Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Write Fabulous Massage Brochures That Clients Will Love

I was in New Zealand teaching a group of Massage Therapists about a year or so ago. I was conducting a lecture about writing brochures for a massage business. I found that Massage Therapists had one thing in common that stopped them writing their massage brochures. It was definitely not a lack of intelligence or will power, it was not knowing 'how to get started' on writing their massage brochures. Not knowing how to get started on writing a massage brochure is not the same as not having the ability or capability. In fact creating your massage brochure is pretty easy. The secret to massage brochure writing? It's all about following a system.

Following a writing system when writing your massage brochure will cut down hours of 'writers block', frustration, feeling in adequate and overwhelmed. It's true; you can feel all these things when you start your massage brochure writing. So now, I'm going to teach you how to start feeling confident, satisfied and proud of your massage brochure writing. With practice you'll become a master at creating your own massage brochures.

Let's get started on the system of writing your massage brochure. Not just any old brochure, a fabulous massage brochure that clients will love.

Firstly, it's important for your massage brochure experience to be a positive one. Clear your mind and make a decision that you will not bring any past negative feelings "to the table" when you sit down and begin to write your brochure.

Your massage brochure needs to reflect utmost professionalism. In your experience as a massage therapist you'll know that people have loved your massage and wanted more. This needs to be reflected in your presentation. Only use the highest quality paper and the best printing service in town. You have a significantly higher chance of impressing potential massage clients them further with your skills in the marketing and business side of things as well. Whether you do Trigger Point massage, Swedish massage, Bowen therapy or deep tissue massage all massage therapy modalities need to be reflected in this way.

Secondly, you need to understand that potential massage therapy clients are not looking for the features of massage therapy such as "increased blood flow, increased muscle tone, improved oxygenation to the muscles" or "helps disperse lactic acid build up in the muscles." Yes, it's all great that massage therapy does that, but it's not what clients are looking for in your massage brochures.

Think of it this way. When you yourself are looking for a massage from a colleague, what is going through your mind at the time? Is it "I must get a massage so I can disperse the lactic acid in my muscles" or "this neck pain is really bad, I must get a massage to relieve it"? The latter of course! Well that's exactly what your potential massage clients are thinking too! When they pick up your massage brochure they are undoubtedly thinking about how they can get relief from something. And they will search for it in your massage brochure. So make it easy for them to make a decision to have your massage treatments by stating the benefits of your massage treatment straight away rather than the features in your massage brochure. (People start looking for massage therapy when the pain has become a problem and usually not before.)

Thirdly, always use 'easy to understand' language. We often forget that as massage therapists, our potential clients are seeking benefits in the form of relief from discomfort. What I mean by this is what is going through their minds is the language that we must use in our massage brochures. If they are thinking it, we must say it. That's why it's important for us to state in our massage brochures phrases like "my treatment will give you relief from neck pain, allowing you to move freely and without pain. After just a few of my massage treatments you'll be feeling more flexible and free again."

Just remember that with all massage brochures you must 'get into your clients head'. Speak plain language in your brochures and don't use your qualifications upfront as a strategy for attracting clients. Most of our massage therapy clients have no idea about massage or the school we went to or the hard work we did to become skillful at it. And that's ok! Right now our goal in writing massage brochures is to make it easy for them to decide to want to have massage with us and offer our massage therapy in a way that's easy for them.

Can Massage Benefit Bowel and Bladder Problems? Yes

For over 5 years I have wondered about the potential benefits of massage for bowel & bladder problems. Not just for constipation but for all problems of this nature.

I knew that massage had a well-documented positive aspect on our stress levels and overall well-being. However, research related to bowel & bladder problems was limited. You will certainly find opinion online but I was looking for competent medical research.

We now have that research with the peer-reviewed publication of research from Kristina L瓣m疇s, a senior lecturer in the department of nursing at Ume疇 University, Sweden.

Kristina's double-blind study involved 60 people with constipation. Half received 15 minutes of abdominal and hand massage a day, five days a week for eight weeks, in addition to prescribed laxatives. The rest received only prescribed laxatives.

The results of the study showed that the group that received abdominal massage used had reduced abdominal pain, increased bowel movements and improved quality of life compared with laxative use alone.
The group also reported that abdominal massage is a pleasant treatment that should be considered in constipation management.

It makes sense that abdominal massage can have benefits for those suffering from constipation. However, could it be useful in the treatment of other bowel & bladder problems?

Certainly, massage has proven itself to be useful in the management of pain or discomfort. It might be worthwhile including a regular massage into your health routine. Especially, as this study shows, massage is a pleasant experience.

In a time when most medical treatments are considered unpleasant perhaps the fact we like massage is another of its great strengths.

Are There Any Risks Involved In Massage Therapy?

Regardless of how it is phrased or worded, one question which must always be asked of a potential massage therapist is the following, "Which health conditions would you consider preclusive of massage therapy and why?" And the correct answer, whether stated in exactly those words or different ones, should be, "There are certain health conditions which must rule out massage therapy and those are ..." And he or she must name the following:

Cancer. Massage therapy comes in different forms which affect the body differently. There are also many different types of cancers and patients may be at different stages and receiving different treatments. In some cases and certain types of massage therapy may lead to life threatening results while in other cases with another type of massage therapy the results may be extraordinarily beneficial. Because of such complexity, it is essential to consult with the medical provider who knows the particulars of the case in question before proceeding with a massage therapy of any kind.

The potential risks involved in performing massage therapy on cancer patients do not inevitably discard the entire concept of massage therapy but it does mean that extra caution must be practiced and, perhaps, moderate to extreme alteration of the treatment is in order. And the health risks are the following:

Fractures of bones. Certain forms of cancer and their treatments weaken bones to the extent that they can easily break under pressure.

Bleeding. Many cancer patients have the tendency to bleed easily. Deep tissue massage can cause dangerous internal bleeding.

Spreading of cancerous tumors. There is an ongoing debate about the effects of massage therapy on tumors. Some claim that applying vigorous pressure to the area where the tumor is present will cause it to metastasis (break down and to spread or to increase its rate of growth). Others, however, deny that claim as unsubstantiated and untrue. It is best to play it safe and not massage the tumor region or its surrounding soft tissues.

Lymphedema (the buildup of lymph in soft tissue which leads to swelling of the limbs). Certain types of massage therapy in patients who have had their lymph nodes removed due to cancer may lead to lymphedema.

Flu-like symptoms. Patients who are going through chemotherapy can often develop symptoms which look and feel like the flu after having been treated to certain types of massage therapy.

Pain. Cancer patients frequently suffer a great deal of pain and most massage therapy techniques can result in some temporary pain immediately after the treatment. That may translate to added pain when too much of it is already present and that can be quite literally unbearable.

Post-surgery. Shortly after surgery, the wound is still in the process of healing visually on the surface of the skin as well as internally. Applying pressure to the site may cause a series of risky health problems such as reopening the incision, trigger internal and/or external bleeding or blood clotting, and so on.

Skin conditions. Areas where the skin is infected, inflamed or covered with rashes or sores should not be massaged as it can lead to worsening of the condition.

Even when taking into account all the risks which have been mentioned above, massage therapy can still be very beneficial to most people in most situations. Rather than discounting it completely due to specific concerns, I would advise consulting a physician.

The Pros And Cons Of Mobile Massage

Have you ever traveled to another location to give a massage? If you learn to do this right, it can be fun and quite lucrative. Traveling massage services are a great convenience and people who love convenience have no problem paying for it! If you've never considered this part of your practice before, it's a great way to expand your offerings and make extra money in less time. In this article, I'll go over the Pros and Cons of mobile massage.

The Pros

Make more money! Did that get your attention? Who doesn't want to make more money. Therapists who go on-location make 30-50% more than most therapists who only take office clients. Convenience comes with a premium and why not? Your services are valuable and you should charge more. Since you are making more money in less time, you can work less. How's that for a change in pace?

Your location is constantly changing. I love the fact that I never get bored since I'm always changing locations. Sometimes it's great to have an office but for me, being in the same location all the time would quickly start to feel like work. While traveling for work, your scenery is new and exciting everyday. It's nice to have a variety of locations to work in because it never gets boring. Your office is wherever you set up your equipment!

More control of your time. When you do on-location massage, you can arrive on time, finish on time and leave on time. When you practice out of an office, you are at the mercy of late comers that can throw your whole schedule off when they are running late.

The Cons

Last minute calls. This can be a bummer sometimes when you try to plan your day to run errands. Often you need to be willing to redirect your day in order to take work. Always be ready to go at all times. When doing out call massage, sometimes you never know when you're going to work. So when you're out running around in the car, it's best to have all your supplies and equipment with you at all times. Being caught without enough sheets is a real bummer when you could have taken all those appointments.

Late night calls. Depending on how you get your clients or referrals, you might sometimes get that late call at night. If you're in for the evening depending on when they call, you can politely say that you're booked up this evening. That is much better than saying that you're finished or tired. Less information is better. Always offer to book at another time right away.

