that massage and massage therapy delivers goes on and on, and as I've discovered for myself, the benefits are not confined to physical improvements, but to psychological improvements as well.

Do I look like a supermodel... well I never have and I never will, but that's not the point. I'm now happy to look at myself in the mirror and more to the point, I feel good about what I see and I'm happy with how I feel. To keep me feeling this way I give myself a thorough facial massage every day and I make a big deal out of doing so. I put on relaxing music and I burn essential oils to create a completely enjoyable experience. A half hour is all it takes and yes, I do believe I look younger, if I say so myself.

I suppose the main point here is that you, me or anyone else deserves to feel good about themselves, and for me, the gift of a facial massage was the necessary trigger. There are many things in life that can give you that much needed lift and I hope you find them, but for now, giving yourself a facial massage is as good a kick-start as any.

To your continued, outstanding health.

P.S. Don't be afraid to slap on some so called age-reducing lotion or potion if that's what it takes and don't beat yourself up either, after all, you're only human.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sam Benton

Physical Therapy Techniques - A Compact Detour

The aim of physical therapy is to focus on the well being and health of a patient suffering from any kind of ailment. Such ailments could be diseases such as arthritis, wear and tear of body parts, post-surgical difficulties and any other condition that might occur. Often, physical therapy is used in conjunction with medical practices with a similar goal; the restoration of mobility and the rehabilitation of the patient.

Professionals use different techniques of physical therapy to enable the patients to start healing their injuries. Each technique is unique and has a different level of effectiveness for a particular ailment. A physical therapist is trained enough to know when what kind of technique is useful at what time and should be able to implement the necessary actions to gain desired results.

There are a few techniques of physical therapy that have been prevalent since the birth of this profession, while other techniques have evolved with the changing technological innovations and research. The face of physical therapy is constantly changing with the changing technology and research.

Massage is perhaps the oldest method of physical therapy. Massages usually involve manipulating tissues to achieve a particular goal. This goal varies with each patient and also depends on the needs of the patient. There are a number of benefits of this type of manipulation. Relaxation and tension release are the main benefits gathered from this technique. Although this technique of physical therapy is relatively easier to perform, a considerable quantity of knowledge is required in order to perform it correctly. Very often, the traction force is applied on the area that is tight in order to restore a normal texture and feel to the tissue. This kind of myofasical release concentrates on stretching in order to reduce the restrictions and barriers that are on the body. This helps in reducing pain and improving movement.

Other techniques of physical therapy concentrate on arthritis, general stiffness, soreness and joint care that can severely impair the movement of the joints causing discomfort for the patient. The physical therapist should be able to guess what kind of treatment is suitable to reduce pain: rest, basic joint mobilization or the joint. The physical therapists should be able to loosen up the muscles that are causing the stiffness, as well as improve the mobility range for a particular joint. The therapist will use particular hand motions and placements in order to release particular contracting agents that can reduce pain. This method especially helps those who have arthritis and whose joints might have grown stiff due to lack of use because of pain.

Another physical therapy that is used often is hydrotherapy. Also known as aquatic therapy, hydrotherapy makes use of water as a device for the implementation of different complementary techniques. Water has numerous effects. Water helps in reducing strain and stress built in the body due to exercises performed on land. This especially helps patients who are recovering from fractures, arthritis patients and even overweight people. Water helps in providing the required resistance for successful exercises.

There are a number of other techniques of physical therapy that are effective in the restoration of health to the body. People suffering from pain and limited motion can also benefit a lot from these techniques.

Benefit of Massage For Different Trauma

Massage has physiologic and psychological effects on the body. Part of the physical effects of a massage may include a general and muscular relaxation, improve blood circulation, enhance circulation of fluids and elimination, reduce pain and increase joint flexibility and mobility.

Edema is the retention of interstitial fluids may be associated with inflammation or poor circulation in either case the edema need to be processed by the lymphatic system.
Some types of edema contraindicate massage but when you have fluid retention due to a sub-acute musculoskeletal injury or temporary immobilization massage is a great healing tool. In our South Florida offices we have found edema in most trauma. It is almost a normal reaction that will decrease with time. Part or all of the edema will persist and will organize itself. The massage can drain the edema when it's applied early and help to avoid that organization. Later it will still help but may take longer to resolve. Sometimes the edema will appear later, mostly in the lower body. The massage techniques to use will vary with the type of edema. Long and superficial massage will be used first, later you can go deeper.

Superficial scar: Superficial scar tissue is a growth of new tissue, skin or fascia, after injury. They can be by their extent and their nature a major functional handicap. In absence of contraindications, massage around the edges of a new scar can have tremendous impact on the healing process.

Strains are injured muscles can bring pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling. Pain is exacerbated by stretching. In our Fort Lauderdale office we have found that massage is more effective in the sub-acute stage, it will flush out the toxins and the flow of blood. Massage is instrumental in the rehabilitation of an injured structure. In chronically recurring condition, the appropriate massage technique can reduce edema, limiting adhesions, improving the circulation and the mobility.

