Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Ugly Truth About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a kind of treatment that uses only the most natural and safest method for healing and enhancing the lifestyle of a patient. Unlike conventional treatments that use technology as well as the medicines and drugs of modern days, most massage therapy methods are only using massage oils, thin needles, scented or essential oils and herbs as their primary source of medicine.

This type of treatment boasts its achievements and effectiveness over the past years since the development of the 80 different types of massage therapy methods. However, there are no solid proof and evidence by scientists stating how it beneficially works on the human body and what the exact effects are for the improvement of a patient's condition. These facts didn't stop the spread of the popularity of massage therapy as more and more people are adding this type of treatment to their regular medical care.

Massage therapy when done by those who are not licensed, knowledgeable and skilled in this type of natural healing method would be detrimental to the health of the patient as there could be some certain risks and health issues. Most cases of injuries are results of therapies done by unlicensed and massage therapies that are lacking in training and exact hours of medical experience. In the US, before a person who is applying to be a licensed and certified as a massage therapist can get a license, he or she should first comply with the required 1,000 hours of actual massage practice on a patient under the supervision of a trained and authorized masseuse.

Below are some of the complications, risks and injuries a patient can suffer in case the massage therapist is not licensed and knowledgeable in this art of natural healing:

1. Patients with soft bone tissues that tend to break easily are prone to bone fractures and such types of injuries. Improper application of pressure on the different parts of the body of the patient may definitely result to bone injuries. Massage therapies are taught on how to properly massage the different areas of the human body as well as to familiarize with the anatomy.

2. Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy are prone to bone damages due to the effect of radiation, and other treatments which result to the reduction of the density of the bones. These patients also lack the immunity and healing recovery rate of a normal person which means that they are prone to different types of diseases and complications.

3. Patients who are suffering from blood clotting in their deep veins or people with deep vein thrombosis should never be allowed to have a massage therapy session as more and more complications will arise. The risk of heart attack or stroke is definitely to follow as the constant stimulation and applying of pressure and jarring on the different parts of the patient's body. The clot will then move and flow through the body resulting to the said heart problems.

4. Before a patient can actually receive comfort and whole body relaxation after a massage therapy, temporary discomfort and body pain sets in after a massage session.

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