What social life? The biggest downside to performing an on-location massage is that a lot of the work tends to be at the very last minute. It can be hard on family and friends when something is planned and then you have to cancel. When you commit to plans and then miss work, it can be frustrating. You have to make choices and then stick to them.

It's important to create as much of a balance as possible. When you're chasing the dollars, it's easy to forget what's most important in life. Do take time out to spend time with loved ones; you never know how much time any of us has.

Hopefully this overview of mobile massage gives you some insight into the hits and misses of doing massage on-location. Traveling massage can be very fun, lucrative and adventurous. Be sure to take time out for yourself and the special people in your life.

5 Reasons Not to Give Consent For Special Education Personnel to Bill Your Private Insurance

Are you the parent of a child with autism or dyslexia? Is your child receiving special education related services? Have you been asked to give written consent, so that your school district can bill your private insurance company? This article will give you 5 reasons not to consent to having your private insurance billed for related services and evaluations.

Related services are special education services that your child needs to benefit from their education. They can be: transportation, physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech/language therapy. Private insurance can also be billed for psychological testing (though many will not pay for this), testing for OT, PT, and Speech/language.

Below are 5 reasons why every parent in the US should refuse to have their private insurance billed for special education services:

Reason 1: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that all children with disabilities have the right to special education and related services to meet their educational needs. Most parents have to fight so that their child can receive appropriate services in the correct amounts to meet their needs; but special education is an entitlement!

Reason 2: School districts receive state and federal funding for related services. While federal funding does not pay all of the costs, states also chip in.

Also, every state in the USA has returned money to the federal government, for IDEA funds that have gone unused. Between 2000-2002 state board of educations sent back 1.7 billion dollars of unused IDEA funds! Find out how much your school district sent back by contacting your state board of education!

There is money, it is just that many special education personnel have other priorities, rather than giving related services to needed children.

Reason 3: The children in the district receiving Medicaid, often have their parents give consent for school districts to seek reimbursement for related services. This is another funding stream that school districts receive, that they rarely discuss. This could amount to millions of dollars in some school districts, so do not worry about your schools pocketbook!

Reason 4: Many insurance companies have caps on benefits. If you allow your insurance to be billed, your child may reach their cap, which means they would have no insurance. Also this may prevent your child from getting insurance in the future, if they have major bills for related services and evaluations.

Reason 5: If you allow your insurance company to be billed for psychological testing or other testing, special education personnel may ask for testing that your child does not need. Reimbursement should not be the reason for testing your child; educational needs and services needed should be the reason.

Form: The form that you may be asked to sign would probably state: Parent consent for reimbursement of health related services. Read this form very carefully. It should state that this permission is voluntary. Also on the form should be 2 boxes: 1. I give consent for billing of my private insurance company for related services and evaluations or 2. I do not give consent for billing of my private insurance company for services and evaluation.

By understanding these 5 reasons, you will know why it is in your child's best interest to not give consent for your private insurance to be billed, for related services and evaluations.

Great Gimmicks to Raise Permanent School Fund

Great educational establishments give activities that bring out the best in their pupils. It is through extra-curricular activities like football, theater, and glee club that pupils can improve their abilities and talents. These activities, however, require a permanent school fund. Without a reliable funding system, schools can't afford to prepare pupils for games or drive them to be involved in important academic tournaments. There are also educational institutions that shut down creative sections as a consequence of school funding issues.

There's a lot of approaches to remedy this issue. Concerned parents, students, and private individuals can team up to help keep resources flowing. Many exciting and unique fundraising activities are beneficial and enjoyable. If you're a parent, don't make school funding issues get in the way of quality education. Encourage your local community to participate and generate income for your local district school.

Below are a few excellent tips:

-Bake Sales, Fashionable Trinkets along with Custom-made Items

Selling goods whether they are food, accents or do-it-yourself crafts is a very common and effective way of raising finances. Bake sales are popular among mothers. Students and parents can easily coordinate with one another to sell cupcakes, cookies, and also other pastries. Parents can be in charge of preparing these while the pupils can sell them door-to-door. Proceeds from the acquisition will go to the school.

Garage sales are usually a good idea. Apart from marketing pre-owned items, you can even give personalized items like shirts, pens, and cups. Get a provider of blank t-shirts along with a good printer. Promote classy and amusing couple shirts simply because these are becoming preferred these days.

Utilize your artsy and business abilities by offering authentic artwork or hand-made trinkets like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Promote home-made crafts like aromatic candles, soap and massage oils. Be sure you read online do-it-yourself articles or find a professional which may help you.

Study your target audience first. By doing this, you'll know which products are sought after. When offering items, ensure you produce more profit as opposed to capital you have invested. If you're not, you would possibly wind up losing profits.

-Offer In-Demand Services

One good way of getting permanent school fund other than promoting items is actually by giving services. For example, check with the students cleaning solutions like lawn mowing, house cleaning, and baby-sitting for a decent fee.

Car washes really are a well-liked gimmick among high-school pupils. One other unique fundraiser is having an auction or movie night. Auctions entail fraternity and sorority houses auctioning off members for a pleasant date. Movie nights, however, entail renting an area and playing a film for a certain rate.

-Concerts and also other Performances

Try setting up a show. Talent shows, musicals, and plays where students present their skills in the stage. School funding issues won't be a problem because you can easily generate cash through ticket sales.

Make certain everyone knows about your event. Set up posters and ask local papers, radio programs, and TV stations to bring up your event. Look for websites on the internet giving unique solutions to have permanent school fund. Post classifieds and make use of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

Without fundraisers, tuition will certainly increase, causing a number of departments to dissolve. Prevent this by continuing to keep extra-curricular activities alive. Sponsor fascinating fundraisers to guarantee a successful outcome.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Breast Implant Surgery - Massage Therapy Is Advisable For Better Results

One of the most common complications with breast implant surgery is the occurrence of capsular contraction. After surgery, the body creates a capsule or sack of tissue around the breast implants. This is actually a normal healing process and safety measure conducted by the body. The body is programmed to contain and encapsulate any large foreign object to prevent it from doing damage to the system. This can be bad news for implants though as the capsule tends to contract or shrink over time, putting pressure on them and potentially causing them to burst. A frequently recommended but also greatly contested means of preventing capsular contraction is massage of the breast implants.

The guiding philosophy behind implant massage is that stretching and rubbing the tissue around the implant will keep the scar capsule soft and pliable, instead of stiff and restrictive. Some doctors also believe that massaging the breasts will contribute to more natural looking and feeling implants as well as less post-surgery pain.

Massage therapy is generally only recommended for those with smooth implants, not with textured. Textured breast implants were actually designed to reduce the risk of contracture of the scar capsule, although in reality the rate of capsular contraction is roughly the same as smooth ones. Still, textured seem to face a bigger chance of failing if massaged.

With smooth breast implants, there are two separate types of massage that many doctors advise. The first is displacement and the second is compression. Displacement massage (also referred to as quadrant exercises) means moving the implants around within the capsule in order to stretch out the sack and make it softer. This requires shifting the implant side to side and up and down and holding it in place for several seconds at a time.

Some doctors prefer the compression massage technique however, because patients often practice displacement after breast augmentation ineffectively. Instead of moving the implant around within the scar sack to stretch it out, they unwittingly simply move the implant and the capsule around within the breast. Compression technique also involves exerting moderate to strong pressure to push down on different parts of the breast implants to make them bulge out in other places, which stretches out the capsule.

As the opinions of doctor's vary, so does the timetable for massage. Some will advise patients to begin massaging several hours after the breast augmentation, while others recommend waiting a week. For the next several weeks, patients are often counseled to massage three or four times per day and then once a day forever thereafter.

As mentioned however, some doctors do not prescribe massage therapy at all to their patients and in fact there are other methods of avoiding and dealing with capsular contracture. There is some evidence that certain implant-related drugs containing vitamin-E taken before and after the surgery have been effective in reducing the risk of contracture. If contracture does occur, patients can undergo a capsulectomy to remove the offending capsule. This has proven to be the best way to keep contracture from happening again.

Although massage is not the only way to treat and prevent capsular contracture, when done correctly it may be a good method of keeping the implants soft and natural, making the breast implant surgery satisfying and worthwhile.

5 Attributes of Every Successful Massage Therapist

In every professional field there are practitioners that have all the success they desire and those that struggle just to pay the bills.

As a professional massage therapist for 6 years (now retired) I have experienced both of these realities but at the height of my career I had a thriving and successful massage business that brought in an income well into 6 figures annually.

Over the years I've had the privilege of working with many different therapists and I have observed both in them and in myself, what 'attributes' set the really successful massage therapists apart from those that we're struggling.

In my opinion here are the core 5.

1) Passion

Successful massage therapists love their work. In fact they couldn't imagine doing anything else that could possibly excite them and give them as much personal satisfaction and fulfillment as being a massage therapist. This genuine 'passion' is easily felt by their clients and keeps them coming back for more of that 'wonderful energy'.

2) Positivity

Successful massage therapists strive to maintain a positive attitude. They give themselves the confidence they need by 'choosing' to believe in themselves and their abilities. By focusing their desires, thoughts and actions on achieving specific goals they become more and more empowered. They are then able to more effectively empower their clients.

3) Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Successful massage therapists see their themselves as running a 'business'. They realize that they are both a 'provider' of massage and a 'marketer' of massage at the same time and that their success comes from doing both things well. They research and develop effective systems to both market, manage and grow their massage business and they also are continually on the look out for creative ways to 'leverage' their time and energy to increase their income beyond just performing massage.

4) Giving

Successful massage therapists are 'givers' plain and simple. They see themselves as offering a valuable 'service' to their clients and they really enjoy providing it to them. They have a genuine desire to really help improve their client's health and wellbeing and pride themselves on giving 110% in every treatment.

5) Walk Their Talk

Successful massage therapists follow their own advice. By this I mean they themselves receive regular massage and are conscientious about living well and also achieving their dreams. They genuinely 'walk their talk' and this integrity makes what they say to their clients and the treatments they give to their clients all the more powerful.

Ultimately wherever you are today in your career, it has been your thoughts and actions (i.e. your decisions) that have brought you to where you are today.

If you have not yet created your ideal massage business, then you may find great benefit in further developing and practicing the above 5 attributes.

One thing that's for sure is that if you continue to think and act in the same way, then you will continue to experience similar results.

If we want a different result, then we need to take a different approach. It's really that simple.

Wishing you a happy, successful and fulfilling massage business!

Canine Massage: What Is Canine Massage and How Can It Help My Dog?

Canine massage is becoming more and more popular in the world of holistic pet care and more pet owners are consider massage therapy for their pets. But what is dog massage and how is it different from simply petting a dog? In this article we will exam what is dog massage, how it is different from simply petting your dog and under what circumstances therapeutic massage may be a good option for your dog.

What is Dog Massage?

Dog massage is deliberate and focused touching for the purpose of providing health benefits for the dog. Canine health benefits include increased blood circulation, increased lymph movement and stimulation of acupressure points. Canine massage therapy also helps maintain range of motion, tone and flexibility, which is especially beneficial for older dogs or convalescing pets.

How is Massage for Dogs Different from Simply Petting a Dog?

Therapeutic massage for dogs is different from simply petting a dog in several ways. First, canine massage generally follows a specific sequence to relax the muscles, to promote general well-being and to also help address any underlying health concerns.

A certified canine massage therapist is trained to assess and evaluate a dog. In addition to learning specific massage techniques for the canine body, certification includes coursework in anatomy, muscle function and holistic health.

While petting a dog is a very important bonding component for a healthy, happy relationship with your pet, it is generally less structured and usually lacks the specific intention of improving or maintaining a dog's health that canine massage offers.

Is Therapeutic Therapy a Good Option for My Dog?

Just like with people, almost all dogs can benefit from therapeutic massage. While massage should never be used as a substitute for traditional veterinary care, massage therapy is a complementary form of canine health care for dogs of all ages and breeds.

Can Puppies Benefit From Massage?

All puppies need touch to thrive and socialization to be a happy, confident member of the family. Canine massage therapy provides both for puppies. Also, puppies tend to be very stimulated by the world around them, so massage gives them the opportunity to calm down and relax.

In addition to socialization and general well being benefits, therapeutic massage is especially valuable for large breed puppies. Sprains are much more common in fast growing breeds, so regular massage therapy sessions promotes blood circulation, which in turn helps insure growing puppy bones receive the necessary nutrients to help prevent injury.

Let's Get Physio: Working As a Physiotherapist

The clue is the name of what an occupation as a Physiotherapist involves. They help and treat people with physical problems which can be brought on due to a range of problems including illness, accident or old age.

Movement is central to individual's well-being in the field of physiotherapy and it is the physio's job to maximise their patient's movement through treatment and rehab.

In general, physiotherapists must be skilled in:

  • Manual therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise

  • Electro-physical modalities

There are many different fields that a physiotherapist can work in including women's health, elderly care and occupational health. They are highly sought after professionals in most healthcare facilities including hospitals, nursing homes and clinics. Many chartered physiotherapists also set up their own local practices, treating patients in their local community for rehab and sports injury ailments. In fact there is not many fields of life where physiotherapist are not required - they are known to work in schools, the workplace and training companies too.

As with most healthcare careers, being a physiotherapist requires you to have the ability to build trust and rapport with your patients, their families and a team of medical professionals. You need to use your expert judgement to make a diagnosis, have the knowledge on how to treat the ailment and the ability to leave your patient with the piece-of-mind that they are receiving sound, professional treatment from a qualified healthcare professional.

In Ireland, the industry body representing over 3000 physiotherapists is the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. Four major universities and colleges currently provide the 4 year degree course required to qualify as a physio - UCD, the Royal College of Surgeons, Trinity College and University of Limerick. As places on these courses are in huge demand, entry points required are usually high. Because of this many students choose to study physiotherapy abroad in places like the UK where entry requirements are not as stringent as Ireland. You cannot legally practice as a physiotherapist until you are a member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. This membership is indicated by the letters MISCP after the person's name.

People use the clich矇 of a "hands-on" job all too often but being a physiotherapist really is, literally and figuratively! Wherever people are at risk of injury, there will always be a need for physiotherapists. That is why it is a very sustainable career which can bring you work in various different settings and specialties.

The Truth About California Massage Licensing

Many people are confused about massage therapy licensing in California. Much of this confusion comes from massage therapists that advertise their state certification. This is simply not true; There is no such thing as state licensing or state certification for massage therapists in California.

First of all, some terms:

Licensing versus Certification. Students obtain a certificate when they complete a Massage Training program from a state approved school and then use the title of "Certified Massage Therapist." Licensed means the massage therapist holds a business license in the local entity (city or county) that they do business in.

Another area of confusion is the different titles and abbreviations used by massage therapists.

CMT - Certified Massage Therapist - it means you have a certificate as a massage therapist

LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist - used in some states where there is state licensing of massage therapists

RMT - Registered Massage Therapist - used in some Canadian provinces where therapists are registered with the province

All licensing of massage therapists in California is done by the city or the county due to the fact that California currently has no state certification. The majority of cities and/or counties in California require that you graduate from an approved program in massage therapy. Hence why some therapists advertise being a "state certified massage therapist."

Licensing requirements vary greatly from city to city and county to county. In Southern California, various communities require 500 hours of training. Here in Northern California most municipalities require a minimum of 100 hours of training so that our 126 hour massage certification program or our 120 hour acupressure certification program will satisfy their requirements. Two main exceptions in our area are the city of Auburn, which requires 200 hours of training, and the city of Sacramento which requires 250 hours of training, plus 12 hours of continuing education per year. By taking one or both of our certification programs plus some of our continuing education classes, graduates are able to get enough hours to satisfy the licensing requirements of Auburn or Sacramento.

One strategy some Sacramento students pursue is to take our 126 hour massage certification program and then get licensed to do massage in Sacramento County (Orangevale, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, etc.). Then they can practice outside Sacramento city limits until they complete enough training to qualify for a Sacramento city license. Once they are working in the field any continuing education may be tax deductible.

Future licensing requirements may change in California though. Currently there is legislation (SB 412) under discussion that would license massage therapists at the state level and require 500 hours of initial education. There is a provision for a 250 hour level of certification that will be phased out by 2013. In another article "Shorter Training Can Be Better", I outline why I believe the high initial hours aren't necessarily better and have a chilling effect on many who are just starting out and cannot afford the increased time and cost to start a new business. The outcome of the legislation is uncertain and the earliest it would take effect is Jan. 1, 2009. The legislation also has grandfathering provisions to protect therapists that are licensed or certified before the law would take effect.

Now you are an expert on licensing and certification in the state of California!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Holistic Programs - Popular Studies

Find Holistic Programs in the United States and Canada. If you're pursuing a career in the healing arts, it's time to explore some of the many holistic programs. In addition to holistic healthcare courses, students can apply to programs in natural health, energy healing, spiritual counseling, herbology, iridology, massage therapy, and more.

Some of the more popular holistic programs include training in herbalism. Typical subject matter involves anatomy, physiology, wild crafting, medical botany, herbal medicine formulation, preparation/dosing; ointments, lineaments, basic nutrition, Bach flower remedies, herb cultivation, diet and organic foods, supplements and minerals, aromatherapy, Chinese herbal medicine, and first aid. These particular holistic programs are designed for treating the "whole person," often resulting in a certificate or diploma of completion. However, holistic programs in herbalism are frequently part of acupuncture and Oriental medicine school curricula, as well as naturopathic studies.

Other popular holistic programs include hands-on training in various massage therapies. These courses are usually between 300 and 500 hours in length; but in some healing arts schools, advanced massage programs run well beyond these training hours. General education entails anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and the history and philosophy of massage. The difference between massage courses is each one of these holistic programs covers its own set of bodywork modalities. In standard massage programs, students will learn massage techniques like deep tissue massage and Swedish massage; in more comprehensive curricula, students gain practical training in these disciplines, as well as geriatric massage, Trigger point therapy, craniosacral therapy, infant massage, and Thai massage, among 80+ additional methods.

