Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Benefits of Visceral Manipulation

Like machines, gadgets and other things of this world, our body will also deteriorate in time due to the daily battering of stress and fatigue. Our body will become more prone to sickness and disease, musculoskeletal dysfunctions and other physical problems in the long run.

The visceral manipulation technique was developed by French osteopath and physical therapist Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral after seeing impressive results in one of his patients. The therapy was originally used in Tibet and China in the early centuries as a part of their cultural and traditional medical care. However, it was improved by Dr. Barral who was fascinated with the effects and benefits of the therapeutic massage when used properly in the manipulation of the internal organs. He believed that the body organs should move freely without any restraint or restriction in their mobility to have a healthy physical condition.

Barral began teaching the techniques of visceral manipulation to physical therapists, rolfers, massage therapists, medical doctors, chiropractors and other interested individuals regardless of their professions. The therapy is known basically as a technique mainly used for the manipulation of the various internal organs of the human body. Relaxation of the whole body and a good feeling after the massage therapy due to the effects released by the body are one of the many benefits a client can expect during and after the therapy session. Aside from the relaxing experience, you can also feel a great relief from the acute and chronic pain including peripheral joint pain, muscle pain, neck, back, and shoulder pain, and pain related to post operative and infective scar tissue and autonomic mechanisms. The therapy is also good in dealing with digestive problems such as GERD, swallowing dysfunction, acid reflux, nausea, bloating and constipation. Due to the release of a feel-good chemical called serotin during the therapy, the emotions are influenced to get rid of anxiety and depression. Visceral manipulation technique is also used in treating erectile dysfunction, infertility and other conditions related to men and women's health issues including endometriosis, painful menstrual periods, fibroids, cysts, chronic pelvic pain, testicular pain, bladder incontinence, prostate dysfunction and many more conditions. The method used in this therapy is also effective in the improvement of the posture of the client.

All of these benefits can be received if the therapist is successful in manually repositioning the organs while removing adhesions that can cause abnormality on the movement of certain internal organs. The wrong manipulation or push of the organs can cause more harm than good as it will only relocate the gliding motion of the other organs which should supposedly follow their original movement route.

Achieving these benefits may seem quite easy, however in order to gain them you should consider only the service of professional therapists who are both licensed and skilled in the medical art. This move can eliminate the worries for risks and contraindications to the treatment as good therapists will know what to look out for during the massage therapy session. Good therapists will also care for their patients by avoiding contradictions prior to any session.

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