Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Physical Therapy Patient Testifies to Effectiveness of Wedge Pillows

Have you ever had physical therapy for back pain or been required to lie on your back during medical testing? The chances are that you were given a wedge pillow to lift your legs or support your body in a particular position. For those that experience lower back pain, the results could have seemed very dramatic. The only problem is that once you leave the hospital or clinic, you leave behind the comfort provided by the wedge pillow system. I've experience such relief from back pain, and I found myself trying to stack pillows under my legs while at home trying to get similar results. The fact is that with all the combinations of pillow stacking that I've tried, I have never been able to duplicate the relief provided by the pillow. Fortunately, these pillows were available for me to purchase.

What is a wedge pillow? Also referred to as a bed wedge or leg wedge, it is a specially shaped pillow that supports the body in positions that reduce symptoms commonly caused by such medical conditions as back pain, reflux, and snoring. A flat-topped pillow is commonly used in physical therapy and while convalescing from an injury, but it can also be used on an ongoing basis for those who experience recurring back pain. The pillow is placed under the lower legs, so that your lower legs are elevated about six to eight inches higher than the rest of your body. By lifting your legs and hips, pressure on the lower back is released. The pillow is flat and firm, so your hips will not sway as they will with traditional pillows. There is also an inclined wedge pillow that has multiple purposes. Smaller pillows have less incline and can be placed behind your back to keep you from rolling over while sleeping and snoring. Larger pillows have more of an incline and can be placed under your head and shoulders to prop your upper body up and reduce reflux symptoms or placed behind your back while sitting up in bed to provide a more comfortable time while reading or watching television.

In conclusion, wedge pillows helped me find relief from my symptoms, and it may be worth your time and money to learn firsthand how they can help you. They are available from a number of retailers. Try searching "wedge pillows" on the internet and look for the pillow that best suits your needs. Expect a more comfortable rest.

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