Some compelling holistic programs focus on nutrition and wellness. In a holistic healthcare practitioner program, students learn about herbal remedies/therapies, bodywork techniques, ear candling, iridology, spiritual counseling, meditation and visualization methods; energy healing therapies (i.e., Reiki, chakra balancing, harmonic balancing), and other mind-body-spirit medicines.

Generally, holistic programs involve natural healing therapies designed to help support and enhance the body's self-healing mechanisms. Students who fulfill all educational requirements of the respective course are awarded a certificate of completion, and in some instances - as with massage therapy - graduates can become Nationally certified upon meeting all eligibility requirements. In addition, there are a number of holistic programs geared toward the professional medical provider, like holistic nursing. These courses involve aforementioned studies, in addition to other relative subject matter; and specifically created for nurses and nurse practitioners seeking to broaden professional healthcare treatment options.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding holistic programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore holistic programs [] near you.

Holistic Programs - Popular Studies
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The Many Advantages of Seated Massage

Massage is known as a really beneficial treatment in eliminating tension and stress out of your system and soothing all the joints and muscles inside you. Today, there are many different types of massages to pick from. Each type possesses its own benefits and purposes. Nevertheless, one of the strongly recommended types of massage is none other than the seated massage. The seated massage is also called the chair massage. This kind of massage is definitely very easy to perform, however it provides a great deal of advantages to our bodies. This is used in order to help keep the body reinvigorated and away from any type of strain.

The Benefits of Seated Massage

Massage therapy entails the manipulation of the several soft tissues within the body to make a very relaxing benefit to the muscles. This could also be used as an alternate treatment to several various kinds of illnesses. The seated massage is recognized to be one of the most common forms of massage therapy. This actually provides better access and focus to your head, neck as well as the back. As with every other healing massage therapy, the seated massage also provides a lot of benefits to your body. These types of advantages include the following:

• Muscle relaxation - Among the best advantages of chair massage is muscle relaxation. The shoulders, neck, head and the back are some of the common parts of the body that can encounter great tension and stress. This can lead to muscles stiffness and pain. Even so, using the use of the seated massage, these exhausted points can be easily alleviated from tension. After the muscles relax, the pain sensation also tends to decrease especially in the neck together with the shoulders.

• Promotes good circulation - other than making the muscles relaxed, another advantage of doing the seated massage is that it delivers good blood flow to the body. This type of massage enables the muscles to relax as a result providing blood to circulate healthier. Because of this increase in blood flow, a lot more nutrients and oxygen could be disseminated to your various tissues of the muscle tissue.

• Maintains Good Privacy - Aside from the health advantages of doing the seated massage, yet another thing that makes this kind of therapy a favorite of a lot of people is that it doesn't require removing your garments. A lot of people become timid in doing a complete massage since it exposes a substantial area of the body. Alternatively, together with the seated massage, an equivalent relaxing strokes can still be given without the need for taking your clothing off.

• Accessible - Besides the 3 explained above, the seated or chair massage is additionally very accessible. It is accessible in a sense that massage chairs are extremely convenient, that you to enjoy the therapeutic massage wherever you'll want to. It can be done in your room or at the park or even by the pool. This type of therapeutic massage is additionally extremely helpful for elderly people who may have problems in getting on top of the massage table.

• Caring Touch - Last but not the least, seated massage also provides an extremely nurturing touch to your body. This can be another form of embrace or a nurturing hand on the shoulder. For that reason, the seated massage is additionally popular due to its psychological benefits. This is excellent in promoting better overall health of the person.

These are merely several of the amazing benefits and advantages of having the seated massage. Although this form of massage therapy just involves the upper-back area of the body, it can still help promote comfort within the body. It is no surprise why a number of people would wish to have this sort of treatment method.

Self Massage Therapy Techniques for Headaches

Chances are if you are like most Americans you have had a headache, as a matter of fact when it comes to the rate of chronic headaches in America, studies have shown that roughly 45 million Americans suffer from them each year. While I would suggest that seeking the service of a professional massage therapist, many times you can utilize self massage techniques, which may speak to men more than females. The reason being, men still have a lower rate of seeking massage therapy services than women do. But these techniques will for everyone.

With men suffering slightly more than females, 25 million men on average, while female average about 20 million that experience chronic headaches. This represents a statistic of chronic headaches that is roughly 1 out of every 6 Americans. Here are some more startling statistics that might be alarming to you.

Headache statistics according to the American Headache Society:

  • Every 10 seconds, someone in the United States goes to the emergency room with a headache or migraine.

  • More than $1 billion is spent on over-the-counter medications to treat headaches and Migraines.

  • The lost work due to migraine disease costs more than $13 billion every year in the U.S

Follow these self massage techniques that are listed here and you will diffuse the severity of your headache or migraine.

1. Drink plenty of water before and after doing these massage techniques (most important)

2. Take your thumbs and press them firmly into the bridge of your nose, just underneath your forehead. Direction of pressure is in towards one another, pressure is firm but not causing pain. Hold for 7 - 10 seconds, breathy deeply. Repeat 2 -4 times

3. Take your thumbs and now place them just underneath your forehead, with the pads of your thumb very close to the bridge of your nose. But this time you will press firmly upwards towards your forehead, again not causing pain but utilizing firm steady pressure. Taking deep breathes while holding this pressure. Hold for 7 - 10 seconds and repeat if necessary.

4. Take both hands and pinch and then pull your skin tissue just below you eyebrows and hold. Direction of and pressure of pinch is away from face and pressure is firm, with a hold of about 5 -7 seconds and repeat.

5. Take your thumbs or your middle 3 fingers and press them firmly into the sides of your temple. You can add a slight circular motion here as well, this is very effective. Hold for 7 - 10 seconds using form but steady pressure.

6. Sinus suffers can press into the sides of their nose and move fingers firmly away from their nose towards their cheekbones. Working both sides at once and working multiple points along the ridge of your nose. Direction of pressure is in towards your face and moving away towards your cheekbones.

7. Optional: If you have something that is foam in nature or hard plastic protected with some padding, the goal here is to get something that you can put behind your head and lay the back of your head on just underneath your skull (sub occipital area)

I have tried these massage therapy techniques many times in the past with great results; most times headaches disappear almost immediately. If you have any other techniques I would love to hear about it, thank you.

Spiritual Massage - Suggestions For Receiving Sacred Bodywork

Everything in life has a spiritual aspect, and receiving massage is no different. There are times, however, when a bodywork session seems particularly sacred and you feel as if you have transcended your ordinary material world and entered a special state. You connect with your essence and are immersed in a deep well of peace. You find restoration in being connected to the spirit. In this sacred space, there are powerful resources of healing and transformation.

Experiences like this can't be forced, yet there are conditions that support the flow of spiritual energy during the massage session. These include feeling safe, having a meditative object to focus on, and letting go of an expected outcome.

Possibly the most important condition is having a sense of safety. Feeling safe includes being listened to, having a sense of privacy, having confidence in the massage therapist, and feeling comfortable in the environment. Knowing that you are accepted and that the massage therapist can meet whatever arises with compassion and respect is also important.

In addition to feeling safe in the external environment, you need to feel safe on the inside. This means trusting your ability to handle pain and emotions, so that you can allow yourself to feel as fully as possible. Ironically, when you let go of your defenses against feeling what you fear is unpleasant, you open the door for spiritual connection.

During the massage, getting into a meditative state is helpful. Finding a massage therapist with a good quality of touch is a strong foundation for this. When the massage feels great, you have less mental distraction about the actual bodywork. The wonderful touch can become an object of concentration. If you find yourself caught up in thought, bring your awareness back to the physical sensations of the strokes. Watching the breath is also very helpful. It's not necessary to force deep or slow breathing; in fact, this effort could detract from the experience. Just bring awareness to the breath and notice its flow in and out of the body.

Finally, let go of expectations or desires of actually achieving a "spiritual" massage. Allow it to be what it is. If you spend the massage striving to achieve something, you lose the opportunity to relax. By relaxing and doing nothing, you are actually just being. It's in the moments of being that you can experience your essence, where you are connected to your deep Self and everything in the universe. In your essence, you find everything you need, including clarity, strength, compassion, peace and joy.

The next time you receive bodywork, try using these suggestions. You just might find it divine!

© 2008, Rebecca Mauldin

Complete Guidance to Select the Best School/College/University for Physical Therapy Education

Collecting information is very necessary for a student before they plan to join a school, college or university. The current economic situation has opened up non-professional courses which are here to stay for a longer period of time. For example, there is shortage of professionals belonging to the field of Physical Therapy. Physical therapy is an integral part of medical system in the modern health functionality. Obtaining admission into a reputed school or college will prove to be a foundation for a student who seeks to create a flourishing career.

A physical therapist carries out exercises which help a person suffering from disability or an ailment that has constrained the movements in the body. It is very much important for a student to have a background of science or sound knowledge in human anatomy, biomechanics and physiological exercises. These courses will prove to be helping hand at higher level and helps create a successful Physical Therapist. The path begins right from the college level. Hence, selection of college is very important. Continue to read ahead to understand various factors which have to be considered to select the best available college or school near your locality.