Ligaments and tendons pain: In case of rupture the massage is temporary a counter-indication. But when the trauma doesn't request surgery the massage is an excellent indication in order to drain the edema and free the movement. Use some local pressure and deep on specific points.

Edema, superficial scar, strains and ligaments or tendons pain can affect the mobility of the different layers in the segments or articulations of the body. You sometimes have some formation of adherents tissues and the massage can reduce it.

You can definitely benefit from massage in many different trauma.

Career Path Of A Licensed Esthetician

The field of esthetics is a rewarding career opportunity for you to consider as it has a good range to choose from. Becoming a licensed esthetician does not mean that your sphere of work is limited to working in beauty salons. You also can find yourself working in medical spas, dermatologist offices other than the said salons or day spas.

If you have set your mind on this career path, a licensed esthetician, you will need to complete an intensive training program and pass both hands-on and written exams required by the state board. Then you will be ready to give advice on skin related matters, provide services like facials, waxing, makeup applications and other beauty matters. After establishing in your career, by furthering your education helps you to stay informed about the latest trend, technology and innovations in the industry.

The salary ranges from $15,000 to $50,000 or more and all this depends on the types of services offered, the level of experience, geographic location, employer, clientele and more. There is a lot of flexibility in this career field as you can be an employee or you can open your own business with the skills you have acquired.

To start off with after you have decided to take this esthetics career route, you need to look into a school cosmethology program. Cosmetology is a field that encompasses skin care, hair and nail care. If you are only interested in skin care, you might want to look for a specialized esthetician school in your area. There are many massage schools offering esthetician programs. Upon deciding on your education, do ensure that it is an accredited school that allows you to take all necessary state exams upon completion of the program. The duration of your schooling is dependent the choice of educational program. Some programs may take six months to complete while others may take two years or more.

Before enrolling for any esthetics programs, with a known budget, career goals and personal preferences will definitely help you in the choice training you should take. In addition, the schools you may consider enrolling in should have an admission counselor or advisor who can advise you matters related to the course you have shown interest in.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

5 Reasons to Get a Therapeutic Massage

For persons who have never experienced a therapeutic massage they may have no idea of the relaxation and healing properties they are missing out on. Many persons would rather to visit a doctor or specialists and receive advice and medication to help relieve their pain or deal with their illness. Nowadays, even doctors are referring patients to certified massage therapists in order to help relieve pain and disease. A massage is much more than someone rubbing aching muscles and playing soothing music in the background. Therapeutic massages have healing properties and are able to successfully and effectively rid persons of pain, swelling, stress and anxiety.

Persons who have had a therapeutic therapy will attest to its effective and healing nature. There have been millions of people who were at one time sick, in pain or simple depressed and after going through a therapeutic massage have come out remarkably healed. Massages are no longer just a hyped concept but has turned into a proven miracle alternative.

Therapeutic therapy has the power to relieve and reduce pain and similar afflictions. There have been many studies on the basis of massage and how it affects the body and mind. It has been discovered that thoughts produce various chemical reactions in the body which further bring about weakness or pain. Just as how a depressed individual may feel tired and have frequent body aches. Massaging various areas of the body will release these troublesome chemicals and bring about relief and positivity.

What happens during therapeutic therapy is that a qualified and certified massage therapist will manipulate and massage various soft tissues which help to stimulate blood circulation. This stimulation reduces pain. Some therapists will also include aromatherapy or the use of oils during massage which have several healing qualities as well. There are five main advantages to therapeutic therapy.

1. Therapeutic therapy helps to relieve aching and tense muscles. During massage, the therapist will use his or her skill to loosen tightened muscles, some of which you may not have known were tight to begin with.

2. It helps to improve the circulation of blood. Bad blood circulation can result in pain in several areas of the body. Once the area is stimulated most people experience a relieving and calming sensation.

3. Therapeutic therapy with the use of oils helps to heal illnesses and diseases. There are many essential oils used during aromatherapy which have several healing properties. For example, peppermint oil can be used to relieve chest congestion, fevers and pains in the joints of the body.

4. Massage also induces a deep sense of relaxation. When going though a stressful time the body is unable to relax or rest. Therapeutic massage has the ability to induce relaxation which will drastically improve the quality of sleep and be able to rid individuals of their stress and anxiety.

5. Therapeutic therapy also frequently detoxifies the human body by massaging and promoting circulation in the lymph system. This rhythmic massage helps to drain the lymph which in turn releases toxins.

Therapeutic massage has countless other benefits and advantages. Athletes are the most common types of people who undergo therapeutic massages in order to relieve their bodies from their day to day vigorous activities. Many physicians also refer asthma, edema and cardiac problem patients to therapeutic massage therapists as this type of massage has had vastly positive effects in these areas.