Saturday, February 16, 2013

Massage Therapy Can Ease Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is not just one disease, but a generic term that covers more than thirty genetic disorders sharing the characteristics of progressive skeletal muscle degeneration and weakness. The severity, progression and distribution of the symptoms as well as age of onset, are some of the things that separate one form of MD from another.

There are four primary forms of muscular dystrophy. The most common is Duchenne MD and it affects mostly males, with the initial onset at between 3-5 years of age. It is a rapidly progressing form of the disease and ultimately results in an inability to walk and the need for a respirator to assist in breathing. Becker MD is less severe and less aggressive than Duchenne, affecting mostly older boys and young men. Landouzy-Dejerine MD usually affects those in their teens and can have a wide variety of symptoms. Mytonic MD or Steinert's disease is most commonly found in adults. It is typified by muscle spasms, cataracts, heart related problems and endocrine imbalances.

The most common forms of muscular dystrophy occur because of problems with dystrophin, which is a protein in the body needed for muscles to function normally. A deficiency or absence of dystrophin has a major impact on the normal functioning of muscle movement and can result in the characteristic spasms usually associated with MD.

Currently there is no way to stop the progression of any form of muscular dystrophy. Any treatments prescribed are used to ease or reduce some of the symptoms such as joint deformities, and to assist in retaining mobility for as long as possible. Drugs, such as corticosteroids, are often used to help slow muscle degeneration, and anticonvulsants help to calm muscle activity and reduce seizures.

Regular massage therapy, in conjunction with traditional therapies, can also help in reducing the severity of muscle spasms, relax tight muscles and restore some range of motion. It can also help to ease some of the pain associated with MD.

Learn more about how massage therapy can help treat the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why Massage Education is Deteriorating

Just by studying the surveys and reading the comments and feedback from massage therapy trainees and patients alike, you cannot help but deduce that the quality of massage education in many, if not all, areas is fast deteriorating. One online poll showed that only less than 30 percent of the survey participants thought they underwent good, reliable and effective training in their respective massage schools. Another survey showed that more than 50 percent of the total number of participants believed that their instructors fed them with more textbook knowledge rather than practical, actual techniques. A patient in Chicago, USA has complained that during her most recent massage session, the therapist rubbed a lot of oil on her body, pinched, poked and kneaded areas of her body so hard that she was left sore all over. The experience was too traumatic for her that she has already sworn off massage therapy. Such negative comments do not at all help the profession, which is supposed to have an important effect on a person's emotional, spiritual and physiological state and functions.

Experts believe that the deterioration of massage education is due to a lot of factors. For one, there are a lot of shady massage therapy schools that do not have the proper certifications. In the USA, for instance, it is highly recommended that a certain massage school has accreditation from the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB). Secondly, there are also schools that do not have enough competent teachers, most probably because they want to save on costs, or hire many teachers but only at a low rate (and an instructor who "somehow knows a little" about massage is already considered good enough).

Thirdly, most incompetent schools only offer textbook knowledge and not many hands-on, on-patient methods and skills. Of course, hands-on training is more important since it will prepare the student cum would-be therapist on what to expect in real life situations. Fourthly, there are instructors out there who either do not have enough experience or are not exactly successful in their own private practices who try and teach the art of massage to others. Remember, massage requires a high level of expertise as well as a good understanding of the challenges involved and people who have "failed" or are not practiced enough may only convey limited knowledge.

The weakening of massage education is not only bad news for accredited massage therapy schools which try very hard to follow rules and accreditation requirements and give quality education and training but also for patients who now do not have the total guarantee that their therapists have been trained the proper way and have the right qualifications. Something should be done to address this problem, if only to protect the true essence of massage and its benefits.

Physical Therapy Students Have A Wide Variety Of Master's Programs To Choose From

Having a bachelor's degree in physical therapy is not what it used to be. Since the 1990's, more and more people are feeling the pressure to advance their education beyond a bachelor's degree in order to reap the benefits of higher income and better job opportunities. A master's degree is becoming the new standard in this profession.

One kind of master's degree in physical therapy that is available is referred to as a direct entry master's program. This option is ideal for people who have a bachelor's degree that is not necessarily related to the field directly. Direct entry master's degree programs are typically two years and are broken down into two segments. The first year, and segment, is characterized by the emphasis on classroom study and understanding of core concepts essential to be a successful professional. The next year second segment is dedicated to field work where, in a clinical setting, students practice physical therapy.

Another kind of master's program available is called a transitional program. Students of physical therapy who already have a bachelor's degree in the area should sign up for this program. A transitional program was created to prevent physical therapists that already have a firm understanding of basic concepts from having to sit through material they already know.

Physical therapists have a variety of options when it comes to choosing the setting they would like to work in. One of the most common settings you will find these professionals in is a hospital. Within the hospital's therapist program you will find various subcategories, as there is a different kind of therapy for different parts of the body.

Another common place where physical therapists often work is outpatient clinics. Outpatient clinics can be privately or national owned. Most outpatient clinics specialize in sports rehabilitation and medicine.

Hospitals for rehabilitation or rehabilitation centers are another place that it is common to find these professionals. Among physical therapists, you will find speech therapists and recreational therapists, among other types of therapists. The reason for the variety of therapists within this setting is due to the nature of rehabilitation hospitals and clinics, which is to treat the patient in their entirety. Patients in need of more than one type of therapy may come to one of these facilities seeking help.

Working in a school is another option for a physical therapist because school systems often have a need for one. A benefit of a school position for a physical therapist is having the summer off. Also, home health agencies employ physical therapists to send into the homes of patients who are unable to leave their houses.

Massage Therapy and Its Common Forms

Massage therapy is considered as an alternative form of treatment for muscle aches and sports injuries. It is also used to rehabilitate other kinds of accidental injuries and relive pain. Most use it to reduce stress and relax the body. According to studies, it can reduce a person's anxiety; it can even improve the person's heart rate and blood pressure. There are many benefits that can be gained from a session of massage therapy which is why many people use it today as a form to relax and for recreation.

Massage therapy is the rubbing, soothing and manipulating of the muscles in the back, legs, arms and other parts of the body. Repeated motion, tapping and kneading is done to completely relieve the tension and aches in the body. Vessels, organs and joints can also be subjected to a massage therapy to reduce pain. Today, there are many types of these therapies available; a person just has to pick which technique is suitable to his or her needs.

Massage therapy has a long history and most countries have their own variation and technique. The Balinese variation that originated from Bali is considered as the gentlest technique as it aims to relax and calm the client. It uses aromatherapy oils and is said to improve the blood and oxygen circulation in the body. On the other hand, the deep tissue massage aims to rehabilitate injured muscles and joints. It uses deep pressure to reduce muscle injuries and aches in the connecting tissues, although aches and muscles pains can be felt after a session. Remedial massage is also applied to those who are recuperating from an injury as it stretches the injured muscles to achieve its original elasticity.

The most common of the therapies offered in recreational establishments like spa's and resorts are the Swedish and Shiatsu massage. Both use stroking, stretching and kneading to reduce muscle pain and stress. The Swedish technique is found to be an effective treatment to osteoarthritis as it reduces joint pains and stiffness. It is also considered as the classic massage in other countries. On the other hand, Shiatsu is a Japanese technique that is proven to improve blood circulation and relax the muscles. It is a massage that aids general wellness in the body. There are other massage therapies to choose from; however it should be noted that those who have blood clots, fractures and weakened bones should avoid the therapy as it can worsen their condition.

5 Things Not to Do As a Massage Therapist

The life of a massage therapist can be ironically... stressful. If you don't know how to succeed you'll ultimately fail. For your own health pay heed to the instructions in this article. Go and see if your state has any additional license you need to practice your business first of all and I'll tell you the 5 things you absolutely shouldn't do.

1) Don't under any circumstance practice massage therapy unless you are licensed to do so. This is illegal.

2) Don't arrive late to any meeting with a client. Be on time and in fact, be 15 minutes ahead of time. It is better to arrive early than to arrive late.

3) Don't be rude to you clients. It makes them extremely mad and they won't want to be your client again. Remember you're trying to keep clients not lose them. The last thing you need is an angry client spreading nasty rumors about you.

4) Don't practice massage therapy unless you actually know what you're doing. Bad reviews will be the undoing of your business. You need to build relationships with your customers and for that you need to be good at what you do. Take extra classes if you need to, but just don't go into business unprepared and uneducated.

5) Don't forget to advertise. You'll never get business if you don't advertise. It's the only way to get clients.

Do whatever you have to do to spread the message that you're open for business.

There you go. Now it's time to give a very brief overlook on what you should do. First of all get a portable massage chair. It is essential to your business. Your clients won't always come to you so get a portable massage chair so you can go to them. A portable massage chair is light so it is easy to carry and it is also very comfortable. Your clients will thank you. A Massage therapist without a portable massage chair is the sixth fail to the additional five above. Make smart decisions by planning how you'll organize your business.