Accreditation is an important factor for a college or for a school that offers courses in physical therapy. Accreditation is provided to a college after thorough inspection has been carried out by an expert team. The course content, the teaching methodology, practical approach to theoretical subject and amenities offered to students are vital points for accreditation. Course programs which are accredited will have a greater value in the medical field. The reason is simple - the course is up to date and a student has exposure to practical of a therapy session. Infact, many of educational institutions have made it mandatory for a student to attend internship.

Association and exposure

Association with local hospitals, clinics and other therapy institutions will be a great asset to a college. Such an environment will help a student gain immense knowledge in the field of physical therapy. With internship being mandatory in certain colleges and schools, small associations will help a student perform therapy actions under a reputed therapist from the institute or hospital. They will practically implement the forms of exercises parallel to their course of study. The environment is a perfect combination for a student to have complete control over subject and its basics.


There are different areas of specialization available in physical therapy. A student will have to choose the one which they find it interesting. A search for a college can also be carried out on the basis of this feature. With accreditation being a common factor, the search factor is narrowed down further to colleges which offer the course. This procedure further eases the search for best college to finish physical therapy graduation program.


Location plays a vital role as you do not want to escalate the overall expenditure of education. A reputed college at a faraway place will increase the overall cost. Travel expenses, accommodation, food and other miscellaneous expenses are what included into the entire graduate program. It is good to look for a college which is accredited and has some reputation in your locality. Joining at these colleges will be helpful as you no longer have to spend extra time for travel.

Following every inch of the above mentioned steps will be very helpful for a student to opt for the best college that offers accredited courses. A decent pay package is offered for a student from an accredited college. The value increases as the number of years of experience increases. Take a step and start your search today for complete details regarding the colleges. Visiting accreditation and Physical Therapy Education Department will be of great help.

Do You Want to Become a Massage Therapist?

If you are thinking of becoming a massage therapist, the thing to do is to start researching the profession and find out if it will be a fit for you. First off - have you had many massages? Getting regular massage with a skilled massage therapist and trying various massage therapists can help you get an idea of what massage therapists do.

Some other things you will need to know is how much can you make as a massage therapist and what do you need as far as training to get your license to practice massage.

Most of the salary statistics are inaccurate and don't really portray what opportunities there really are in the massage profession as most massage therapists start their own massage businesses. Entry level jobs start at $12-$15 an hour and you only make that when you are actually doing a massage. If you don't have a client you are often paid minimum wage or even nothing and are asked to clean and do other tasks. Good paying massage jobs can pay $30-$50 an hour and also provide benefits such as health insurance, vacation and sick pay and retirement accounts. These higher paying jobs can be found in high end spas, chiropractors offices or other medical facilities where they charge more for massage sessions. Massage therapy jobs are a great way to learn the business and get experience so that you can go on and start your own massage spa or clinic.

Many states have state licensing boards that you will need to contact to find out how much education is required and what are the laws regarding practicing massage in your state. Each state varies. If you get your license in one state you can not practice in another state unless you get a license there (except for the few remaining states that don't require a license to practice massage)

Other things to consider is how many hours of training you will need to be a successful massage therapist. While the minimum amount of training in most states is 500 hours most schools offer more hours of training that may or may not be necessary. It really depends on your abilities to learn on your own or while you work and your commitment to your success.

And like any other profession, massage therapists have their shadow side - the part of the profession that no one wants to talk about or to admit that they are. Helping others who are in pain and under stress has a way of bringing up your own issues. Massage therapists are at high risk for burnout because of this. A career in massage is more about learning to take care of yourself and your own needs rather than just taking care of someone else.

The massage profession is a great career if you are looking for meaningful work but it also is demanding and has it's challenges. If you are committed to creating a better life for yourself, you can make $50,000 a year and even $100,000 a year if you are willing to learn about running a business or creating your own job where you can make what you want.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Five Benefits of Pain Management With Tuina Massage

Looking for a way to get rid of those aches and pains and push that stress out of your body? Tui Na may be the answer you are looking for. Tui Na is a Chinese massage treatment that works by balancing the energy in your body. This will leave you feeling positive both on the inside and out.

1.      It is all natural - if you are suffering from pain or feeling run down, you most likely take medication, including caffeine to boost your mood and your body. With Tui Na, you are not putting even more chemicals or pain killers into your body. Instead, you are massaging out the toxins and increasing the positive energy flow within. This system is all natural (and you don't have to spend a fortune at the pharmacy on Ibuprofen).

2.      It lasts - the treatment has the power to last a long time. Although many people will get regular treatments withmassage, they will be able to feel the difference right away and for a long time more so with this type of therapy. Talk to your local doctor about your condition as everyone is different and thus, every type of treatment is different. A good practitioner will tailor the treatment according to your constitution.

3.      It can be relaxing - there is nothing better than getting a massage. Essentially,it is a form of  medical massage. It relaxes the muscles while working away the kinks and cramps through rubbing, rolling, kneading, pressing and patting. However, all of this is done with intention and care so you should feel no pain, although certain spots may be uncorfortable, this will not last. You will leave the session feeling as refreshed and rejuvenated.

4.      Increase blood flow and more - mainly this type of combined Chinese therapy works by increasing the blood flow and the other systems in your body, ensuring the positive energy is balanced.

5.      Can treat a number of different problems - Tui Na has worked wonders on all sorts of ailments including aches and pains, arthritis, reproduction problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, depression, headaches, sprains and much more.

Treating Bursitis With a Therapeutic Home Ultrasound Machine

The bursa is a tough, flat, membranous sac enclosing any joint between bones in our body. This sac contains a lubricating fluid and lies close to the tendons that attach the muscles to the joint. The fluid in the bursa keeps the ends of the bones in a joint well lubricated and in good condition.

Bursitis is a very painful condition resulting from an excessive accumulation of fluid in the bursa, causing it to swell up and press on the neighboring tissues. Bursitis may be acute, occurring suddenly as a result of injury or trauma. It may be chronic, occurring frequently. When any one of the joints in the body is stressed by being frequently, repeatedly and/or overused for a sustained period of time, the bursa responds by producing excess fluid and becomes painfully inflamed.

There are many other causes for bursitis. These are: staphylococcal or some bacterial infection; deposits of calcium or uric acid crystals; abnormal joints because of difference in leg lengths; arthritis; bone spurs; rheumatoid arthritis; psoriatic arthritis; tuberculosis; thyroid diseases; diabetes; or gout.

The type of bursitis you have depends on which of the joints in your body is affected. Shoulder and elbow bursitis are often associated with excessive physical activity that stress these joints. Bursitis of the hip joint may be due to infection or injury. Runners and ballet dancers are subject to hip bursitis. Sitting for a long time in the same position may cause ischial bursitis. The knee joints could be affected by frequent kneeling in upright position, obesity in conjunction with diseases like diabetes or osteoporosis. Young athletes who do not take care to wear well fitting shoes may develop calcaneal bursitis of the heel or ankle.

There are several options for treatment of bursitis. Very often treatment for bursitis may involve simple procedures of bursitis physical therapy like R.I.C.E, which is resting, icing, compression and elevation of the affected joint. Other bursitis physical therapy procedures are stretching and muscle strengthening exercises, and soft tissue manipulation.

Bursitis treatment may also utilize therapeutic ultrasound. Ultrasound physical therapy reduces pain and inflammation in the bursa because the ultra sound waves increase blood circulation and oxygen to the injury site. In short, ultrasound therapy causes micro-vibrations in the soft tissues beneath the skin's surface to increase blood supply and subsequently decrease local swelling and chronic inflammation. The vibrations also help to speed healing and relieve pain associated with bursitis.

Home ultrasound machines are now available for ultrasound bursitis treatment and rehabilitation. Such ultrasonic treatments are more affordable and convenient than chiropractor and physical therapist visits. Previously, ultrasound therapy treatments have only be available for professional athletes, but it is now possible to rehab bursitis, and many other chronic injuries, in the comfort of your own home.

Soft tissue injuries, such as bursitis, require a specific kind of home ultrasound machine. A home ultrasound physical therapy machine should emit 1Mhz ultrasound waves. It is also important to purchase an FDA approved ultrasound unit that is quality manufactured. Your portable therapeutic ultrasound device should also be covered with at least a 1 year warranty.

Because these home ultrasound machines utilize pulsed ultrasound waves, they are very safe for use by the general public. Pulse ultrasound also is just as effective as continuous wave ultrasound that is used by doctors, but in home treatments will just be more often. With a portable therapeutic ultrasound machine, you can treat your bursitis daily in the comfort of your own home.

Ways for Massage Therapists to Keep Their Practice Fresh and Massage Clients Happy

Whether you have your own massage practice or are working as an employee in a spa or other professional setting, it is important to make a good first impression and then continue that reliable service each and every time you massage your clients. Too often, massage therapists forget what a session feels like from the client's perspective. These tips will help you keep your practice fresh and interesting for clients who come in just once, and for clients who you see once a week. These ideas are meant to be supplementary of course, and are not meant to replace a consistent, quality massage. Clients should always be treated to unwaveringly good service, timeliness, and professionalism by massage therapists.

