Thursday, November 7, 2013

Shiatsu Massage Treatment Is Beneficial for Your Health

Shiatsu is whole bodywork that originated in Japan that uses Ancient Chinese medicine and acupressure in relieving stress and toxins from the body of the patient in the most natural way. Although it uses Chinese medicine methods, this healing technique is known as a Japanese style of alternative medicine. Because of its popularity in Japan and all over the world, we now get the luxury of enjoying many types of shiatsu that has been derived and are improvements of the traditional style developed in 1912 by then seven year old boy Tokujiro Namikoshi.

In general, shiatsu refers to as the natural way of healing a person's body with the use of finger pressure on meridian points of the body where the chi is blocked. The good circulation of energy or chi in the human body is believed by many people in China and in Japan to be the basic responsible in flourishing a good health. These meridian points are similar to the meridian points being pinned with thin needles during an acupuncture treatment. Stretching is also used during a shiatsu massage as a way of warming up the body in preparation for the real acupressure method which includes holding, patting, pinching, shaking vibrating, rolling, and plucking.

In a shiatsu session, unlike most massage therapy method, the patient is asked to lie down on the floor on a shiatsu mat or futon. However, like any type of massage therapy we know, the patient will be asked to undress or remove their upper and lower clothes, leaving only their underwear or a loose towel for their comfort. Although lying in the room half naked may seem to be uncomfortable to the patient, this is in return comfortable for the therapist as he or she can actually have good access on areas he or she wants to work with the acupressure method. The 12 meridian points will then be worked on by the massage therapist using all the necessary acupressure in releasing toxins and tensions out of your system. This in return will then make you feel relaxed and relieved of any feeling both physically and emotionally. In addition to these comfort, a soft music is played for the patient to listen and relax during the therapy session.

After the treatment though, you will find out that your body is adjusting to the side effects due to the release of toxins and body tensions from your body. These side effects include diarrhea, headache, depression, stomach ache and stiffness of your body. This is normal and common after a shiatsu therapy session. These physical and emotional effects lasts only for a day or two and are common only on first sessions (some people don't feel any of these side effects after their first shiatsu massage experience) and are rarely experienced on repeated and regular shiatsu massage sessions. Regular shiatsu patients are often feeling relaxed and energized every time they had their shiatsu massage therapy session. Drinking plenty of water after your shiatsu massage therapy is also a good way of flushing out any impurities out of your system.

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