Ask yourself questions like Do you plan to do it all solo or will you hire other employees? How much will you pay your employees? How much will advertising cost? Is there a specific type of client you're advertising to? Which is the best way to go about your business? Do you want to go in business alone or with the help of someone else?

There are a lot of ways to succeed and a lot of ways to fail. Be confident in your decisions and if there is room for improvement accept that, instead of being paranoid. Make changes in your business by paying attention to they economy, the weather, and all other factors that just might affect your business.

Flush the Body With a Massage Chair

People are beginning to realize the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies can quickly get out of balance and we can experience a build up of chemicals in the body. Depending on our lifestyle, many toxins and waste products can become trapped in the body. Many people are now turning to detoxification programs with the use of meals and liquids to flush the body. One way to help you through your detoxification program is with periodic massage therapy to relax and soothe your body.

Some massage therapies are known to help with the removal of lactic acid. This generally occurs in the muscles. It is thought that the build up of lactic acid causes tightness and soreness. Massage helps to relieve the soreness and help reduce the level of lactic acid. The removal of other toxins besides lactic acid in your body needs to be accomplished with either special liquids or your meals.

Some of the more popular methods for detoxifying your body are either with detox liquids or through certain types of meals. There is a variety of each which can be tailored to your specific detox needs. The other important piece of the equation is to not add any unnecessary toxins to your body during this time.

When you start a detoxification program, keep in mind that you are looking to remove harmful waste products. Limit your intake of potential toxins. Also, stick to your detox plan. Massage therapy can be a complementary process to your overall detox goals.

Massage therapy is effective in reaching areas not normally accessible through exercise and stretching. This helps to stretch out muscles and tissues in ways not normally possible. This can help reduce stiffness and soreness in these areas and provide relaxation.

Some of the other benefits of massage therapy are that it can reduce the heart rate and blood pressure. It is known to enhance the circulatory system. This can help better process the removal of toxins as they are released in the detox program. Massage also releases endorphins which are the body's natural painkillers. This helps to reduce aches and pains.

Massage therapy must be received on a frequent and regular basis. This helps to keep the body in check. Massage is thought to benefit health in many different ways. It releases endorphins to kill pain which eases sore muscles. It enhances the circulatory system which assists in the removal of waste products. It is also known to enhance the immune function as well.

In order for your detox program to be successful, you have to limit any new toxins. These can come from drinks such as coffee or alcohol. It can also be from excessive protein. Help your body naturally purify itself by avoiding taking more toxins into your body. Also drink plenty of natural water to assist in flushing out waste products from the body.

Massage chairs provide a convenient way to integrate massage therapy into your daily routine. They provide a variety of different massage techniques which can be used during your detox program. They can easily fit into your schedule and are convenient to use even in quick massage treatments.

Break the constraint of having to go see a massage therapist with a massage chair of your own. You no longer have to be at a certain location and time. You have 24/7 access to your massage chair when you need it the most. Relieve discomfort and relax on your schedule.

Keep your body in peak performance by flushing out chemicals and toxins from your body. Further enhance your health with frequent massage therapy. Massage chairs help you counteract the build up of stress and provide a perfect environment for relaxation. They are available to meet your needs based on your schedule. Get full body massage treatments on demand with a massage chair.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Massage Therapy - Questions to Ask Before Starting Massage Therapy

Many people unsure when to get a massage therapy session. The time of day, the condition of the body, and whether to a workout is need is often a question. Going in for massage therapy every day would be delightful, but unnecessary and very expensive. The amount of massage therapy needed is dependent on the person's desired goals. There are a few basic inquiries you should answer to determine your goals. A more detailed analysis should be done in person with a qualified massage therapist.

One of the first questions you should ask is, what time of day should you get a massage? Well, there is not real right answer to this question. People are afraid of getting massages in the mornings because they worry that they will be too tired to work afterwards. Although a good massage therapist can often get their client to fall asleep, they will wake up feeling relaxed yet alert. You will come away from the session with a renewed focus.

Another question to consider is, if you should get massage therapy as a preventative measure for pain or as a treatment of pain symptoms? Preventative maintenance is always better for your body. Just like getting the oil changed in your car periodically, you want to make sure you muscles are working properly.

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance, or an every day worker who has been feeling tension from years of work, massage can promote health and well-being. The frequency massages isn't as important as the quality of the massage your receive. An experienced, well trained massage therapist will give you such a great massage that you will feel refreshed enough to last a good while.

Physical Therapy - Some of the Many Benefits!

The benefits of physical therapy are undisputed. After all, the medically related practice has been around since Ancient Greece. This form of therapy is used in multiple ways for many significant reasons all with the single planned result of restoring mobility and reducing pain. The overall goal is for the patient to regain a proper degree of normalcy. There are several principal reasons that someone would seek out the aid of a physical therapist, ranging from stiff muscles to back pain, and even arthritis. Each of these and other similar conditions can benefit greatly from physical therapy.

Perhaps one of the most popular forms of the therapy is a hands-on massage treatment. This type of massage differs greatly from the amateur massage of co-workers and friends. The major difference between the two types of massage; this type of massage actually does some good. A massage given by a physical therapist can help in any number of ways. For overall health, the benefits of the professional massage can reduce stress by unknotting muscles and causing the body to relax. Massages will even improve range of motion and increase flexibility.

Back pain is an increasing issue in today's society and luckily patients can derive many benefits from physical therapy supervised exercises to strengthen the back and reduce the pain. Back pain from daily stress and overuse, or from surgical operations or other conditions can greatly decrease the quality of life. Physical therapists under the direction of a doctor are to prescribe several treatments and procedures that will help the patient regain normal use of the back, improving reach, reducing pain, and restore mobility.

Another benefit of physical therapy concerns joint pain such as arthritis. The therapist will assist the patient in a number of exercises and procedures aimed at regaining the range of motion that the joint once enjoyed. Usually, joints are stiff due to lack of use because of the pain that patients do not wish to endure. Therefore, the patient will perform actions to loosen up joints that will restore movement and overall ease any discomfort.

The other general benefits of physical therapy can also include educating the patient on long term benefits of specific exercises, safety issues, use of physical aides and even diet plans. Physical therapy does not end when leaving the care and direction of the medical professional but to get the overall positive results is a commitment and a lifestyle change.

The benefits of physical therapy are innumerable as each patient can receive help and benefits directed specifically to their individual needs. The key to receive the full measure of benefits is to be guided by the directions of the physical therapist, be diligent in performing your exercises, and you will see the desired results.

Essential Tips in Choosing a Good Massage Therapist

A good massage therapist is one who can effectively use massage techniques to relieve the stress, tension, and other problems that you have. Deciding when to have a massage is easy the hard part is choosing a therapist who can deliver your needs.

Choosing a good massage therapist is very important because they are trained to deal with proper manipulation and kneading of the human body. This is important because many people don't realize that in the United States many individuals without massage training can open their own massage business just as long as they don't claim that they are licensed or are recipients of training certificates.

With that in mind, how do you choose a good therapist? What questions should you ask? And what qualities should you expect from this person?

First, you can always ask your friends for recommendations however you may still be not satisfied with their choice so here are the things that you should look for in a therapist.


You should ask your potential massage therapist for license and/or certification, where he was schooled, what trainings he has undergone, and length of practice. Rules of certification vary from state to state but generally, MT's are required at least 600 hours of classroom instruction.

Holding certificates and participating in advanced training is rather important, it means that he values continuously educating and improving himself. Common MT designations depending on state are: LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist), LMP (Licensed Massage Practitioner), RMT (Registered Massage Therapist) and CMT (Certified Massage Therapist).

Massage Supplies, Tools, Equipment, and Linens

Ask your MT for the types of oils and lotions he uses and look at the ingredients especially if you are the type who has sensitive skin. There is a wide selection of massage products out there, you can decide whether you want scented or unscented and water-based or organic.

Massage tools, equipment, and most importantly linens should be clean and free of oil stains. If you spot oil stains on their sheets it should be a warning sign that this MT does not value hygiene.


A good massage therapist would be willing to discuss with you what your expectations are and the style of massage that your prefer. Also a good one should be skilled at adjusting his depth of touch to the needs of the client as some clients are not satisfied by light touches while others find deep massage as painful.

Appointment and Rates

Inquire as to how you can make appointments and whether or not he has an office or if he can home service.

Inquire about rates i.e. you want how much do they charge for a particular type of massage using aromatherapy oil. Ask your potential MT for the types of payment he accepts, credit cards, check, or cash. This is important since a lot of people don't carry more than enough cash with them.

Having a massage is a personal experience; therefore take the time to find a good massage therapist to take care of your needs in order for you to have the best massage experience.

Essential Benefits of Buying Your Own Massage Chair

Today's fast-paced world, even with also the increasing popularity of alternative relaxation exercises, techniques and therapies, the kneading, rolling and stretching actions of a massage therapy still remains to be the most used reliever for our body's accumulated stress and tension brought about by the demands of today's busy world.