Reception / Waiting Room Area

When your client arrives, the first thing they should feel is a sense of being welcomed into your practice. Either you or a receptionist should check them in, offer them something to drink, and if you are not ready to see them immediately, offer the client a seat in a waiting room until the massage. Clients should be comfortable in the waiting room, but remember that waiting areas are not meant as places to "hold" a client until you have time to see them. Massage therapists should make sure the waiting room is a quiet place for clients to decompress before the session, but by no means should the client be there for an extended amount of time.

It is a good idea to keep a table in your waiting room with a fresh pitcher of water and glasses, so that your client can stay hydrated before the massage. Clients often come in for massages after a long day at work or after being stuck in traffic on the highway, and providing a small, healthy snack like a granola bar or fruit may also be appreciated by hungry clients before the massage. Therapists should provide a variety of family-friendly magazines catering to both men and women. Be sure to frequently rotate your magazines around so that while waiting for the massage, clients are not forced to read the same content week after week.

In the Massage Room

Prior to greeting your client, run through his or her S.O.A.P notes and review any notes about music preferences or aversion to scents from any prior massage. Clients might be tired of a specific CD, and it is a good idea to make a small note about what music you listen to during each session and review these notes to make sure your music selection stays fresh, just like magazines. Additionally, many massage therapists burn scented candles or oils in the treatment room. Make sure you ask your client periodically whether or not they like the scent, and if they do not, be sure to make a note of this as well.

After you greet and escort your client into your massage room, be sure to explain to them what to do with their clothes and shoes before the massage. For clients who are regulars, you do not have to repeat your entire speech each time, but massage therapists should always say something like "I'll knock in a few seconds after your have time to hang up your clothes and get comfortable on the table" before leaving to prepare for the massage. Clients who have received massage before likely know the drill, but massage therapists should always give each client the same attention and care as a new client instead of simply saying something like "ok, see you in a few." While the client is undressing, be sure to have a variety of places available to store personal belongings. Massage therapists should provide at least two hooks behind the door for coats and garments, perhaps a small basket for shoes (this makes them easier to move if you find they are in the way during the massage), and a small container for personal belongings like cell phones, watches, jewelry, etc. When not provided these amenities during a massage, clients may feel frustrated by having to fold their clothes on a chair, or may feel awkward about hanging their clothes up on a door. By providing multiple options, you make everybody happy.

Of course, you should approach your treatment session with the same professionalism and care that you would during each massage. Therapists should make the environment interesting, but remember that it is the massage clients are most interested in. Stay focused, listen to your client's needs, and consistently provide the highest quality massage possible.

After the Massage

After the massage, and depending on your client's preferences, it is a good idea to close with a saying or "thank you" to the client. Massage therapists should rotate these sayings around at the end of a massage - clients may be tired of hearing "thank you" each time, and something as small as saying "thank you for coming in today" or "thank you for your time" may be just the small change needed to keep it interesting. Before leaving the room, let your client know that you will leave a hot or moist towel on the shelf in case they want to get lotion off of their hands before getting dressed (some massage therapists offer this as an option, others do not - it is up to you). It is also a nice gesture to leave a mint or piece of candy next to the towel so that clients can feel fresh and awake each time they leave the massage. Clients should be greeted in the waiting room with a fresh glass of water from a pitcher - a refreshing way for massage therapists to offer their clients a healthy alternative to bottled water. While your client checks out, do not simply say "goodbye!" and walk back to your room, but spend some time speaking with him or her about any changes felt, ask about problem areas that are still bothersome, and recommend personalized stretches that the client may use between sessions.

It is easy for massage therapists to fall into a routine, and these small tips are simple ways to spruce up your practice just enough so that before, during, and after a massage, clients stay interested and know that you are concerned about their comfort.

How Massage Eases Menopausal Symptoms

Many women enjoy receiving regular massage sessions as a means of relaxation and stress relief. With our hectic, fast-paced lives and busy schedules, massage can be the perfect outlet for releasing the tension brought on by our daily activities. As women get older, their lives don't necessarily tend to slow down, which can make the aging process somewhat of a challenge for some. It's likely that by the time a woman reaches the age of 50, she's begun to experience some signs of menopause. Massage therapy can be very therapeutic for menopausal women during this time.

Every woman reacts differently to the bodily changes that occur during menopause. Some women manage with confidence, while others may be overwhelmed and not so apt at controlling their emotions. Whatever the case may be, the gentle, nurturing touch of massage can be calming and soothing to a woman going through this major life change.

There's no question that the bodily changes that every woman must go through during menopause are permanent. Since many people are resistant to change, this can wreak havoc on a woman's emotions. The uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, such as weight gain and mood swings, can be so intolerable that depression may inevitably set in. Traditional Western medicine relies strongly on medications such as anti-depressants and sleeping pills to treat these symptoms, but massage therapy offers an enticing, drug-free alternative. Relieving stress and increasing relaxation can help a woman cope with and manage these discomforts with greater ease.

As a bodyworker, help your female clients understand that they don't have to go through this change alone, and educate them on the therapeutic benefits that regular massage therapy sessions can provide for menopause relief.

Learn more about which massage modalities can best help to ease the symptoms of menopause.

How To Choose Your Massage Therapist


The most important is probably:

What are the qualifications of the person from whom you will receive physical and massage therapy?

In Manitoba, massage therapy is unregulated. The Manitoba ministry of Health has the position that "there is no evidence that non-qualified massage therapists can do harm to the general public".


The provincial criteria for regulation should be 'whether the therapy achieves the results which are promised by the therapist and requested by the client.

Basically, anyone can hang up a sign and open up a business in Manitoba. Without prejudice to some municipalities, there are however some requirements of training which are made by some municipal jurisdictions in order to obtain business licensing or malpractice insurance.

The only other license in the massage industry is for 'massagist' in the sex trade or escort services. This license is not mobile and is intended to control the operators in that industry.

There currently is no licensing for anyone graduating from a 100-1000 hour course performing chair massage in the workplace. Winnipeg has decided to stop licensing massage therapists since 2007.

In contrast, in other provinces, the requirement may be as little as 400 hours of training as in Quebec, or as much as 3000 hours as in British Colombia and Ontario.

In the U.S.A. the national and state requirement is a 500-600 hour course and required accreditation with the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

Manitoba's colleges offer the two year 2200 hour course depending on which school you contact: the Winnipeg Massage Therapy College, or the Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies.

Where did the therapist obtain their qualifications is another factor which may affect the type of consultation, assessment, and treatment which you may receive at their clinic?

There are currently three accredited massage therapy schools in Winnipeg which are recognized by the City of Winnipeg from which students may graduate and practice. There are of course, other accredited schools outside of Manitoba which the City of Winnipeg recognizes.

Different colleges and schools of massage give different certificates for different lengths of programs. Each has different approaches to consultation, assessment and treatment options. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the different types and approaches so as to obtain the best options for your treatment dollar. The three Winnipeg colleges offer a one year basic relaxation and remedial massage course which allows the massage practitioner to be licensed in Winnipeg. The city of Winnipeg calls this basic level of practitioner a "massage therapist" license. The city of Winnipeg doesn't differentiate between the less qualified practitioner and the more advances qualified therapist..


The only way of knowing is by asking the particular therapist to which one has been referred either by a doctor, chiropractor, physiotherapist, or other source, be it a friend or family member. The college which the therapist attended will to a large degree dictate the 'approach' which the therapist will utilize in their consultation, assessment, and treatment.

Ask what method they utilize and why they think their approach is best?

The amount of formal schooling does indeed affect the level of proficiency at which the therapist will be able to perform. It will also affect the extent to which any treatment will be likely to be effective and for which the successful outcome of return to pain-free full range of motion can be expected. In some cases of injury and post-surgery recovery there is no possibility of achieving 100 percent recovery to pre-injury or pre-surgery levels of pain-free motion.

Ask your therapist whether they incorporate a physical therapy or exercise rehabilitation component to their treatments to assist in a gradual progressive home and/or workplace recovery program.

Sports Massage: New Study Shows Positive Benefits of Massage Therapy Treatment on Athletes

A new scientific study shows that sports massage provides anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing benefits. Offering healing relief for pros and recreationists alike, massage therapy now has empirical evidence illustrating its advantages for the treatment of athletes.

Anecdotal and experiential evidence have long shown that massage therapy can provide healthful benefits to both amateur and professional athletes. Until recently, there has been little scientific research performed to confirm these findings. However, with a new study published in the February 1 edition of Science Translational Medicine (online), there is now empirical data supporting the long-held belief that massage techniques can provide relief following strenuous physical activity.

This study, a collaboration between the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), involved a comparative analysis of muscle biopsies performed on several male athletes, with samples taken prior to exercise and following exercise. Using one leg as a control, the other leg was massaged; both legs were then biopsied after 10 minutes of massage treatment and again following a 2.5-hour rest period.

