Thursday, September 5, 2013

School Today, Professional Tomorrow - Saving Money in the Service School Industry

While I was in graduate school one of my fellow classmates came into class with excitement! She has just gotten the best massage of her life. Knowing that she was a part-time employed student, I wondered if mom or dad had footed the bill for such an extravagant luxury as a massage because she was living like most do with little money. I asked her, "Where did you go for this relaxing experience, the local spa?"

I was shocked by her response. She said she had taken the advise to go to a local massage school for just $25 per session, less than half of the professional counterpart. She went on to say she believes the senior massage students were working toward grades and intent on putting into practice the things they had learned. She thinks the massage was better because clients had not become just another hour to fill. They loved what they were doing and were intent on putting into practice the techniques they had learned. They were both motivated and up on all the latest rage coming out in their field. I began to be curious as to how far reaching does the school services industry span into areas beyond massages.

I was surprised to find in our area alone, many service industries offered reduced rate services for students learning a trade. The local technical college may have students practicing in areas of dental hygiene for nearly free dental cleanings, auto mechanics training to do that costly repair for a fraction of the cost, the local cosmetology school for hair care including expensive colors and treatments, and even catering from the culinary arts department. Schools involved in training using the public carry prevent liability for the services they provide by monitoring from professional so they will avoid outcomes.

I have gotten a bad hair cut at an expensive, professional salon, but amazingly, I have always been very pleased with the local cosmetology school. One day as my hair sat with color solution on it, one of the senior students burst into the room to announce that she had just been hired at a prestigious salon on the North East side of town. The very next week, the individuals walking into that shop were going to be paying her upward of $40 per cut, but for this week she was using the same talent for $6. Reap the financial benefit of making your dollars stretch. You will be giving back opportunity to those who are learning their trade, and getting an expensive service for a fraction of the cost.

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