However, due to time and financial constraints, more and more people, especially those who are busy, have turned to automated home massage chairs as an alternative to experiencing some of the benefits of massage therapy from the comforts of their own home.

Nowadays, a massage chair like that massage chair in Melbourne has quickly become a worthwhile and beneficial addition to everyday living.

Aside from being a more preferable replacement for human massage therapists for their convenience, privacy, cost-effectiveness, time efficiency and portability, massage chairs are also fast becoming popular because of these other massage chair benefits such as:

1. Relieves Neck, Back and Whole Body Pain

Ergonomically designed, a chair massage contains internal electronic motors and gears designed to massage, with a focus on the head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands, the person sitting in them. These kneading and rolling vibrations tends to ease or loosen tight and strained muscles, thus alleviating pain.

According to a 2003 study, it showed that massage therapy had been find out to have produced better results, reducing the need for painkillers by 36% in comparison with other therapies, including acupuncture and spinal modification.

2. Lessens Anxiety

A massage chair has been proven to stimulate the release of the body's feel-good endorphins, reducing levels of stress and leveling emotions out. Also according to a review of more than a dozen massage studies, it was observed that after researchers measured the stress hormone cortisol participants before and immediately after massage, it was found that massage lessened cortisol levels by up to 53%.

Cortisol is a type of hormone secreted into the bloodstream, and has been termed "the stress hormone" because it's also secreted in higher levels during our body's 'fight or flight' response to stress. And if there are higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with chronic stress), it has been shown to be responsible for several stress-related changes in the body.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure

According to a research, data showed that hypertensive patients who have been receiving a three 10-minute back massages a week had demonstrated a drop in their blood pressure, compared to patients who simply relaxed without a massage.

4. Increases Energy and Stamina

A chair massage works in kneading the soft tissues in your head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. It will then help increase nourishment and exchange of fluids between those tissues which can result in an increased circulation, all of which in turn help to promote general good health throughout the body.

5. Improves Blood Flow

A massage chair's kneading action can also help to dilate the blood vessels throughout your body; thus, increasing circulation of blood through the body.

With these several valuable massage chair benefits, it's no wonder an increasing number of people are opting to go for this type of chair as a potential replacement for human massage therapists.

How To Choose The Best Occupational Therapy Assistant Schools

Occupational therapy assistant schools and universities in the US offer various certified programs for students who are keen on pursuing a course in occupational therapy assisting. Occupational therapy assistants help people develop and regain lost skills either as a result of injury or due to some chronic illness or prolonged hospitalization. The occupational therapist works closely with the clients and focuses not just on the physical aspects but helps address their psychological needs as well. These degree courses are offered in many schools in the US.

Selection of Occupational Therapy Assistant Schools

The first important thing that a prospective student must look for while choosing the assistant school is accreditation. All the students who successfully complete the course will have to take a national certifying examination. Students will only be allowed to sit for their exams if they have attended a school that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education. As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, during the year 2009, there were about 135 accredited schools in the US alone.

Diverse Coursework

The coursework will be diverse as occupational therapy assistants are normally called upon to assist with in-patient care as well as outpatient calls. Generally, the assistant program offers classes in anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, health communications, computer basics, development, growth, mental health principles, psychology, administration, human occupations, and kinesiology.

On-Job Training

These schools generally offer students fieldwork at any of the affiliated on-campus healthcare centers. Most of their work can be picked up while they are on the job, which is a good thing as they receive on-job training. This also aids in building professional experience which is an integral part of the educational program.

In general, the assistant training helps students offer assistance to clients and help in rehabilitation, in order to increase mobility while also improving the quality of life. Students will then complete a 1-year accredited certified program, or a 2-year degree program. The student will also need to pass the national licensure examination and get the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).

Some of the top colleges offering the courses are:
Miami Dade College - student population of 57,222
Prima Community College - student population of 34,136
Broward College - student population of 33,448
De Anza College - student population of 26,056
Florida Community College at Jacksonville - student population of 25,903

The courses that are offered are spread over a period of two to four years. There are a number of occupational therapy assistant schools other than the few that have been mentioned above, and all these colleges offer the courses. It is important to note that the overall personality of the student must match the job profile. Patience and compassion are two virtues that these students will have to possess.

Massage Therapy Advertising

What Is Massage Therapy Advertising?

Massage therapists often believe that successful advertising is done by word-of-mouth, business cards, discount coupons and fliers.

Unfortunately, much to the disappointment of many massage therapists, these tactics rarely bring the desired results and the massage business often ends up being just another statistic.

People Will Pay For What They Desire

Instead of following everyone else's idea of what should work, it's time to look at what actually does bring in the clients and how you can change your marketing techniques to fill your practice.

Here's a huge hint:

"People will ALWAYS pay for what they truly desire."

Knowing that, all you have to do is get your advertising to persuade them they really desire a massage from you.

What Is The Basis Of Persuasive Advertising?

Firstly, it is concentrating on the benefits of your massages, instead of the features.

Too often massage therapy advertising is focused on the features, for instance the fact that the Egyptians used massage, or the technique you use in your practice, and so on.

The first step in designing your massage therapy advertising is to find out what your potential clients desire. The easiest way to do this is to ask your existing clients why they came to you for a massage.

If you stop giving your clients what they desire, they'll stop coming. It's as simple as that. So if you have regular clients, you're obviously giving them what they desire. All you have to do now is ask them what that is and you suddenly have the basis of your marketing message.

Important Facts on Physical Therapist Assistant Training

A PTA works in medical field and under the supervision and direction of a physiotherapist. Since the position is becoming more and more interesting for lots of people, you should not be surprised why there are lots of public and private colleges offering physical therapist assistant training. However, before jumping into the idea of becoming a PT assistant, there are some things that you have to know first.

What is the job?

The assistant helps the physiotherapist provide necessary treatments for those patients who need help. This may include massages, exercises, balance training and offering patients support and guidance. However, you should know that these are just "some" of the tasks of this career. The tasks that can be assigned to an assistant usually depend on the policies of the workplace, the regulations of the state or the physiotherapist he/she is working under.

Physical Therapist Assistant Training

Before starting this as a career, you are required to attend a physical therapist assistant training and receive a certification from an accredited school. Usually, this program is of two years but there are lots of other approved programs available that you can look into. Although there are vocational schools that may offer this training, you have to know that some states may require a form of degree.

The Hands-on Training

One important aspect of this career choice is performing hands-on trainings. In order to complete your degree, you might be required to complete certain amount of clinical training. During your clinical time, you will be allowed to directly work with the patients under the direction of your professor or instructor. Your clinical training can can be done in various facilities - hospitals or nursing homes - and you are given a specific an amount of time that you have to complete for your hands-on training.

Requirements of Physical Therapist Assistant Training

In order to qualify for a this training, it is necessary for you to have a high school diploma. You may also be required to go through selective admission criteria to determine if you qualify for the program. The prerequisites of the program may differ from one school to another and you will be taking various classes like English, math and other similar subjects. In case you have any questions, you may consult the assigned advisor for more help on how you can qualify for a physical therapist assistant training.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Massage Therapy: The Physical Benefits On Digestion, Immunity, And Circulation


Massage Therapy can help to improve digestion by increasing peristalsis (this is the involuntary contraction of the muscles that helps food to move along the intestine).

By increasing peristalsis, massage therapy can help to reduce constipation.

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a regular programme of massage therapy could be particularly effective in helping to reduce pain caused by constipation and cramps.

Massage Therapy also encourages the release of enzymes which help to break down food. This not only makes it easier to digest, but also increases the absorption of nutrients. Improved absorption of nutrients can have a positive effect on all the sytems of the body.


The lymph system carries lymph (milky fluid containing waste products which may include bacteria, viruses, and toxins) around the body. The system helps to destroy waste products and remove them from the body via a system of ducts and vessels.

Massage Therapy helps to encourage circulation and drainage in the lymph system, helping it to work more efficiently to remove waste and toxins from the body. This is particularly beneficial if you are trying to fight an infection.


The techniques used in Massage Therapy will improve your circulation by speeding up the movement of blood around your veins and arteries. Your Massage Therapist will sometimes apply techniques with more pressure when moving towards the heart. This increased pressure can help the heart to pump blood more efficiently around the body.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients that are needed throughout your body. Oxygen and nutrients provide you with energy and help to repair and regenerate cells. Your circulatory system also works with your lymphatic system to remove waste from the body.

By improving circulation, Massage Therapy can help your body to work more efficiently.

Getting Up and Out of a Chair Is a Therapeutic Exercise

It may seem like a good idea, to have a chair where the seat automatically lifts you out; without having the struggle of doing it for yourself.

However, I need to be cautious of buying gadgets to help yourself in daily living, because if you are finding this activity difficult to manage; then you will also be having the same concerns when getting on & off the toilet, getting in & out of the shower / bathtub and getting in & out of bed.