Utilizing genetic analysis, the researchers found an increase in the biogenesis of mitochondria (energy-producing parts of a cell) as well as a decrease in inflammatory cytokines. As the study contributor who performed the genetic analysis, Buck Institute Dr. Simon Melov, noted, massage therapy's pain reducing benefits may hinge on the same mechanisms as traditional anti-inflammatory medication.

Since the advent of therapeutic massage, people have known that the treatment can create pain relief as well as relaxation, but it hasn't been well understood precisely why. This new research from the Buck Institute is helping to shed light on just why seeing a massage therapist feels so good.

Particularly with situations of muscle exhaustion and athletic stress, the body is generating a great deal of inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to the muscle soreness you experience a day or two later (delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS). By using sports massage treatment to suppress those inflammatory responses, you can help to reduce that muscle discomfort.

So the next time someone tells you that massage is relaxing but not physically beneficial, or someone tries to claim that the pain-relieving aspect of sports massage is all in your head, refer them to the Buck Institute study. With clear evidence that massage therapy works to reduce inflammatory cytokines and boost the creation of mitochondria in muscle cells, we now know for sure that massage treatment is scientifically beneficial to your body following intense exercise. Additional research will be needed to expand our understanding of how and why massage provides healthful benefits beyond sports treatment, but for now, there is finally empirical data to support massage therapy's pain relieving results.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Get Rid of Stress and Tension With a Self Face Massage

We all live in a sometimes if not constantly stressful world, deadlines, appointments, errands, work, school, kids, pets, traffic, relationships; whatever it is we all face stressful times. But there are ways of dealing with it and self massage techniques that can get rid of the stress in a positive healthy way. This article will teach you to relax enjoy being with yourself and how to give yourself a relaxing head and face massage.

The first and highly important piece to you getting to relax unwind and let go into relaxation is your environment. Find a spot, any spot were you can get comfortable maybe alone or near a silent partner. If you live in a very crowded loud space learn to get creative in ways to escape. Your parked car is always an option if you have noisy kids, pets or roommates. Sometimes in the shower with the water turned off is an option. Where ever your place is make it yours. This is all about you making a deeper connection with yourself, taking time out to relax and give yourself the love you need. Just like a meditation practice lay sit or rest in a comfortable position laying on your back is preferred because it allows most of the muscles in your body to let go of tension and relax.

Start lying on your back on the floor on carpet or a rug or soft blanket close your eyes and focus only on breathing in to a count of 4 and breathing out to a count of 4. Slow steady breaths in wave crashing on the shore, breath out wave going back to the ocean, steady slow and consistent. Effortless breathing, let go of all thoughts and send yourself positive energy.

Place your thumbs underneath your eyebrows just below the ridge of your forehead bone or frontal bone under the eye sockets. Feel a sensation as you press firmly but still soft on the pressure points. These points when massaged regularly detox the body and get rid of stress very quickly. Press and circle with counts of 3. Press and circle 3 times repeat until any slight pain or sensation fades away into relaxation. Follow the under part of the eyebrows pressing and circling 3 times until you come to the sides of your eyes by your temple. Press and circle your temple 3-6 times. Next move to the sides of your nostrils, using your index fingers press and circle 3 times. Follow the under part of your cheek bones pressing and circling until you reach your ears. Continue pressing and circling your masseter or jaw muscle all the way down following your mandible or jaw bone until you reach your chin. Move around your mouth with larger circles massaging the cheeks in bigger circles. Move back to your temples circling 3-6 times in forward and backward circles. Next move to your forehead; massage in small circles moving your hands towards each other meeting at the center of your forehead. Move your hands up a little bit starting at the center with both hands and moving towards your ears. Continue back to the center part of your forehead massaging with small circles. Move your fingers to the top of your head at the front of your hairline. Massage the skull in small circles with strong but not stiff hands. Next move to the ears circle around the ears then focus on the earlobes and ear itself. Follow the underneath part of your jaw line end with pressing and squeezing your thyroid and parathyroid gland underneath your Adams apple.

Some Benefits of Massage Chairs

A massage chair is a tool often used by massage therapists to ensure that you will get what you want for your massage therapy. All factors pertaining to or correlated with the massage process are vital and it is an aspect that one should consider. One of it is choosing the best chair because that is where you will lay all your weight and enjoy the therapeutic benefit of massage. A massage chair is also helpful in coordination with the massage techniques since it reduces the amount of stress and makes our body relaxed and comfortable during the therapy. Now here are some tips on why you should select the best massage chair in the market.

It avoids additional tension during massage therapy

Having a massage therapy oftentimes last long depending on the areas of concentration of the massage. It is very important that you will be in a comfortable chair the whole time so that you will feel relaxed and more comfortable during the therapy. The disadvantage of using a traditional chair during a massage therapy is that it can stimulate cramping or impairment of the circulation in some areas of your body. Thus adding additional discomfort during massage and adding to the unsatisfactory feeling after the therapy. In a massage business, owners often ensure their massage parlor's quality by securing the best massage chair which is manipulated upon either manual or automatic. The benefit of using a great-quality chair is it has a very durable and soft foam covering making your patient feel more comfortable as they lay down. Also, in some contemporary massage chairs, the chair is easily manipulated whether to lower or higher the back of the chair according to your preference during the therapy.

It helps promote more relaxation on the patient

Imagine if you are being massaged in a rough or hard chair? Isn't it an uncomfortable feeling? Can you sleep during the therapy? All of us can relate in this scenario. That is why more and more massage centers are using the best chair so that during the therapy, their customers can really feel the relaxation plus the benefit of massage therapy. They often associate it with sound clips like nature clips, forest sound clips and many more. This facilitates relaxation. Also, when the patient can sleep during the therapy, their body is ensured from any discomfort like muscle spraining, tension and cramping. This is something worth-paying on the side of the patient. The feeling that when they will wake up, they will have a super light feeling.

Sport Massage Therapy

Sport massage therapy is very important to athletes who need to have relaxation and injury related massage to help them stay in shape for the next competition. This is also known as medical massage and the therapists have extensive training in how to help athletes with a wide range of problems. They have extensive training in anatomy, physiology, mobilization techniques and restorative massage. Athletes find that they recover faster with massage when they put demands on their bodies. This therapy has been part of all major competitions and the Olympic Games for many years.

The restorative massage for athletes helps to increase the blood circulation to the lymph nodes and helps the body get rid of metabolic wastes much faster. When therapists help athletes to stretch the muscles, this helps prevent tearing of ligaments and tendons. Most athletes have a massage before the event as well as afterwards to ensure that the muscles are loosened up properly before the sporting event.

Athletes are one group of the population that engage in massage therapy on a regular basis. Many of the competitive teams have a massage therapist as part of the medical team. They are right there at all the events and on the scene in case of an accident. Quite often sports massage is part of the training because even during workouts athletes put demands on their bodies. Some of the benefits this therapy provides include:

* Prevention of injuries

* Reduction of pain and swelling

* Increased energy and flexibility

* Enhanced performance

There are many different techniques used for massage for athletes depending on the sport and the needs of the athlete.

Benefits of Virtual Schooling

Many people are aware of virtual schooling as an educational alternative. However, they might wonder just what makes it worthy of consideration. As with other forms of education, cyber schooling offers unique benefits. Here are just a few of them to consider:

Individualized Education

Having educational options means families can make the best choices for their children. Each child has unique educational strengths, weakness, needs and preferences, and virtual schooling allows families and educators to address these differences. In many cases, virtual schools allow families and educators to evaluate a student and provide a customized education geared towards helping the student learn and develop. With education individualized to meet his or her needs, a student may be more willing to learn and more likely to excel.

Learning Pace

A student's learning pace can prove a concern in any type of learning environment. In traditional classrooms, it is often important for students to adopt a pace that suits the classroom, so that no one lags behind others and no one gets too far ahead. Adopting an average pace is often important, in such cases, to keeping the flow of learning consistent and preventing students from becoming bored and frustrated. In a cyber school, however, this is typically less of a concern or a non-issue altogether. Because virtual education programs can be adapted to meet student needs, they often allow students to work towards mastery at the pace that is comfortable for them.


Many students and their families appreciate the flexibility that cyber schooling can provide. Rather than requiring students to keep to traditional school schedules, many virtual schools allow students to create the learning schedules that best suit their lifestyles. Here, the point is not to learn at a particular hour but simply to learn. Scheduling flexibility can prove helpful for students who have other interests to pursue on a regular basis. For instance, it may help students who are heavily involved in art, music, dance, and athletic activities. It might also prove beneficial for students who volunteer, work, or participate in internships. Sometimes family dynamics or travel schedules also make flexible scheduling a plus.

Guidance and Support

Often, families consider virtual schooling because of the support and guidance they can expect versus traditional homeschooling. For example, with cyber schooling, parents can benefit from the guidance of instructors and the support of counselors and mentors. Many schools also offer technical support, academic advising and tutoring help for students on an as-needed basis.

