Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Massage Enhances Athletic Performance

Being an athlete requires a tremendous amount of determination and hard work to be on top in any competition a sportsperson decides to embark on. More than just having exceptional abilities and mental capacities, athletes needs to invest more on their physical abilities if they want to surpass rigorous training and achieve on-the-top performance. With a hefty amount of time devoted on drills, how can athletes make sure that their bodies keep up with the standards of training and be able to recuperate faster for the next set of work outs? With a fallible physical body, how can athletes boost athletic performance? The answer is quite simple; your old, plain massage can do tricks for you.

Massage benefits athletic recovery and performance, says a comprehensive review that appeared on the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Following an evaluation on available research literature, the databases suggested that through massage, athletes will experience delayed muscle soreness after training, accelerated muscle tissue restoration, as well as a positive psychological frame. Through these interesting potentials, massage might just take your athletic performance to the next level.

Generally speaking, there are several important ways by which therapeutic massage aid athletes in their sports endeavor. In a study conducted by researchers from McMaster University, chosen male athletes were subjected to muscle examination before and after exercises. With one leg receiving the massage and the other serving as control, muscle biopsies were taken and examined to determine any possible benefits the massage may render. The leg receiving the deep tissue massage has significant improvements in the number of mitochondrial cells, the components responsible for the translation of nutrients into energy. As a result, the muscles can endure longer hours of exhaustion as more energy is being directed into and utilized by the muscle cells. Thus, athletes who underwent massage have more endurance compared to those who don't regularly benefits from it.

Moreover, therapeutic massage has also merited attention as it can also enhance recovery period. Through this alternative medicine, increased blood flow, improved range of motion and reduced muscle tension can be experience by athletes. Expectedly, this list of advantages can help athletes prevent undue accident or injury. Furthermore, a study that appeared on the publication of Journal of Athletic Training stated that through therapeutic massage, delayed-onset muscle soreness can be assuaged by as much as 30% with accompanying lesser muscle swelling. Delayed-onset muscle soreness is a condition characterized by muscle pain and soreness usually occurring after exercise or when athletes have returned to intense training after short periods of inactivity.

Lastly, massage does not only affect the physical aspect of sports performance but it also touches the psychological arena of sports competition. It has been noted that athletes undertaking massage, experienced improvements in mood and have notable reduction in anxiety levels. This in turn, is responsible for the relaxation of the athletes subsequently putting them in the right frame of mind, ready for a peaked, action-packed performance.

Involving our body into sports also means subjecting ourselves to greater strains and pushing ourselves beyond our limits. Thus, if tangled into any sports endeavor, we owe it to our body to reward it with the best kind of treatment. Whether you are a novice or a leading sportsman, a massage can be highly favorable for you. Do not neglect that disturbing twitch in your muscles or that injury you sustained from your previous performance, instead, go to a therapist and discuss on how sports massage can be of value.

So, are you fresh from a training or competition? Treat your body to massage now and your muscles will thank you for it.

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