If this is the case then you need to see a rehabilitation specialist who will help you manage these transfers safely. You need to talk to your family doctor who make the referral for you to see an Occupational or Physical Therapist.

Self-rising chairs are not necessary because they remove the ability of your leg muscles to do action of getting you up out of the chair. The task of transferring in and out of a chair is 'therapy', because your leg muscles will become stronger, as they get you up and out of the chair in preparation for using your legs for walking.

It may seem a tough task to complete, but trust me as an Occupational Therapist, you will be pleased that you keep pushing yourself to perform the activity; because it will becomes easier the more you practice and gain greater strength and balance in your leg muscles.

If you continue to struggle with this transfer, you must be assessed by a professional Occupational or Physical Therapist. They will advise on the correct method for getting up and out of your chair, plus assess whether your current chair is most suitable.

If you only want a lounge type chair and your chair is too low, then you certainly do not need an automatic seat lift. A high-backed chair higher chair is really all you need, otherwise you are removing a very useful exercise component out of your daily life; which will be needed other functional activities.

However, if you want a chair more working on a computer, then a comfortable ergonomic chair will be more suitable. Please make sure that the ergonomic chair is safe. If getting out of the chair is a concern, consider using one of my ergonomic chairs; as they all come with locking casters.

When I worked as a newly qualified Occupational Therapist in a hospital, one of the first activities we taught older patients, following an illness or surgery; was how to get out of the chair next to the bed. Following on from this activity was the toilet and bed transfer.

All of these are your fundamental functional activities of daily living. If you are not able to achieve any of these activities, then you will lose your ability to take care of your own personal functional performance for living independently.

So next time you look at any functional activity gadgets; remember what I write that productive movement is a therapeutic exercise for daily living. No gadget will replace the human body for use in functional activities of daily life. Learn to enjoy the movements yourself and then you will feel safe, independent and autonomous for as long as you are able to enjoy life; because everything in life always has a purpose.

If you need help or advice, ask your doctor to recommend community rehabilitation to visit you and resolve your functional mobility issues, being either an Occupational Therapist or a Physiotherapist. Both of these professions have overlapping areas of expertise that can help you in any functional mobility issue.

Please do not do not try to help yourself with gadgets, as there is always professional expertise available out there for you to use; which depending on your age is freely available.

Who then uses self-rising chairs you may ask? A good question and the answer is very few people, because they are only needed for specific medical conditions.

The first condition would be an individual, who had extensive damage in a hip or knee joint and then had the skeletal joint fixed in a rigid or straight position. It would make the transfer from a chair very difficult and often unsafe to manage. A self-rising chair would make it much easier to manage the task safely.

Also if you are badly affected by a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, which affects both the upper and lower limb joints with pain, inflammation and weakness; a self-rising chair would help the individual reserve his/her strength, to perform other daily living activities that are needed in daily life.

If you are having difficulty getting in and out of a chair, then you should seek your doctor's advice as to whether you should be seen by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist. This is not a task you should be helping yourself to manage. Rehabilitation is the expertise that you require by the above professionals and should not be treated by yourself, or by sales staff in mobility stores.

Finding A Good Massage Therapist

Sometimes our body needs a tuneup and massage therapy is a great way to treat several types of ailments. Not all therapists are the same however and you might need to check out a few that offer the right treatment for you. There are many services and treatment options to choose from so some research should be done ahead of time before you commit to someone. Where do you begin. You can check your local phone book, yellow pages directory or the internet for services in your area but often a referral is the best way to seek out a good therapist. Talk to your co-workers, friends and family to see if they can recommend someone in your area.

You need to determine what ailments are you dealing with and can a massage therapist help relieve them. You want to make sure your needs are addressed during a session to get the most effective treatment. Sometimes you have to try out a few places before you find someone you are comfortable with. If you do your research and ask the right questions this might eliminate some of the time and energy checking out multiple massage services. You want to develop a relationship with this person who is going to bring you the relief you need. Some questions you should ask yourself:

  • Do I need therapy to relieve emotional or physical stress?

  • What areas do I need the therapist to focus on?

  • Am I suffering from specific or general aches and pains?

  • What types of massage are offered?

  • What do they specialize in?

  • Is the person licensed for this service?

  • How much do they charge per session?

  • What types of experience do they have and how long have they been in business?

  • Can I receive therapy within my time schedule?

To get the most effective and proper treatment, make sure you are working with a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). These are people licensed and properly trained to practice in this industry. They are recognized by extended health plans and treat multiple types of physical ailments.

Top Reasons for Choosing Virtual Schooling

Virtual schooling has emerged as a viable educational option for K-12 students. Those who are new to the concept, however, might wonder why a family would choose it over other options. The reasons for choosing cyber schooling can be as varied as the families who make this choice. However, there are some common reasons for choosing an online school:

The primary reason families choose virtual schooling is to obtain quality education for their children. Like other educational options, cyber schooling affords students the opportunity to learn from kindergarten through grade 12. Students can earn high school diplomas, prepare for college and prepare for life after secondary education. When families explore the options for educating their children, they often consider traditional public and private education as well as homeschooling. Cyber schooling is yet another option families have for educating their children.

Many families choose online schooling because it allows their children to learn from home. Often, families appreciate the unique opportunities and scheduling flexibility learning from home provides. However, many parents do not want to homeschool their children. Virtual schooling, in such cases, provides a happy medium. It allows families to educate their children at home but takes care of the instruction and organization for the parent. Many cyber schools also provide a range of support options that prove very attractive for families considering home education.

Parents might also consider cyber schooling for financial reasons. The costs of homeschooling can vary widely, depending on how a family approaches it and the materials they choose. In many cases, however, homeschool parents spend hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars each year on the books and materials they deem necessary for educating their children. If families also pay for extracurricular activities, tutors, computers and software, these costs can be even higher. Cyber school costs depend on the option parents choose, but in many cases, a student can attend for free. This means the student gets not only the instruction he or she needs free of charge but also all of the books and materials. Many virtual school programs also provide a computer and software for the student to use as well.

Some families might also choose virtual schooling because of the support it includes. With homeschooling, most parents find themselves in a sink-or-swim situation in which they must handle all the paperwork, keep proper records and ensure that their children receive a quality education. If a problem arises or they hit a stumbling block, they often have nowhere to turn. Virtual schools, however, typically handle the attendance and recordkeeping, ensure that the curriculum meets applicable standards and provide a range of support options. For example, many virtual schools provide technical support, counselors to help families through the educational process and tutoring as needed.

The Truth About Massage Therapist Career

The life of a massage therapist may be a dream for some and a disaster others. There are a number of facets to massage therapy that many people do not want to have any part of, yet the career may interest a great deal of people as a branch of physical medicine. The truth behind being a massage therapist is that it is an often-thankless task that relieves a great deal of people of a large amount of pain.

Many people don't feel comfortable touching strangers. The massage therapist must touch strangers as a part of his or her occupation, and plenty of people respond negatively to this part of the role. There is often confusion with massage therapy around the idea that there is something sexual about massages, but the reality behind it is that the sexuality aspect is a myth.


Did you know that many States require formal training and a national certification in order to practice massage therapy


Movies and films have commonly developed the sexual aspect of massage, which isn't the reality of the situation - a massage is used to relieve pain and ease sore muscles. The reality behind massages shiatsu, for example, is that massage is a very healthy and helpful element to life and to healing. Many people that have massages shiatsu are often able to feel better without drugs or medications. Massage therapy has nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with natural healing and pain relief.


Significant point:according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics massage therapist employment is expected to grow faster than average over the 2004-2014 period as more people learn about the benefits of massage therapy.


A massage therapist may be an expert in therapeutic massages, for example. They are a great way to heal from injury or cramping. People in massage therapy often end up there because their doctor recommended that course of treatment. Therapy involving massage loosens muscles and strengthens joints through pressure, allowing the patient to gain strength.

The life of the massage therapist is very unique because of the many patients they'll see in their work experience. People have a wide variety of needs, which makes the industry a very complicated and varied field. The massage therapist must be ready to deal with all sorts of bodily injuries and body types. They must be comfortable with touch and with their hands, able to offer a brand of sensitivity to the body to help and heal.

The massage therapist can administer an incredible experience in massage therapy, enabling relief for people from their stressors. The massage therapist is a gifted physician in many areas of medicine, in a broad sense, and can be a significant part of the relief strategy for medical patients from various walks of life and conditions.

History of Russian Massage

Massage therapy all over the world is regarded as the best alternative medical treatment for many different medical conditions such as dysfunctions, common ailments, and the popular acute and chronic body pain. The natural therapy also works as a method capable of giving total relaxation to the body and mind. In addition to that, with proper execution and precise manipulation of the body by the massage therapist, massage is perhaps the most beneficial treatment which at the same time has the lowest risks of injuries and contraindications.

