Saturday, July 13, 2013

5 Reasons Not to Give Consent For Special Education Personnel to Bill Your Private Insurance

Are you the parent of a child with autism or dyslexia? Is your child receiving special education related services? Have you been asked to give written consent, so that your school district can bill your private insurance company? This article will give you 5 reasons not to consent to having your private insurance billed for related services and evaluations.

Related services are special education services that your child needs to benefit from their education. They can be: transportation, physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech/language therapy. Private insurance can also be billed for psychological testing (though many will not pay for this), testing for OT, PT, and Speech/language.

Below are 5 reasons why every parent in the US should refuse to have their private insurance billed for special education services:

Reason 1: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that all children with disabilities have the right to special education and related services to meet their educational needs. Most parents have to fight so that their child can receive appropriate services in the correct amounts to meet their needs; but special education is an entitlement!

Reason 2: School districts receive state and federal funding for related services. While federal funding does not pay all of the costs, states also chip in.

Also, every state in the USA has returned money to the federal government, for IDEA funds that have gone unused. Between 2000-2002 state board of educations sent back 1.7 billion dollars of unused IDEA funds! Find out how much your school district sent back by contacting your state board of education!

There is money, it is just that many special education personnel have other priorities, rather than giving related services to needed children.

Reason 3: The children in the district receiving Medicaid, often have their parents give consent for school districts to seek reimbursement for related services. This is another funding stream that school districts receive, that they rarely discuss. This could amount to millions of dollars in some school districts, so do not worry about your schools pocketbook!

Reason 4: Many insurance companies have caps on benefits. If you allow your insurance to be billed, your child may reach their cap, which means they would have no insurance. Also this may prevent your child from getting insurance in the future, if they have major bills for related services and evaluations.

Reason 5: If you allow your insurance company to be billed for psychological testing or other testing, special education personnel may ask for testing that your child does not need. Reimbursement should not be the reason for testing your child; educational needs and services needed should be the reason.

Form: The form that you may be asked to sign would probably state: Parent consent for reimbursement of health related services. Read this form very carefully. It should state that this permission is voluntary. Also on the form should be 2 boxes: 1. I give consent for billing of my private insurance company for related services and evaluations or 2. I do not give consent for billing of my private insurance company for services and evaluation.

By understanding these 5 reasons, you will know why it is in your child's best interest to not give consent for your private insurance to be billed, for related services and evaluations.

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