Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Massage Basics

Massage Therapy may be one of the oldest and simplest forms of medical care. It has been practiced in Eastern cultures continually since ancient times. The Ancient Egyptians painted scenes of people being massaged in their tombs and the Chinese have books dating back to 2,700 BC that recommend breathing exercises and massage as treatments for chills and fevers.

Massage therapy, uses the application of various techniques to the muscular structure and soft tissues of the body. This can include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, vibrations, rocking, frictions, kneading and compression through the use of mostly hands, forearms and elbows. Therapists also use stretching and joint movements to help increase range of motion.

Massage therapy positively influences a persons overall health and well-being. Including relaxing the whole body loosening tight muscles relieving tired and aching muscles, it also increases flexibility and range of motion, helps to decrease chronic pain and has been beneficial for those suffering from fibromyalgia. Massage also helps promote restful sleep and mental relaxation. Please be aware that precautions must be taken if you suffer from high-blood pressure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are pregnant or have any medical conditions. Always tell your massage therapist if you have any medical condition and make them aware of any medications you may be taking.

Benefits of massage therapy can include decreased pain, tension relief, and improved mobility and stress reduction. The most common modalities used include Swedish, myofascial release, deep-tissue massage, trigger-point therapy, and connective tissue massage.

Massage Therapy is becoming more and more recognized, however when looking for a therapist please speak to your primary health care practitioner first and always see a Registered Massage Therapist.

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