During the ancient centuries, Russians were practicing natural healing with the use of herbal medicines which is similar to the practice of most Oriental countries. The healers would use essential herbs that contain healing properties and would put them on the body of the patient. Sometimes they would boil herbs and make concoctions for the patients to drink for the health recovery. They would also use twigs on the patients by striking it on the body. The twigs are also valued as essential massage tools. Several evidences depicting the use of small branches on the body were proven.

Russian massage therapy is a type of massage that was designed to help patients recover from traumatic injuries, common injuries, and other conditions of the body. Although massage therapy during the early centuries was practiced on most parts of the world, it was not until the 1860s that massage was researched and studied by the Russians. It was Dr. M. Y. Mudrov who was responsible for the development and association of therapeutic massage into Russian medicine. This development was credited to Dr. Mudrov which was known as the classical massage. It was the predecessor of the Russian massage therapy which was later then practiced in the rehabilitation of the physical condition of a patient.

During the early years in Russia, only the very rich individuals were able to afford having a luxurious massage therapy aside from getting an injury and a prescription from a doctor. It was first taught in medical and athletic establishments until the 1990s although Russian massage therapy was known by almost all people in Russia.

After the Second World War, Russia became interested on the importance and benefits of massage therapy due to the scarcity of medicine supply to the country. This paved the way for the development and use of the Russian massage therapy.

Russian massage therapy uses the common massage strokes and techniques used in a Swedish massage although the treatment itself differs due to the more focused approach of the Russia's beloved therapy. In a Russian massage, you can expect a faster recovery rate from your injury due to many good reasons. The hands of the therapists work slowly and gently on the patient's body to treat musculoskeletal problems, cardiovascular and neurological problems, gastrointestinal and many more disorders in a patient. However, the massage is quite aggressive and does include slight amount of pain due to the process of "waking the muscles". The therapy is quite related and similar to sports massage which is a therapeutic type of massage developed as well for the treatment of injuries.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Theory Behind Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the practice of manipulating the soft tissues and muscles. Its goal is to provide the receiver with physical and psychological benefits. By manipulating the soft tissue and muscles with a series of orchestrated movements, massage is thought to result in relaxation and pain relief. Massage has been practiced in most cultures and since the beginning of recorded time.

The literal meaning of massage is friction of kneading. Kneading is one of the more famous movements. It is performed by making a side to side squeezing action. This is similar to the kneading action for making bread dough.

The use of massage can be found in the writings of many ancient civilizations. There are references in Chinese medical books and even references to massage in the Bible. There were references to the ancient Romans using it to treat some forms of illnesses.

Clearly, massage therapy has been used throughout the world to help restore health to the body. Many of these civilizations develop very distinct types of massage techniques. Each technique brings about slightly different benefits.

Some of the more famous techniques are Swedish massage, shiatsu, reflexology, acupressure and many more. Many of these techniques can now easily be found being offered in most spots around the world. They are also being integrated into massage chairs.

The practice of massage is about applying direct pressure to certain points in the body. When this is done correctly, it will bring relief to those areas. In scanning the techniques offered by massage therapy schools, there are approximately 200 variations of massage technique. These are constantly evolving and subject to interpretation by the therapist.

A new study was published in September 2004 that used a need for analysis of peer reviewed scientific journals using massage therapy and the adult population. The conclusion of the study is that massage therapy provides a wide range of physical and psychological benefits.

This study monitored the blood pressure, heart rate, negative mood, anxiety state and the immediate assessment of pain levels. The patients were given a single massage treatment once a week. According to the research, the average participant experienced a reduction and anxiety was greater than 64% over the control group.

The study also showed that it was effective in reducing blood pressure and heart rate. As results of this study, researchers theorize that massage may provide a benefit that parallels a model of psychotherapy. However, researchers do not believe that the benefits derived from massage are slowly psychological.

Another study conducted in May 2004 and published by the national Center for complementary and alternative medicine showed that massage was the ninth most popular form of alternative medicine. It also showed that 5% of the adult population used therapy at least once in the past 12 months. The popularity of massage treatments continues to rise.

So far, there have been very few studies the benefits of massage. The main problem with connecting clinical studies is the cost involved. Most companies have little incentive to fund massage therapy studies as there is no way to control the methods in order to profit. This is perhaps the biggest hurdle to getting thorough studies conducted. Unfortunately, most clinical studies are driven by the profit motive. These procedures need to be protected by intellectual property or there is little incentive to fund them.

The First 4 Steps to Get Massage Therapy After a Car Accident

When I was hit by a drunk driver, the last thing I wanted was to mess with insurance. The other guy's insurance company was willing to pay for massage therapy. But I didn't have the time. And as a result, I was not fully protected.

Massage Therapy is one of the most effective healing tools available. It calms the muscles and mind down after a traumatic incident. It increases blood flow to the muscles, which increases healing. A great massage therapist will ask about the accident, and learn which muscles were tightened and harmed during the accident. As a result, your body will heal. Massage Therapy is the science of healing muscle. It is the only industry focused exclusively on healing muscle tightness and soreness. Seek out a massage therapist immediately if you are in a car accident to prevent those muscles from staying tight because of whiplash or injury.

I have outlined the steps describing how to get massage therapy for a car accident (or any accident) with the other person's insurance company paying for it. These steps are the first 4 steps you should take immediately. Within 24 hours of the accident, take these steps to protect yourself. You must act quickly, or you may forfeit your care to the insurance company's policies. To ensure you are well, follow these 4 steps below.

1. VISIT a Doctor or Chiropractor for a Doctor's Note

You need a doctor's recommendation for a massage. It's a medical recommendation, like any other activity or prescription. Schedule a single doctor's visit, and have your doctor recommend massage therapy as treatment. If you are injured on the weekend, visit a 24 hour clinic. Any doctor can prescribe massage therapy if you ask for it. But you must ask for it.

2. TREAT Yourself Immediately

The insurance companies have a policy called having a "Gap in Care." It means that if you are not getting your treatments consistently and immediately after the accident, then you are not really hurt. If you are going to get massage therapy to remedy accident pain, then start immediately. And don't stop getting regular treatments until you are better. Changes to your treatment plan or providers is fine, but do NOT stop getting some sort of treatment, or the insurance companies will claim you have a "gap in care." And they will not accept your claim.

3. BEWARE of Delayed Pain

Whiplash can show up several weeks after accident. What happens is that the body goes into hyper-protection mode, as a safety measure. It pours adrenaline, and other chemicals into your body for several weeks to protect you from hurting (so you can escape the dangerous land of other cave people, ya know, with deadly mountain lions and other creatures). Then your body starts repairing weeks later. That repair period is when the pain really start.

Often, you won't seek immediate treatment because you feel fine, then you start feeling really bad weeks later. Continue your massage therapy treatments for at least a month to make sure you prevent serious whiplash from affecting your productivity. The insurance companies understand this too. So continue treatment for at least month. And longer if you are genuinely in pain.

4. ASK Questions of the Insurance Company

Some insurance companies pay as you go. Other insurance companies want to pay out the claim at the end of treatment. Ask them lots of questions on their process. The adjustor is simply following a set of rules. If you can learn the rules, you can make the most of the claim (and save yourself a lot of headaches). Work within the system, not against it. Some great questions include, "How does the claim process work?" "Can I get checks as I submit receipts, or do you pay out all at once towards the end."

Regardless of what happened, everyone involved wants to see you get better fast. So act quickly. And start a consistent treatment, and continue with it, until you are better. Good luck and Feel Better!

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Do You Risk Getting Stroke With Massage Therapy?

Saya, a renowned Taiwanese, met a car accident that injured her cervical vertebrae. Her family members then tried to heal her injury by massage therapy but it made her condition worse. During Saya's old age, her neck suddenly could not move and she felt very painful. Saya quickly went to see doctor as she feared getting stroke.

The old accident injury that hurt her vertebrae and nervous system coupled with worsening condition due to massage alarmed her to see the doctor indeed. Saya's experience reminds us that even massage is enjoyable for ordinary person, it may cause injury to your physique.

Don't challenge your neck and nerves Brain stroke and nerve injury expert says that few years of clinical experiments show that your neck is the most dangerous part of your body. Common carotid arteries and vertebral arteries supply blood to the brain through neck. If one of the nerves gets blocked, stroke and even paralysis and death may occur.

Neck is not like other parts of your body such as the back, thigh and buttock. It will get injured easily especially for women who have more intricate neck muscle. For those suffering from cervical vertebrae injury, they must avoid neck massage.

A nervous system professor advised readers to protect their necks and avoid twisting it too much. He advised not to let others touch your neck too. He has observed too many stroke patients and realized that the neck area is indeed very weak.

Enjoy massage but don't take the risk When nerves are weakened, over lying down will lead to stroke. So massage can make the condition worse.

An American anesthesia expert suffered from stroke after he twisted his neck during a swimming session. Stroke also often occurs to truck drivers who turned their head back to look at traffic condition behind their truck.