Prostate Massage Therapy - Learn The Right Technique To Avoid Dangerous Risks

A prostate massage is performed on the prostate area of a man. This is done via the anus and it is performed either for sexual purposes or medical reasons. Medically, this type of therapy constitutes the rectal exam performed by an urologist. In this exam, a urologist inserts either his finger or any other medical instrument to massage the prostate. Great care must be taken while handling the prostate gland. Also, hygiene has to be of utmost importance. A patient must make sure that the doctor performing the massage is using latex gloves and that the medical instruments are sterilized. The benefits of a prostate massage are numerous. This massage helps relieve the seminal fluids which keep collecting and creating pressure.

This activity relieves the pressure and the fluids are drained in a healthy way. It also helps relax the muscles and nerve endings of the prostate area. Another benefit of this massage is the early identification of any cancerous nodules of the prostate gland. Prostate cancer is a very painful disease and early identification can save the patient from a traumatizing experience. If the prostate gland is inflamed, then it too is an indication of any sort of infection.

This male only gland is highly prone to infections due to its placement near the rectum wall. Despite the many advantages, one must keep in mind the health risks concerning the prostate massage. If there is already cancerous growth present, this activity may break the cells and cause them to spread the cancer to other parts of the body. Also, in acute prostatitis, blood poisoning can occur due to a harsh massage.

The very delicate lining of the membranes of the prostate can also rupture due to presence of glandular calculi. These are tiny stones which can cause damage to the prostate gland. Besides some of these cautions, in general this therapy for a healthy man is very safe, just be sure to learn the right techniques before you start. In hundreds of years all around the world, men have been experiencing the health and pleasure benefits of this amazing therapy either by themselves or with the help of a therapist or their partner.

Thankfully, men have much more access to this type of information as it was often not discussed or kept in secret. Just remember, do your research prior to starting and with a little bit of preparation and even some luck, you can be experiencing all of these great benefits that it has to offer.

Physical Therapy Software: Protect Your Clinic From Lawsuits With Proper Documentation

Medical malpractice, improper care, and even medical billing and Medicare fraud issues seem to be springing up overnight in all kinds of clinics and private practices, including those that provide professional therapy for their clients. Although having medical malpractice insurance is one way to protect yourself and your employees, your efforts shouldn't stop there. Professionally designed physical therapy documentation is another avenue every clinic needs to pursue so that they will be able to produce clear, detailed documents pertaining to all treatment protocols and patient outcomes if they are ever audited or investigated in relation to a lawsuit.

Malpractice Protection

Nothing is as devastating as being slapped with a malpractice claim, whether it is against you personally, your employees, or your practice or clinic as a whole. Lawyers will request detailed records for everything from the initial evaluation of the individual being treated to how often and using what techniques your therapists worked with the person in question.

Sadly, you can take every precaution, be a dedicated and caring PT professional and follow all approved treatment protocols and still be put under a microscope in a malpractice suit. Before a verdict is ever reached, the stigma of malpractice errors can jeopardize your career, your clinic and your employees. The more quickly you can produce requested documents, the more quickly you can get to the end of the tunnel and clear your practice's reputation. Complete physical therapy documentation using an award winning PT software package is a pro-active way to assist your attorney while confounding those who are suing you.

What Thorough Physical Therapy Documentation Looks Like

If you've been working with an old filing system or outdated forms that you continually have to amend as restrictions and guidelines change over time, you could run into legal issues. If, however, your clinic has installed physical therapy software that comes pre-loaded with the latest PT forms for everything from Medicare and insurance submissions to appropriate patient questionnaires and detailed pain diagrams, you'll be a step ahead.

To protect yourself with complete physical therapy documentation, use a PT software program that provides you with:

Treatment tracking forms Client records, including daily notes, progress notes and discharge notes Detailed patient instruction sheets Records of results over time Scheduling protocols and recording of no-shows and non-compliance by the patient

Proving Medical Necessity And Medical Appropriateness

Your PT software should also document details of each and every session any one of your therapists have with each client. Careful records should include notes on treatment progression, measurable outcomes and any home exercise recommendations as well as specific task reminders for your therapists and alerts regarding any special care needs for individual patients.

It's almost impossible to keep track of such a voluminous amount of information for every individual, but a well-designed physical therapy documentation program can make it easy for each therapist to update patient records and draw up detailed progress notes. The fact is, the more detailed your records are and the clearer they are, the less likely it is that a malpractice or fraud investigation can have a negative impact on your PT clinic. If you haven't invested in the latest physical therapy software for your practice, now is the time to do so; before a lawsuit wreaks havoc on your career and your family.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Back Massage Therapy For Chronic Back Pain Relief

Chronic back pain, most commonly lower back pain, is one of the most common complaints among adults and as the popularity grows throughout the world for alternative treatments and therapies, Back Massage Therapy has emerged as a favourite treatment of choice in trying to attain chronic back pain relief.

Back massage therapy offers numerous benefits. While general massage is well known to stimulate blood flow to the muscles and provide relaxation and a pleasurable experience, it does not necessarily provide the therapeutic value required to provide chronic back pain relief sought by sufferers of the condition. Back massage therapy by a specialist however can bring about significant relief within weeks, when therapeutic back massage techniques are applied to combat both lower and upper back pain.

The positive results from back massage therapy can be multiplied when combined with complimentary treatments such as Chiropractic, Physical Therapy or even Acupuncture. A multi discipline approach will work best when the therapists communicate with each other and 'design' a program of complimentary treatments to achieve chronic back pain relief through a synergistic approach.

Results can again be significantly improved with the patient taking personal responsibility and being proactive in achieving chronic back pain relief. This can be done with simple measures such as an improved diet, gentle exercise and stretching.

Benefits of Back Massage Therapy

o Massaging causes the muscles to become more relaxed which in turn increases their range of motion. This is an enormous benefit when tension of the muscles causes a restriction in movement. Relaxed muscles also help to reduce insomnia.

o Improved blood supply to the muscles assists with the recovery of muscular soreness from physical activity.

o Massage increases endorphin levels in the body. This is highly beneficial as endorphins are the 'feel good' chemicals produced naturally by our bodies. Heightened endorphin levels assist in dealing with chronic back pain.


Take note that when receiving massage therapy for the back, the pressure applied during the massage should evoke a response of relaxation in the muscles. If this does not occur the muscles may be inflamed possibly due to an acute injury of the muscle. In this case massage therapy should be put off until the inflammation subsides and it may be advised to consult a doctor.

For best results, muscle spasms generally require four massage treatments, commonly spread over six weeks. Should the muscle spasms not respond to therapy after two massages, it may be advisable to seek an alternative therapy.

Back massage techniques are highly effective in the treatment of chronic back pain, however if the pain is severe it is recommended to first undergo a complete medical check-up prior to beginning a program of back massage therapy.


For those seeking chronic back pain relief there is a wide variety of treatment options available both in conventional medicine and alternative therapies. Whatever your preference of treatment, back massage therapy can be a highly beneficial partner in your quest for relief.

Considerations for Outsourcing Physical Therapy Billing Services

How your company handles your physical therapy billing services is important to the efficiency and functionality of your PT clinic. Whether you're currently using in-house or outsourced billing, it's possible that better solutions for YOU exist. Be sure to evaluate your billing procedures periodically and ask yourself important questions about outsourced billing, such as if it's worth the cost of having another company handle your claims, or what the on-boarding process entails. Let's review a few considerations for outsourced billing.


Your first question when deciding on outsourcing physical therapy billing services is most likely how much it will cost. Each company is different in terms of pricing and it's necessary to evaluate all of your options before making a decision. Typically, however, the cost can range anywhere from 6-12% of your monthly claims collections. Are the monthly fees worth it for your company?


If you tend to see a high turnover rate for your billing staff, you may want to consider outsourced billing. Calculate the total costs for any additional employees and billing software and clearinghouse fees.

Collected Claims

Try to find experienced and dedicated billers that will work with you, it could mean the difference between your clinic and your staff collecting the maximum claims rather than not. You're working hard for every dollar you earn, so why not find physical therapy billing services that are doing the same? Ask potential billers specific questions about how they've caught claim errors and how they track every dime for their clients. It's the attention to detail that should be on your radar.


The fact is, this is YOUR money - the service is just handling it. Be sure you choose a partner who is completely transparent about how they're handling your claims and ask whether or not they're touching your revenue. Other important questions to ask would be about the companies' actual location. Some outsourced billing services are actually located offshore - be sure to know exactly who and where your billing is taking place.

Web Based PT Management Software Options

Have you considered finding a solution that can be seamlessly integrated with your current EMR software? Don't pay for hours of inefficient data entry - look up options that can integrate documentation and billing service.

A new option has become available for those interested in outsourcing billing. Integrated billing service solutions offer full service billing at 6.5% of total claims collections. And - web based PT management software works seamlessly with billing services, meaning there is never a need for any double entry. It instead creates a hassle-free experience for members.

As easy as receiving charges, accessing information, working all of the claims within the clinic and payment. Physical therapists looking for a quick and easy way to use outsourced billing to their advantage should consider integrated billing services.