Thursday, September 12, 2013

History of Massage Therapy

Therapy through massage dates back as one of the oldest forms of healing. Massage therapy is rooted throughout history as a medical practice to repair injuries, ease pain, and as a preventative measure against sickness. Massage therapy has mainly been an act of medicine however at certain times in history it shifted and turned into a form of pleasure. Today it has regained a respectable place among natural healing methods across the country.

The earliest form natural healing practice started in India around 3,000 B.C.

  • The practice Ayurveda is based on the premise that mind, body, and spirit are connected, and that illness and disease is the body's natural way of communicating disharmony.

  • Ayurveda incorporates five senses in order to help an individual interact with their surroundings, which will create harmony.

  • This commonly used practice includes the art of touch therapy.

Egypt tomb paintings depict that Egyptians started practicing massage between 3,000 and 2,500 B.C. China started using massage around the same time as Egypt. Chinese documents referring to the treatment date back to around 2,700 B.C. A Chinese book from that time titled The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine lists breathing exercises and rubbing of skin as appropriate treatment for different types of illnesses.

Around 1,000 B.C. Japanese monks in China observed Buddhism and saw first hand the therapeutic methods of Chinese medicine. Soon after, Japan started implementing Chinese massage training methods into their own traditional medicine. This integration of the practice gave rise to today's popular technique known as Shiatsu. This form of massage is used to arouse pressure points to raise energy levels and promote resistance to illness.

Practices and philosophies in the east reached Western culture around 800 to 700 B.C. Ancient Greece used it for their athletes to stay in peak condition for competition. Physicians used different techniques along with oils and herbs to treat a number of medical ailments. In the fifth century B.C. the father of Western Medicine Hippocrates stated that the physician must be experienced in massage. He explained that a physician could bind a bad joint if it's too loose and loosen a joint that is to tight.

Rome adopted the practice between 100 and 200 B.C. to treat various physical ailments and diseases. Rome created areas where individuals would go to get a body massage to loosen their joints and. increase circulation Eventually these places became a place to go for pleasure and not healing. Constantine the Roman Emperor condemned the baths in the fourth century.

Massage therapy practice weakened in the West up until sometime around 1600 because advancements in pharmacology and medical technology were increasing and manual medicine like massage therapy faded. Around the 1800s Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish physician created a system that incorporated new techniques for use on the treatment of gymnasts. Techniques such as pressing, stroking, and squeezing and striking were used to treat physical issue. His techniques were used and modified and today it's known as Swedish massage.

In the United States the therapy was seen as an indulgence for wealthy people until interests rose in natural healing practices in the twentieth century. The practice is now regulated in almost every state and education standards for licensing have been established. Today the practice is a legitimate method of alternative medicine because of the society's focus on wellness. Those who wish to pursue training in alternative healing can learn more by visiting and requesting information from schools and colleges that carry full accreditation from an agency like the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation ( ).

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