Once, one young lady suffered from severe brain stroke after lying down too long on a hair saloon chair.

Nobody knows about high risks Presently medical experts still cannot explain the reason of weak nerves. Even the young ones can suffer from it. The year 2000 Canadian Medical Journal advised masseur not to massage patient's neck. The reason? Researches reveal that almost one third of all stroke patients in Canada is due to massage therapy around neck area.

Massage therapy is indeed a way to release tension. However, consult doctor first before neck massage for the following condition:

  • woman during pregnancy

  • suffering from illnesses like cancer

  • having external injury

  • and osteoporosis

Remember to tell the masseur your health condition before the massage begins. In other word, when you want to enjoy massage, you must avoid the risk too.

Massage Marketing - How to Build a Steady Stream of Clients!

If you give really great massage treatments all the time it's true that your clients may recommend you to their friends, which may generate more business for you, however when it comes down to it, just being a great therapist does not guarantee that you will be able to build a thriving and successful massage business.

In fact, a large majority of the massage therapists that I know, all say that they would like more clients.

So how does the career massage therapist get a steady stream of clients? Well they certainly don't just sit and wait (and hope) for the phone to ring, that won't pay the bills. No, what every massage therapist who has decided to go out on their own should be doing (when they are not massaging) is in fact 'marketing massage'.

Now I know that the idea of 'marketing' may conjure up in your mind, corporate images of elaborate and expensive advertising campaigns and the like, but really all I'm talking about is consciously and effectively putting your business in front of the different kinds of people you would like to attract to your massage business as clients, and getting them to make contact with you and book in for a treatment. That's all!

You could be the most knowledgeable, talented, highly trained massage therapist out there but unless people 'know' about you and how 'your service' can be of BENEFIT to them, you may never experience the kind of practice or income that you want or deserve!

The first thing that I feel is necessary to grasp is that a massage practice (no matter how big or small) is in fact a 'business', your business! The next most important thing is that there are two sides to your business and one cannot survive without the other.

One side of your massage business is the providing of excellent massage treatments. The other side of your massage business is the marketing side i.e. the strategies and systems you use to attract a continual stream of clients and to get them to book in for a massage with you.

The secret to building a thriving and successful massage business is to realize that you need to be a marketer of massage first (in order to get the clients), and a provider of massage second. These are the twin pillars of your business. Once you get the clients on the table your job is only half done, you then need to give them a first class treatment that is based around their needs, each and every time!

So now that you know that you need to be a massage marketer as well as a massage therapist, the next question to ask is, "How do you market your massage?" Well it all starts with the most important rule.

"Don't try to be all things to all people all at once!"

The biggest mistake I see therapists who are trying to build up a list of clients make, is that they will do up a brochure or business card etc that has their name or business name and / or logo, a list of the services they offer, and maybe a little about who they are and their qualifications, and that's it!

The thing is, every other therapist is doing exactly the same thing, so not only do they not stand out from the crowd, they are not speaking to the specific needs of the people that they are trying to attract as a massage clients. In fact many therapists are not even sure who it is they're even trying to attract.

So before you even think about printing up another brochure, flyer, business card or doing another ad, you need to first ask yourself, "What type of clients do I want to attract to my massage business? Who are they? Where are they? How can I get them interested in my business?"

Some massage therapists like to work specifically with sports people, others with women only, or people with back pain, others with people who are rehabilitating from illness or injury and others primarily for relaxation and rejuvenation etc, OR you might be the kind of therapist who wants to attract and work with people from all types of backgrounds. There are really no limits!

However, in order to effectively attract specific types of people into your massage business, your marketing must be 'tailored' to reach these people directly and speak to 'their' individual needs!

The mistake that a lot of massage therapists are making is that they'll do up a brochure or put an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper and they'll try to promote to all of these types of people at the same time. They might list the different benefits of their massage treatment by saying that their massage is good for back pain, relaxation, sports injuries etc.

By doing this they are saying that their massage is good for everything and everyone and while this is probably true, they are not speaking directly to each individual type of person, and therefore the power of their message is diluted.

The key to getting a great response is to market to each style of person individually, and whether or not you use a flyer, brochure or paid advertisement, you need to come across as a specialist by listing only those benefits of your massage that will appeal to that style of person.

Let's say that we work from home or out of a small clinic and there are a couple of gyms in our area. We know that many people who go to workout at the gym will be interested in receiving massage so we decide that we would like to attract some of these people as clients.

If we want to attract a particular style of person to our massage business, we first need to get into their head and find out what their 'needs' are.

This usually isn't too difficult. In regards to people who go to the gym, just put yourself in their shoes. "Why do they go to the gym?" People generally go the gym to workout because they are health conscious and they care about their physical appearance and their level of fitness.

Now think about what happens after you have a hard work out? Your muscles can become tight and tense and often there is soreness due to lactic acid build up. You often feel energized but your body now needs a period of rest to rejuvenate before the next workout.

Keeping this in mind, a great way to market to people who regularly workout at the gym would be to focus on all of the 'physical' benefits that these people would receive should they come to have a massage with you.

You could for example, focus on the BENEFITS of receiving massage treatments 'in between' workouts and list only those benefits that would most appeal to the style of person who works out on a regular basis.

Some benefits of receiving massage that would be effective in this example are that it:

- Quickly eliminates muscle soreness after your workout.

- Relieves muscular spasm quickly.

- Improves your flexibility and range of movement.

- Cuts your recovery time in half.

- Reduces the chance of injury by alleviating tension in the body.

- Increases your body's ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins.

- Oxygenates your body's cells giving you greater levels of energy.

- Can greatly improve your general health, well-being and appearance.

- Makes you feel relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the world!

At the top of your flyer you could combine a few of these benefits into an attention grabbing headline for example, "Discover How To Quickly Eliminate Muscle Soreness After Your Next Workout!" followed by a subheading,...and feel completely relaxed, refreshed and ready to take on the world!

A benefit rich headline that captures the interest of your 'target market' should be at the top of every piece of marketing you do, whether it's a flyer, an editorial or just a simple advertisement!

You could then follow up with the rest of the benefits above, so that you come across as a therapist who 'specializes' in working with people who do intensive exercise on a regular basis.

If possible you would then throw in a testimonial or two from clients that fall into the same 'target market' that you have massaged previously, so that it gives you credibility and shows why they should have a massage with you.

Then give them a special offer of say 90 minutes for the price of an hour and mention that it's for a limited time only, tell them to call A.S.A.P to make their appointment type and in your phone number so that it is big and bold. If possible, include a small photo of yourself and voila, you have a very targeted, inexpensive method of putting your business in front of a specific type of client that has a high probability of making contact with you.

Now this is just one example, and you could tailor different flyers for different styles of people and also different styles of massage. The main thing that I'm trying to get across here is that even though your massage itself may not change that much from person to person, you need to target your marketing so that you are speaking to each different style of person (target market) specifically and answer the question, "What's in it for them?" by clearly listing those benefits that will be appealing to that style of person.

So to recap on what I covered so far today, think of your massage practice as a business that has two equally important sides - the 'marketing of massage' and the 'providing of massage'.

Work out what types of people (target markets) you would like to have as clients and then market to each of those groups individually with benefit rich, 'attention grabbing' headlines. Then answer the question of "What's in it for them?" by illustrating the specific benefits of your service.

Then, make sure you give yourself credibility by throwing in one or two testimonials from clients that are in the same target market and make them a 'time sensitive' offer that they can't refuse. Last but not least, tell them 'how' to make contact with you. Make sure that these elements are included in ALL forms of marketing that you do, whether it be brochures, flyers, editorials or simple classified ads etc.

Then when clients show up for their massage treatment, give them 110% each and every time! This is a must!

If you can do just these simple things with your marketing, I have no doubt that you will be well on the way to building a very successful massage business with a steady stream of clients!

PTA and OTA Jobs Are a Good Introduction Into the Healthcare Industry

Anyone interested in working in the healthcare industry will find a vast number of career options. Having the skill and knowledge to assist people with reintegrating into a normal routine after an injury requires dedication to providing patients with the proper care for a smooth transition. Occupational therapy assistants (OTA) and physical therapy assistants (PTA) are valued professionals in healthcare that contributes to a patient's well-being.

In OTA jobs, individuals provide rehabilitative services to patients who suffer from physical, mental or developmental impairments. Occupational therapy assistants follow a treatment plan with the patient that is developed by an occupational therapist. The activities vary depending on the type and extent of the injury. The OTA monitors the patient's progress and updates the occupational therapist who determines if changes to the plan are necessary.

Physical therapy assistants are supervised by physical therapists, and have similar job duties; however, the difference is the type of therapy a patient receives. Typical days may include electrical stimulation, massages, ultrasounds and various exercises. Most PTA jobs also require performing clerical duties such as ordering supplies, answering phones, and submitting insurance forms.

In order to qualify for OTA jobs, you must receive training from an accredited school and sit for the national certifying exam. The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) has 135 occupational therapy assistant programs nationwide. The two year program includes occupational therapy courses in mental health, adult physical disabilities, pediatrics, and gerontology. Sixteen weeks of supervised field work is also required. PTA jobs require an associate's degree in most states. The American Physical Therapy Association's Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education is the accrediting body for the 223 physical therapy assistant programs. Just like the training for occupational therapy assistants, the PTA program is divided into academic courses and clinical experience. PTAs also receive CPR and other first aid certifications.

The employment outlook for OTA and PTA jobs is expected to increase over the next 10 years as the restrictions for therapy services reimbursements ease. OTA travel jobs are also increasing in demand because of the need for patient facilities to maintain operational costs. OTA salary ranges from $41,000 to over $53,000 per year. The salary ranges for a PTA are the same. Additionally, both jobs require a physically fit person, so expect frequent stooping, bending, kneeling and long periods of standing as you assist patients during treatment sessions. The work might be physically demanding, but it is mentally rewarding as you watch a patient's progress improve over a period of time.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Misconceptions About Massage

Massage has been practiced as a therapeutic and healing modality for several years in numerous cultures all over the world. Some people are still unsure about massage even as the obvious proliferation of discount massage salons have made massage therapy ubiquitous and accessible to all. It is my belief that the lack of equal hours in training and various laws regarding massage have spurned certain attitudes and misconceptions regarding massage therapy as a legitimate practice. Below are some common misconceptions regarding therapeutic massage that I'd like to clear up for everyone.

Massage is an expensive luxury service. When you say massage, the image that most people conjure up is a scene at a luxury destination spa where people are waiting at your beck and call. This sort of imagery can make most people feel that massage is not within their reach financially. There is a massage for every price range but remember, you get what you pay for.

Massage therapists are shady. It's unfortunate that many people are doing other things under the guise of massage. It makes it frustrating and a bit insulting to those who are working hard to promote the positive benefits of legitimate massage and then be grouped with those that are offering less than legitimate services under the heading of massage.

Massage isn't a viable treatment for pain and injuries. Europe and Canada have long recognized massage for its therapeutic quality as a stress reliever and for injury treatment. All over the world, many countries practice a more preventative approach to health care.

Massage is going to hurt. Massage should never hurt. If it hurts, the therapist is either not paying attention or is not checking in. A good massage therapist is also a good communicator. If a therapist is not listening to you when you mention that something hurts, then end the massage right away. A massage is never supposed to be painful. A comfortable soreness is acceptable but pain is not.

Massage is going to tickle me. If a massage is tickling someone, the therapist is obviously not using enough pressure. If you are prone to being ticklish, let your therapist know so they can apply a different quality of pressure.

If you think that everyone likes tapotement, you are kidding yourself. Seriously, if you're using tapotement in every massage you do, it's time to break it up. tapotement is loud and stimulating. Quieter techniques are appreciated by those who need a massage for relaxation.

Governmental bodies that were late to regulating massage have caused therapists in those areas to be taken less seriously than other areas where massage has been a regulated wellness practice for years. In the United States you'll find a large gap in the hours of training and license requirements. This is unfortunate for massage therapists when trying to move their license to another state.

All massage therapists are vegetarian, into new age and worship crystals! I always laugh when people ask me these things. It's amazing how quickly people make judgments on lifestyle preferences based on an occupation. There are many massage therapists who are vegetarian, new age and believe in crystals and that's cool. please don't assume we all belong to that club. By the way, I do think that crystals are beautiful to enjoy.

The massage therapist will judge my body. I have yet to meet a massage therapist who is judgmental on someone's body. Over the years I've been asked the annoying question, "How does my body rate from a scale of 1-10?" Seriously, I tell clients that I'm looking for limited range of motion and compensation in the body. That will usually get them off that topic. You can come up with your own clever response to that line of questioning!

So there you have it folks, a few of the misconceptions about massage therapy as a profession and massage therapists in general. I'm sure you've heard others. It's important to show the world the professionals that we are so we can spread the positive messages about massage therapy as a positive addition to a healthy lifestyle.

How to Work With a Massage Therapist at a Spa With Massages

A day at a spa with massages is a day for health and relaxation. A massage therapist will help you achieve your goals for the day, with various general massage techniques as well as hot and cold stone therapy if you choose. The process works best if you participate in making the spa day go more smoothly.

1. Introduce yourself.

A massage therapist nearly always introduces herself, or a spa staffer introduces the therapist to you. She might even give you a brief overview of her experience and services if it is your first time at the spa. Do yourself a favor and interact with your massage therapist long before she reaches for the massage stones. Introduce yourself when you walk in, and mention the type of massages you like to have.

2. Talk about problem areas.

Before a massage, it is always helpful to talk about any pains and strains you have in your muscles. Discuss with the massage therapist whether hot stone therapy will loosen up the muscles and make them feel more comfortable. Chat about the possibility of combination therapy with both hot and cold massage stones to bring the blood to the surface and flush out inflammation. If you have painful joints or wounds, it is also a good idea to warn the massage therapist before she begins.

3. Set the tone for the session.

Some people like their massage to be all work. They want to talk about clinical effects of massage and the workings of the muscles. Others like to focus on relaxation in a quiet atmosphere. Still others like a friendly ambiance in the room. Decide before you go into the spa setting which kind of environment suits you best, and set the tone right away. If you want friendliness, strike up a conversation. If you want quiet relaxation, stay as still as possible and do not talk much.

4. Give feedback during the massage if there are discomforts or problems.

Your massage therapist will tell you when to move as she places the massage stones on different parts of your body. She will rub your body with basalt stones for hot stone therapy or marble stones for cold stone therapy. As she massages the muscles of your body, you might feel unexpected tenderness in a tendon or joint. Always mention it to the massage therapist so that she can adjust her general massage to accommodate your special needs of the day.

5. Thank the massage therapist after the massage and tip if it is customary.

When the massage is over, it is important to acknowledge the good work of the massage therapist. Thank her for her services and tell her how the massage has benefited you. Before you even went into the massage room, you should have asked the front desk staff the customs of that spa regarding tipping. Tipping amounts vary, and some massage therapists do not like to be tipped if they feel that their services should be classified as medical treatments. By knowing ahead of time, you can do the right thing to make your therapist happy, and end your day well at the spa with massages.

Physical Therapy and Recovery

If you play sports or other physical activities, then you know that injuries come with the territory. Depending on the type of injury and the extent of your injury, you may need physical therapy. Physical therapy is the process of rehabilitation and recovery from your injury or physical ailment. Physical therapy works on recovery of your musculoskeletal system. Massage therapy is used as part of the recovery process. Some of the more advanced therapy clinics are starting to use massage chair recliners as part of their arsenal of tools to help people recover from their injuries.

If you start a physical therapy program, then you will be assigned a physical therapist. The therapist is a trained professional to help restore your strength, motion and activity. The therapist understands the mechanics of your body and will help design a treatment program for you. You will learn specific stretches, exercises and other specialized techniques to help your body recover. You may also use specific equipment that can address particular issues. Massage therapy has become an important tool in the recovery arsenal and many clinics are making use of massage chair recliners.

Your therapist is trained in different surgeries, treatments and rehabilitation techniques and goals. The therapist will design a recovery treatment targeting the areas of your body that needs greater flexibility or strength. If you are recovering from surgery, then the therapist will be knowledgeable about different surgical procedures. The therapist will help in setting goals as you work through the initial limitations of your physique. Some of the important physical therapy tools are stretching, exercises and massage therapy.

Stretching is important to help regain lost flexibility. The muscles may be tight, the joints stiff and you may have scar tissue. These reduce your range of motion and decrease flexibility. Stretching helps to elongate the muscles. This helps to stretch the muscles helping their elasticity. A frequent and continuous regimen of daily stretching helps to speed recovery. Your therapist will design a stretching routine which will help focus on restoring the range of motion.

Exercises are important to help rebuild strength. When we have an injury, we tend to protect that area. Protecting that area is usually to isolate and immobilize it. In other words, we tend not to use the injured area. This helps to prevent further injury, but at the expense of strength and conditioning. To help rebuild the body, exercises help to build up strength, endurance and agility. Physical therapy clinics have a wide array of exercise equipment from treadmills, stationary bikes, weights and more. These help you focus building up a particular set of muscles.

Massage therapy is important to assist the total healing process. The muscle tissue breaks down and its fibers become shorter. This makes the muscles tighter. Massage therapy starts where stretching leaves off. Massage therapy helps to penetrate deeper into the muscle tissue to help elongate and invigorate the muscles. This helps the healing process by restoring flexibility throughout the muscle and scar tissue. Massage is given either by a massage therapist or a massage chair. Massage chairs come with a variety of therapeutic massages, heat therapies and even traction. These not only provide effective therapy but also help you to relax and clear your mind.

Whether you are a professional tennis player or a beginner skier, injuries can happen to anyone. If you do find yourself in physical therapy, work on setting goals to recover. Find yourself an excellent physical therapy clinic. Make sure they have qualified people, proper exercise equipment and massage therapy. And if you need massage therapy, make sure a massage chair is part of your recovery plans.

Massage Therapy Benefits Research

Whether it is to get that moment of relaxation or to retain relief from that aching pain, there are many wonderful benefits of this type of therapy. Massage therapy is something that people of all ages can enjoy and benefit from. It relieves the injured, the ill or stressed and those who just want to enjoy a nice relaxing massage.

If given by a professional, it can be a very pleasurable experience which reduces the stress and tension in ones body. It may calm an individual's nerves allowing them to clear their minds. A study has shown that after medical students in New Jersey were massaged before an exam, there was a decrease in their anxiety and it also stabilized respiratory levels. In general it improves your mood whether people are sad, angry or depressed. Another study showed that women who have suffered the recent death of their child were less depressed after receiving a massage.

In addition, it has been discovered that this therapy also encourages our metabolism. A study concluded that office workers who were massaged were more alert and ready for action at work, compared to those who were not massaged. By reducing spasms, tension and cramping is also helped those who play sports, making players play more effectively lowering the risk of one of the injuries stated above during a game. By receiving a massage, we also improve the efficiency of our movements leaving us less stiff and creating sufficient blood flow complimenting the actions of the heart.

This will lead to increased stimulation to the lungs and other parts of the body, while nutrition distribution takes place to the body.

Whether it's just to benefit one of your major systems, reach relaxation and peace of mind or to help our bodies heal a lot faster massage therapy works. There are many benefits of massage therapy so why not enjoy some of them, today?

Massage Therapy - 7 Tips to Picking a Great Massage Therapist

You've heard a lot about therapeutic massage and pain relief.  Now you're thinking about finding a massage practitioner. 

Or, maybe you've already had massage therapy but are not quite sure it was as effective or good as you thought it should be. 

Maybe the pressure felt too light or too deep.  Perhaps you were uncomfortable for one reason or another.  Maybe you even thought that you would never have another massage again!

Massage therapy can be extremely effective for relieving almost every type of pain.  I must admit that I'm highly biased, but a really good massage therapist can deliver the best and most effective therapy you can get.

So, how can you find a "really good massage therapist?"

  1. Ask around.  If you know someone who is very happy with their massage therapist, ask for the therapist's name.  If your friend feels better because of their massage, that's a pretty good sign that you will, too.

  2. Massage therapists who have their own office, use the word "clinic" in their business name, or work in a medical facility will more likely practice "medical" or therapeutic massage.

  3. Go to the website for the American Massage Therapy Association.  It is the largest professional massage organization and has listings of members.  Membership requirements are fairly strict, and there is a wide mix of members.  Some have a ton of training and experience, some are new to the profession and have had entry level training.

  4. Go to the website for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.  They also have a listing of therapists who have passed the NCTMB examination.  Almost 80% of the states are licensed now, and many of them use this exam for licensing.  In states which are not licensed, massage practitioners who want the best credentials available often take this exam on their own.

  5. Interview the massage therapist you choose on the phone.  Ask them as many questions as you can think of.  Tell them about your pain, where it is, how long you've had it, and what you've done for it.  Please give them the short version.  Listen carefully to their response and see if it sounds as if they can provide the appropriate massage for you.

  6. You can interview the massage practitioner in person if you make an appointment to do so.  He or she will be glad to set aside 15 minutes to discuss your situation, explain their probable treatment and show you their office.  If they have trigger point charts on the walls (which show pain patterns and the muscles that most like are causing the pain) that is usually a very good sign.

  7. Ask the massage therapist about their training.  Are they new to the field, have they been in practice for many years, have they had any advanced training, especially in pain relief for your specific complaint?  Listen carefully.  There are people who do massage who will say that they can take care of you, but don't have the training or background.

When you have selected a massage professional, remember that it is your body.  You are the expert.  If you have questions or concerns, or the massage doesn't feel right to you, speak up!  A good, competent massage therapist will be glad you did.  They want to do their best, and input from you will help.

Physical Therapy Assistant Programs And Education Requirements

For someone who desires to be a physical therapy assistant, it is important to first get all the facts and details about physical therapy assistant programs.

This is because there are several requirements that must be met before one can join this career. One needs to get their training from accredited schools. For those taking online lessons, it is also important to ensure the course provider is properly accredited.

PTA programs are intended for those who wish to work in helping patients who are recovering from some physical ailments such as arthritis, heart diseases, fractures and other injuries that may have resulted to some form of disability.

Working with physical therapists, the assistants help patients to improve or regain mobility, reduce pain or even limit the possibility of patients becoming permanently disabled.

They try as much as possible to restore a patients overall health. This means that besides the academic qualifications, one who seeks to join this profession must have the desire to help fellow human beings live more wholesome lives

The daily working routine of a assistant involves assisting patients do some exercises, performing massages, cold or hot packs, performing ultrasound, keeping patient records and electrical stimulation among other duties.

For one to comfortably work as a physical therapy assistant, they must have both physical and emotional stamina. The job requires that one will often lift patients and heavy equipment

Education Requirements
The physical therapy assistant programs require that one acquires an associate degree after an undergraduate course.

Normally, this involves two years of undergraduate training. The training involves both class work and clinical training. During the training, one learns basic life saving skills on top of other scientific courses like physiology and anatomy.

One advantage of pursuing physical therapy assistant programs is that it does not take many years of training as it requires only two years in order to complete the basic training.

At the same time, this program can be a good starting point for one who desires to eventually pursue a full career as a physical therapist. As such, a physical therapy assistant can complete the other required years of training to be a fully fledged physical therapist while still working.

There are many schools offering physical therapy assistant programs. But as already stated one must be careful to ensure that they get their training from accredited institutions. Good training will make a lot of difference between an efficient and successful physical therapy assistant and one who is not.

There are also several online programs for those wishing to be physical therapy assistants. By carefully searching through the various online sources, one will be able to eventually get an accredited online program. Online training is convenient as one does not have to physically travel to a training school. Most of the learning can be done from the comfort of one's home and then go for clinical attachment at a physical facility. This would greatly save on training costs.

Online training also comes with the advantage of the ability to access training programs offered far away from one's residential area. It is also not subject to the limitations of the size of the classroom.

At the same time, whereas many medical courses require many years of rigorous training, physical therapy assistant programs are among those healthcare courses that will take a short time. Also, the requirements for entry into this profession and training costs are quite favourable to many people.

Employment Opportunities

For those pursuing physical therapy assistant programs, there are many job opportunities. Many of the graduates of this program work with physicians in medical practices.

Others work in surgical and medical hospitals. There are also numerous opportunities in rehabilitation centres and clinics.

The jobs are available in both full time and part time basis. Statistics show that jobs prospects for those undertaking this course are quite good.

The prospects in this field are more favourable than in many other professions. The main areas where these jobs are available include nursing care facilities, health practitioners' offices and surgical hospitals among others.

Salaries for those who have undergone training are very good. On top of the salaries, there are several other benefits including health insurance and paid vacation.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Physical Therapist Recruitment Agencies

The well-organized staffing services of reliable physical therapist recruitment agencies in the US enable qualified candidates in physical therapy to secure jobs in reputable healthcare facilities. These agencies offer competent recruitment services for both experienced as well as newly certified physical therapists.

Range of Lucrative Job Opportunities

The structured staffing services of recruitment agencies are available to both domestic and internationally trained physical therapy professionals. Talented graduates in an accredited physical therapy education program who have qualified in the state-administered national exam can easily obtain permanent, temporary, short-term, long-term, full-time, part-time, or travel assignments in health agencies, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, school systems and outpatient clinics in the US. Individuals with the necessary academic credentials and with strong interpersonal skills can earn competitive pay and enjoy benefits such as:

• Section 125 cafeteria plan
• 401(k) retirement savings plan
• Continuing education programs
• Healthcare insurance
• Professional liability insurance
• Additional state license
• Short-term disability insurance
• H1b visas and green cards
• Immigration processing support
• Completion bonuses
• Paid housing facilities
• Travel allowances

Advanced Recruitment Technology Systems

Recruitment agencies offer physical therapists job opportunities to suit their skills and schedules. Many have an internationally qualified team of recruitment consultants working with state-of-the-art recruitment technology systems and modern web-based recruitment tools. They guide clients and candidates on the latest medical trends and job opportunities. Jobseekers can register and submit their resumes online.

Physical therapist recruitment agencies help employers to recruit skilled professionals easily. Employers are saved the trouble and expense of placing job advertisements and conducting lengthy recruitment procedures. With hundreds of job opportunities available for physical therapists and slated to in the future, these recruitment agencies will continue to provide invaluable services to healthcare establishments and aspiring professionals alike.